Where's the code for Laravel's built-in validators? - laravel

Where is the code for Laravel's built-in validators?
I want to edit Laravel's validators after and before date formats that is used to compare the field dates.

Though this is not some code based question but I would like to answer it.
If you are looking to modify Laravel's validators after and before date formats, then consider using custom validator functions to achieve the same.
There are few reasons to it:
Though Laravel is open source and you can modify them as per your requirement, but that was required when Laravel didn't provide extension functionalities for some of it batteries.
If you change the implementation internally, then you would have to ship the entire vendor directory along with your codebase. Which is not good, there are thousands of file inside vendor directory.
Changing the implementation internally will cause confusion for fellow developers. The Laravel's documentation will say X but your own implementation will perform 'Y'.


Where should we put the authorization code? FormRequest, Policies, Controller, Middleware...?

Where should the authorization code in Laravel? We have a lot of options and a lot of plugins to manage this situation but and I'm not really sure where I should put all logic. Let's see:
I know that there are a lot of possibilities with a correct result but I want to know which is the optimal solution for you or know your techniques in this situations.
Imagine we have a help desk application done in vuejs and Laravel as API, so we have users, groups, roles, permissions. And maybe a user will only able to see its tickets.
Should we do a TicketPolicy with view, update, create methods? Maybe should we use repositories? Maybe a is_user_allowed method in Ticket's model?
Should we use middleware in routes files and do something like Route::get('tickets/{ticket}', 'TicketsController#show')->middleware('can:show')? Or should we call $this->authorize($ticket) in show, edit, update and store methods of the controller?
Or maybe should we use FormRequest#authorize method and then use something like $user->authorize('show', $ticket)?
What if we want groups or roles? Should we use some plugin like Entrust and/or policies?
What do you think, what do you do?
Best place I found to put classes that group specific logic that do not fit in standard MVC pattern is completely new folder for Laravel. I name mine Services, probably because I read it somewhere. One of the great things in Laravel (and probably other modern frameworks) is flexibility, you can just pop a folder, add a new namespace and have it contain whatever you need.
As for your example, I would implement a class App\Services\Permissions that would contain all necessary logic for accessing different resources in your application. Then call it's methods wherever you need them, be it Requests, Middlewares or Eloquent Models.

Algolia style API documentation

I really like the way Algolia has approached their multi-programming language API documentation, e.g. https://www.algolia.com/doc/javascript .
Does some know by chance what technologies do they use to generate it?
The documentation generator we're using is currently an internal tool. We might open-source it at some point, but it would require some extra work time which we don't currently have.
It's basically a markdown file with some extra syntax to:
handle multiple languages code blocks (it then automatically selects the good one)
handle conditions depending on the current language
handle callouts
handle buttons
The rendering is then hand-made with the help of bootstrap.

Laravel localisation - database content

I'm looking at frameworks and CMSs for a project we are starting, a website that needs to support localised content.
Laravel looks good and certainly allows you to localise UI content, but it doesn't seem to natively support the localisation of content stored in a database. This seems surprising, I'm wondering if I'm overlooking something? (CakePHP, for example, has a TranslateBehavior for this purpose).
Edit To be clear, I'm asking if there's anything baked into Laravel to handle this, I'm aware I could code equivalent functionality but think that that would be a fair amount of extra work.
Modifying your data as it enters or leaves the database is fairly easy.
If you store the translation key in the database, you can translate when you pull the data out. Use getter and setter methods in the model. You may also want to look at Model Events.

best CRUD library for codeignitier?

Using codeigniter 2. Don't want to reinvent the wheel. Have tried Grocery_CRUD and found it takes as long, or longer, to learn it that it did to learn codeigniter.
Looking for crud library that makes sense, easy to learn so I don't reinvent the wheel.
Many thanks for any ideas.
You can use http://www.grocerycrud.com
It's easy to use with codeigniter.
Sample use
Also you can take look at https://github.com/jamierumbelow/codeigniter-base-model
This is very basic base model class for CI
Subjective but take a look at https://github.com/keevitaja/simple-crud-codeigniter
Why don't you try MY_Model to do all the CRUD functionality?
Just want to inform all you that I have released CRUDDER. This is a plug-in module for your application that works as a CRUD solution, ideal for systems back-ends.
CRUDDER is developed using CodeIgniter and Bootstrap for look&feel. You can develop your own skin appart from the Bootstrapped one. Full localization is possible. CRUDDER is designed to be intuitive and easy to use. The interfaces always show on-line help tips related to the CRUDDER itself and also to your database characteristics.
I'm attaching here an image of the CRUDDER example contained in the product web page so you can figure how easy it's to use.
On the other hand, you will find that configuration is very easy. There is no need to write code other than your own custom validation rules (more powerful than the CodeIgniter ones). There are only two classes: one contains all the functionality code and the other, Crudderconfig, encapsulates the configuration and localization parameters.
In contrast to other commonly used open-source CRUD solutions available, in CRUDDER all the table-and-field-specific metadata don't require to write code. All of this is contained in two "metatables", that can also be managed using the CRUDDER itself... so you use the CRUDDER to create your own CRUD rules (don't need to use phpMyAdmin, for example). This is a plus for users seeking for simplicity.
A full list of features is available:
Open the project web page
Among them:
Pluggable to applications not developed with CodeIgniter.
Sort, filter and pagination features, among others.
Soft deletes with unique-index collision avoidance.
Automatic menu-type form fields based on other tables content.
Extensible event triggering when a value is changed in a form.
Interface help tips for fields are contained in the database.
Designed with strong security in mind.
Take a look! Write me if you like it, have questions or want another functionality.
CRUDDER is released under the GNU LGPL license.

MVC3 - Where to place custom attribute classes

I am delving into custom validation attributes and am curious to know how others structure the projects. Where do you typically store custom attributes?
My first thought was to simply create a new folder and be done with it.
Any suggestions?
My first thought was to simply create a new folder and be done with
It would depend on the nature of those attributes and what thety are supposed to do. For example if they are validation attributes you could put them into a Validators folder. If they are action filters you could put them in the ActionFilters folder, etc... so your initial thought is correct. Personally I group those attributes based on their function and place them in a separate folder which indicates this function.
I use 2 different approaches.
Set up a common Class Library to store common validation that will be used on many MVC applications. Then reference this library from your MVC application. You can use http://dataannotationsextensions.org/ to view the source code on how to setup this project.
Place them in folders as suggested by Darin. This folder would be used to store custom validation. If you app was used to keep golf scores a custom validation only to the application could have something to do with a handicap calculation or something specific.
