"Unable to Launch the IIS Express Web Server" (UseIIS vs. UseIISExpress) - visual-studio

Using Visual Studio 2012, suddenly we are getting the error "Unable to Launch the IIS Express Web Server" and the answer is NOT to change the port number, so please don't suggest that. The answer is also NOT to delete the IIS Express folder or the applicationHost.config file ... none of those solutions worked. The only thing that could get any of the programs to run is changing "UseIIS" to false in the .csproj file, while keeping "UseIISExpress" set to true.
If I flip them (UseIIS=true and UseIISExpress=false) it will not run, same error. On a co-worker's PC both values are set to true and that person does not have any issues with running projects. What could be causing this inconsistency and how can we fix this so that we don't have to edit every single .csproj file to get programs to run? We work with over 100 programs so this isn't ideal.

It is hard to pinpoint the problem directly according to an error message. We have to try every solution to troubleshoot it.
This kind of issue happens frequently on the Win7 machine with VS2012.
Lots of people post questions pertaining to this issue on SO, We have to find which solution is appropriate for us.
Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server
On my side, I choose to repair it and run VS with the Administrator account again. It worked perfectly.
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.


IIS Express Visual Studio - Cannot debug localhost

Been trying to resolve this issue for a few days now. I've done a ton of searching and tried several solutions - nothing has helped thus far.
I have a Visual Studio 2017 project. It has been running and debugging fine for years now. Suddenly, the other day I can no longer debug the application. Regardless of what browser I select (IE, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, etc) - the same error message is generated:
Also, it takes forever for VS to open the browser to show this message. Additionally, if I start without debugging (ctrl + F5), the site works and loads as expected.
Things I've tried thus far:
Deleting everything from the IIS Express folder in My Documents
Re-installing IIS Express
Repairing IIS
Changing the port number in the project
Various IIS Express reset commands
Resetting IE settings
Clearing caches
There are probably a few others too, but at this point I feel I've exhausted all my options.
Anyone else encounter this and if so how did you fix it?
Thank you for the tip #Fletch Zhou.
Turns out the issue was a corruption in IIS (and likely its certificates). I was able to fix it by following the instructions found here:
Visual Studio 2017 Removing SSL/TLS Connections Problems with IIS Express
One quick note: for projects that already have SSL Enabled set to True, simply toggle the flag and Visual Studio will assign a new SSL port number.
Hope this helps someone else. I know I was frustrated having not made any changes and suddenly I cannot locally debug projects.
More Info: I attempted to debug an application I'd run several times after performing the steps listed in the linked article from PluralSight (tried that several times to ensure I wasn't missing anything). The symptom re-appeared- any browser would indicate the page didn't exist. I noticed that IIS Express was not running - didn't open at all; or at least not noticeably. I unchecked the "Enable Edit and Continue" option as discussed in this post: IIS Express Immediately Shutting Down Running Site after Stopping Web Application. Though the symptoms didn't match exactly, it was a simple-enough option to try. Sure enough, the site was operational once again. I'm running Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.6.4. Not sure if this is related to Visual Studio or IIS Express, but unchecking the "Enable Edit and Continue" seemed to resolve the latest hang up.
I had to set my start page to Default.aspx again. I don't know how it got unset or why it would result in that INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND error.

Office Setup Configuration

i need help to fix my visual basic 6.0. When vb6 start ups, It shows some Microsoft Offices Setup configuration that shows at everytime. If i cancel, I can continue the VB6, But some of component always shows this installation setup again. When I restart the VB Program, The setup configuration also shows everytime...
Any ideas to fix this? This really eat more times.
Vb6 apps have this quirk when some msi installer got its registry settings hosed. Have you run a regcleaner recently? Anyway the solution is usually to insert any CD that may be asked for (MS apps such as Office) and let it do its thing once then it usually never reoccurs. You may even have to to a repair install of the Office app concerned.

Debugging Issue

I am not able to debug asp.net application in asp.net 2.0
Whenever I hit F5, it will wait for few minutes then show following message.
Unable to start debugging on the web server. The operation has timed out.
Edit: I also want to let you know that before posting this question I searched a lot on google and find out some key points like restart IIS, register asp.net.
What I was doing, I try to register aspnet_regiis -i by using standard console.
Now I find out that I need to execute vc 2005 command prompt which located under visual studio tools.
Have you tried restarting IIS? Also try and run the application again do you still get the error? And the classic, restart of windows.
With Visual Studio errors like this, you'll often find tons of information by searching on Google, as unsatisfactory as that is, problems like this can originate from something as esoteric as a third party software.
Just a suggestion, Is the port used by the Visual Studio Dev Web Server being used by some other Application?
Also try these suggestions.

Debugging in SSMS exits without stepping in to code

I've recently put Windows 7 on my development PC, and I have Visual Studio 2008 Team System Development Edition, and SQL Server Management Studio 2008, and for some reason I can't seem to step in to any SQL code for debugging in SSMS.
Before I formatted in favour of Windows 7, I was able to debug on the same two SQL servers I'm trying now with the same software, so I'm guessing it's something to do with client configurations. Regardless, I tried all the steps I could find to enable SQL remote debugging but nothing has worked.
When I attempt to debug or step into the active query window, the debugger simply runs the code without stopping at the start or any breakpoints.
If I try use Visual Studio (running as Administrator) I get the following error:
T-SQL execution ended without
debugging. You may not have sufficient
permissions to debug.
Anyone got a clue what to do here?
I'm still having this problem. I re-installed the latest SQL Server Management Studio from MSDN's latest SQL Server 2008 download available, and patched it with SP1, but this same problem still happens. Other people in my office are able to debug code with the same version client, and same permissions (set using group permissions) so I'm at a loss as to what is causing this.
Solved! The issue was simply a domain authentication issue. See my answer for a larger explanation.
Have you made sure that in Server Explorer (In Visual Studio), if you right click on your connection that you have "Allow SQL/CLR Debugging" and "Application Debugging" checked?
Today, I finally solved this.
I was writing an ASP.NET application that included the line:
And this was throwing the following exception:
The trust relationship between this
workstation and the primary domain
I wasted a little time applying the KB976494 hotfix, which I soon discovered didn't work. During my developer rage I looked in my local "Administrators" account and noticed it listed almost all members by their S-ID, so figured there may have been a domain problem.
Then it came to me... I remembered I joined the domain with my personal (non-administrator) account, instead of using the domain administrator account.
These were the ultimate steps to fix this issue:
Leave your domain (and join an arbitrary workgroup, such as "WORK")
Join your domain with your "DOMAIN\Administrator" account
User.IsInRole() now worked, so out of curiosity I checked this problem, and it was also fixed.
This is a great Friday so far!

Visual Studio Hosting Process and "The operation could not be completed"

When trying to execute from within Visual Studio 2008 your application and you get the (uninformative) message "The operation could not be completed".
The solution to this is to turn off the "Visual Studio Hosting Process".
The problem with turning off this "hosting process" is that all the "run and rewrite" functionality is no longer available. OK, so this isn't a big deal, but I'm always getting this message no matter what machine I use (and it might be nice once in a while to use the rewrite and execute functionality).
Am I doing something wrong? How come this "feature" within VS seems to complain so readily? Do other people have success with enabling the hosting process and making use of it?
The problem with turning off this "hosting process" is that all the "run and rewrite" functionality is no longer available.
The Visual Studio Hosting Process is not needed to allow Edit and Continue. It is used for "Design time expression Evalutation" in the case where the project is a dll rather than an EXE. It is also used to provide debugging for partial trust scenarios. See the documentation for everything it does.
It is highly unlikely it does anything you need, so don't feel bad turning it off.
Is your project output folder set to a network share?
If so, try changing it to a local folder and see what happens. It appears that VS is not always able to terminate the process if the host exe is running from a share.
The other possibility is that the project is open and running in debug mode on another instance of Visual Studio - although I suspect you will allready have ensured this is not the case.
I honestly have never seen this message and I work with Visual Studio for at least 8 hours a day. Is this reproducible on other machines? If so is there anything weird or abnormal in your code that could cause this to crash?
I use 4 different machines and have got this situation on all of them. I understand what is causing the problem - it is that the VS hosting process isn't terminating after the first debug session ends, which means that the next time that you try to compile the exe the hosting process is locking the exe and preventing compilation. Another solution therefore is to use Task Manager to kill the VS hosting process and compile and debug as normal but thats even more of a hassle!
I can't think that its anything in my code that would be causing this - its probably a VS issue itself isn't it?
Here's the anwser: disable "Enable he Visual Studio hosting process" in he debug tab of your projects properties.
I found it here:
There are several causes and workarounds regarding to this problem and you might try the following ones that are useful most of the time:
Delete the "Your_Solution_FileName.suo" file and restart Visual Studio.
Right click on the project and select Unload Project and then click Reload Project by right clicking on the project again might also fix it.
