How to create a multi module project(subproject) in Ruby - ruby

In java, there are various ways to create multiple module project. Maven provides extensive support for it.
I am wondering if such a feature is available in ruby.
Why we need it:
A full-stack project has middle tier, front end html and js controller code. This will help in categorize each of them.

Modules and Gems
In Ruby, a Module is a class-like object that collects methods and constants, and can be mixed into other classes. That's probably not what you're really asking about, but other solutions generally build on top of Ruby's Module and Class semantics.
You're more likely to be looking for something like RubyGems and Bundler to manage libraries and dependencies. The documentation for each is fairly extensive.
Frameworks like Ruby on Rails also offer additional capabilities to inject gems and modules directly into the codebase, but it's arguably more common in Rails to build out these capabilities with gems and bundles. An exhaustive treatment of all the various ways to extend Rails (e.g. vendored gems, plugins, engines, etc.) is beyond the scope of a reasonable Stack Overflow answer, though. I mention some of them here in passing to help you search for the right documentation for your specific use cases.


Ruby Project VS Ruby Gem

I have read through Q&A/articles that explain the ideal structure of a Ruby project. I read the RubyGems guides on how to create a Ruby gem. I have just read a Q&A asking at what point a ruby project becomes a ruby gem but I can not for the life of me see the difference between the two. The structure seems to be the same. The files, where they go, everything looks the same to me. Is it how they're used? Can someone please explain the difference between the two to me?
The question that must be answered respect to 'Gemify' or not is: am I writing something that is readily reusable in a different context? If the answer is yes then your application is a candidate for 'Gemification'. If not then generally it is not worth the additional complexity to convert a Ruby project into a Gem.
For example. If one makes a CLI Ruby application that collects mortgage rates from multiple vendors and updates a database then there are two ways this could be converted into a gem.
First: You could generalise the interface/configuration and make it useful as a plugin/add-on/extension to projects written by someone needing the same or similar functionality. So someone could add the gemified version to their project and use it to do the grunt work for them and just make use of the results. This describes the most common use case for gems.
Second: However, you could also extract the framework of your CLI project layout into a generator gem for others to easily create their own CLI project layouts. This is how Rails came to be.

Ruby program structure

Preface: This is not much about how to structure code within files. I have that down. This is more of the topic of organization of your source tree. Hopefully someone will just say, "Here's a great link on the topic." However, firsthand opinions on the subject are welcome too.
So I've done a bit of digging on this subject and find tons of material on simple structure. I guess the assumption is that, by the time you need to deal with the problems of the size of your codebase, you'll already know the answer. However, even the IDEs seem to be waging a holy war on how these projects should be structured (which is NOT what I wanted to start in this thread).
Java enforced the package structure in the language. Kudos for that. Eclipse then lets you use projects to have (potentially) independent -- we'll call them 'buckets' in this example -- buckets of related code. Intellij has distinct but similar concepts with 'modules' within a singleton instance of a 'project'. If you want another project, you're essentially starting from scratch.
However, RubyMine offers no such modules in ruby apps, and by default just wants to slam everything into the root directory. It allows Directories, so one could essentially just pick some arbitrary tree structure and run with it. This implies to me their intent was that all classes have access to all other classes within your project. This might have some resolution through the use of Ruby 'modules', or might just be an honor-system pattern of "don't reference that stuff."
So, to put it succinctly, say I were building a 'foo' and a 'bar' concept, and both depend on a 'util' class. maybe I'll deploy them as gems, maybe I won't. I could:
Slam them all into one RubyMine project and just ignore the fact that 'foo' and 'bar' have no reason to be aware of each other.
Put each in its own RubyMine project. This seems like a real pain if there is any concurrent development. First of all, 'util' would have to be packaged separately and then included as an external resource in the other projects.
Neither seems particularly appealing. Thougts?
I'd develop all three independently, then make util a gem. In the Gemfile for each of foo and bar, you can give a path to the gem so that you can develop them all concurrently without the pain of messing with version numbers and so forth (for production, you would then point it to the real gem on Rubygems or at some git repository).
For project structures, check out the Ruby Packaging Standard and Gem Patterns.

Using packages in Ruby?

I just started learning Ruby coming from Java. In Java you would use packages for a bigger projects. Is there anything equivalent to that in Ruby? Or what is the best way to achieve a package like setting?
The way I'm doing it right now is 'load'ing all the needed class into my new Ruby file. Isn't there a way to tell my current Ruby class to use all other Ruby classes in the same folder?
There's three kinds of package loading in Ruby:
Explicitly loading a library with require
Implicitly loading a library using autoload
Importing a library with gem
The require method is the most direct and has the effect of loading in and executing that particular file. Since that file may go on to require others, as a matter of convenience, you may end up loading in quite a lot at once.
The autoload method declares a module that will be loaded if you reference a given symbol. This is a common method to avoid loading things that you don't need, but making them automatically available if you do. Most large libraries use this method of loading to avoid dumping every single class into memory at once.
The gem approach is a more formalized way of packaging up a library. Although it is uncommon for applications to be split up into one or more gems, it is possible and provides some advantages. There's no obligation to publish a gem as open-source, you can keep it private and distribute it through your own channels, either a private web site or git repository, for instance, or simply copy and install the .gem file as required.
That being said, if you want to make a library that automatically loads a bunch of things, you might take this approach:
# lib/example.rb
Dir.glob(File.expand_path('example/**/*.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__))).each do |file|
require file
This would load all the .rb files in lib/example when you call require 'example'.
You probably want to use require rather than load, since it should take care of circular references.
If you want to grab all the files in a given folder, that's easy enough:
Dir.foreach("lib"){|x| require x}
Your other option is to have a file that manually requires everything, and have your other files require that.
You should also look at wrapping the code in your libraries with a module block, to give them their own namespaces.
That said: rightly or wrongly, I tend to feel that this is the one area -- perhaps the only one -- where Ruby is less powerful than Python, say, or Java.
I understand your feeling. It's an ordinary problem you have to face when coming from another language like Java. I'd say try to study Ruby modules but you deserve a longer reply. So my advice is reading a good Ruby book like Eloquent Ruby.

nested rails gems and gem management

Rails is collection of several gems, all who's source resides in the rails repository, aka active_record has its own gemspec but is at While I use this stuff all the time, I dont really know the details of creating my own gems using this strategy. I have a project for work where certain codebases will be reused from project to project, and think that I would like to build gems for each recurring toolset. While the gems will always be used in a namespace, eg Company::LegacyRecord I think it would be ideal to have LegacyRecord, in this case be its own gem. What would be the rationale for building a collection of gems with a toplevel namespace, like Company, in my example, or rails as the top level namespace, versus gems that are totally independent?
you probably only need to do that for very large projects. The benefit is that you can "split up the functionality" across gems and each one is more specialized.

Object Oriented Design with Ruby

What are some of the best practices for OOD with Ruby? Mainly, how should files and code be organized?
I have a project that uses several classes and files and I am just wondering how it should all be organized, grouped and included.
It sounds like you're asking which pieces go in which files.
Is your project a Web application? In that case you would most likely use the system of organization imposed by your framework (Rails, Merb, Sinatra, etc.)
Other kinds of projects also have their own typical structure that you can just follow. E.g. gems are usually set up in a certain way.
If it's a console app, there's no strict rule. Usually people put no more than one class or module in a file. You could have one main file that requires all the others.
Standard OOD concepts apply to ruby. For specifics, maybe this guide will be helpful:
