pseudocode structuring advice and techniques - pseudocode

I am having some issues with one of my courses, the teacher gives us overly simplified explanations for pseudocode and how to use it and then asks us to make our own pseudocode for his desired parameters which I find a bit too hard for me as of this moment. I am not asking for a full answer or anything, I just want some help in the "key words" and maybe some tips on how to get started and how the pseudocode should flow. I have an algorithm already and I feel like it should help me with the structure. But anyways, here is what I am asked to find (please remember I am not looking to cheat an awnser, I just want help):
"write a pseudocode that inputs 10 positive numbers and gives these results:"
1. the sum of odd numbers
2. the average
3. the min
4. the max
5. total number of inputs that are even and divisible by 5

Just a little example for you
as long as count < 10
if mark < 6 then print "failed"
otherwise print "success"
Normally you follow the structure of a well known language ignoring detail and keeping a high level of abstraction.


independent times to ensure minimum cut of graph at least one trial succeeds

I just finished with the first module in the algo specialization course in coursera.
There was an exam question that i could not quite understand. I have passed that exam, so there's no point for me to retake it.
Out of curiosity, I want to learn the principles around this question.
The question was posted as such:
Suppose that a randomized algorithm succeeds (e.g., correctly computes
the minimum cut of a graph) with probability p (with 0 < p < 1). Let ϵ
be a small positive number (less than 1).
How many independent times do you need to run the algorithm to ensure
that, with probability at least 1−ϵ, at least one trial succeeds?
The options given were:
I made two attempts and both were wrong. My attempts were:
It's not so much I want to know the right answer. I want to learn the principles behind this question and what it's asking for. So that I know how to answer similar questions in future.
I have posted this on the forum, but nobody answered after a month. So I am trying it out here.
NO need to post the answer directly. If you got me to get to aha moment, i will mark it as correct.
How many independent times do you need to run the algorithm to ensure that, with probability at least 1−ϵ, at least one trial succeeds?
Let's rephrase it a bit:
What is the smallest number of independent trials such that the probability of all of them failing is less than or equal to ϵ?
By the definition of independent events, the probability of all of them occurring is the product of their individual probabilities. Since the probability of one trial failing is (1-p), the probability of n trials failing is (1-p)^n.
This gives us an inequality for n:
(1-p)^n <= ϵ

Algorithm which determines required signs for arithmetical operation

I have no idea how to Google this out so I would like to ask you guys if you know is there such an algorithm, which would determine what kind of signs you need to put between numbers in order to get given result.
For example, you input 4 numbers: 8 9 2 1. The last number is the result. So the answer would be 8-9+2=1. Is there such an algorithm, maybe you know its name so I could Google it out and read about it?
Yes, it's called Brute-force search.
You generate all possible candidates for the solution and check each of them to see whether they satisfy the constraints.

Need an algorithm approach to calculate meal plan

I’m having trouble solving a deceptively simple problem. My girlfriend and I are trying to formulate weekly meal plans and I had this brilliant idea that I could optimize what we buy in order to maximize the things that we could make from it. The trouble is, the problem is not as easy as it appears. Here’s the problem statement in a nutshell:
The problem:
Given a list of 100 ingredients and a list of 50 dishes that are composed of one or more of the 100 ingredients, find a list of 32 ingredients that can produce the maximum number of dishes.
This problem seems simple, but I’m finding that computing the answer is not trivial. The approach that I’ve taken is that I’ve computed a combination of the 32 ingredients as a 100 bit string with 32 of the bits set. Then I do a check of what dishes can be made with that ingredient number. If the number of dishes is greater than the current maximum, I save off the list. Then I compute the next valid ingredient combination and repeat, repeat, and repeat.
The number of combinations of the 32 ingredients is staggering! The way that I see it, it would take about 300 trillion years to calculate using my method. I’ve optimized the code so that each combination takes a mere 75 microseconds to figure out. Assuming that I can optimize the code, I might be able to reduce the run time to a mere trillion years.
I’m thinking that a completely new approach is in order. I'm currently coding this in XOJO (REALbasic), but I think the real problem is with approach rather than specific implementation. Anybody have an idea for an approach that has a chance of completion during this century?
mcdowella's branch and bound solution will be a big improvement over exhaustive enumeration, but it might still take a few thousand years. This is the kind of problem that is really best solved by an ILP solver.
Assuming that the set of ingredients for meal i is given by R[i] = { R[i][1], R[i][2], ..., R[i][|R[i]|] }, you can encode the problem as follows:
Create an integer variable x[i] for each ingredient 1 <= i <= 100. Each of these variables should be constrained to the range [0, 1].
Create an integer variable y[i] for each meal 1 <= i <= 50. Each of these variables should be constrained to the range [0, 1].
For each meal i, create |R[i]| additional constraints of the form y[i] <= x[R[i][j]] for 1 <= j <= |R[i]|. These will guarantee that we can only set y[i] to 1 if all of meal i's ingredients have been included.
Add a constraint that the sum of all x[i] must be <= 32.
Finally, the objective function should be the sum of all y[i], and we should be trying to maximise this.
Solving this will produce assignments for all the variables x[i]: 1 means the ingredient should be included, 0 means it should not.
My feeling is that a commercial ILP solver like CPLEX or Gurobi will probably solve a 150-variable ILP problem like this in milliseconds; even freely available solvers like lp_solve, which as a rule are much slower, should have no problems. In the unlikely case that it seems to be taking forever, you can still solve the LP relaxation, which will be very fast (milliseconds) and will give you (a) an upper bound on the maximum number of meals that can be prepared and (b) "hints" in the variable values: although the x[i] will in general not be exactly 0 or 1, values close to 1 are suggestive of ingredients that should be included, while values close to 0 suggest unhelpful ingredients.
There will be a solution to this, but it may be too expensive to get the exact answer - ILP as suggested by j_random_hacker is probably better - the LP relaxation of that is probably a better heuristic than the relaxation proposed here, and the ILP solver will be heavily optimized.
The basic idea is that you do a recursive depth first search of a tree of partial solutions, extending them one at a time. Once you recurse far enough down to reach a fully populated solution you can start keeping track of the best solution found so far. If I label your ingredients A, B, C, D... a partial solution is a list of ingredients of length <= 32. You start with the zero-length solution, then when you visit a partial solution e.g. ABC you consider ABCD, ABCE, ... and so on, and may visit some of these.
For each partial solution you work out the maximum score that any descendant of that solution could achieve. Getting an accurate idea of this is important. Here is one suggestion - suppose you have a partial solution of length 20. This leaves 12 ingredients to be chosen, so the best you could possibly do is to make all dishes which require no more than 12 ingredients not already in the 20 you have chosen so far work out how many of those there are and this is one example of a best possible score to any descendant of the partial solution.
Now when you consider extending the partial solution ABC to ABCD or ABCE or ABCF... if you have a best solution found so far you can ignore all extensions that cannot possibly score more than the best solution so far - this means that you don't need to consider all possible combinations of your 32 ingredients.
Once you have worked out which of the possible extensions might contain a new best answer, your recursive search should continue with the most promising of these possible extensions, because this is the one most likely to survive finding a better best solution so far.
One way to make this fast is to code it cleverly so that recursing up and down means only small changes to the existing data structure which you typically make on the way down and reverse on the way up.
Another way is to cut corners. One obvious way is to stop when you run out of time and go for the best solution found so far at that stage. Another way is to discard partial solutions more aggressively. If you have a score so far of e.g. 100 you could discard partial solutions that couldn't score any better than 110. This speeds up the search, and you know that although you might have best a better answer than 100 whatever you missed could not have been better than 110.
Solving some discrete mathematics huh? Well here is the wiki.
You also have not factored in anything about quantity. For example, flour would be used in a lot of fried recipes but buying 10 pounds of flour might not be great. And cost might be prohibitive for some ingredients that your solution wants. Not to mention a lot of ingredients are in everything. (milk, water, salt, pepper, sugar things like that)
In reality, optimization to this degree is probably not necessary. But I will not provide relationship advice on SO.
As for a new solution:
I would suggest identifying a lot of what you want to make and with what, and then writing a program to suggest things to make with the rest.
Why not just order the list of ingredients by the number of dishes they are used in?
This would be more like a greedy solution, of course, but it should give you some clues about what ingredients are most often used. From that you can compile a list of dishes that can be cooked already with the top 30 (or whatever) ingredients.
Also you could order the list of remaining (non-cookable) dishes by number of missing ingredients and maybe try to optimize on that to maximize the number of cookable dishes.
To be more "algorithmic", I think a local search is most promising here. Start with a candidate solution (random assignments to the 32 ingredients) and calculate as a fitness function the number of cookable dishes. Then check the neighboring states (switching one ingredient) and move to the state with the highest value. Repeat until a maximum is reached. Do this veeeery often and you should find a good solution. (This would be a simple greedy hill-climbing algorithm)
There are a lot of local search algorithms, you should be able to find more than enough information on the net. Most often you won't find the optimal solution (of course that depends on the problem), but a very good one nonetheless.

variant of knapsack problem

I have 'n' number of amounts (non-negative integers). My requirement is to determine an optimal set of amounts so that the sum of the combination is less than or equal to a given fixed limit and the total is as large as possible. There is no limit to the number of amounts that can be included in the optimal set.
for sake of example: amounts are 143,2054,546,3564,1402 and the given limit is 5000.
As per my understanding the knapsack problem has 2 attributes for each item (weight and value). But the problem stated above has only one attribute (amount). I hope that would make things simpler? :)
Can someone please help me with the algorithm or source code for solving this?
this is still an NP-hard problem, but if you want to (or have to) to do something like that, maybe this topic helps you out a bit:
find two or more numbers from a list of numbers that add up towards a given amount
where i solved it like this and NikiC modified it to be faster. only difference: that one was about getting the exact amount, not "as close as possible", but that would be only some small changes in code (and you'll have to translate it into the language you're using).
take a look at the comments in my code to understand what i'm trying to do, wich is, in short form:
calculating all possible combinations of the given parts and sum them up
if the result is the amount i'm looking for, save the solution to an array
at least, sort all possible solutions to get the one using the least parts
so you'll have to change:
save a solution if it's lower than the amount you're looking for
sort solutions by total amount instead of number of used parts
The book "Knapsack Problems" By Hans Kellerer, Ulrich Pferschy and David Pisinger calls this The Subset Sum Problem and dedicates an entire chapter (Ch 4) to it. The chapter is very comprehensive and covers algorithms as well as computational results.
Even though this problem is a special case of the knapsack problem, it is still NP-hard.

Programming Logic: Finding the smallest equation to a large number

I do not know a whole lot about math, so I don't know how to begin to google what I am looking for, so I rely on the intelligence of experts to help me understand what I am after...
I am trying to find the smallest string of equations for a particular large number. For example given the number
The smallest equation is 64^64 (that I know of) . It contains only 5 bytes.
Basically the program would reverse the math, instead of taking an expression and finding an answer, it takes an answer and finds the most simplistic expression. Simplistic is this case means smallest string, not really simple math.
Has this already been created? If so where can I find it? I am looking to take extremely HUGE numbers (10^10000000) and break them down to hopefully expressions that will be like 100 characters in length. Is this even possible? are modern CPUs/GPUs not capable of doing such big calculations?
Ok. So finding the smallest equation takes WAY too much time, judging on answers. Is there anyway to bruteforce this and get the smallest found thus far?
For example given a number super super large. Sometimes taking the sqaureroot of number will result in an expression smaller than the number itself.
As far as what expressions it would start off it, well it would naturally try expressions that would the expression the smallest. I am sure there is tons of math things I dont know, but one of the ways to make a number a lot smaller is powers.
Just to throw another keyword in your Google hopper, see Kolmogorov Complexity. The Kolmogorov complexity of a string is the size of the smallest Turing machine that outputs the string, given an empty input. This is one way to formalize what you seem to be after. However, calculating the Kolmogorov complexity of a given string is known to be an undecidable problem :)
Hope this helps,
There's a good program to do that here:
I asked the question "what's the point of doing this", as I don't know if you're looking at this question from a mathemetics point of view, or a large number factoring point of view.
As other answers have considered the factoring point of view, I'll look at the maths angle. In particular, the problem you are describing is a compressibility problem. This is where you have a number, and want to describe it in the smallest algorithm. Highly random numbers have very poor compressibility, as to describe them you either have to write out all of the digits, or describe a deterministic algorithm which is only slightly smaller than the number itself.
There is currently no general mathemetical theorem which can determine if a representation of a number is the smallest possible for that number (although a lower bound can be discovered by understanding shannon's information theory). (I said general theorem, as special cases do exist).
As you said you don't know a whole lot of math, this is perhaps not a useful answer for you...
You're doing a form of lossless compression, and lossless compression doesn't work on random data. Suppose, to the contrary, that you had a way of compressing N-bit numbers into N-1-bit numbers. In that case, you'd have 2^N values to compress into 2^N-1 designations, which is an average of 2 values per designation, so your average designation couldn't be uncompressed. Lossless compression works well on relatively structured data, where data we're likely to get is compressed small, and data we aren't going to get actually grows some.
It's a little more complicated than that, since you're compressing partly by allowing more information per character. (There are a greater number of N-character sequences involving digits and operators than digits alone.) Still, you're not going to get lossless compression that, on the average, is better than just writing the whole numbers in binary.
It looks like you're basically wanting to do factoring on an arbitrarily large number. That is such a difficult problem that it actually serves as the cornerstone of modern-day cryptography.
This really appears to be a mathematics problem, and not programming or computer science problem. You should ask this on
While your question remains unclear, perhaps integer relation finding is what you are after.
There is some speculation that finding a "short" form is somehow related to the factoring problem. I don't believe that is true unless your definition requires a product as the answer. Consider the following pseudo-algorithm which is just sketch and for which no optimization is attempted.
If "shortest" is a well-defined concept, then in general you get "short" expressions by using small integers to large powers. If N is my integer, then I can find an integer nearby that is 0 mod 4. How close? Within +/- 2. I can find an integer within +/- 4 that is 0 mod 8. And so on. Now that's just the powers of 2. I can perform the same exercise with 3, 5, 7, etc. We can, for example, easily find the nearest integer that is simultaneously the product of powers of 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and 17, call it N_1. Now compute N-N_1, call it d_1. Maybe d_1 is "short". If so, then N_1 (expressed as power of the prime) + d_1 is the answer. If not, recurse to find a "short" expression for d_1.
We can also pick integers that are maybe farther away than our first choice; even though the difference d_1 is larger, it might have a shorter form.
The existence of an infinite number of primes means that there will always be numbers that cannot be simplified by factoring. What you're asking for is not possible, sorry.
