IBM NodeRED App Deploy Error - Memory Limit Exceeded error state: 400, error code: 100005 - websphere

I'm having issues to perform NodeRED App deploy after a package.json modification to add a Dashboard and IBM Input and Output. The log states that I exceeded the memory limit of my organization, with the error msg:
Error restarting application: Server error, status code: 400, error code: 100005, message: You have exceeded your organization's memory limit: app requested more memory than available
Which is not true, so, I've tried to reduce the memory and app instances, as sugested here:
And also tried to delete all and start all over. But nothing seems to work.
The code added to package.json is:

I was able to deploy the service after I modified the memory variable to 128MB at the manifest.yml file. The manifest.yml file can be found at the root of your NodeRED repository.
The clue to solve this problem was found here in this post:
How do I find out memory requirement when deploy Python sample to Bluemix?
Thanks to whitfiea


Docker commit or build fails with - hcsshim::ImportLayer - failed. (Windows)

Been stuck with this failure a few days.
This happens when I build an image or try to commit after installing a particular application. I'm using as base image.
"Error response from daemon: re-exec error: exit status 1: output: hcsshim::ImportLayer - failed failed in Win32: The system cannot find the path specified. (0x3)"
If I do not install my application to the image, I do not get this error. The application installs fine without any failures. I'm able to run the container fine with this application installed, but it fails when I commit it to an image.
I came across a few existing posts with this error, but I couldn't get this to work. Some existing posts mentions about possible size limit of the image but here I don't see size to be an issue. This error is too vague for me to do anything about it. Where can I look for some detailed logging from docker daemon to try to understand what in my application is causing the docker commit to fail?
Tried to look into log under, I don't find any thing useful to understand this failure.
Appreciate any help or pointers to find what in my application can cause this commit failure.

Next.js build command gets stuck sometimes in Ubuntu 20.04 AWS

When I run next build in my server, it gets stuck here, and the website also crashes and turns into a 504 Gateway Timeout error:
info - Loaded env from /home/ubuntu/MYPROJECT/.env
info - Using webpack 4. Reason: future.webpack5 option not enabled
info - Checking validity of types
info - Using external babel configuration from /home/ubuntu/MYPROJECT/.babelrc
info - Creating an optimized production build..
This does not happen all the time, maybe 1 time every 5 to 10 deployments.
I then have to stop and start the EC2 instance. Right after the build command always runs very quick. Which could mean I have memory issues in the server? How could I resolve this?
I have a t2.micro instance with 8GB of storage.
Usage of /: 76.2% of 7.69GB
Memory usage: 50%
Could be that upgrading resolves this issue?

Artifactory: Failed to persist file; Status code: 404 / Gradle

we facing the same issue as described in Artifactory : Failed to deploy file. Status code: 404 Response message when running our deployment via bitbucket pipelines.
This happens on Artifactory cloud to all pipelines from on day to another.
Execution failed for task ':artifactoryDeploy'.
> java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to deploy file. Status code: 404 Response message: Artifactory returned the following errors:
Failed to persist file with sha1: 0fexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Status code: 404
In Artifactory system-logs I get following warning all the time, but I'm not sure if this issue is connected. Beside following message there are no errors in logs:
2020-08-25T16:26:43.889Z [jfrt ] [WARN ] [c19ba246224f712c] [ntuallyPersistedAddFileTask:96] [al-binary-provider-2] - Failed to delete 'add file' after completing eventually persisted task '/storage/eventual/_add/a3/a396fb897aXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
ERROR in request.log
Does anyone has an idea what could be the reason and what could be checked on top?
We deploying via Artifactory plugin & gradle. (
We use fix version but I also updated the plugin to 4.17.1 (before we used 4.9.8)
Thanks in advance!
That sounds like more of an internal issue than something with your client.
It sounds like you may be using some sort of cloud storage, which in turn is using eventual storage. I can imagine a situation like this arising from using a mounted eventual directory over a sharded one in an HA setup.
I'd recommend to see whether that file exists in the filestore still or if it has weird permissions that couldn't be removed. If it is indeed a mounted eventual it'd be worth checking too if the request to upload that artifact came in multiple times; perhaps it was a collision of some sort.
Along those lines, since it's a 404 (not found) and it couldn't delete that file; I'm wondering whether it just couldn't write it to _add in the first place.
To summarize it could be one of two in my opinion with the information so far:
You are using a mounted eventual directory, which may be causing issues
The permissions on the filestore are not correct, affecting the filestore operations

Laravel AWS Elastic Beanslack deployment error- Out of memory error

I deployed my Application in AWS Elastic Beanslack. Intially I deployed my application directly in Aws console. After configuring all the things. I zipped my code and upload it in a console. At that time its working perfect.
But now I tried to deploy with cli, its shows error. I put eb deploy command
Creating application version archive "app-xxxxxxxxx".
Uploading: [##################################################] 100% Done...
2020-03-14 18:51:49 INFO Environment update is starting.
2020-03-14 18:51:55 INFO Deploying new version to instance(s).
2020-03-14 18:52:22 ERROR [Instance: i-xxxxxxxxx] Command failed on instance. Return code: 255 Output: (TRUNCATED) on line 36
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 809508864) (tried to allocate 8192 bytes) in phar:///opt/elasticbeanstalk/support/composer.phar/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/GenericRule.php on line 36.
Hook /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/pre/ failed. For more detail, check /var/log/eb-activity.log using console or EB CLI.
2020-03-14 18:52:22 INFO Command execution completed on all instances. Summary: [Successful: 0, Failed: 1].
2020-03-14 18:52:22 ERROR Unsuccessful command execution on instance id(s) 'i-xxxxxxxxx'. Aborting the operation.
2020-03-14 18:52:23 ERROR Failed to deploy application.
From Internet I tried these all these things
1) I extended memory in php.ini but still its not working
2) I created ebextensions folder and do some configurations but thats also not working
My guess was Initially I deployed manually, so at that time I zipped with vendor folder also. Now when I tried with cli it wont take vendor folder. Instead of its by using composer install
So I think I'm facing this issues due to these things
Please let us know, If any other thing I want to do
This is a configuration inside de ElasticBeanstalk Environment.
To increase de memory limit:
Access the Elastic Beanstalk section
Open to your environment
Go to Configuration , then Software
Find the Memory limit field. The default value is 1024M.
Update the value to what you want
Apply the change
Redeploy your application
When deploy with ElasticBeanstalk (ELB) we should check Environment. With memory_limit, you can config this in Software tab (Configuration)
Access the ELB
Open to your environment
Go to Configuration , then Software tab
Find the Memory limit field.
Change the value for what you want

Docker Compose failed to build - Filesharing has been cancelled

I've ran into an issue with Docker Desktop, currently im running the edge version as a user on Stackoverflow. Before I got the drive not shared for unknown reason error which was "solved" by installing edge version: Docker for Windows: Drive sharing failed for an unknown reason
Now that this was installed im getting this new error which prevents some containers from being built. These containers have all been tested and works on several other systems. Currently 3 out of 4 containers are not built and they all produce the same error as below:
ERROR: for db Cannot create container for service db: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
full error:
Creating imt2291-part2_www_1 ...
Creating imt2291-part2_phpmyadmin_1 ... done
Creating imt2291-part2_db_1 ...
Creating imt2291-part2_test_1 ... error
Creating imt2291-part2_www_1 ... error
ERROR: for imt2291-part2_test_1 Cannot create container for service test: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
ERROR: for imt2291-part2_www_1 Cannot create container for service www: status Creating imt2291-part2_db_1 ... error
ERROR: for imt2291-part2_db_1 Cannot create container for service db: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
ERROR: for test Cannot create container for service test: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
ERROR: for www Cannot create container for service www: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
ERROR: for db Cannot create container for service db: status code not OK but 500: {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
Has anyone encountered this issue before and found a fix?
You need to update File Sharing configuration in your Docker for Windows app (there is a new security hardening in which has agressive defaults). Add all folders you need and then restart Docker for Windows.
After changing "File Sharing" to C Drive its start working in my windows machine. I am using docker desktop
I am using Docker in Windows 10 and had the same problem.
The solution suggested by Oleg Nenashev and Rejoanul Alam helped me.
Adding the project dir where the Dockerfile lives or C:/ to docker shared folders solves the problem.
Step 6 from Getting started states:
Shared folders, volumes, and bind mounts
If your project is outside of the Users directory (cd ~), then you need to share the drive or location of the Dockerfile and volume you are using.
If you get runtime errors indicating an application file is not found, a volume mount is denied, or a service cannot start, try enabling file or drive sharing.
Volume mounting requires shared drives for projects that live outside of C:\Users (Windows) or /Users (Mac), and is required for any project on Docker Desktop for Windows that uses Linux containers.
For more information, see File sharing on Docker for Mac, and the general examples on how to Manage data in containers.
If you are using Oracle VirtualBox on an older Windows OS, you might encounter an issue with shared folders as described in this VB trouble ticket. Newer Windows systems meet the requirements for Docker Desktop for Windows and do not need VirtualBox.
I have meet this problem and my environment is windows. first when the issue happen, I chance the file sharing path to C: , and my project path is in G: ,so the command docker-compose up fail,and the massage is:
docker: Error response from daemon: status code not OK but 500 {"Message":"Unhandled exception: Filesharing has been cancelled"}
I think the file sharing must include your project path. because when I set my file sharing path in other file path , it doesn't work, however, i chance it to the path where is my project path, docker-compose up do successfully!
I had the same error and answers of Oleg Nenashev and Rejoanul Alam helped me to solve this error.
My task was to share volumes between containers.
I have a website folder with file index.html inside:
Open Docker Desktop Settings and write the address of the folder you are working with in File Sharing:
After this open this folder in your command prompt and add the necessary Docker command:
If the command is correct and you did all steps attentively it must be working fine.
