C - Heap Corruption Detected when freeing array - heap-corruption

making an assignment and had to dynamically allocate an array of pointers and then free it at the end of the function.
the problem is when I free the array, it gives me a "Heap Corruption Detected" error and i cant figure out why that happens.
can anybody see something here ?
it says im writing after the end of allocated memory but i cant see why.
typedef struct _client
char id[9];
char phone[12];
} Client;
Short_client *createShortClientArr(int n)
Client *arr = (Client *)malloc(n * sizeof(Client));
char garbage;
garbage = getc(stdin);//for getting the '\n' from the last input
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
fgets(arr[i].id, 9, stdin);
arr[i].id[9] = '\0';
garbage = getc(stdin);
fgets(arr[i].phone, 12, stdin);
arr[i].phone[12] = '\0';
garbage = getc(stdin);

When you free memory, Windows will also check and see if you'd written past the end of the array. Since you did, it throws this exception, to let you know you have a bug.
char phone[12];
This creates an array whose indecies are 0-11.
arr[i].phone[12] = '\0';
12 is not a valid index for this array, and so this writes a '\0' to the char one past the end of the array. You have the same bug with your other array as well.


ESP32 heap corruption error when releasing allocated memory

I am currently programming the ESP32 board in C++ and I am having trouble with my dataContainer class and releasing/allocating memory.
I do use the following DataContainer class (simplyfied):
template <typename Elementtype>
class DataContainer
Elementtype **datalist;
int maxsize;
std::size_t currentsize; // How much data is saved in datalist
DataContainer(int maxcapacity);
...some methods...
void reset_all_data();
And here is the reset_all_data() definition:
/* Deletes all Data of Datacontainer and allocates new memory*/
template <typename Elementtype>
void DataContainer<Elementtype>::reset_all_data()
for (int i = 0; i < currentsize; i++)
if (datalist[i])
delete datalist[i]; <-- Error is triggered here!!!
delete datalist;
datalist = new Elementtype *[maxsize];
for (int i = 0; i < maxsize; i++) // Declare a memory block of size maxsize (maxsize = 50)
datalist[i] = new Elementtype[5];
currentsize = 0;
As you can see, I have added some integrity checks, but the one before delete datalist (this seems to trigger the error). When I call reset_all_data() from my main.cpp at a certain point in my program the following error is triggered:
CORRUPT HEAP: Bad head at 0x3ffbb0f0. Expected 0xabba1234 got 0x3ffb9a34
assert failed: multi_heap_free multi_heap_poisoning.c:253 (head != NULL)
Backtrace:0x40083881:0x3ffb25400x4008e7e5:0x3ffb2560 0x40093d55:0x3ffb2580 0x4009399b:0x3ffb26b0 0x40083d41:0x3ffb26d0
0x40093d85:0x3ffb26f0 0x4014e3f5:0x3ffb2710 0x400d2dc6:0x3ffb2730 0x400d31e3:0x3ffb2750 0x400d9b02:0x3ffb2820
One more thing, the error is only triggered when a certain function is called right before it, even when the whole code inside this function is commented. This is the function's head: void write_data_container_to_file(fs::FS &fs, const char *path, DataContainer<uint16_t> data, const char *RTC_timestamp)thus, the mere call of the function plays an import role here.
Right now I am completely lost - any suggestion/idea is welcome on how to proceed.
EDIT: The dataContainer holds a 2D array of uint16_t.
I finally tracked down the, rather obvious, reason for the HEAP CORRUPTION. In the end I only called delete datalist but it would have been correct to call delete[] datalist after the for loop. The reason is, that within the for loop I delete the pointers pointing to arrays, which represent the "rows" of my allcoated 2D memory. In the end, I also have to delete the pointer, which points to the array holding the pointers I deleted within the for loop.
So I was not paying attention and one should watch out that when it comes to releasing the previously allocated memory, care should be taken if delete or delete[]should be called.

Why this is an infinite loop

i have declared a map below using stl and inserted some values in it.
int main()
map<int,int> m;
for(auto it=m.begin();it!=m.end();)
cout<<it->first<<" "<<it->second<<endl;
return 0;
When i executed the above written code it ended up in an infinite loop. Can someone tell me why it does so?
I am incrementing the value of iterator it and then it gets stored in it which should get incremented next time the loop is executed and eventually it should terminate normally.Am i wrong?
The bad line is it = it++;. It is undefined behavior! Because it is not defined, when it is increased, in your case it is increased before the assingment to itsself again, that the value of it before it is increased is assigned to it again and so it keeps at the first position. The correct line would be it = ++it; or only ++it;/it++;, because it changes itsself.
That is only undefined with the builtin types, but in here that is defined by the source-code of the map in the stl.
If you try doing something similar with an int, you'll get a warning:
int nums[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof nums / sizeof *nums; ) {
cout << nums[i] << '\n';
i = i++;
warning: operation on 'i' may be undefined [-Wsequence-point]
However, when you're using a class (std::map::iterator) which has operator overloading, the compiler probably isn't smart enought to detect this.
In other words, what you're doing is a sequence point violation, so the behavior is undefined behavior.
The post-increment operation would behave like this:
iterator operator ++ (int) {
auto copy = *this;
return copy;
So, what happens to your increment step is that iterator it would get overwritten by the copy of its original value. If the map isn't empty, your loop would remain stuck on the first element.

How to replace read function for procfs entry that returned EOF and byte count read both?

I am working on updating our kernel drivers to work with linux kernel 4.4.0 on Ubuntu 16.0.4. The drivers last worked with linux kernel 3.9.2.
In one of the modules, we have a procfs entries created to read/write the on-board fan monitoring values. Fan monitoring is used to read/write the CPU or GPU temperature/modulation,etc. values.
The module is using the following api to create procfs entries:
struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_entry(const char *name, umode_t
mode,struct proc_dir_entry *parent);
Something like:
struct proc_dir_entry * proc_entry =
proc_entry->read_proc = read_proc;
proc_entry->write_proc = write_proc;
Now, the read_proc is implemented something in this way:
static int read_value(char *buf, char **start, off_t offset, int count, int *eof, void *data) {
int len = 0;
int idx = (int)data;
if(idx == TEMP_FANCTL)
len = sprintf (buf, "%d.%02d\n", fmon_readings[idx] / TEMP_SAMPLES,
fmon_readings[idx] % TEMP_SAMPLES * 100 / TEMP_SAMPLES);
else if(idx == TEMP_CPU) {
int i;
len = sprintf (buf, "%d", fmon_readings[idx]);
for( i=0; i < FCTL_MAX_CPUS && fmon_cpu_temps[i]; i++ ) {
len += sprintf (buf+len, " CPU%d=%d",i,fmon_cpu_temps[i]);
len += sprintf (buf+len, "\n");
else if(idx >= 0 && idx < READINGS_MAX)
len = sprintf (buf, "%d\n", fmon_readings[idx]);
*eof = 1;
return len;
This read function definitely assumes that the user has provided enough buffer space to store the temperature value. This is correctly handled in userspace program. Also, for every call to this function the read value is in totality and therefore there is no support/need for subsequent reads for same temperature value.
Plus, if I use "cat" program on this procfs entry from shell, the 'cat' program correctly displays the value. This is supported, I think, by the setting of EOF to true and returning read bytes count.
New linux kernels do not support this API anymore.
My question is:
How can I change this API to new procfs API structure keeping the functionality same as: every read should return the value, program 'cat' should also work fine and not go into infinite loop ?
The primary user interface for read files on Linux is read(2). Its pair in kernel space is .read function in struct file_operations.
Every other mechanism for read file in kernel space (read_proc, seq_file, etc.) is actually an (parametrized) implementation of .read function.
The only way for kernel to return EOF indicator to user space is returning 0 as number of bytes read.
Even read_proc implementation you have for 3.9 kernel actually implements eof flag as returning 0 on next invocation. And cat actually perfoms the second invocation of read for find that file is end.
(Moreover, cat performs more than 2 invocations of read: first with 1 as count, second with count equal to page size minus 1, and the last with remaining count.)
The simplest way for "one-shot" read implementation is using seq_file in single_open() mode.

Matlab MEX File: Program Crashes in the second run: Access Violation in Read

I have a C++ code that I am trying to interface with Matlab. My mex file runs fine in the first run but crashes in the second run. However, if I clear all the variables in the Matlab before execution (using clear all) program never crashes. So I have a question in this:
1. Can mex function takes variables from the Matlab workspace without using some special functions? Am I doing it somehow in my code, unintentionally?
I have a posted the mex function that I wrote. It has a one dimensional vector called "block" that is read inside the C++ function called sphere_detector. For the present problem the block size is 1x1920 and it is read in the chunk of 16 elements inside the sphere_detector. Program crashed when I read the SECOND chunk of 16 elements. The first element that I read in the chunk will throw this error:
First-chance exception at 0x000007fefac7206f (sphere_decoder.mexw64) in MATLAB.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xffffffffffffffff.
MATLAB.exe has triggered a breakpoint
I checked my block vector, it should have all the values initialized and it has that. So, I am little confused as to why I am facing this problem.
I am using Matlab 2010a and Visual Studio 2010 Professional.
Here is the mex function:
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
double *mod_scheme, *Mt, *Mr, *block_length, *SNR;
mod_scheme = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
Mt = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
Mr = mxGetPr(prhs[2]);
block_length = mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
SNR = mxGetPr(prhs[4]);
/* Now take the input block. This is an encoded block and sphere detector will do the transmission too -- I can change it later */
double *block = mxGetPr(prhs[5]);
double *LIST_SIZE = mxGetPr(prhs[6]);
double **cand_sym;
int a = *mod_scheme;
int b = *Mt;
int c = *Mr;
int d = *block_length;
int e = *SNR;
int f = *LIST_SIZE;
int bitSize = (int)(log10(1.0*a)/log10(2.0));
for(int i=0; i<(int)*block_length; ++i)
printf("%d\n", (int)block[i]);
printf("Hello world %d %d %d %d %d!\n", (int)*mod_scheme, (int)*Mt, (int)*Mr, (int)*block_length, (int)*SNR);
/* Inputs are read correctly now set the outputs */
double *llr, *cand_dist;
/* for llrs */
plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, d, mxREAL);
llr = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
/* for cand_dist */
int no_mimo_sym = d/(b*bitSize);
plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, f*no_mimo_sym, mxREAL);
cand_dist = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
/* for cand_syms */
plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(b*bitSize*no_mimo_sym, f,mxREAL); //transposed version
double *candi;
candi = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);
cand_sym = (double**)mxMalloc(f*sizeof(double*));
if(cand_sym != NULL)
for(int i=0;i<f; ++i)
cand_sym[i] = candi + i*b*bitSize*no_mimo_sym;
// mxFree(cand_sym);
The portion inside the sphere decoder code where I get read exception looks like this:
for(int _block_length=0;_block_length<block_length; _block_length+=Mt*bitSize)
printf("Transmitting MIMO Symbol: %d\n", _block_length/(Mt*bitSize));
for(int _antenna = 0; _antenna < Mt; ++_antenna)
for(int _tx_part=0;_tx_part<bitSize; _tx_part++)
bitstream[_antenna][_tx_part] = (int)block_data[_block_length + _antenna*bitSize + _tx_part];
............................REST OF THE CODE..................
Any help would be appreciated.
With regards,
Well I finally managed to solve the problem. It was a very stupid mistake that I made. I had a pointer to a pointer(double *a;) of data type double and by mistake I assigned it memory of integer (I ran a find and replace command where I changed lots of int to double but this one left). Hence heap was getting corrupted. Also I changed my Mex function where I created dynamic variables using calloc and passed them to the C++ function. Once C++ function returned I copied there values to matlab variables and freed them usind free().

How to solve access violation writing location error?

I have a simple program and I get access violation at *(str + start). Why? I should be able to change it. Right?
void fn()
char *str = "Hello wordl!";
int end = strlen(str);
int start = 0;
while(start < end)
*(str + start) = *(str + end); <--- Access violation writing location *(str + Start).
char *str = "Hello World"; is a const string, and cannot be modified. The compiler is free to put it into a non-writable location, resulting in the crash you see.
Replacing the declaration with char str[] = "Hello World"; should do what you want, putting the string into a modifiable array on the stack.
No, you should not. "Hello world" is a constant string literal, you need to allocate memory using malloc() in C, or new in C++ if you want memory you are free to modify.
As others have pointed out, literal strings may be stored in a read-only area of memory. Are you compiling with warnings turned on? You should get a warning about discarding the constness of the string literal.
What you can do instead is:
char *str = strdup("Hello, world!");
// Modify the string however you want
It's because you're writing to a string literal's storage, which may be in a protected area of memory.
In your example, Hello wordl! is constant string, any attempt to modify this constant string will result in an exception.
Instead, You can do this -
string s = "Hello wordl!";
char* ptr = &s[0];
and then play around with ptr.
