What is the time complexity of iterating BTreeSet and HashSet? - algorithm

For example, with HashSet, I know that getting one known element is usually O(1), but I want to find what is the time complexity for getting all elements (without knowing them, so an iteration).
I can't find this information anywhere in the standard library's documentation. I have also looked at SwissTable, without success.
Is it even measurable? Where can I find it?

BTreeSet: O(N)
HashSet: O(capacity)
The B-Tree data-structure is a Tree of Arrays of K elements, for some value of K.
The depth of the Tree is O(log N), and nodes are merged together when their arrays are not full enough. For our case, we can use the rule that a node is necessarily at least half-full, although any constant works.
In general, iteration is done from smallest to largest, which is an in-order traversal. This implies that moving from element to the next is not strictly O(1), indeed, moving from the right-most element of the left sub-tree to the root implies O(log N) steps.
It can be shown that the amortized complexity is O(1), and this leads to O(N) overall traversal complexity.
There is no general iteration complexity for hash maps, or hash sets; it varies by implementation.
The implementation in Rust is an open-ended hash-table, essentially. This means a very large array of K elements (K = capacity), more or less sparsely populated.
As with most open-ended hash tables, there is no short-circuit to iteration. Instead, each element of the array is checked in turn.
The iteration time is thus proportional to the capacity, regardless of the number of elements. On a sparsely populated hash-table, that's quite expensive.
Note: the Swiss table uses a variation of open-ended hash-tables, this does not affect the fundamental properties of the various operations.

If I understood your question, you're asking how much time it takes to visit every item in a collection in no particular order. For any collection of n items, the best case is Omega(n) because you can't retrieve an item in less than one operation. Conversely, as long as you can retrieve the next item in a collection in a constant (or constant on average) number of operations, the worst case is O(n).
In principle, it's possible to do much worse than O(n) if you really try. For example, you could iterate over a HashMap containing n items by trying each of m > n keys, so that the complexity would be O(m) instead of O(n).
If you're really worried that iteration for a particular collection was implemented naively, for now it seems like the only way to know is to go digging through the source code. Following the bread-crumbs in HashMap, for example, eventually leads to this method which is used to iterate over the contents of this struct, but it's a bit difficult to interpret if (like me) you aren't really familiar with all of the implementation details.

Currently, our implementation simply performs naive linear search.
This provides excellent performance on small nodes of elements which
are cheap to compare. However in the future we would like to further
explore choosing the optimal search strategy based on the choice of B,
and possibly other factors. Using linear search, searching for a
random element is expected to take O(B * log(n)) comparisons, which is
generally worse than a BST. In practice, however, performance is
Source: BTreeMap referenced from here.
From this reference, I'd assume that HashSet is more or less equal to HashMap:
The default hashing algorithm is currently SipHash 1-3, though this is
subject to change at any point in the future. While its performance is
very competitive for medium sized keys, other hashing algorithms will
outperform it for small keys such as integers as well as large keys
such as long strings, though those algorithms will typically not
protect against attacks such as HashDoS.
Source: HashMap
Since this doesn't state anything specific, I'd assume that O(1) should apply most of the time. This thread has (although for Java) some very good answers.
In very simple words: the complexity of an algorithm is defined by looking at the source code. For a two-dimensional array, the runtime (without doing anything in the inner loop) would be n² because you'd have two loops running n-times each:
for(int i = 0; i<arr.length; i++)
for(int j = 0; j<arr[0].length; j++)
// do something
For further reference, you may check out the Wikipedia article on Big O notation.


Can my algorithm be done any better?

I have been presented with a challenge to make the most effective algorithm that I can for a task. Right now I came to the complexity of n * logn. And I was wondering if it is even possible to do it better. So basically the task is there are kids having a counting out game. You are given the number n which is the number of kids and m which how many times you skip someone before you execute. You need to return a list which gives the execution order. I tried to do it like this you use skip list.
Current = m
while table.size>0:
Current += m
My questions are is this correct? Is it n*logn and can you do it better?
Is this correct?
When you remove an element from the table, the table.size decreases, and current % table.size expression generally ends up pointing at another irrelevant element.
For example, 44 % 11 is 0 but 44 % 10 is 4, an element in a totally different place.
Is it n*logn?
If table is just a random-access array, it can take n operations to remove an element.
For example, if m = 1, the program, after fixing the point above, would always remove the first element of the array.
When an array implementation is naive enough, it takes table.size operations to relocate the array each time, leading to a total to about n^2 / 2 operations in total.
Now, it would be n log n if table was backed up, for example, by a balanced binary search tree with implicit indexes instead of keys, as well as split and merge primitives. That's a treap for example, here is what results from a quick search for an English source.
Such a data structure could be used as an array with O(log n) costs for access, merge and split.
But nothing so far suggests this is the case, and there is no such data structure in most languages' standard libraries.
Can you do it better?
Correction: partially, yes; fully, maybe.
If we solve the problem backwards, we have the following sub-problem.
Let there be a circle of k kids, and the pointer is currently at kid t.
We know that, just a moment ago, there was a circle of k + 1 kids, but we don't know where, at which kid x, the pointer was.
Then we counted to m, removed the kid, and the pointer ended up at t.
Whom did we just remove, and what is x?
Turns out the "what is x" part can be solved in O(1) (drawing can be helpful here), so the finding the last kid standing is doable in O(n).
As pointed out in the comments, the whole thing is called Josephus Problem, and its variants are studied extensively, e.g., in Concrete Mathematics by Knuth et al.
However, in O(1) per step, this only finds the number of the last standing kid.
It does not automatically give the whole order of counting the kids out.
There certainly are ways to make it O(log(n)) per step, O(n log(n)) in total.
But as for O(1), I don't know at the moment.
Complexity of your algorithm depends on the complexity of the operations
executed.add(..) and table.remove(..).
If both of them have complexity of O(1), your algorithm has complexity of O(n) because the loop terminates after n steps.
While executed.add(..) can easily be implemented in O(1), table.remove(..) needs a bit more thinking.
You can make it in O(n):
Store your persons in a LinkedList and connect the last element with the first. Removing an element costs O(1).
Goging to the next person to choose would cost O(m) but that is a constant = O(1).
This way the algorithm has the complexity of O(n*m) = O(n) (for constant m).

Data structure with O(1) insertion and O(log(n)) search complexity?

Is there any data structure available that would provide O(1) -- i.e. constant -- insertion complexity and O(log(n)) search complexity even in the worst case?
A sorted vector can do a O(log(n)) search but insertion would take O(n) (taken the fact that I am not always inserting the elements either at the front or the back). Whereas a list would do O(1) insertion but would fall short of providing O(log(n)) lookup.
I wonder whether such a data structure can even be implemented.
Yes, but you would have to bend the rules a bit in two ways:
1) You could use a structure that has O(1) insertion and O(1) search (such as the CritBit tree, also called bitwise trie) and add artificial cost to turn search into O(log n).
A critbit tree is like a binary radix tree for bits. It stores keys by walking along the bits of a key (say 32bits) and use the bit to decide whether to navigate left ('0') or right ('1') at every node. The maximum complexity for search and insertion is both O(32), which becomes O(1).
2) I'm not sure that this is O(1) in a strict theoretical sense, because O(1) works only if we limit the value range (to, say, 32 bit or 64 bit), but for practical purposes, this seems a reasonable limitation.
Note that the perceived performance will be O(log n) until a significant part of the possible key permutations are inserted. For example, for 16 bit keys you probably have to insert a significant part of 2^16 = 65563 keys.
No (at least in a model where the elements stored in the data structure can be compared for order only; hashing does not help for worst-case time bounds because there can be one big collision).
Let's suppose that every insertion requires at most c comparisons. (Heck, let's make the weaker assumption that n insertions require at most c*n comparisons.) Consider an adversary that inserts n elements and then looks up one. I'll describe an adversarial strategy that, during the insertion phase, forces the data structure to have Omega(n) elements that, given the comparisons made so far, could be ordered any which way. Then the data structure can be forced to search these elements, which amount to an unsorted list. The result is that the lookup has worst-case running time Omega(n).
The adversary's goal is to give away as little information as possible. Elements are sorted into three groups: winners, losers, and unknown. Initially, all elements are in the unknown group. When the algorithm compares two unknown elements, one chosen arbitrarily becomes a winner and the other becomes a loser. The winner is deemed greater than the loser. Similarly, unknown-loser, unknown-winner, and loser-winner comparisons are resolved by designating one of the elements a winner and the other a loser, without changing existing designations. The remaining cases are loser-loser and winner-winner comparisons, which are handled recursively (so the winners' group has a winner-unknown subgroup, a winner-winners subgroup, and a winner-losers subgroup). By an averaging argument, since at least n/2 elements are compared at most 2*c times, there exists a subsub...subgroup of size at least n/2 / 3^(2*c) = Omega(n). It can be verified that none of these elements are ordered by previous comparisons.
I wonder whether such a data structure can even be implemented.
I am afraid the answer is no.
Searching OK, Insertion NOT
When we look at the data structures like Binary search tree, B-tree, Red-black tree and AVL tree, they have average search complexity of O(log N), but at the same time the average insertion complexity is same as O(log N). Reason is obvious, the search will follow (or navigate through) the same pattern in which the insertion happens.
Insertion OK, Searching NOT
Data structures like Singly linked list, Doubly linked list have average insertion complexity of O(1), but again the searching in Singly and Doubly LL is painful O(N), just because they don't have any indexing based element access support.
Answer to your question lies in the Skiplist implementation, which is a linked list, still it needs O(log N) on average for insertion (when lists are expected to do insertion in O(1)).
On closing notes, Hashmap comes very close to meet the speedy search and speedy insertion requirement with the cost of huge space, but if horribly implemented, it can result into a complexity of O(N) for both insertion and searching.

What sorting techniques can I use when comparing elements is expensive?

I have an application where I want to sort an array a of elements a0, a1,...,an-1. I have a comparison function cmp(i,j) that compares elements ai and aj and a swap function swap(i,j), that swaps elements ai and aj of the array. In the application, execution of the cmp(i,j) function might be extremely expensive, to the point where one execution of cmp(i,j) takes longer than any other steps in the sort (except for other cmp(i,j) calls, of course) together. You may think of cmp(i,j) as a rather lengthy IO operation.
Please assume for the sake of this question that there is no way to make cmp(i,j) faster. Assume all optimizations that could possibly make cmp(i,j) faster have already been done.
Is there a sorting algorithm that minimizes the number of calls to cmp(i,j)?
It is possible in my application to write a predicate expensive(i,j) that is true iff a call to cmp(i,j) would take a long time. expensive(i,j) is cheap and expensive(i,j) ∧ expensive(j,k) → expensive(i,k) mostly holds in my current application. This is not guaranteed though.
Would the existance of expensive(i,j) allow for a better algorithm that tries to avoid expensive comparing operations? If yes, can you point me to such an algorithm?
I'd like pointers to further material on this topic.
This is an example that is not entirely unlike the application I have.
Consider a set of possibly large files. In this application the goal is to find duplicate files among them. This essentially boils down to sorting the files by some arbitrary criterium and then traversing them in order, outputting sequences of equal files that were encountered.
Of course reader in large amounts of data is expensive, therefor one can, for instance, only read the first megabyte of each file and calculate a hash function on this data. If the files compare equal, so do the hashes, but the reverse may not hold. Two large file could only differ in one byte near the end.
The implementation of expensive(i,j) in this case is simply a check whether the hashes are equal. If they are, an expensive deep comparison is neccessary.
I'll try to answer each question as best as I can.
Is there a sorting algorithm that minimizes the number of calls to cmp(i,j)?
Traditional sorting methods may have some variation, but in general, there is a mathematical limit to the minimum number of comparisons necessary to sort a list, and most algorithms take advantage of that, since comparisons are often not inexpensive. You could try sorting by something else, or try using a shortcut that may be faster that may approximate the real solution.
Would the existance of expensive(i,j) allow for a better algorithm that tries to avoid expensive comparing operations? If yes, can you point me to such an algorithm?
I don't think you can get around the necessity of doing at least the minimum number of comparisons, but you may be able to change what you compare. If you can compare hashes or subsets of the data instead of the whole thing, that could certainly be helpful. Anything you can do to simplify the comparison operation will make a big difference, but without knowing specific details of the data, it's hard to suggest specific solutions.
I'd like pointers to further material on this topic.
Check these out:
Apparently Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3 has a section on this topic, but I don't have a copy handy.
Wikipedia of course has some insight into the matter.
Sorting an array with minimal number of comparisons
How do I figure out the minimum number of swaps to sort a list in-place?
Limitations of comparison based sorting techniques
The theoretical minimum number of comparisons needed to sort an array of n elements on average is lg (n!), which is about n lg n - n. There's no way to do better than this on average if you're using comparisons to order the elements.
Of the standard O(n log n) comparison-based sorting algorithms, mergesort makes the lowest number of comparisons (just about n lg n, compared with about 1.44 n lg n for quicksort and about n lg n + 2n for heapsort), so it might be a good algorithm to use as a starting point. Typically mergesort is slower than heapsort and quicksort, but that's usually under the assumption that comparisons are fast.
If you do use mergesort, I'd recommend using an adaptive variant of mergesort like natural mergesort so that if the data is mostly sorted, the number of comparisons is closer to linear.
There are a few other options available. If you know for a fact that the data is already mostly sorted, you could use insertion sort or a standard variation of heapsort to try to speed up the sorting. Alternatively, you could use mergesort but use an optimal sorting network as a base case when n is small. This might shave off enough comparisons to give you a noticeable performance boost.
Hope this helps!
A technique called the Schwartzian transform can be used to reduce any sorting problem to that of sorting integers. It requires you to apply a function f to each of your input items, where f(x) < f(y) if and only if x < y.
(Python-oriented answer, when I thought the question was tagged [python])
If you can define a function f such that f(x) < f(y) if and only if x < y, then you can sort using
sort(L, key=f)
Python guarantees that key is called at most once for each element of the iterable you are sorting. This provides support for the Schwartzian transform.
Python 3 does not support specifying a cmp function, only the key parameter. This page provides a way of easily converting any cmp function to a key function.
Is there a sorting algorithm that minimizes the number of calls to cmp(i,j)?
Edit: Ah, sorry. There are algorithms that minimize the number of comparisons (below), but not that I know of for specific elements.
Would the existence of expensive(i,j) allow for a better algorithm that tries to avoid expensive comparing operations? If yes, can you point me to such an algorithm?
Not that I know of, but perhaps you'll find it in these papers below.
I'd like pointers to further material on this topic.
On Optimal and Efficient in Place Merging
Stable Minimum Storage Merging by Symmetric Comparisons
Optimal Stable Merging (this one seems to be O(n log2 n) though
Practical In-Place Mergesort
If you implement any of them, posting them here might be useful for others too! :)
Is there a sorting algorithm that minimizes the number of calls to cmp(i,j)?
Merge insertion algorithm, described in D. Knuth's "The art of computer programming", Vol 3, chapter 5.3.1, uses less comparisons than other comparison-based algorithms. But still it needs O(N log N) comparisons.
Would the existence of expensive(i,j) allow for a better algorithm that tries to avoid expensive comparing operations? If yes, can you point me to such an algorithm?
I think some of existing sorting algorithms may be modified to take into account expensive(i,j) predicate. Let's take the simplest of them - insertion sort. One of its variants, named in Wikipedia as binary insertion sort, uses only O(N log N) comparisons.
It employs a binary search to determine the correct location to insert new elements. We could apply expensive(i,j) predicate after each binary search step to determine if it is cheap to compare the inserted element with "middle" element found in binary search step. If it is expensive we could try the "middle" element's neighbors, then their neighbors, etc. If no cheap comparisons could be found we just return to the "middle" element and perform expensive comparison.
There are several possible optimizations. If predicate and/or cheap comparisons are not so cheap we could roll back to the "middle" element earlier than all other possibilities are tried. Also if move operations cannot be considered as very cheap, we could use some order statistics data structure (like Indexable skiplist) do reduce insertion cost to O(N log N).
This modified insertion sort needs O(N log N) time for data movement, O(N2) predicate computations and cheap comparisons and O(N log N) expensive comparisons in the worst case. But more likely there would be only O(N log N) predicates and cheap comparisons and O(1) expensive comparisons.
Consider a set of possibly large files. In this application the goal is to find duplicate files among them.
If the only goal is to find duplicates, I think sorting (at least comparison sorting) is not necessary. You could just distribute the files between buckets depending on hash value computed for first megabyte of data from each file. If there are more than one file in some bucket, take other 10, 100, 1000, ... megabytes. If still more than one file in some bucket, compare them byte-by-byte. Actually this procedure is similar to radix sort.
Most sorting algorithm out there try minimize the amount of comparisons during sorting.
My advice:
Pick quick-sort as a base algorithm and memorize results of comparisons just in case you happen to compare the same problems again. This should help you in the O(N^2) worst case of quick-sort. Bear in mind that this will make you use O(N^2) memory.
Now if you are really adventurous you could try the Dual-Pivot quick-sort.
Something to keep in mind is that if you are continuously sorting the list with new additions, and the comparison between two elements is guaranteed to never change, you can memoize the comparison operation which will lead to a performance increase. In most cases this won't be applicable, unfortunately.
We can look at your problem in the another direction, Seems your problem is IO related, then you can use advantage of parallel sorting algorithms, In fact you can run many many threads to run comparison on files, then sort them by one of a best known parallel algorithms like Sample sort algorithm.
Quicksort and mergesort are the fastest possible sorting algorithm, unless you have some additional information about the elements you want to sort. They will need O(n log(n)) comparisons, where n is the size of your array.
It is mathematically proved that any generic sorting algorithm cannot be more efficient than that.
If you want to make the procedure faster, you might consider adding some metadata to accelerate the computation (can't be more precise unless you are, too).
If you know something stronger, such as the existence of a maximum and a minimum, you can use faster sorting algorithms, such as radix sort or bucket sort.
You can look for all the mentioned algorithms on wikipedia.
As far as I know, you can't benefit from the expensive relationship. Even if you know that, you still need to perform such comparisons. As I said, you'd better try and cache some results.
EDIT I took some time to think about it, and I came up with a slightly customized solution, that I think will make the minimum possible amount of expensive comparisons, but totally disregards the overall number of comparisons. It will make at most (n-m)*log(k) expensive comparisons, where
n is the size of the input vector
m is the number of distinct component which are easy to compare between each other
k is the maximum number of elements which are hard to compare and have consecutive ranks.
Here is the description of the algorithm. It's worth nothing saying that it will perform much worse than a simple merge sort, unless m is big and k is little. The total running time is O[n^4 + E(n-m)log(k)], where E is the cost of an expensive comparison (I assumed E >> n, to prevent it from being wiped out from the asymptotic notation. That n^4 can probably be further reduced, at least in the mean case.
EDIT The file I posted contained some errors. While trying it, I also fixed them (I overlooked the pseudocode for insert_sorted function, but the idea was correct. I made a Java program that sorts a vector of integers, with delays added as you described. Even if I was skeptical, it actually does better than mergesort, if the delay is significant (I used 1s delay agains integer comparison, which usually takes nanoseconds to execute)

How do I fill a 2D array with a constant value, with a better efficiency than n^2?

This is a general question, which could be applicable to any given language like C,C++,Java etc.
I figured any way you implement it, you can't get more efficient than using 2 loops, which gives an efficiency of n^2.
I was asked this at an interview recently, and couldn't think of anything more efficient. All I got from the interviewer was that I could use recursion or convert the 2D array to a linked list to make it more efficient than n^2. Anyone know if this is possible, and if yes, how? At least theoretically, if not practically.
edit: The actual question gives me the coordinates of two cells, and I have to fill the paths taken by all possible shortest routes with 1.
eg, if i have a 5x5 matrix, and my two coordinates are (2,0) and (3,3), I'd have to fill:
while leaving the rest of the cells as they were.
It depends on what you mean. If the question is about plain arrays, meaning a sequence of contiguos memory locations and for initialization you mean putting a value in every memory location of this "matrix" then the answer is no, better than O(n*m) is not possible and we can prove it:
Let us assume that algorithm fill(A[n][m], init_val) is correct(i.e. fills all the memory locations of A) has complexity g(n,m) which is less than O(n*m)(meaning g(n,m) is not part of Ω(n*m)), then for big enough n and m we will have that g(n,m) < n*m = number of memory locations. Since filling a memory location requires one operation the algorithm fill can fill at most g(n,m) locations[actually half because it must also do at least an operation to "select" a different memory location, except if the hardware provides a combined operation] which is strictly less than n*m, which imply that the algorithm fill is not correct.
The same applies if filling k memory locations takes constant time, you simply have to choose bigger n and m values.
As other already suggested you can use other data-structures to avoid the O(n^2) initialization time. amit suggestion uses some kind of lazy-evaluation, which allows you to not initialize the array at all but do it only when you access the elements.
Note that this removes the Ω(n^2) cost at the beginning, but requires more complex operations to access the array's elements and also requires more memory.
It is not clear what your interviewer meant: converting an array into a linked-list requires Ω(L) time(where L is the length of the array), so simply converting the whole matrix into a linked-list would require Ω(n^2) time plus the real initialization. Using recursion does not help at all,
you simply end up in recurrences such as T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(1) which would again result in no benefit for the asymptotic complexity.
As a general rule all algorithms have to scan at least all of their input, except it they have some form of knowledge beforehand(e.g. elements are sorted). In your case the space to scan is Θ(n^2) and thus every algorithm that wants to fill it must be at least Ω(n^2). Anything with less than this complexity either make some assumption(e.g. the memory contains the initializer value by default -> O(1)), or solves a different problem(e.g. use lazy arrays, or other data structures).
You can initialize an array in O(1), but it consumes triple the amount of space, and extra "work" for each element access in the matrix.
Since in practice, a matrix is a 1D array in memory, the same principles still hold.
The page describes how it can be done in details.
When you fill a 2d-array with same element, if you really will fill every element at least n^2 operations should be made.(given 2-d array is n*n).
The only way to decrease complexity is use a parallel programming approach.For example, given n processor, first input is is assigned the first row of the array.This is n operations. Then each processor Pi assigns array[i] of row k to array[i] of row k+1 for k=0 to n-1. This will be again O(n) since we have n processor working parallel.
If you really want to implement this approach you can look for free parallel programming environments like OpenMPI and mpich

Best continuously sorting algorithm?

I have a set of double-precision data and I need their list to be always sorted. What is the best algorithm to sort the data as it is being added?
As best I mean least Big-O in data count, Small-O in data count (worst case scenario), and least Small-O in the space needed, in that order if possible.
The set size is really variable, from a small number (30) to lots of data (+10M).
Building a self-balancing binary tree like a red-black tree or AVL tree will allow for Θ(lg n) insertion and removal, and Θ(n) retrieval of all elements in sorted order (by doing a depth-first traversal), with Θ(n) memory usage. The implementation is somewhat complex, but they're efficient, and most languages will have library implementations, so they're a good first choice in most cases.
Additionally, retreiving the i-th element can be done by annotating each edge (or, equivalently, node) in the tree with the total number of nodes below it. Then one can find the i-th element in Θ(lg n) time and Θ(1) space with something like:
node *find_index(node *root, int i) {
while (node) {
if (i == root->left_count)
return root;
else if (i < root->left_count)
root = root->left;
else {
i -= root->left_count + 1;
root = root->right;
return NULL; // i > number of nodes
An implementation that supports this can be found in debian's libavl; unfortunately, the maintainer's site seems down, but it can be retrieved from debian's servers.
The structure that is used for indexes of database programs is a B+ Tree. It is a balanced bucketed n-ary tree.
From Wikipedia:
For a b-order B+ tree with h levels of index:
The maximum number of records stored is n = b^h
The minimum number of keys is 2(b/2)^(h−1)
The space required to store the tree is O(n)
Inserting a record requires O(log-b(n)) operations in the worst case
Finding a record requires O(log-b(n)) operations in the worst case
Removing a (previously located) record requires O(log-b(n)) operations in the worst case
Performing a range query with k elements occurring within the range requires O(log-b(n+k)) operations in the worst case.
I use this in my program. You can add your data to the structure as it comes and you can always traverse it in order, front to back or back to front, or search quickly for any value. If you don't find the value, you will have the insertion point where you can add the value.
You can optimize the structure for your program by playing around with b, the size of the buckets.
An interesting presentation about B+ trees: Tree-Structured Indexes
You can get the entire code in C++.
Edit: Now I see your comment that your requirement to know the "i-th sorted element in the set" is an important one. All of a sudden, that makes many data structures less than optimal.
You are probably best off with a SortedList or even better, a SortedDictionary. See the article: Squeezing more performance from SortedList. Both structures have a GetKey function that will return the i-th element.
Likely a heap sort. Heaps are only O(log N) to add new data, and you can pop off the net results at any time in O(N log N) time.
If you always need the whole list sorted every time, then there's not many other options than an insertion sort. It will likely be O(N^2) though with HUGE hassle of linked skip lists you can make it O(N log N).
I would use a heap/priority queue. Worst case is same as average case for runtime. Next element can be found in O(log n) time.
Here is a templatized C# implementation that I derived from this code.
If you just need to know the ith smallest element as it says in the comments, use the BFPRT algorithm which is named after the last names of the authors: Blum, Floyd, Pratt, Rivest, and Tarjan and is generally agreed to be the biggest concentration of big computer science brains in the same paper. O(n) worst-case.
Ok, you want you data sorted, but you need to extract it via an index number.
Start with a basic Tree such as the afforementioned Red-Black trees.
Modify the tree algo such that as you insert elements into the tree all nodes encountered during insertion and deletion keep a count of the number of elements under each branch.
Then when you are extracting data from the tree you can calculate the index as you go, and know which branch to take based on whether is greater or less than the index you are trying to extract.
One other consideration. 10M elements+ in a tree that uses dynamic memory allocation will suck up alot of memory overhead. i.e. The pointers may take up more space than your actual data, plus whatever other member is used to implement the data structure. This will lead to serious memory fragmentation, and in the worst cases, degrade the system's overall performance. (Churning data back and forth from virtual memory.) You might want to consider implementing a combination of block and dynamic memory allocation. Something where in you sort the tree into blocks of data, thus reducing the memory overhead.
Check out the comparison of sorting algorithms in Wikipedia.
Randomized Jumplists are interesting as well.
They require less space as BST and skiplists.
Insertion and deletion is O(log n)
By a "set of double data," do you mean a set of real-valued numbers? One of the more commonly used algorithms for that is a heap sort, I'd check that out. Most of its operations are O( n * log(n) ), which is pretty good but doesn't meet all of your criteria. The advantages of heapsort is that it's reasonably simple to code on your own, and many languages provide libraries to manage a sorted heap.
