Count is not Captured in Shell Script Variable - bash

I am trying to capture the number of active processes by running a command and trying to capture the result in a variable of shell script, but unfortunately, nothing is getting captured. The code is as below:
## Checking whether or not the Previous Build is Completed
count_build_status=`ps -ef | grep | grep -c FT_BGmgmt` | tee -a ${logFile}
echo "The Value of Count Build Status is $count_build_status"
if [[ "${count_build_status}" != "0" ]]
echo INFO - The previous build has not ended yet. Please Wait for some time or contact the Administrator | tee -a $logFile
exit 1;
exit 0;
Here, ps -ef | grep | grep -c FT_BGmgmt gives result as 0 if executed individually, but the value stored in 'count_build_status' is null.
Can anyone help?

The problem here is backtick, which does not assign value to the variable when tee'ing is not done inside backtick. It should be included at the end of logFile as in the code below.
## Checking whether or not the Previous Build is Completed
count_build_status=`ps -ef | grep | grep -c FT_BGmgmt | tee -a ${logFile}`
echo "The Value of Count Build Status is $count_build_status"
if [[ "${count_build_status}" != "0" ]]
echo INFO - The previous build has not ended yet. Please Wait for some time or contact the Administrator | tee -a $logFile
exit 1;
exit 0;

example: capture output of a cmd-line to a variable and append a logfile with tee:
var=`ps -ef | grep 0 | grep -c 1 | tee -a log`
echo $var


Prevent grep from exiting in case of nomatch

Prevent grep returning an error when input doesn't match. I would like it to keep running and not exit with exit code: 1
set -euo pipefail
numbr_match=$(find logs/log_proj | grep "$name" | wc -l);
How could I solve this?
In this individual case, you should probably use
find logs/log_proj -name "*$name*" | wc -l
More generally, you can run grep in a subshell and trap the error.
find logs/log_proj | ( grep "$name" || true) | wc -l
... though of course grep | wc -l is separately an antipattern;
find logs/log_proj | grep -c "$name" || true
I don't know why you are using -e and pipefail when you don't want to have this behaviour. If your goal is just to treat exit code 2 (by grep) as error, but exit code 1 as no-error, you could write a wrapper script around grep, which you
call instead of grep:
# This script behaves exactly like grep, only
# that it returns exit code 0 if there are no
# matching lines
grep "$#"
exit $((rc == 1 ? 0 : rc))

shell if statement always returning true

I want to check if my VPN is connected to a specific country. The VPN client has a status option but sometimes it doesn't return the correct country, so I wrote a script to check if I'm for instance connected to Sweden. My script looks like this:
while true; do
if ((curl -s | grep $country | grep -v "grep" | wc -l) > 0 )
echo "$service connected!!!"
echo "$service not connected!"
$service connect $country
sleep 5;
The problem is, it always says "service connected", even when it isn't. When I enter the curl command manually, wc -l returns 0 if it didn't find Sweden and 1 when it does. What's wrong with the if statement?
Thank you
(( )) enters a math context -- anything inside it is interpreted as a mathematical expression. (You want your code to be interpreted as a math expression -- otherwise, > 0 would be creating a file named 0 and storing wc -l's output in that file, not comparing the output of wc -l to 0).
Since you aren't using )) on the closing side, this is presumably exactly what's happening: You're storing the output of wc -l in a file named 0, and then using its exit status (successful, since it didn't fail) to decide to follow the truthy branch of the if statement. [Just adding more parens on the closing side won't fix this, either, since curl -s ... isn't valid math syntax].
Now, if you want to go the math approach, what you can do is run a command substitution, which replaces the command with its output; that is a math expression:
# smallest possible change that works -- but don't do this; see other sections
if (( $(curl -s | grep $country | grep -v "grep" | wc -l) > 0 )); then
...if your curl | grep | grep | wc becomes 5, then after the command substitution this looks like:
if (( 5 > 0 )); then
...and that does what you'd expect.
That said, this is silly. You want to know if your target country is in curl's output? Just check for that directly with shell builtins alone:
if [[ $(curl -s = *"$country"* ]]; then
echo "Found $country in output of curl" >&2
...or, if you really want to use grep, use grep -q (which suppresses output), and check its exit status (which is zero, and thus truthy, if and only if it successfully found a match):
if curl -s | grep -q -e "$country"; then
echo "Found $country in output of curl with grep" >&2
This is more efficient in part because grep -q can stop as soon as it finds a match -- it doesn't need to keep reading more content -- so if your file is 16KB long and the country name is in the first 1KB of output, then grep can stop reading from curl (and curl can stop downloading) as soon as that first match 1KB in is seen.
The result of the curl -s | grep $country | grep -v "grep" | wc -l statement is text. You compare text and number, that is why your if statement does not work.
This might solve your problem;
if [ $(curl -s | grep $country | grep -v "grep" | wc -l) == "0" ] then ...
That worked, thank you for your help, this is what my script looks now:
while true; do
if curl -s | grep -q -e "$country"; then
echo "Found $country in output of curl with grep" >&2
echo "$service not connected!!!"
$service connect Russia
echo "$service connected!"
sleep 5;

Issue with Script

We have a script which is checking and sending an alert if process goes down. For some reason it is not capturing it properly for all the users and not sending the alerts in all scenarios.
Please suggest what could be the problem.
Environments – uatwrk1, uatwrk2, uatwrk3 ------- uatwrk100
ServerName - myuatserver
Process to be checked - Amc/apache/bin/httpd
Script is :
while (( i<=100 ))
NoOfProcess=`ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep $myuser | grep "Amc/apache/bin/httpd" | wc -l`
if [[ $NoOfProcess -eq 0 ]]
echo "Amc process is down, sending an alert"
# Assume sendAlert.ksh is fine
echo "Amc process is running fine" >> /dev/null
(( i+=1 ))
I think #Mahesh already indicated the problem in a comment.
When you only want to have a mail once, you can count the users running a httpd process. The backslash in the following command is for avoiding grep -v grep.
ps -ef | grep "A\mc/apache/bin/httpd" | cut -d " " -f1 | grep "^uatwrk"| sort -u | wc -l

system command returns strange value

I have this script
npid=$(pgrep -f procname | wc -l)
echo $npid
if [ $npid -lt 3 ];then
service procname start;
When procname is running, it works fine showing the correct number for $npid. It fails when there isn't any procname running. It should return zero, but it returns npid=3, exactly 3. The same problem I see for ps auxw | grep procname | grep -v grep | wc -l as well.
Something trivially wrong I just couldn't figure out, any suggestions ?
# This returns nothing if therisn't a process name poopit running
pgrep -f poopit
# In the case when no process running, below returns zero if typed on a bash cmd line
pgrep -f poopit | wc -l
# If running,
pgrep -f poopit | wc -l
# If running, the script $npid shows

How to modify script to exclude some processes?

Welcome, I have a short script to kill processes which works longer than specified time for UIDs bigger than. How to exclude for example mc command from killing?
#Put the minimum(!) UID to kill processes
#Put the time in seconds which the process is allowed to run below
ps -eo uid,pid,lstart | tail -n+2 |
SECONDS=$[$(date +%s) - $(date -d"$PROC_LSTART" +%s)]
if [ $PROC_UID -ge $UID_KILL -a $SECONDS -gt $KILL_TIME ]; then
echo -n "$PROC_PID "
while sleep 1
if [[ -n $KILL_LIST ]]
change inner command like this :
ps -eo comm,uid,pid,lstart | tail -n+2 | grep -v '^your_command' | ...
this will exclude 'your_command' from the list.
see STANDARD FORMAT SPECIFIERS in man ps for more about ps -o.
