“qmake” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified - macos

I'm trying to install the omnetpp simulator abut I was not able to use its graphic interface. To run it properly I have to install Qt5 which I did through homebrew. My Qt version is 5.15.0 and my MacOS is Catalina (10.15.5 (19F101)).
When running the ./configure command to install omnetpp, I got the following error:
“qmake” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.
In summary I had problems with the omnetpp when trying to run the graphic interface Qt, then I've installed Qt5 and now I get an error telling me that qmake cannot be verified.

The problem is that this will come many times... It has something to do with the new security settings for MacOS Catalina.
I found another work-around, which worked very well for me. Go to Systems Preferences -> Security and Privacy -> Privacy. Scroll down the left menu to Developer Tools and allow Terminal to run software locally (tick the box).

I was able to circumvent this problem by opening System Preferences, Security & Privacy, General, and then allowing the file to be executed. When I ran make again the Qmake command ran without any warnings or windows popping up.

According to Apple's website, you need to find qmake in the Finder, CTRL+click on it and press "Open". After that, qmake will be marked as an authorized app and you can run ./configure again.
I am a Windows user and could find the official Apple support page (https://support.apple.com/de-de/guide/mac-help/mh40616/mac) within a minute of googling, by the way.

You can run the following command to "un-quarantine" your binary (assuming its path is /usr/bin/qmake):
xattr -w com.apple.quarantine "00c1;$(xattr -p com.apple.quarantine /usr/bin/qmake | cut -d";" -f2-4)" /usr/bin/qmake


Can't run app because of permission in macOS v11 (Big Sur) [closed]

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I installed macOS v11 (Big Sur) yesterday and since then I am not able to run some old application. This is the message I get:
You do not have permission to open the application
I think this application is from an unknown developer.
I tried different methods that were working in macOS v10.15 (Catalina) like:
spctl --master-disable
Or I tried also to disable SIP and AMFI.
I've also tried:
sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine /Applications/my_app.app
If I run the application from the terminal, this is the text version of the error I get:
The application cannot be opened for an unexpected reason, error=Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10826 "kLSNoLaunchPermissionErr: User doesn't have permission to launch the app (managed networks)" UserInfo={_LSFunction=_LSLaunchWithRunningboard, _LSLine=2508, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fcb24c13ec0 {Error Domain=RBSRequestErrorDomain Code=5 "Launched process exited during launch." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Launched process exited during launch.}}}
Also tried to disable encryption and run:
csrutil authenticated-root disable
This is the error window:
I had this problem with the error "Termination Reason: Namespace CODESIGNING, Code 0x1" and I managed to open the application after I signed it again on that machine, with the command:
codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/AppName.app
No other solution worked for me.
It seems to be a permissions issue on one of the files deep in the .app that you moved to the applications directory.
Open Terminal or iTerm and type "chmod -R 755 " and drag the .app into the window, which will bring the full path into Terminal or iTerm.
It will look like this:
chmod -R 755 Path\ to\ app\ file.app
Press return
Then, you can open the app file normally, but it will fail because gatekeeper won't be able to verify the file. From there, go into your "Security and Privacy" in "System Preferences" and then click to allow the app to open.
The problem in my case it was related to a Big Sur problem where UPX compressed binaries are not recognised properly, so they were not executed with a permission error.
There is some more information here: UPX compressed application fails to start on latest macOS release: Big Sur 11.01 #424
So the solution is to unpack the binary with UPX and run it normally.
Install upx with Homebrew (executable brew):
brew install upx
Now run this command:
sudo upx -d /Applications/my_app.app/Contents/MacOS/my_app
(Please note you have to specify the full binary path.)
You should use the path of your binary instead of "/Applications/my_app.app/Contents/MacOS/my_app"
Then run the application normally.
I found a solution:
You need to resign the app,
(install Xcode tools, if necessary):
xcode-select --install
sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/YourAppName.app
Move the app to quarantine:
sudo xattr -d -r com.apple.quarantine /Applications/YourAppName.app
Go to /Applications/YourAppName.app/Contents/MacOs and make the file inside executable:
sudo chmod +x Script_name
That worked for me and the app launched.
This answer will only apply to a specific set of applications
I had this issue with a universal binary (Terminal) that I duplicated and explicitly set in the info "Open using Rosetta" to run x86 tools like Homebrew. After updating to 11.0.1 from 11.0.0, the x86 version of the terminal stopped working with the above error.
I simply had to delete the duplicate, created another duplicate of the terminal and enabled Rosetta again.
First figure out that your application signature is valid:
From Apple's official website:
All apps in the App Store are signed by Apple to ensure they have not been
misused or tampered with. Apple signs any app that comes with Apple
To check this out, you can type the following in your terminal (the path of Folx.app is just for an example and you should replace it with your desired app):
pkgutil --check-signature /Applications/Folx.app
if you get an "invalid signature" responce, something like this:
Then your app maybe was installed in some hacky way! And now your easiest approach is to uninstall the app and reinstall it again.
Otherwise, you will have plenty of hard time to enjoy (😎) with that app, Xcode, and signature stuff...
You have to run SUDO xattr -d com.apple.quarantine <app>. It's important that you don't forget sudo or it won't work.
This is the only solution that worked in my case.
Download macOS-GateKeeper-Helper.
Open GateKeeper_Helper.command by double-clicking on it (if it says untrusted developer, go ahead and run it from Settings - Security & Privacy - General - Open Anyway)
Select Option 4 (Remove app from GateKeeper quarantine)
Drag and drop the app file from the Applications folder, hit the Return key, and enter your password
You will see a message like “App removed from quarantine”. That’s it. Try to open the app as usual.
If you are uploading an Xcode app to GitHub releases, make sure to compress it first on your computer, don't let GitHub compress it.
For my team, this turned out to be a problem with Git adding CRLF to the Entitlements.plist file.
Once I fixed the .gitattributes file to only use LF with p-list files, I built a new app and had it codesigned and it worked--no aborts. I also had to make sure Jenkins wiped the workspace since it didn't seem to fix the file at first.
I encountered this issue when sending to a colleague for testing a Mac app that I developed. He tried some of the suggestions on this forum, but they didn't seem to work (and we're both on Intel, so the Rosetta tips didn't apply).
What ultimately worked for me was creating a blank disk image, and then adding the .app file to the image and then sending him the disk image. It seems like the problem comes up when the .app file is compressed, and adding the file to a disk image first seems to help prevent the issue.

Gnome Shell extensions not loading, no error message available

I have two gnome-shell extensions that don't appear to be loading after upgrading to 3.24. In gnome-tweak-tool they have a warning sign icon with "Error loading extension", and nothing else. I tried using looking glass (lg), and it just says "Error", and that the extension "has not reported any errors".
How can I debug the extension to find out why exactly it's not loading?
I found the error in the systemd journal:
$ sudo journalctl /usr/bin/gnome-shell
Just simply run this on terminal:
and enable it to make the extensions work.
Works perfectly with GNOME 40
As mentioned on the Github page.
A Shell reload is required. Press Alt+F2 r Enter and the extension has to be enabled with gnome-tweak-tool or with dconf.
As mentioned on Dash to Dock's User reviews. Make sure you disable Ubuntu Dock if you are using this in Ubuntu, otherwise you are going to have conflicts.
To disable Ubuntu Dock type the following in terminal:
gnome-extensions disable ubuntu-dock#ubuntu.com
I also experienced the same error. I think I will like to state the procedures that I took to make mine to work, and then you can check to see if you got it wrong somewhere.
Here are the steps
First install the Gnome shell extensions package from the terminal
sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions
And then reboot your system. After that, start GNOME Tweaks and you’ll find a few extensions installed. You can just toggle the button to start using an installed extension.
Next, go to GNOME Extensions website (GNOME User Themes Extensions) and download the extension with the latest version (Although, I often prefer to download the version next to the latest version, since it may be more stable).
Extract the downloaded file to the ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions (home/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions) directory. You can press Ctrl + H to show hidden folders. Create the extensions folder if you don't have it yet.
Now restart GNOME Shell. Press Alt+F2 and enter r to restart GNOME Shell.
Restart GNOME Tweaks tool as well. You should see the manually installed GNOME extension in the Tweak tool now. You can configure or enable the newly installed extension here.
That's all
I hope this helps
Loging in without wayland works for me.
My extension was not enabling. I just log out and log in back and ran this command.
gnome-extensions enable example#hammad.example.com
It worked in my case.

Git and Xcode: Why do I have to agree to Xcode's T&Cs to use Git?

Git temporarily stopped working after I updated Xcode on my Mac. The message:
"Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please re-run as root via sudo."
and then started working once I'd agreed to Xcode's T&Cs and installed the update.
Why, or should I say how, are the two linked?
I installed Git using the install.
Your git binary is provided by XCode (which is an easy way to get many command line tools packaged and maintained by Apple), and Apple wants you to accept their license before using any XCode component
If you don't like this, you can install it manually using Homebrew or similar. If you want to compile it yourself you will need a compiler for that. An easy way is using the one provided by XCode (see a pattern here?).
I've found that for my needs as a cross-platform Java-using-git developer the binaries provided by XCode are fine. This especially since they are automatically updated by Apple over time.
sudo xcodebuild -license will show you the license text of Xcode.
You have to agree its terms and condition at the end or you can just run the command given below.
sudo xcodebuild -license accept
P.S.- You are giving access to xcode.
In your terminal, run your git command as sudo
sudo git status
This will give you the option to view/accept the license agreements. Press enter to view it and press space until you get to the bottom. You can then type "agree" to agree to the license agreements. This will get rid of that message and you can use git again.
tl;dr try opening xcode and installing the plugins it suggests.
Even after I installed xcode, accepted the terms, and followed the developer tools prompt, it would continue to prompt me to install developer tools as if I didn't just do it. I eventually found a thread on reddit that suggested opening xcode and going through the recommended plugin installtion that comes up and that worked for me.

No Make or GCC on my OSX

I'm new with OSX. When I open a terminal I don't have make or gcc; however I have installed xcode so from what I have read they should by somewhere on the OS.
What should I do?
Go to the Apple Developer website, log in and then look for "Command Line Development Tools". They should be found at https://developer.apple.com/downloads.
Logging in is important as you need to do this to get access to these specific tools.

How to install native assembler for Mac OSX?

I am interested to know how can I install native assemblar (I think also known as AS) on Mac OSX Lion. Someone suggested that I can use the Xcode to do it but I didn't see any options.Terminal windows is not able to recognize AS as command right now. Can someone provide more insight on this ? I am new to Mac/Unix environment so please provide help accordingly.
If you have Xcode installed, then you have as.There is no option to install specific packages from the Xcode installer.
as should be in /usr/bin/:
ls -l /usr/bin/as
If not, you probably have a problem with your Xcode installation.
Otherwise, also check your PATH environment variable, to ensure /usr/bin/ is in the list.
echo $PATH
If you've installed Xcode 4.3, it doesn't install the command line tools anymore. To get them, you have to launch Xcode, go to Xcode > Preferences... > Downloads tab, then click the 'Download' button for 'Command Line Tools'. You'll need to sign in with an Apple Developer ID.
Using Xcode 4.6 with Command Line Utilities installed
export PATH=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin:$PATH
as will execute along with the other command line utilities.
