Place file contents in email body in Ansible - ansible

I have a playbook that checks hard drive space on a group of servers, sends out an email, and it attaches a file containing the output contents. Is there a way to place the contents of the file in the body itself? I would like the file contents to be able to be seen at a glance in the email. The content would be the registered variable, result.
The current tasks:
- name: Check for output file
path: /tmp/ansible_output.txt
register: stat_result
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Create file if it does not exist
path: /tmp/ansible_output.txt
state: touch
mode: '0666'
when: stat_result.stat.exists == False
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Check hard drive info
become: yes
become_user: root
shell: cat /etc/hostname; echo; df -h | egrep 'Filesystem|/dev/sd'
register: result
- debug: var=result.stdout_lines
- local_action: lineinfile line={{ result.stdout_lines | to_nice_json }} dest=/tmp/ansible_output.txt
- name: Email Result
host: some_email_host
port: some_port_number
username: my_username
password: my_password
- first_email_address
- second_email_address
- third_email_address
from: some_email_address
subject: My Subject
body: <syntax for file contents in body here> <--- What is the syntax?
run_once: true
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Remove Output File
path: /tmp/ansible_output.txt
state: absent
run_once: true
delegate_to: localhost
Edit: I tried
body: "{{ result.stdout_lines | to_nice_json }}"
but it only sends me the output of the first host in the group.

Ok, I figured it out. I created a directory, files, and sent the output to a file in that directory using the {{ role_path }} variable. In the body portion of the email task, I used the lookup plugin to grab the contents of the file.
Here is the updated playbook with the original lines commented out:
- name: Check for output file
#path: /tmp/ansible_output.txt
path: "{{ role_path }}/files/ansible_output.txt"
register: stat_result
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Create file if it does not exist
#path: /tmp/ansible_output.txt
path: "{{ role_path }}/files/ansible_output.txt"
state: touch
mode: '0666'
when: stat_result.stat.exists == False
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Check hard drive info
become: yes
become_user: root
shell: cat /etc/hostname; echo; df -h | egrep 'Filesystem|/dev/sd'
register: result
- debug: var=result.stdout_lines
#- local_action: lineinfile line={{ result.stdout_lines | to_nice_json }} dest=/tmp/ansible_output.txt
- local_action: lineinfile line={{ result.stdout_lines | to_nice_json }} dest="{{ role_path }}/files/ansible_output.txt"
- name: Email Result
host: some_email_host
port: some_port_number
username: my_username
password: my_password
- first_email
- second_email
- third_email
from: some_email_address
subject: Ansible Disk Space Check Result
#body: "{{ result.stdout_lines | to_nice_json }}"
body: "{{ lookup('file', '{{ role_path }}/files/ansible_output.txt') }}"
"{{ role_path }}/files/ansible_output.txt"
run_once: true
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Remove Output File
#path: /tmp/ansible_output.txt
path: "{{ role_path }}/files/ansible_output.txt"
state: absent
run_once: true
delegate_to: localhost
Now, my email contains the attachment, as well as the contents in the body, and I didn't have to change much in the playbook. :-)


Create Local File With Ansible Template From Variables

I'm running an ansible playbook against a number of ec2 instances to check if a directory exists.
- hosts: all
become: true
- name: Check if foo is installed
register: path
- debug: msg="{{path.stat.exists}}"
And I would like to generate a localfile that lists the private IP addresses of the ec2 instances and states whether or not the directory foo does exist.
I can get the private IP addresses of the instances with this task
- name: Get info from remote
shell: curl
register: bar
- debug: msg="{{bar.stdout}}"
How do I create a local file with content
IP address: directory foo - false
IP address: directory foo - true
I've tried adding a block for this as such
- hosts: localhost
become: false
installed: "{{bar.stdout}}"
status: "{{path.stat.exists}}"
local_file: "./Report.txt"
- name: Create local file with info
dest: "{{ local_file }}"
content: |
"IP address {{ installed }} foo - {{ status }}"
But it doesn't look like I can read values of variables from earlier steps.
What am I doing wrong please?
A similar question has been answered here.
Basically what you want is to reference it through the host var variable.
This should work.
- hosts: localhost
become: false
local_file: "./Report.txt"
- name: Create local file with info
path: "{{ local_file }}"
"IP Address: {{ hostvars[item]['bar'].stdout }} - Installed: {{ hostvars[item]['path'].stat.exists }}"
with_items: "{{ query('inventory_hostnames', 'all') }}"
And this should populate your local ./Report.txt file, with the info you need.
I've used the ec2_metadata_facts module to get the IP address us ingansible_ec2_local_ipv4
I've also created the directory /tmp/testdir on the second host.
- hosts: test_hosts
gather_facts: no
directory_name: /tmp/testdir
- ec2_metadata_facts:
- name: check if directory '{{ directory_name }}' exsists
path: "{{ directory_name }}"
register: path
# I make the outputfile empty
# because the module lineinfile(as I know) can't overwrite a file
# but appends line to the old content
- name: create empty output file
content: ""
dest: outputfile
delegate_to: localhost
- name: write output to outputfile
dest: outputfile
line: "IP Address: {{ ansible_ec2_local_ipv4 }} {{ directory_name }} - {{ path.stat.exists }}"
state: present
with_items: "{{ groups.all }}"
# with_items: "{{ ansible_play_hosts }}" can also be used here
delegate_to: localhost
The outputfile looks like:
IP Address: xxx.xx.x.133 /tmp/testdir - False
IP Address: xxx.xx.x.45 /tmp/testdir - True

Ansible playbook to check connectivity to windows host and report status

I am trying to put together a playbook that will connect to hosts and report back if the connection was successful or not. The result of the connection check should be stored in a variable. I had a crack at this by using the ansible facts, however I cannot workout how to handle unsuccessful connections to hosts.
- name: Set Facts variables
server_domain: "{{ ansible_domain}}"
server_ip: "{{ ansible_ip_addresses[1] }}"
- name: Set PowerShell parameters
ps_params: '-server_ip "{{ ansible_ip_addresses[1] }}" -server_domain "{{ ansible_domain }}"'
- name: Execute Script
win_shell: "powershell.exe -file \\PSfile.ps1 {{ps_params}}"
Try this:
- hosts: all
gather_facts: yes
ignore_errors: true
ignore_unreachable: true
# email_file The filename to attach to the email
# email_recipient email address to send the email to
# email_subject text to appear in the subject line
email_subject: "Windows Server Connection Report for {{ awx_inventory_name }}"
email_file: ./failed_connect_report.csv
ansible_port: 5985
- name: Write header and ensure the email file exists
path: "{{ email_file }}"
line: 'VM Name,IP Address,Distribution,Port,Note,Port,Note'
state: present
mode: '0774'
create: yes
insertafter: EOF
become: no
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: True
when: email_recipient != ''
- name: Test connectivity to port {{ ansible_port }}
register: result
- name: Did we fail to talk to this host?
- set_fact:
ip_addresses: "unknown"
- set_fact:
distribution: "unknown"
- name: Did we fail to talk to this host?
line1: "{{ inventory_hostname }},{{ ip_addresses }},{{ distribution }},{{ ansible_port }},FAILED - {{ result.msg | replace(',',' ') }}"
delegate_to: localhost
- set_fact:
failed1: "True"
when: ((result.unreachable is defined and
result.unreachable == True) or
(result.failed is defined and
result.failed == True)) and
email_recipient != ''
- name: Log the success
line1: "{{ inventory_hostname }},{{ ansible_facts.ip_addresses.0 }},{{ ansible_facts.distribution }},{{ ansible_port }},SUCCESS"
delegate_to: localhost
when: (failed1 is not defined) and
email_recipient != ''

How to change and use a global variable for each host in Ansible?

I am trying to write a playbook to setup mysql master-slave replication with multiple slave servers. For each slave server, I need access to a variable called next_id that should be incremented before use for each host. For example, for the first slave server, next_id should be 2 and for the second slave server it should be 3 and so on. What is the way to achieve this in Ansible?
This is the yaml file I use to run my role.
- name: Setup the environment
hosts: master , slave_hosts
serial: 1
- setup-master-slave
master_ip_address : ""
slave_ip_list :
- ""
- ""
This is the yaml file where I use the variable.
- name: Replace conf file with template
src: masterslave.j2
dest: /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf
when: inventory_hostname != 'master'
- ip_address : "{{ master_ip_address }}"
- server_id : "{{ next_id }}"
I can suggest a way which will work according to you requirement for any number of slave servers but it is not based on any any module but self conscience.
Here my master_ip_address is 10.x.x.x and input is any value of next_id you want to increment for every slave server
- hosts: master,slave1,slave2,slave3,slave4
serial: 1
gather_facts: no
- shell: echo "{{ input }}" > yes.txt
delegate_to: localhost
when: inventory_hostname == '10.x.x.x'
- shell: cat yes.txt
register: var
delegate_to: localhost
when: inventory_hostname != '10.x.x.x'
- shell: echo "$(({{var.stdout}}+1))"
register: next_id
delegate_to: localhost
when: inventory_hostname != '10.x.x.x'
- shell: echo "{{ next_id.stdout }}" > yes.txt
delegate_to: localhost
when: inventory_hostname != '10.x.x.x'
- name: Replace conf file with template
src: masterslave.j2
dest: 50-server.cnf
when: inventory_hostname != '10.x.x.x'
- ip_address : "{{ master_ip_address }}"
- server_id : "{{ next_id.stdout }}"
[ansibleserver#172 test_increment]$ cat masterslave.j2
- {{ ip_address }}
- {{ server_id }}
Now, if you run
ansible-playbook increment.yml -e 'master_ip_address=10.x.x.x input=1'
slave1 server
[root#slave1 ~]# cat 50-server.cnf
- 10.x.x.x
- 2
slave2 server
[root#slave2 ~]# cat 50-server.cnf
- 10.x.x.x
- 3
slave3 server
[root#slave3 ~]# cat 50-server.cnf
- 10.x.x.x
- 4
and so on
"serial" is available in a playbooks only and not working in roles
therefore, for fully automatic generation of server_id for MySQL in Ansible roles, you can use the following:
cluster_alias: test_cluster
mysql_server_id_config: "settings/mysql/{{ cluster_alias }}/server_id.ini"
- name: Ensures '{{ mysql_server_id_config | dirname }}' dir exists
path: '{{ mysql_server_id_config | dirname }}'
state: directory
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0755
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Ensure mysql server id config file exists
content: "0"
dest: "{{ mysql_server_id_config }}"
force: no
owner: root
mode: '0755'
delegate_to: localhost
- name: server-id
include_tasks: server-id-tasks.yml
when: inventory_hostname == item
with_items: "{{ ansible_play_hosts }}"
- server-id
# tasks file
- name: get last server id
shell: >
cat "{{ mysql_server_id_config }}"
register: _last_mysql_server_id
check_mode: no
delegate_to: localhost
- server-id
- name: get new server id
shell: >
echo "$(({{_last_mysql_server_id.stdout}}+1))"
register: _new_mysql_server_id
check_mode: no
delegate_to: localhost
- server-id
- name: save new server id
shell: >
echo -n "{{ _new_mysql_server_id.stdout }}" > "{{ mysql_server_id_config }}"
check_mode: no
delegate_to: localhost
- server-id
- debug:
var: _new_mysql_server_id.stdout
- server-id
- name: Replace conf file with template
src: server-id.j2
dest: server-id.cnf

ansible use vars in vars from with_items loop

I am trying to use a variable from with_item to create a fact whose name changes:
- name: get ABC Root CA pem from chamber
shell: AWS_PROFILE={{aws_profile}} chamber read -q secrets abc_ca_{{ item }} | awk 'NR==2 { FS="[ \t+]"; print($2); }' | base64 -d | gunzip
changed_when: false
delegate_to: localhost
ansible_become: no
with_items: "{{ abc_environments }}" # see defaults/main.yml
when: ('chamber' in chamber_installed.stdout)
register: abc_returned_environment
- service-discovery
- name: set ABC root ca pem secrets
aws_secrets: "{{ aws_secrets|default({}) | combine( {item.item: item.stdout} ) }}"
with_items: "{{abc_returned_environment.results}}"
when: ('chamber' in chamber_installed.stdout)
- service-discovery
- name: Write aws_secrets ABC root CA file
env: "{{ item }}"
content: "{{ aws_secrets.(lookup('vars', env )) }}\n"
dest: /etc/prometheus/abc_{{ item }}_file_sd/ca_{{ item }}.pem
owner: prometheus
group: prometheus
mode: 0600
with_items: "{{ abc_environments }}"
when: ('chamber' in chamber_installed.stdout)
- service-discovery
How do I get the content line to behave something like this?
content: "{{ aws_secrets.abc_ca_dev }}\n"
Where abc_environments is set as:
- dev
- qa
- int
- staging-green
- staging-blue
- prod-green
- prod-blue
So it turn out to be actually quite simple:
- name: Write aws_secrets ABC root CA file
content: "{{ aws_secrets[ item ] }}\n"
dest: /etc/prometheus/abc_{{ item }}_file_sd/ca_{{ item }}.pem
owner: prometheus
group: prometheus
mode: 0600
with_items: "{{ abc_environments }}"
when: ('chamber' in chamber_installed.stdout)
- service-discovery
Also handles dashes in the variable names.

Playbook where item.stat.exist not working

I have created playbook which will run on a remote host and check whether the files exist or not. I want to extract the only files which are not present on the remote host. But my playbook giving all paths whether they are present or not.
- name: Playbook for files not present on remote hosts
hosts: source
gather_facts: false
Filepath: /opt/webapps/obiee/oracle_common/inventory/ContentsXML/comps.xml
- name: Getting files location path
shell: grep -i "COMP NAME" {{ Filepath }} |sed 's/^.*INST_LOC="//'|cut -f1 -d'"' | sed '/^$/d;s/[[:blank:]]//g' // extract files from comps.xml
register: get_element_attribute
- name: check path present or not
path: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ get_element_attribute.stdout_lines }}"
register: path_output
- name: path exists or not
path_item: "{{ item }}" # here i am getting the output as expected that's files not present on remote host
with_items: "{{ path_output.results }}"
register: final_output
when: item.stat.exists == False
- debug:
var: final_output # giving both output i.e. files present and absent
- name: Create a fact list
paths: "{{ final_output.results | map(attribute='item.item') | list }}" # i have add this condition " item.stat.exists == False' inside this stmt
- name: Print Fact
var: paths
The issue resolved by using below command:
- name: Create a fact list
paths: "{{ final_output.results | selectattr('item.stat.exists', 'equalto', false) | map(attribute='item.item') | list }}"
register: config_facts
The following query should get all the file names which don't exsist on the remote host and store them in the fact 'paths':
- name: Create a fact list
paths: "{{ final_output | json_query(query)}}"
query: "results[?(#._ansible_item_label.stat.exists==`false`)]._ansible_item_label.item"
