Gatsbyjs Local HTTPS getting browser security errors - https

I'm trying to set up local https with gatsbyjs. I followed gatsby's instructions including setting up Certutil via brew install nss.
I then run, $ npm run develop -- --https.
When I open https://localhost:8000/ in Chrome I get ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR and in Firefox I get Error code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG.
Any help on this would be appreciated.


Running wp-cli from bash script results in path error

I have successfully installed wp-cli on my remote server and created the "wp" alias. I use Putty to connect via SSH, and everything works just fine. First, I used a .user_bashrc file to set the alias with:
alias wp='/www/htdocs/w019d58a/wp-cli.phar'
The path is set in .user_bashrc using:
export PATH=/www/htdocs/w019d58a/:$PATH
However, when I tried to run wp-cli from a bash script, I got a "wp command not found" error. I contacted the support, and they recommended a symlink. So, I created a symlink using:
ln -s /www/htdocs/w019d58a/wp-cli.phar wp
Everything works but the installation process. I can, for example, install a plugin using:
wp plugin install akismet
Unfortunately, I can't download WordPress via the bash script using:
wp core download --locale=de_DE_formal
I always get the error:
Error: Too many positional arguments:
Error: This does not seem to be a WordPress installation.
Pass --path=path/to/wordpress or run wp core download.
I tried to add the path using:
wp core download --locale=de_DE_formal --path="/www/htdocs/w019d58a"
No luck. I stil get the same error.
I can download and install WordPress directly from the console and do further operations using a script. But I can't download and install it from the script due to the path error.
Any ideas how to fix that?
I've just found out, that the download is working fine:
wp core download --locale=de_DE_formal
It's the config create part that causes trouble:
wp config create --dbname=d123456 --dbuser=d123456 --dbpass=123456 --dbhost=localhost --dbprefix=wplcli_

Cloud9 IDE [C9 Server Exception 2] undefined

We have installed cloud9 ide locally on ubuntu 12.04LTS 32bit server. Installation steps followed from the url
Cloud9 IDE is running and able to see home page ( localhost:3131/ )
When we try to run php or python file, on the console window it shows a message "[C9 Server Exception 2] undefined"
and also a request to localhost:3131/debug throws "404 Not Found"
post params are as below,
{"agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0","type":"C9 SERVER
EXCEPTION","message":{"type":"error","message":"File does not exist: root/local/bin/node","code":2,"data"
How to fix this issue?
Installations steps in are for older version.
Follow these steps to install the SDK:
git clone git:// c9sdk
cd c9sdk
To update the SDK to the latest version run:
git pull origin master
Please note that Cloud9 v3 currently requires Node.js 0.12 or 0.10.
Starting Cloud9
Start the Cloud9 as follows:
node server.js
The following options can be used:
--settings Settings file to use
--help Show command line options.
-t Start in test mode
-k Kill tmux server in test mode
-b Start the bridge server - to receive commands from the cli [default: false]
-w Workspace directory
--port Port
--debug Turn debugging on
--listen IP address of the server
--readonly Run in read only mode
--packed Whether to use the packed version.
--auth Basic Auth username:password
--collab Whether to enable collab.
--no-cache Don't use the cached version of CSS
Now visit http://localhost:8181/ide.html to load Cloud9.
Running Tests
Run server side tests with:
npm run test
Run client side tests with:
npm run ctest
Then visit http://localhost:8181/static/test in your browser.
For more detail see:

cabal: Failed to download, ErrorMisc "Error HTTP code: 407"

Windows 7 x64 SP1 Russian, Virtual machine (VMware) are located on server.
I installed the Haskell from official site yesterday. But I have a problem when I start the command: cabal update. Error message:
C:\Users\admin>cabal update Downloading the latest package list from cabal: Failed to download :
ErrorMisc "Error HTTP code: 407"
Internet access is exists. The command ran under admin profile. How can I to correct this issue?
P.S. When I did the same on my home notebook - all worked fine, without this message.
Http status code 407 means "Proxy authentication required". So it seems to be local issue with proxy configuration.
See also: cabal can't use http proxy
Add: cabal uses fetchProxy from HTTP package, it should read IE proxy config.
I don't use windows, so I have no idea what can be wrong. You can try to call fetchProxy manually and see what it returns. If it returns correct value, then open issue on cabal tracker. Otherwise, open issue in HTTP package tracker.

Fine Uploader - S3 Server Setup Not working

I have just purchased a license for fine-uploader and i am wanting to implement the upload to s3 usage.
When i setup following the getting started pages i get to step 3:
I successfully run and install npm install express aws-sdk in terminal but when i then try the next step to download the server :
wget -O server.js
i get this response in terminal:
xxxx-iMac-2:~ xxxxx$ wget -O server.js
-bash: wget: command not found
You will need to ensure wget is installed on your system or is available on your path, according to the error message.
You really don't need wget to get that file though, just navigate to

Git Bash on windows 7 behind proxy no longer working

I'm on a windows 7, 32 bit box, and working behind a proxy. I just upgraded my git client (Git Bash) to Git-1.8.3-preview20130601, and all of the sudden, I'm getting the following error whenever I try to push/pull:
fatal: unable to access '
Received HTTP code 407 from proxy after Connect
I was able to do this just fine before upgrading, and even when I tried to revert back to the last version that I think I had, I still get the error. When I run git config -l, it lists out the following variables (among others):
What's odd is that I seem to be able to use the Git Bash client to curl just fine
curl --proxy http://user:password#server:port
and can even curl into a dummy https site I set up on my computer:
curl https://localhost:3000 --insecure
Any ideas what I'm missing? Thanks
I could be wrong, but I think there might be an issue with curl in version 1.8.3. I uninstalled all git related applications I could think of on my computer, and installed Git-1.8.0-preview20121022, ran a pull on a repo and was successful.
For giggles, I uninstalled the working version, and kept the cert file; then reinstalled version 1.8.3 to see if this didn't have anything to do with it, but I got the same error I was originally trying to resolve.
Also, after re-installing version 1.8.0, I tried to curl an https website (gmail), with the following command: curl --proxy http://user:pass#server:port, which was successful. When I did this under 1.8.3, I got an error about code 407. The version switch seems like it solved this.
I had the same issue resolved it by using two proxy filters:
"--proxy or -x" and "--proxy-user".
curl -x http://proxyserverurl:port --proxy-user username:password -L http://url
Though what you have tried is also not wrong but might not be compatible with your curl version.
Hope this helps!
I had the same issue. Exporting the environment variables https_proxy and http_proxy resolved the issue. So I ended up adding the following lines to the .bashrc file in the home directory:
# Configure proxy settings
export https_proxy=''
export http_proxy=''
