How to access Hadoop from another machine on same network? - hadoop

I have one machine running Hadoop and I do want to access Ambari by another machine on the same network.
How can I do that?

For security reasons, ports used by Hadoop cannot be accessed over a public IP address. To connect to Hadoop from a different machine, you must the open port of the service you want to access remotely. I believe Openstack provides the option for assigning Floating IPs. That's one of the options to enable you to access remotely. You must create a port redirect rule on your VM program.


Connect to WebMin from external network

I have set up a new NAS using Open Media Vault. I have installed the WebMin extension to get on to the web gui for configuration. My problem is that I have to be on the same network as my NAS. How can I connect to my NAS from a different network than it is connected to? On the network that it is connected to its IP is for the WebMin gui. How can I access this from a different network?
Setup a VPN to connect to the network that your NAS is on. Once the VPN is connected you can connect to the NAS as if you were on the local network.
You could also possibly setup firewall and/or port forwarding rules depending on how your network is setup but please consider the security issues when doing so.
You could alternatively also try to open the NAS and give it a public IP address and a DNS. This will allow you to setup SSH and FTP as it was any other server.
To SSH remotely over the internet, you need either a permanent IP address or a domain name that is updated to point to the IP address when it changes. The latter requires a dynamic domain name service. A good free one is DuckDNS ( First, use one of the sign-in options such as Google. In the domain line enter your preferred subdomain name.
There is a great guide on how you can do this here:

Job tracking URL in Google Compute engine not working

I am using Google Compute Engine to run Mapreduce jobs on Hadoop (pretty much all default configs). While running the job I get a tracking URL of the form http://PROJECT_NAME:8088/proxy/application_X_Y/ but it fails to open. Did I forget to configure something?
To elaborate on the option Amal mentioned in the other answer of using the "external ip address" of your Google Compute Engine VM, you can obtain the external IP address by running gcloud compute instances describe --zone <your zone> <your master hostname> and looking for natIP.
To open port 8088, you'll have to set up a firewall rule opening that port, likely on your default Google Compute Engine network. You'll want to specify a address in the --source-ranges to restrict incoming traffic to just your local machine dialing into your VM, otherwise the anyone in the IP source-ranges would be able to access your Hadoop pages.
If you had used bdutil to turn up your cluster, there's an alternative way which is much easier and more secure; simply run
bdutil <your flags used in deployment, like -e hadoop2, --prefix, etc.> socksproxy
to open SSH with dynamic port forwarding to use as a SOCKS5 proxy that your browser can point to. If you're running on Linux or Mac and have Chrome or Firefox installed, bdutil should also print out a copy/paste command for starting a fresh isolated browser pre-configured to use the socks proxy so that you can click through all the useful links.
If bdutil didn't print out a browser command or you didn't use bdutil, you can also run and configure your SSH socks proxy using these instructions. An SSH-based socks proxy is more secure than opening up firewall ports, and also allows the Hadoop page links to work (otherwise you have to keep manually replacing the hostnames with the external IP addresses).
One correction. You are using YARN. So there is no jobtracker. Jobtracker is present in hadoop 1.x. In YARN, the processing layer became a generic framework and the jobtracker got replaced with Resource manager and application master. The UI that you mentioned in the question was of Resource Manager.
For your problem, try the following tips.
Use the public ip address of the resource manager instance instead of PROJECT_NAME.
Check whether the 8088 port is opened for accessing it from outside.
Another (more secure) way to do this is to use gcloud compute to make an ssh tunnel to your deployment, and then launch Chrome though it.
$ gcloud compute ssh clustername --zone=us-central1-a --ssh-flag="-D 1080" --ssh-flag="-N" --ssh-flag="-n"
You will need to replace clustername with the name of your deployment, and change the --zone if necessary.
From there, you can launch Chrome through it and then reach the hadoop job tracking URL.
$ chrome --proxy-server="socks5://localhost:1080" \
--host-resolver-rules="MAP * , \
EXCLUDE localhost" --user-data-dir=/tmp/clustername

Access hadoop nodes web UI from multiple links

i am using the following setup for hadoop's nodes web ui access :
dfs.namenode.http-address :
By which i am able to access the nodes web ui link only form the local machine as :
Is there any way by which i can make it accessible from outside as well ? say like :
Thanks in Advance !!
You can use hostname or ipaddress instead of localhost/
Make sure you can ping the hostname or ip from the remote machine. If you can ping it then you can able to access web ui.
To ping it
Open cmd/terminal
type the below command in remote machines
ping hostname/ip
The following table lists web interfaces that you can view on the core
and task nodes. These Hadoop interfaces are available on all clusters.
To access the following interfaces, replace slave-public-dns-name in
the URI with the public DNS name of the node. For more information
about retrieving the public DNS name of a core or task node instance,
see Connecting to Your Linux/Unix Instances Using SSH in the Amazon
EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances. In addition to retrieving the
public DNS name of the core or task node, you must also edit the
ElasticMapReduce-slave security group to allow SSH access over TCP
port 22. For more information about modifying security group rules,
see Adding Rules to a Security Group in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for
Linux Instances.
YARN ResourceManager
YARN NodeManager
Hadoop HDFS NameNode
Hadoop HDFS DataNode
Spark HistoryServer
Because there are several application-specific interfaces available on
the master node that are not available on the core and task nodes, the
instructions in this document are specific to the Amazon EMR master
node. Accessing the web interfaces on the core and task nodes can be
done in the same manner as you would access the web interfaces on the
master node.
There are several ways you can access the web interfaces on the master
node. The easiest and quickest method is to use SSH to connect to the
master node and use the text-based browser, Lynx, to view the web
sites in your SSH client. However, Lynx is a text-based browser with a
limited user interface that cannot display graphics. The following
example shows how to open the Hadoop ResourceManager interface using
Lynx (Lynx URLs are also provided when you log into the master node
using SSH).
Copy lynx
There are two remaining options for accessing web interfaces on the
master node that provide full browser functionality. Choose one of the
Option 1 (recommended for more technical users): Use an SSH client to connect to the master node, configure SSH tunneling with local port
forwarding, and use an Internet browser to open web interfaces hosted
on the master node. This method allows you to configure web interface
access without using a SOCKS proxy.
to do this use the command
$ ssh -gnNT -L 9002:localhost:8088
where is your username. Note the use of -g to open access to external ip addresses (beware this is a security risk)
you can check this is running using
nmap localhost
to close this ssh tunnel when done use
ps aux | grep 9002
to find the pid of your running ssh process and kill it.
Option 2 (recommended for new users): Use an SSH client to connect to the master node, configure SSH tunneling with dynamic port
forwarding, and configure your Internet browser to use an add-on such
as FoxyProxy or SwitchySharp to manage your SOCKS proxy settings. This
method allows you to automatically filter URLs based on text patterns
and to limit the proxy settings to domains that match the form of the
master node's DNS name. The browser add-on automatically handles
turning the proxy on and off when you switch between viewing websites
hosted on the master node, and those on the Internet. For more
information about how to configure FoxyProxy for Firefox and Google
Chrome, see Option 2, Part 2: Configure Proxy Settings to View
Websites Hosted on the Master Node.
This seems like insanity to me but I have been unable to find how to configure access in core-site.xml to override the web interface for the ResourceManager which by default it is available at localhost:8088/ and if Amazon think this is the way then I tend to go along with it

Mesosphere not allowing External Traffic

I spun up a Mesosphere cluster on Digital Ocean (development) and it's not allowing me to allow external (non vpn) connections to containers or apps. How can this be solved ?
To ensure that the world doesn't have access to your cluster normally, there have been iptables rules installed. By default, these allow full access inside the cluster and nothing externally.
If you're interested in running real applications, I'd recommend the following:
Put HAProxy on a single node.
Setup the haproxy-marathon-bridge script.
On the same box that you installed HAProxy on, setup iptables to allow access to the port that HAProxy is listening on.
By doing this, you'll have a single place to refer to when giving access to applications running on your Mesos cluster. No matter where the app or container is scheduled (with marathon), you'll always be able to reach it via. haproxy.

How do I connect up my Amazon EC2 instances without manually modifying config files?

I have a three-tier Windows-based web application bundled into 3 AMIs on Amazon EC2 that I use for load testing.
An ASP.NET web application on IIS
An .NET application server
SQL Server
After I launch them, the config files of each tier needs modifying to update the IP addresses.
At the moment I am doing this manually: I connect to the webserver instance via remote desktop and modify the config file to point to the new IP of the application server instance. Then I do the same with the application server to change the IP in the connection string.
This must be a common requirement and I must be missing something obvious. There must be a better way!
I could use Elastic IP addresses, but these machines are only provisioned for a couple of hours at a time, and I would be charged for the addresses when they were NOT in use (which would be most of the time).
Is there some way of persistently naming the machines? Can I somehow get all the machines on the same network and use machine names instead of IP addresses?
I could write some nifty PowerShell script that would perform the modifications remotely. Is there an example somewhere?
I could use a dynamic IP address service. I'm not sure if this would have any negative effect on performance or availability... Are there any downsides to this approach?
I could install some sort of self-configuring service on each machine (which connects to S3? SNS? SimpleDB?) to publish/retrieve the addresses of the other machines and update the config files automatically. Is there an example somewhere?
What is best practice?
You could use Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). You have a private subnet where you can assign an IP address to an instance, but it may require launching an instance from command line to assign IP. VPC is charged the same way as EC2.
