How can I compare grep line numbers in a conditional statement in bash? - bash

I am building a git pre-commit hook to reject commits that contain string 'X'. I have a working version below.
for FILE in `git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACM`; do
if [ "grep 'X' $FILE" ]
echo -e "${RED}[REJECTED]${NC}"
exit 1
What I would like to do is change the condition to look for string 'X', and if found, look for string 'Y' exactly 3 lines later. For example, X is on line 7 and Y is on line 10. I only want to reject commits with files containing strings 'X' and 'Y' separated by 3 lines. I have tried some funky things like:
if [ "grep -n 'X' $FILE" ] + 3 -eq [ "grep -n 'Y' $FILE" ]
How can I create the conditional I need? How best to generalise this?

I can pull it off, but there might be simpler ways:
for FILE in `git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACM`; do
nl $FILE | grep 'X' - | while read line blah; do
lines=$( head -n $(( $line + 3 )) $FILE | tail -n 1 | grep 'Y' | wc -l )
if [ $lines -gt 0 ]; then
echo you got it baby, on line $line for file $FILE
Or something along those lines.

You can use grep -A to extract the three lines following X, and then check the last line for Y:
chunk=$(grep -A3 X "$file")
size=$(wc -l <<< "$chunk")
if ((size == 4)) && grep -q Y <<< "$lastline" ; then
echo Found both X and Y
The size check is needed for the case when the Y follows X at the end of the file with less than two lines in between.

use sed to check for a pattern occurring n lines after your first pattern
sed -n '/<pattern1>/{n;n;n; /<patter2>/p}' $FILE


Shell: Add string to the end of each line, which match the pattern. Filenames are given in another file

I'm still new to the shell and need some help.
I have a file stapel_old.
Also I have in the same directory files like english_old_sync, math_old_sync and vocabulary_old_sync.
The content of stapel_old is:
The content of e.g. english is:
I want to manipulate all files which are given in stapel_old like in this example:
take the first line of stapel_old 'english', (after that math, and so on)
convert in this case english to english_old_sync, (or after that what is given in second line, e.g. math to math_old_sync)
search in english_old_sync line by line for the pattern '.md'
And append to each line after .md :::#a1
The result should be e.g. of english_old_sync:
of math_old_sync:
and so on. stapel_old should stay unchanged.
How can I realize that?
I tried with sed -n, while loop (while read -r line), and I'm feeling it's somehow the right way - but I still get errors and not the expected result after 4 hours inspecting and reading.
Thank you!
Here is the working code (The files are stored in folder 'olddata'):
echo -e "$(tput setaf 1)$(tput setab 7)Learning directories:$(tput sgr 0)\n"
# put here directories which should not become flashcards, command: | grep -v 'name_of_directory_which_not_to_learn1' | grep -v 'directory2'
ls ../ | grep -v 00_gliederungsverweise | grep -v 0_weiter | grep -v bibliothek | grep -v notizen | grep -v Obsidian | grep -v z_nicht_uni | tee olddata/stapel_old
# count folders
echo -ne "\nHow much different folders: " && wc -l olddata/stapel_old | cut -d' ' -f1 | tee -a olddata/stapel_old
echo -e "Are this learning directories correct? [j ODER y]--> yes; [Other]-->no\n"
read lernvz_korrekt
if [ "$lernvz_korrekt" = j ] || [ "$lernvz_korrekt" = y ];
read -n 1 -s -r -p "Learning directories correct. Press any key to continue..."
read -n 1 -s -r -p "Learning directories not correct, please change in line 4. Press any key to continue..."
echo -e "\n_____________________________\n$(tput setaf 6)$(tput setab 5)Found cards:$(tput sgr 0)$(tput setaf 6)\n"
#GET && WRITE FOLDER NAMES into olddata/stapel_old
anzahl_zeilen=$(cat olddata/stapel_old |& tail -1)
#GET NAMES of .md files of every stapel and write All to 'stapelname'_old_sync
for (( num=1; num <= $anzahl_zeilen; num++ ))
i="$((i + 1))"
name=$(cat olddata/stapel_old | sed -n "$num"p)
find ../$name/ -name '*.md' | grep -v trash | grep -v Obsidian | rev | cut -d'/' -f1 | rev | tee olddata/$name"_old_sync"
(tput sgr 0)
I tried to add:
while IFS= read -r line
sed -n "$line"p olddata/stapel_old
done < "$input"
The code to change only the english_old_sync is:
lines=$(wc -l olddata/english_old_sync | cut -d' ' -f1)
for ((num=1; num <= $lines; num++))
content=$(sed -n "$num"p olddata/english_old_sync)
sed -i "s/"$content"/""$content":::#a1/g"" olddata/english_old_sync
So now, this need to be a inner for-loop, of a outer for-loop which holds the variable for english, right?
stapel_old should stay unchanged.
You could try a while + read loop and embed sed inside the loop.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while IFS= read -r files; do
echo cp -v "$files" "${files}_old_sync" &&
echo sed '/^.*\.md$/s/$/:::#a1/' "${files}_old_sync"
done < olddata/staple_old
convert in this case english to english_old_sync, (or after that what is given in second line, e.g. math to math_old_sync)
cp copies the file with a new name, if the goal is renaming the original file name from the content of the file staple_old then change cp to mv
The -n and -i flag from sed was ommited , include it, if needed.
The script also assumes that there are no empty/blank lines in the content of staple_old file. If in case there are/is add an addition test after the line where the do is.
[[ -n $files ]] || continue
It also assumes that the content of staple_old are existing files. Just in case add an additional test.
[[ -e $files ]] || { printf >&2 '%s no such file or directory.\n' "$files"; continue; }
Or an if statement.
if [[ ! -e $files ]]; then
printf >&2 '%s no such file or directory\n' "$files"
See also help test
See also help continue
Combining them all together should be something like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while IFS= read -r files; do
[[ -n $files ]] || continue
[[ -e $files ]] || {
printf >&2 '%s no such file or directory.\n' "$files"
echo cp -v "$files" "${files}_old_sync" &&
echo sed '/^.*\.md$/s/$/:::#a1/' "${files}_old_sync"
done < olddata/staple_old
Remove the echo's If you're satisfied with the output so the script could copy/rename and edit the files.

Bash script that checks between 2 csv files old and new. To check that in the new file, the line count has content which is x % of the old files?

As of now how i am writing the script is to count the number of lines for the 2 files.
Then i put it though condition if it is greater than the old.
However, i am not sure how to compare it based on percentage of the old files.
I there a better way to design the script.
declare -i new=$(< "$(ls -t file name*.csv | head -n 1)" wc -l)
declare -i old=$(< "$(ls -t file name*.csv | head -n 2)" wc -l)
echo $new
echo $old
if [ $new -gt $old ];
echo "okay";
echo "fail";
If you need to check for x% max diff line, you can count the number of '<' lines in the diff output. Recall the the diff output will look like.
+ diff node001.html node002.html
< 4
< 7
> 2
> 3
So that code will look like:
old=$(wc -l < file1)
diff1=$(diff file1 file2 | grep -c '^<')
# Check Percent
if [ "$pct" -gt 60 ] ; then

Output a file in two columns in BASH

I'd like to rearrange a file in two columns after the nth line.
For example, say I have a file like this here:
This is a bunch
of text
that I'd like to print
as two
columns starting
at line number 7
and separated by four spaces.
Here are some
more lines so I can
what I'm talking about.
And I'd like to print it out like this:
This is a bunch and separated by four spaces.
of text Here are some
that I'd like to print more lines so I can
as two demonstrate
columns starting what I'm talking about.
at line number 7
How could I do that with a bash command or function?
Actually, pr can do almost exactly this:
pr --output-tabs=' 1' -2 -t tmp1
This is a bunch and separated by four spaces.
of text Here are some
that I'd like to print more lines so I can
as two demonstrate
columns starting what I'm talking about.
at line number 7
-2 for two columns; -t to omit page headers; and without the --output-tabs=' 1', it'll insert a tab for every 8 spaces it added. You can also set the page width and length (if your actual files are much longer than 100 lines); check out man pr for some options.
If you're fixed upon “four spaces more than the longest line on the left,” then perhaps you might have to use something a bit more complex;
The following works with your test input, but is getting to the point where the correct answer would be, “just use Perl, already;”
head -n $(( $( wc -l $infile | cut -d ' ' -f 1 ) / 2 )) $infile | \
while read line
current="$( echo $line | wc -c | cut -d ' ' -f 1 )"
if [ $current -gt $longest ]
echo $current
done | tail -n 1 )
pr -t -2 -w$(( $longest * 2 + 6 )) --output-tabs=' 1' $infile
This is a bunch and separated by four spa
of text Here are some
that I'd like to print more lines so I can
as two demonstrate
columns starting what I'm talking about.
at line number 7
… re-reading your question, I wonder if you meant that you were going to literally specify the nth line to the program, in which case, neither of the above will work unless that line happens to be halfway down.
Thank you chatraed and BRPocock (and your colleague). Your answers helped me think up this solution, which answers my need.
function make_cols
file=$1 # input file
line=$2 # line to break at
pad=$(($3-1)) # spaces between cols - 1
len=$( wc -l < $file )
max=$(( $( wc -L < <(head -$(( line - 1 )) $file ) ) + $pad ))
SAVEIFS=$IFS;IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")
paste -d" " <( for l in $( cat <(head -$(( line - 1 )) $file ) )
printf "%-""$max""s\n" $l
done ) \
<(tail -$(( len - line + 1 )) $file )
make_cols tmp1 7 4
Could be optimized in many ways, but does its job as requested.
Input data (configurable):
num of rows borrowed from file for the first column
num of spaces between columns
if [[ ! -f $file ]]; then
echo "File not found!"
exit 1
rows_col2=$(($(cat $file | wc -l) - $rows_col1))
ar1=($(head -$rows_col1 $file))
ar2=($(tail -$rows_col2 $file))
for i in "${ar1[#]}"; do
if [[ $maxlen_col1 -lt ${#i} ]]; then
if [[ $rows_col1 -lt $rows_col2 ]]; then
for i in $(seq 0 $(($rows-1))); do
line=$(printf "%-${maxlen_col1}s\n" ${ar1[$i]})
printf '%s\n' "${ar[#]}"
$ > bash myfile
This is a bunch and separated by four spaces.
of text Here are some
that I'd like to print more lines so I can
as two demonstrate
columns starting what I'm talking about.
at line number 7
$ >

Bash: Native way to check if an entry is one line?

I have a find script that automatically opens a file if just one file is found. The way I currently handle it is doing a word count on the number of lines of the search results. Is there an easier way to do this?
if [ "$( cat "$temp" | wc -l | xargs echo )" == "1" ]; then
edit `cat "$temp"`
EDITED - here is the context of the whole script.
find src sql common -iname "*$term*" | grep -v 'src/.*lib' >> "$temp"
if [ ! -s "$temp" ]; then
echo "ø - including lib..." 1>&2
find src sql common -iname "*$term*" >> "$temp"
if [ "$( cat "$temp" | wc -l | xargs echo )" == "1" ]; then
# just open it in an editor
edit `cat "$temp"`
# format output
term_regex=`echo "$term" | sed "s%\*%[^/]*%g" | sed "s%\?%[^/]%g" `
cat "$temp" | sed -E 's%//+%/%' | grep --color -E -i "$term_regex|$"
rm "$temp"
Unless I'm misunderstanding, the variable $temp contains one or more filenames, one per line, and if there is only one filename it should be edited?
[ $(wc -l <<< "$temp") = "1" ] && edit "$temp"
If $temp is a file containing filenames:
[ $(wc -l < "$temp") = "1" ] && edit "$(cat "$temp")"
Several of the results here will read through an entire file, whereas one can stop and have an answer after one line and one character:
if { IFS='' read -r result && ! read -n 1 _; } <file; then
echo "Exactly one line: $result"
echo "Either no valid content at all, or more than one line"
For safely reading from find, if you have GNU find and bash as your shell, replace <file with < <(find ...) in the above. Even better, in that case, is to use NUL-delimited names, such that filenames with newlines (yes, they're legal) don't trip you up:
if { IFS='' read -r -d '' result && ! read -r -d '' -n 1 _; } \
< <(find ... -print0); then
printf 'Exactly one file: %q\n' "$result"
echo "Either no results, or more than one"
Well, given that you are storing these results in the file $temp this is a little easier:
[ "$( wc -l < $temp )" -eq 1 ] && edit "$( cat $temp )"
Instead of 'cat $temp' you can do '< $temp', but it might take away some readability if you are not very familiar with redirection 8)
If you want to test whether the file is empty or not, test -s does that.
if [ -s "$temp" ]; then
edit `cat "$temp"`
(A non-empty file by definition contains at least one line. You should find that wc -l agrees.)
If you genuinely want a line count of exactly one, then yes, it can be simplified substantially;
if [ $( wc -l <"$temp" ) = 1 ]; then
edit `cat "$temp"`
You can use arrays:
x=($(find . -type f))
[ "${#x[*]}" -eq 1 ] && echo "just one || echo "many"
But you might have problems in case of filenames with whitespace, etc.
Still, something like this would be a native way
no this is the way, though you're making it over-complicated:
if [ "`wc -l $temp | cut -d' ' -f1`" = "1" ]; then
edit "$temp";
what's complicating it is:
useless use of cat,
unuseful use of xargs
and I'm not sure if you really want the editcat $temp`` which is editing the file at the content of $temp

count words in a file without using wc

Working in a shell script here, trying to count the number of words/characters/lines in a file without using the wc command. I can get the file broken into lines and count those easy enough, but I'm struggling here to get the words and the characters.
#define word_count function
local f="$1"
while read Line
l=`expr $line + 1`
# now that I have a line I want to break it into words and characters???
done < "$f"
echo "Number characters: $chars"
echo "Number words: $words"
echo "Number lines: $line"
As for characters, try this (adjust echo "test" to where you get your output from):
expr `echo "test" | sed "s/./ + 1/g;s/^/0/"`
As for lines, try this:
expr `echo -e "test\ntest\ntest" | sed "s/^.*$/./" | tr -d "\n" | sed "s/./ + 1/g;s/^/0/"`
As for your code, you want something like this to count words (if you want to go at it completely raw):
while read line ; do
set $line ;
while true ; do
[ -z $1 ] && break
l=`expr $l + 1`
shift ;
done ;
You can do this with the following Bash shell script:
for var in `cat $1`
count=`echo $count+1 | bc`
echo $count
