Faster select when filtering with second or third sorted column - clickhouse

We have a time series table with the following definition
CREATE TABLE timeseries.mytable
`ts` DateTime('UTC'),
`src_ip` String,
`dst_ip` String,
`col_other` String
ENGINE = MergeTree()
ORDER BY (dst_ip,ts,src_ip)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192
SELECT count(*) FROM timeseries.mytable;
# Elapsed 0.004 sec. Has 383M records
SELECT count(*) FROM timeseries.timeseries WHERE dst_ip = 'a.b.c.d';
# Elapsed: 0.085 sec.
SELECT count(*) FROM timeseries.timeseries WHERE src_ip = 'a.b.c.d';
# Elapsed: 53.031 sec
As can be seen above, filtering the data using the first sorted column (dst_ip) is very quick.
How can I make the select using the third sorted column (src_ip) faster?

Some remarks:
the third query (WHERE src_ip = 'a.b.c.d') works slowly because of index is not used and CH uses full scan. No good way to make it faster besides as redesign the primary key or if this query calculates just aggregates use the additional AggregatingMergeTree-table
use-cases which you provided looks as artificial because the calculation of row count by all dataset is not key use-case for timeseries data. Why the result not restricted by dst_ip and ts?
consider using ClickHouse AggregatingMergeTree Approach when need to calculate aggregated-values (as count in your case)
design of primary key required the understanding as CH use it in query optimization (see Primary Keys and Indexes in Queries, More secrets of ClickHouse Query Performance)
it recommends using the monotonic index
to choose the best index need to make the series of tests to find the index fittest for concrete use-cases
I would suggest the next primary keys:
/* [pretty suspicious suggestion] Remove date-column (it makes much slower the all date range queries with a range less than Daily). */
ORDER BY (dst_ip, src_ip)
/* Define the granularity of date. Instead of toStartOfHour can be used any interval less than 'Daily' (where Daily is defined by partition key) */
ORDER BY (dst_ip, toStartOfHour(ts), src_ip)
/* Move the date to the first position (it makes faster queries with date range without dst_ip and get monotonic-index related advantages). */
ORDER BY (toStartOfHour(ts), dst_ip, src_ip)
For each primary key need to choose the more effective Index granularity-value.

As for 2022, the solution is to use Data Skipping Index for src_ip

You should try testing by keeping different order in ORDER BY clause depending upon value cardinality of your columns. In this case, maybe trying bringing src_ip before ts in ORDER by class.
In MergeTree engine, rows are sorted on the basis of ORDER BY keys in each partition.
After that, you can decide the final arrangement of columns in ORDER by clause depending upon how your application will query data most of the items.
You can find a similar discussion here.


Cassandra How to sorting by timestamp

I have table -
id UUID,
time timestamp,
idSender UUID,
message varchar,
PRIMARY KEY ((id),time))
And I want to sort my messages by time. But Cassandra doesn't sort my table, when I run:
select * from chat order by time
It shows the message
Error from server: code=2200 [Invalid query]
message="ORDER BY is only supported when the
partition key is restricted by an EQ or an IN.
How I can sort my table by time?
To be clear, Cassandra uses clustering keys (time in your case) to enforce on-disk sort order. But it can only enforce this order within a partition key.
So this should work:
SELECT * FROM chat WHERE id = db14789e-ede0-4852-a397-d0ccc7d8349e;
Note, that you do not need to specify the ORDER BY, as you have done that already in your table definition. Unless of course you want to flip the sort direction (ASCending vs. DESCending).
If that is not helpful, then you'll need to rebuild your table with a different partition key, one which it does makes sense to partition your data by. Then queries by that partition key will return sorted by time. But in Cassandra, you cannot simply select all rows in a table, and expect it to be primarily sorted by anything other than the hashed token value of the partition key.
I don't use it because id is unique
Pro-tip: If you're not going to query by it, then it doesn't make sense to use it as your partitioning key.
need to get last 100 messages
So probably the best way to go about that, is to use a partitioning technique known as "bucketing." In this case, we could (for example) create a bucket by day, which would look something like this:
day TEXT,
id UUID,
time timestamp,
idSender UUID,
message TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY ((day),time,id))
After inserting some data, I can then query by day, and see the results sorted by time:
cassdba#cqlsh:stackoverflow> SELECT time,message FROM chat_by_day
WHERE day='20180621' LIMIT 100;
time | message
2018-06-21 14:51:14.863000+0000 | No...I am your father.
2018-06-21 14:51:14.858000+0000 | If only you could see what I have seen with your eyes.
2018-06-21 14:51:14.854000+0000 | Game over man!
2018-06-21 14:50:13.369000+0000 | There can be only one.
(4 rows)
Now this was just an example, but hopefully it points you in the right direction.
It is strange that it is impossible sort by time
Well, that is a design consideration going back to how Cassandra was built. Distributed databases may still have all replicas on one node (like Neo4j), but sharded databases (by definition) do not. And in a large system, you definitely do not want a "hot" node (one node with more data than another), so it makes more sense to build it to re-order the data in a way which facilitates even distribution. With that in mind, it becomes easier to see why overall data order/sorting quickly becomes a secondary consideration.

Oracle compressed/b-tree index how and when to use

I would like to add a compressed index to the Oracle Applications workflow table hr.pqh_ss_transaction_history in order to access specific types of workflows (process_name) and workflows for specific people (selected_person_id).
There are lots of repeating values in process_name although the data is skewed. I would however want to access the TFG_HR_NEW_HIRE_PLACE_JSP_PRC and TFG_HR_TERMINATION_JSP_PRC process types.
selected_person_id would obviously be more selective. Unfortunately there are 3774 nulls for this column and the highest count after that is 73 for one person. A lot of people would only have 1 row. The total row count is 136963.
My query would be in this format:
select psth.item_key,
from hr.pqh_ss_transaction_history psth
where nvl(psth.selected_person_id, :p_person_id) = :p_person_id
and psth.process_name = 'HR_TERMINATION_JSP_PRC'
order by psth.last_update_date
I am on Oracle 12c release 1.
I assume it would be a good idea to put a non-compressed b-tree index on selected_person_id since the values returned would fall in the less than 5% of the total rows scenario, but how do you handle the nulls in the column which would not go into the index when you select using nvl(psth.selected_person_id, :p_person_id) = :p_person_id? Is there a more efficient way to write the sql and how should you create this index?
For process_name I would like to use a compressed b-tree index. I am assuming that the statement is
CREATE INDEX idxname ON pqh_ss_transaction_history(process_name) COMPRESS
where there would be an implicit second column for rowid. Is it safe for it to use rowid here, since normally it is not advised to use rowid? Is the skewed data an issue (most of the time I would be selecting on the high volume side)? I don't understand how compressed indexes would be efficient. For b-tree indexes you would normally want to return 5% of the data, otherwise a full table scan is actually more efficient. How does the compressed index return so many rowids and then do lookup into the full table using those rowids, faster than a full table scan?
Or since the optimizer will only be able to use one of the two indexes should I rather create an uncompressed function based index with selected_person_id and process_name concatenated?
Perhaps you could create this index:
CREATE INDEX idxname ON pqh_ss_transaction_history
(process_name, NVL(selected_person_id,-1)) COMPRESS 1
Then change your query to:
select psth.item_key,
from hr.pqh_ss_transaction_history psth
where nvl(psth.selected_person_id, -1) in (:p_person_id,-1)
and psth.process_name = 'HR_TERMINATION_JSP_PRC'
order by psth.last_update_date

Scan on DynamDB table or Query on secondary global index or a local index (What's the best solution)

I have AWS DynamoDB table called "Users", whose hash key/primary key is "UserID" which consist of emails. It has two attributes, first called "Daily Points" and second "TimeSpendInTheApp". Now I need to run a query or scan on the table, that will give me top 50 users which have the highest points and top 50 users which have spend the most time in the app. Now this query will be executed only once a day by cron aws lambda. I am trying to find the best solutions for this query or scan. For me, the cost is most important than speed/or efficiency. As maintaining secondary global index or a local index on points can be costly operations, as I have to assign Read and Write units for those indexes, which I want to avoid. "Users" table will have a maximum of 100,000 to 150,000 records and on average it will have 50,000 records. What are my best options? Please suggest.
I am thinking, my first option is, I can scan the whole table on Filter Expression for records above certain points (5000 for example), after this scan, if 50 or more than 50 records are found, then simply sort the values and take the top 50 records. If this scan returns no or very less results then reduce the Filter Expression value (3000 for example), then again do the same scan operation. If Filter Expression value (2500 for example) returns too many records, like 5000 or more, then reduce the Filter Expression value. Is this even possible, I guess it would also need to handle pagination. Is it advisable to scan on a table which has 50,000 record?
Any advice or suggestion will be helpful. Thanks in advance.
Firstly, creating indexes for the above use case doesn't simplify the process as it doesn't have solution for aggregation or sorting.
I would export the data to HIVE and run the queries rather than writing code to determine the result especially as it is going to be a batch executed only once per day.
Something like below:-
Create Hive table:-
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE hive_users(userId string, dailyPoints bigint, timeSpendInTheApp bigint)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.dynamodb.DynamoDBStorageHandler'
TBLPROPERTIES ("" = "Users",
"dynamodb.column.mapping" = "userId:UserID,dailyPoints:Daily_Points,timeSpendInTheApp:TimeSpendInTheApp");
SELECT dailyPoints, userId from hive_users sort by dailyPoints desc;
SELECT timeSpendInTheApp, userId from hive_users sort by timeSpendInTheApp desc;
Hive Reference

More efficient query to avoid OutOfMemoryError in Hive

I'm getting an exception in Hive:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded.
In searching I've found that is because 98% of all CPU time of the process is going to garbage collect (whatever that means?). Is the core of my issue in my query? Should I be writing the below in a different way to avoid this kind of problem?
I'm trying to count how many of a certain phone type have an active 'Use' in a given time period. Is there a way to do this logic differently, that would run better?
select count(a.imei)
(Select distinct imei
from pingdata
where timestamp between TO_DATE("2016-06-01") AND TO_DATE("2016-07-17")
and ((SUBSTR(imei,12,2) = "04") or (SUBSTR(imei,12,2) = "05")) ) a
(SELECT distinct imei
FROM eventdata
where timestamp between TO_DATE("2016-06-01") AND TO_DATE("2016-07-17")
AND event = "Use" AND clientversion like '3.2%') b
on a.imei=b.imei
Thank you
Applying distinct to each dataset before joining them is safer because joining not unique keys will duplicate data.
I would recommend to partition your datasets by to_date(timestamp) field (yyyy-MM-dd) to make partition pruning work according to your where clause (check it works). Partition also by event field if datasets are too big and contain a lot of data where event <> 'Use'.
It's important to know on which stage it fails. Study the exception as well. If it fails on mappers then you should optimize your subqueries (add partitions as I mentioned). if it fails on reducer (join) then you should somehow improve join (try to reduce bytes per reducer:
set hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer=67108864; or even less) if it fails on writer (OrcWriter then try to add partition to Output table by substr from imei and 'distribute by substr(imei...)` at the end of query to reduce pressure on reducers).
Or add une more column with low cardinality and even distribution to distribute the data between more reducers evenly:
distribute by substr(imei...), col2
Make sure that partition column is in the distribute by. This will reduce the number of files written by each reducer and help to get rid of OOM
In order to improve performance, by looking at your query: I would partition the hive tables by yyyy, mm, dd, or by first two digits of imei, you will have to decide the variable according to your need of querying these tables and amount of data. but I would vote for yyyy, mm, dd, that will give you tremendous amount of improvement on performance. see improving-query-performance-using-partitioning
But for now, this should give you some improvements:
Select count(distinct(pd.imei))
from pingdata pd join eventdata ed on pd.imei=ed.imei
TO_DATE(pd.timestamp) between '2016-06-01' AND '2016-07-17'
and pd.timestamp=ed.pd.timestamp
and SUBSTR(pd.imei,12,2) in ('04','05')
and ed.event = 'Use' AND ed.clientversion like '3.2%';
if TO_DATE(timestamp) values are inserted on same day, in other words if both values are same for date than and pd.timestamp=ed.pd.timestamp condition should be excluded.
Select count(distinct(pd.imei))
from pingdata pd join eventdata ed on pd.imei=ed.imei
TO_DATE(pd.timestamp) between '2016-06-01' AND '2016-07-17'
and SUBSTR(pd.imei,12,2) in ('04','05')
and ed.event = 'Use' AND ed.clientversion like '3.2%';
Try running both queries and compare results. Do let us know the differences and if you find this helpful.

How do I build effecient SQL filters?

After taking an advanced T-SQL performance/query tuning class, something that I thought I remembered hearing was that you can speed up some queries just a little bit if you put your date(time) filters first.
RunDate = '12/1/2015' AND
OtherFilters = etc...
But does this really only count if I have indexes in place on these columns I filter on for this table?
So to add to this just a little, should I be building my filters off of the indexes on any tables referenced in the query? Such that my first filters of the query are based on my indexes?
ID > 1000 AND
RunDate <= '1/1/206' AND
OtherFilters = etc...
Where ID and RunDate are part of my indexes/primary key.
The order of filters in WHERE clause does not matter. As long as you have index on the fields, SQL Server knows how to use your filters.
Assume you have index on (ID, RunDt) and you have both ID and RunDt in your WHERE clause. SQL Server first filters the data on ID and then from that subset rows, will filter on RunDt.
This scenario may change if you have other indexes depends on selectivity of your data.
Also if you have clustered index on RunDt, SQL will first filter on RunDt and then ID.
You don't need to worry about the order of your filters in WHERE clause, as long as you have the right order of columns in your index definition.
TSQL is just a logical representation
The query optimizer will set the actual execution order that is most efficient
It messes up some times but for the most part it is spot on
If you have a clustered PK on ID then this will typically be done first
Appears even the OP is confused about the question
Can only answer the stated question
But does this really only count if I have indexes in place on these
columns I filter on for this table?
The order in the where does not matter for columns with indexes
The order in the where does not matter for columns without indexes
The order in the where does not matter
