I needed to add two buttons inside a single column in data grid view in Visual Foxpro, , but only one active appears in the column.
the two buttons could be shown in each cell of that column.
Is it possible to show both buttons?
I needed to add two buttons inside a single column in data grid [...] Is it possible to show both buttons?
Yes, you can put a Container object into the Grid.Column and put two Buttons into the Container. Minimal, Reproducible Example:
LOCAL oForm as Form
oForm = CREATEOBJECT('TestForm')
DEFINE CLASS TestForm as Form
AutoCenter = .T.
CREATE CURSOR temp (test Int)
FOR i = 1 TO 10
ADD OBJECT Grid1 as Grid WITH ;
RecordSource = 'temp', ColumnCount = 1, RowHeight = 30
PROCEDURE Grid1.Init()
WITH This.Column1
.Width = 200
.Container1.Visible = .T.
.CurrentControl = 'Container1'
.Sparse = .F.
DEFINE CLASS TestContainer as Container
Width = 200
Height = 27
ADD OBJECT Button1 as CommandButton WITH ;
Height = 24, Caption = "Button1"
PROCEDURE Button1.Click
ADD OBJECT Button2 as CommandButton WITH ;
Height = 24, Left = 100, Caption = "Button2"
PROCEDURE Button2.Click
I have a script called 'main.m' that basically takes the paths where I've saved all my images and insert them in arrays. It saves the images name in a .dat file and call a function named 'selectFolder.m'.
I posted all the script and functions under, my request is at the bottom.
%% Folders
imgFolder = './1.Dataset/';
functFolder = './2.Functions/' ;
%resFolder = './3.Results/';
%% Add path
%% Listing Folders where my images are at
myFolder1 = '../Always'; %folder path
[..] %12 folders in total
myFolder12 = '../Random'; %folder path
%% Distinguish folder 'Always' & 'Random'
% Always Folders: subset of images for all users
mfA = {myFolder1, myFolder3, myFolder5, myFolder7, myFolder9, myFolder11};
dimA = length(mfA);
% Random Folders: subset of images randomly showed
mfR = {myFolder2, myFolder4, myFolder6, myFolder8, myFolder10, myFolder12};
dimR = length(mfR);
% check if folders are present
for i = 1:dimA
if ~isdir(mfA{i})
errorMessage = sprintf('Error: The following folder does not exist:\n%s', mfA{i});
for j = 1:dimR
if ~isdir(mfR{j})
errorMessage = sprintf('Error: The following folder does not exist:\n%s', mfR{j});
%% Take images and insert'em in Arrays
% Always
MyImgs1 = dir(fullfile(mfA{1}, '*.jpg'));
[..] %for every cell
MyImgs6 = dir(fullfile(mfA{6}, '*.jpg'));
% Random
MyImgs1r = dir(fullfile(mfR{1}, '*.jpg'));
[..] %for every cell
MyImgs6r = dir(fullfile(mfR{6}, '*.jpg'));
% create arrays with images names
Array_mfA = {MyImgs1.name, MyImgs2.name, MyImgs3.name, MyImgs4.name, MyImgs5.name, MyImgs6.name};
Array_mfR = {MyImgs1r.name, MyImgs2r.name, MyImgs3r.name, MyImgs4r.name, MyImgs5r.name, MyImgs6r.name};
%% Print content of array on file
fileIDA = fopen('2.Functions/Array_Always.dat','w');
formatSpec = '%s,';
nrows = length(Array_mfA);
for row = 1 : nrows
fprintf(fileIDA, formatSpec, Array_mfA{row});
fileIDR = fopen('2.Functions/Array_Random.dat','w');
formatSpec = '%s,';
nrows = length(Array_mfR);
for row = 1 : nrows
fprintf(fileIDR, formatSpec, Array_mfR{row});
nrc = 1;
file = fopen('2.Functions/disclaimer.dat', 'w');
fprintf(file, '%d', nrc);
%% call function
selectFolder(mfA, mfR);
This function takes two array as input, these array contains all the names of my images sorted. It does some operation and then it calls another function 'selectImage.m' that displays fullscreen the selected image.
function [] = selectFolder(mfA, mfR)
%% Open Arrays from file
% Always
fileID = fopen('2.Functions/Array_Always.dat', 'rt');
Array_A = textscan(fileID,'%s', 'Delimiter', ',');
% Random
fileID2 = fopen('2.Functions/Array_Random.dat', 'rt');
Array_R = textscan(fileID2,'%s', 'Delimiter', ',');
%% Show Disclaimer
file = fopen('2.Functions/disclaimer.dat', 'r');
dis = fscanf(file, '%d');
if (dis == 1)
set(gcf,'Toolbar','none','Menubar','none', 'NumberTitle','off');
set(gcf,'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
hAx = gca;
set(hAx,'Unit','normalized','Position',[0 0 1 1]);
nrc = 0;
file = fopen('2.Functions/disclaimer.dat', 'w');
fprintf(file, '%d', nrc);
%% select random folder from 'Array_A' aka Always Array
dimA = length(mfA);
if ~isempty(Array_A{1})
rndn = randperm(dimA, 1);
A_check = Array_A;
while isequal(A_check,Array_A)
Array_A = selectImage(mfA{rndn}, Array_A);
if isequal(A_check,Array_A)
rndn = randperm(dimA, 1);
fileIDA = fopen('2.Functions/Array_Always.dat','w');
formatSpec = '%s,';
nrows = cellfun('length', Array_A);
for row = 1 : nrows
fprintf(fileIDA, formatSpec, Array_A{1}{row});
%% select random folder from 'Array_R' aka Random Array
if ~isempty(Array_R{1})
dimR = length(mfR);
rndnr = randperm(dimR, 1);
R_check = Array_R;
while isequal(R_check,Array_R)
Array_R = selectImage(mfR{rndnr}, Array_R);
if isequal(R_check, Array_R)
rndnr = randperm(dimR, 1);
fileIDR = fopen('2.Functions/Array_Random.dat','w');
formatSpec = '%s,';
nrows = cellfun('length', Array_R);
for row = 1 : nrows
fprintf(fileIDR, formatSpec, Array_R{1}{row});
function [ Array ] = selectImage( myFolder, Array )
%% Check
MyImgs = dir(fullfile(myFolder, '*.jpg'));
dim = length(MyImgs);
n = 0;
for i = 1 : dim
if ~any(strcmp(Array{1}, MyImgs(i).name))
disp(MyImgs(i).name);disp('not present in ');disp(myFolder);
n = n + 1;
if (n == dim)
disp('empty folder')
rN = randperm(dim, 1);
baseFileName = MyImgs(rN).name;
while ~any(strcmp(Array{1}, baseFileName))
fprintf(1, 'not present %s\n', baseFileName);
rN = randperm(dim, 1);
baseFileName = MyImgs(rN).name;
%% Dispay image
dim = cellfun('length', Array);
for i = 1 : dim
if strcmp(baseFileName, Array{1}(i))
Array{1}(i) = [];
fullFileName = fullfile(myFolder, baseFileName);
fprintf(1, 'Now reading %s\n', fullFileName);
imageArray = imread(fullFileName);
set(gcf,'Toolbar','none','Menubar','none', 'NumberTitle','off');
set(gcf,'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
hAx = gca;
set(hAx,'Unit','normalized','Position',[0 0 1 1]);
imshow(imageArray); % Display image.
Now I have to integrate these functions in my gui. What I want to do is call the 'main.m' script just one time with a button like 'Let's Start' and with that will show the disclaimer.
Then repeat the process calling only the 'Next' button, which calls 'selectFolder.m' and display the images with the procedure described above.
Is it possibile to do it this way? I mean, how can I pass the variable 'mfA' and 'mfR' to selectFolder? Is there a better and simpler way to do it?
The code in the gui is like:
% --- Executes on button press in Start.
function Start_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to Start (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
function Next_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to Next (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
figure %show the image in another window
selectFolder(mfA, mfR)
An easy way to share variables among the callback of a GUI is to use the
guidata function.
With respect to your specific variables mfA and mfR you can use guidata
to store them, this way: in the callback in which you generate the variables you want to share with other callback you can insert the following code:
% Get the GUI data
% section of your code in which you create the mfA and mfR vars
% Store the variables to be shared among the callbacks in the guidata
% Save the updated GUI data
In the callback in which you wnat to retreive the data, you can insert the
following code:
% Get the GUI data
% Retrieve the data from the GUI data structure
In both the examples, the struct my_guidata holds the handles of the GUI and the additional varaibles you have defined.
With respect to the the architecture of the GUI, there are lots of possibilities.
Firt a comment: looking at the two callback you've posted at the bottom of your question, it seems that your GUI has, at least, one axes, nevertheless, you create, in both of them a new figure so it is not clear the role of that axes
Considering now your questions
What I want to do is call the 'main.m' script just one time with a button like 'Let's Start' and with that will show the disclaimer. Then repeat the process calling only the 'Next' button, which calls 'selectFolder.m' and display the images with the procedure described above
call the 'main.m' script just one time with a button like 'Let's Start' and with that will show the disclaimer
You have just to copy the relevant code of your main in the Start pushbutton callback.
Notice that the code which shows the disclaimer is actually in your selectFolder function, so you have to move it in the
Start callback.
Then repeat the process calling only the 'Next' button, which calls 'selectFolder.m' and display the images with the procedure described above
to do this, you have to remove the call to selectFolder from the main and move the body of your in the Next pushbotton callback.
Also you can copy the selectImage in the GUI .m file.
Hope this helps.
I have a customer who would like some color formatting in an SSRS report. I cannot utilize grouping due to the customer requirements. I have the report sorting by Main Tank and would like the sorts to alternate in color. So it would have several rows of Tank A all be grey then several rows of Tank B all be white. I'm using this currently but it only works on the first row of each sort
Any help would be great.
You can use custom code to get the required logic. Using a custom function in your code that returns the color based on the the Tank value.
Go to Report menu, Report Properties / Code tab and in the text area put this code:
Dim prevColor As String = "Transparent"
Public Function GetColor(ByVal flag As Integer) As String
If flag = 1 Then
If prevColor = "Transparent" Then
prevColor = "Gray"
prevColor = "Transparent"
End If
End If
Return prevColor
End Function
Now in the cell background-color property use this expression:
It will color the background as below:
UPDATE: The above logic colors correctly only the first, third, fifth columns and so on. It is caused by multiple calls to the GetColor function and overwritting of the global variable prevColor.
I managed to solve that issue by passing the row number to the function. This is the updated function:
Dim prevColor As String = "Transparent"
Dim rowNum As Integer = 0
Public Function GetColor(ByVal flag As Integer, ByVal nRow As Integer) As String
If flag = 1 And rowNum <> nRow Then
If prevColor = "Transparent" Then
prevColor = "Gray"
prevColor = "Transparent"
End If
End If
rowNum = nRow
Return prevColor
End Function
Note the function receives a new argument so the expression for calling has changed:
Replace "DataSet3" by the actual name of your dataset.
It should generate the following tablix:
Let me know if this helps.
I would handle this in your query by adding a column that returns a 0 or 1 to define the color - idea sketch: use rank to get numbers that correlate to the sort order and then use MOD 2 to get a 0 or 1. If you post a sample query, we can help figure out the specifics.
I am making a risk-type game for school that dynamically creates a 4x4 grid of buttons inside a table layout panel in visual basic. I have successfully created the panel and buttons with names that correspond to the row and column of the button. There are also two parallel arrays - one for button owner and the other for button number - that correspond to the owner of the button and the number of "armies" in the button. My issue is that when the user clicks a certain button, I need to reference the button name/value to know how many "armies" the button has to control the "attack" portion of the player's turn.
The following code creates the table layout panel and the buttons with names.
'Create table Dynamically
Dim ColCount As Integer = 4
Dim RowCount As Integer = 4
Dim f As New System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 15)
riskTable.AutoScroll = True
riskTable.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
riskTable.ColumnCount = ColCount
riskTable.RowCount = RowCount
For rowNo As Integer = 0 To riskTable.RowCount - 1
For columnNo As Integer = 0 To riskTable.ColumnCount - 1
Dim buttonname As String
buttonname = "B" & rowNo & columnNo
Dim button As Control = New Button
button.Size = New Size(179, 100)
button.Name = buttonname
button.Text = "1"
button.ForeColor = Color.White
button.Font = f
AddHandler button.Click, AddressOf buttonname_Click
riskTable.Controls.Add(button, columnNo, rowNo)
This is the dynamic event handler that I created. I tried using 'Me.Click' to get the name of the button, but it only returns the name of the form. I need to have code in here that references the name of the currently clicked button to then in turn reference the box owner and box number arrays.
Private Sub buttonname_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Click
End Sub
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I think that once I get this working, the rest of the game will be pretty simple to figure out.
Put the name in 'button.Tag' instead/also:
button.Tag = buttonname
Then it is easy to get the name with:
Private Sub buttonname_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Click
Dim result As String = CType(CType(sender, System.Windows.Forms.Button).Tag, String)
End Sub
(Check the System.Windows.Forms.Button though, might need some tweak to match your buttons inside the table. riskTable.Controls.button ?)
I am creating an application in vb.net. I have a datagridview control in my VB form. I need to view it on printpreview window with the contents in it. I have other control like labels and textboxes in the form and I can view all in printpreview. In the case of Datagridview control, I have a working printpreview code which I got from net. My problem is, I need to change the x and y positions of datagridview control. With the following code, the datagridview control is displaying over the other controls. I dont know how to do it in this code. Please help me.
I need to change the x and y positions of DataGridView like given in the below code(50 and 225).
e.Graphics.DrawString(Label7.Text, Label7.Font, Brushes.Black, 50, 225)
The code I used to display gridview is given below.
Code :
Dim ColumnCount As Integer = DataGridView1.ColumnCount
Dim RowCount As Integer = DataGridView1.RowCount
Dim CellTopPos As Integer = PrintDocument1.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top
For Row = 0 To RowCount - 2
Dim CellLeftPos As Integer = PrintDocument1.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left
For Cell = 0 To ColumnCount - 1
Dim CellValue As String = DataGridView1.Rows(Row).Cells(Cell).Value.ToString()
Dim CellWidth = DataGridView1.Rows(Row).Cells(Cell).Size.Width + 10
Dim CellHeight = DataGridView1.Rows(Row).Cells(Cell).Size.Height
Dim Brush As New SolidBrush(Color.Black)
e.Graphics.DrawString(CellValue, New Font("arial", 9), Brush, CellLeftPos, CellTopPos)
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, CellLeftPos, CellTopPos, CellWidth, CellHeight)
CellLeftPos += CellWidth
CellTopPos += DataGridView1.Rows(Row).Cells(0).Size.Height
Use this class .. unfortunately there is characters limit so i can not able to post code