On QT Creator TableWidget, how to add a row by presssing enter or tab key? - qt-creator

I want the user is able to add a line on a QTableWidget, if the cursor is at last field of the last line and tab or enter key are pressed - like in Libreoffice Base or MS Access, for example.
Possible to do it on widget visual property editor, or should I use some code?


How to move from Title box to Content box without mouse?

I create a new slide (Ctrl+m).
The layout by default is Title + Content.
I edit the title slide and now want to move to the content textbox.
How can I do this without my mouse?
Nutshell answer:
Hit ESC, then TAB key.
Short answer:
After typing your text into the Title placeholder, hit ESC to exit editing.
Then hit the TAB key to move to the next object. (If that is not the Content placeholder, continue hitting TAB until the desired object is selected.)
Start typing to enter your text.
Extended answer:
Hit Ctrl+m to create a new slide that uses the same Layout as the current one.
Hit the TAB key to go to the first object on the slide. (This is the back-most object on your slide; the one on the bottom in the Selection Pane list. If the designer of the Layout did a good job, this is the Title placeholder. If not, keep hitting TAB until the desired object is selected.)
Start typing your text. (If you edit an existing slide and there is already text contained in the shape, simply starting to type will append text at the end. If you want to replace the existing text, hit the return/enter key before starting to type. That will select all contained text, so it will be overwritten when you start typing.)
When finished entering your text, hit the ESC button (to exit edit mode and have the actual shape selected), and hit the TAB key to go to the next object – i.e. the second-lowest one. (Again, if the designer did a good job, this will be your Content placeholder. If not, continue hitting TAB.)
Go to step 3 to continue with the next object.
After typing the title text, press CTRL + M to put the cursor in the content placeholder.

Automatically leave field after value is entered

I am creating a form in Visual FoxPro where the user will be entering a large number of values that are only one character values. So that the user does not have to press tab after every key press, I would like to setup the form so that once the value is entered the cursor automatically goes to the next field.
What is a good way to do this?
Make sure you have SET CONFIRM OFF
From the help file:
OFF Specifies that the user can exit a text box by typing past the
last character in the text box. The insertion point, when it reaches
the last character in a text box, moves to the next control, and the
bell is sounded (if SET BELL is set to ON).
OFF is the default value of SET CONFIRM.
SET CONFIRM OFF also affects menu items and menu titles. If SET
CONFIRM is set to OFF, the user can choose an item from a menu or a
menu title in a menu bar by pressing the key corresponding to the
first letter of the menu item or title. (When SET CONFIRM is set to
ON, this action only selects the menu item or title.)
I made a simple form with two text boxes and verified that after typing one character, it jumps to the next text box.
Herb's answer is correct, but keep in mind that the cursor will jump to the next field in the TAB Order.
So if you entered your Textbox fields in some other order you might need to re-order the TAB's.
To verify that you have your TAB Order as you need, with the Form open in the VFP Development environment, from the Menu, click View - Tab Order - Assign Interactively. Then using your mouse, you can re-order the TAB settings for your Textboxes.
Also note that the TAB Order also includes the other Form objects such as Buttons, Grids, etc.
Good Luck

Informatica PowerCenter: does anyone know a way of using the keyboard instead of mouse pointer in Edit Tasks in Workflow Designer?

In Informatica PowerCenter I'm looking for ways to make less use of the mouse, and more of the keyboard keys.
In the Workflow Designer, when editting a task, I'd like to 'jump' from value of connection to the other value of connection, and change the connection type, with only using the keyboard, and not by using the mouse pointer. Now I have to click on the downarrow of the first connection, and then use the mouse to go to the second downarrow, etc. I can't imagine it is not possible, but so far I tried without succes.
Jumping from connection to connection IS possible though, with using the down and up keys. But opening up the value I have not yet discovered.
I tried Enter (which closed the edit task window), space (does nothing), tab (does nothing), F2 (does nothing).
Does anyone have an idea?
For further explanation see my printscreen: http://prntscr.com/9euxd6. The downarrow I talk about are circled. So, I want to jump from connection 1 to 2 and alter the value by not clicking on the downarrow, but by using the keyboard only. Does anyone have an idea?
The below is copied from the Informatica PowerCenter - 9.5.1 - Designer Guide PDF.
Using Shortcut Keys
When editing a repository object, use shortcuts on the Ports or Columns tab.
The following table lists the Designer shortcuts:
Add a new field or port. Alt+F
Cancel editing in a cell. Esc
Select or clear a port type check box. Space bar
Copy a row. Alt+O
Copy text in a cell. Ctrl+C
Cut a row. Alt+C
To edit the text of a cell, press F2, then move the cursor to the location inside the cell.
To find all combination and list boxes, type the first letter on the list.
Find tables or fields in the workspace. Ctrl+F
Move current row down. Alt+W
Move current row up. Alt+U
To open the Expression Editor from the expression field. Press F2, then press F3
Paste a row. Alt+P
Paste copied text into a cell. Ctrl+V
Select the text of a cell. F2
Validate the default value in a transformation. Alt+V

Is there a way to create a hotkey to print a specific string in xcode?

Is there a way to create a hotkey to print a specific string in xcode?
For example if "H" is my hotkey, every time I click "H" it should paste "Hello" on my editor.
This would help when inserting standard fixed comments when coding.
Thanks in advance.
It's easy to do it with Xcode code snippets. First you need to create a content (your comment or code or both). Select your content by dragging mouse on it. Release your mouse then click again on the selected part of text for a second. While holding, your mouse cursor symbol will change to the pointer symbol - drag this content to code snippets library. Xcode will create new code snipped for you. It will be placed at the bottom of all snippets in snippets library with the name "My Code Snippet". Double click it. Then press "Edit" button. Name it in the field "Title". Write summary you want. Choose platform "All" or "iOS" or "OS X". Select add completion shortcut for example "hello" for "//hello comment". Once you've done with all changes press "Done" button. Every time you will write "hello" Xcode will show a pop up with snippet title you have created. Select it and press "Enter" key and your comment will be placed right there where you wrote "hello".
Animated gif shows how you can do this:

Replace text only in one part of a page in Visual Studio 2012

I want to replace a word only in one particular paragraph of a .cs page. I select the paragraph, but when I go to find and replace the text get deselected and the word is highlighted everywhere on the page and not only in that paragraph. Is there a way to achieve what I want in VS or should I just copy the text in another page/text editor and do the replacing there?
Thank you.
Select the text, press Ctrl+Shift+H, make sure "Selection" is selected in the "Look in" window. While the Find and Replace window is open you should be able to select whatever you want from your code window and the original selection should not change. Copy what you want to replace and paste to Find what window. Set "Replace With" window with the text to replace and click the "Replace All" button.
