Tarantool module installation failed searching manifest - tarantool

I am trying to install tarantool module. Tatrantool run in docker container with image tarantool/tarantool:2.3.
/opt/tarantool # tarantoolctl rocks install prometheus
Warning: Failed searching manifest: Failed fetching manifest for http://rocks.tarantool.org/ - Failed downloading http://rocks.tarantool.org/manifest - /root/.cache/luarocks/http___rocks.tarantool.org_/manifest
prometheus not found for Lua 5.1.
Checking if available for other Lua versions...
Checking for Lua 5.2...
Warning: Failed searching manifest: Failed fetching manifest for http://rocks.tarantool.org/ - Failed downloading http://rocks.tarantool.org/manifest - /root/.cache/luarocks/http___rocks.tarantool.org_/manifest
Checking for Lua 5.3...
Warning: Failed searching manifest: Failed fetching manifest for http://rocks.tarantool.org/ - Failed downloading http://rocks.tarantool.org/manifest - /root/.cache/luarocks/http___rocks.tarantool.org_/manifest
Checking for Lua 5.4...
Warning: Failed searching manifest: Failed fetching manifest for http://rocks.tarantool.org/ - Failed downloading http://rocks.tarantool.org/manifest - /root/.cache/luarocks/http___rocks.tarantool.org_/manifest
Error: No results matching query were found for Lua 5.1.

prometheus rock is deprecated
It's recomended to use more recent tarantool/metrics and here is an example how to use it with prometheus https://github.com/tarantool/metrics/blob/master/example/prometheus_export.lua


AWS Amplify Build Error - Mismatched Brackets Found In The Schema

End Desire:
To build my AWS Amplify project in the dev environment, using full-stack CI/CD. So for example, pushing my changes to Code Commit will build the backend resources.
Build Logs:
2023-01-06T06:19:26.457Z [INFO]: [33mNote: It is recommended to run this command from the root of your app directory[39m
2023-01-06T06:19:27.797Z [WARNING]: - Initializing your environment: dev
2023-01-06T06:19:29.164Z [WARNING]: - Building resource api/project
2023-01-06T06:19:33.756Z [WARNING]: - Building resource auth/project
2023-01-06T06:19:33.902Z [WARNING]: - Building resource storage/project
2023-01-06T06:19:33.939Z [WARNING]: ✔ Initialized provider successfully.
2023-01-06T06:19:34.452Z [WARNING]: ✖ There was an error initializing your environment.
2023-01-06T06:19:34.453Z [INFO]: 🛑 Syntax Error: mismatched brackets found in the schema. Unexpected ) at line 239 in the schema.
2023-01-06T06:19:34.453Z [INFO]: Learn more at: https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/project/troubleshooting/
version: 0.1
- npm i
- npm run build
baseDirectory: .next
- '**/*'
- node_modules/**/*
I have checked the graphql.schema for errors.
I have removed the testing section in the buildspec.
I have added amplify push --simple as recommended here
I've ran npm run build on my local CLI successfully
In the AWS Amplify console, under build settings, the AWS CLI version was "latest". Changing the AWS CLI version to 10.4.0 fixed the issue.
View AWS CLI Versioning here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/#aws-amplify/cli?activeTab=versions
Rather than going to 10.4.0, go back a couple versions from the latest AWS CLI version at the time.

R/exams Problem deploying app to shinyapps.io

I have developed a shiny app in which I use the function exams2blackboard from the R/exams package. I installed the package from http://R-Forge.R-project.org. When I go to publish it on shinyApps.io I receive the following error:
Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 980776811 failed: Error building image: Error fetching exams (2.4-0) source. unable to satisfy package: exams (2.4-0)
Note: I used the R/exams version 2.4-0 from http://R-Forge.R-project.org following the recommendation at Blackboard not importing Blackboard.zip
Chapter 2.4 of the shinyapps.io user guide at https://docs.rstudio.com/shinyapps.io/getting-started.html#using-your-r-packages-in-the-cloud says:
Currently, the shinyapps.io service supports deploying packages installed
from CRAN, GitHub (both public and private repos), and BioConductor.
Support for R-Forge and other repos is on our backlog; please drop us a line
in the shinyapps.io Community
if the lack of support is a blocker for you.
Hence my interpretation is that you cannot install the R-Forge version easily. Possibly, you can install it from the R-Forge mirror on GitHub, though: https://github.com/r-forge/exams/tree/master/pkg/exams

Using golang-ci lint error fetch corp package

Im using golangci-lint and getting the following error in CI, any idea what could be the reason? and how can I avoid this.
Our GitHub repo is already have all the vendor packages so it shouldn't install it in first place.
golangci-lint run --config golangci.yml
level=error msg="Running error: context loading failed: failed to load packages: failed to load with go/packages: err: exit
status 1: stderr: go: github.avt.corp/ding/logger-ut#v1.1.0:
unrecognized import path "github.avt.corp/ding/logger-ut" (https
fetch: Get https://github.avt.corp/ding/logger-ut?go-get=1: x509:
certificate signed by unknown authority)\n"
btw I was able to clone the project and run it
Use the following:
modules-download-mode: vendor
or add this to the command you are runnig
--modules-download-mode vendor

ERROR: PrepareVirtualHardDisk: AttachVirtualDisk failed with error 0x80070522

I followed this tutorial to create a basic image of Windows IOT Core:
I run IoTCorePShell.cmd as an administrator.
All the previous steps was successful, but I encountered an error while running this step:
New-IoTFFUImage ProductA Test
(or) buildimage ProductA Test
Here the errors:
PS C:\MyWorkspace>New-IoTFFUImage ProductA Test
ADK_VERSION : 10.0.17763.1
IOTCORE_VER : 10.0.17763.253
ADDONKITVER : 6.0.190307.1402
HostOS Info : Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise - 10.0.17763 - en-US fr-CA
Validating product feature ids
Reading feature ids in C:\MyWorkspace\Source-arm\BSP\Rpi2\Packages\RPi2FM.xml
Reading feature ids in C:\MyWorkspace\Common\Packages\OEMCommonFM.xml
Reading feature ids in C:\MyWorkspace\Source-arm\Packages\OEMFM.xml
Checking Microsoft features in OEMInput file..
Warning: IOT_APPLICATIONS is not defined
Warning: IOT_GENERIC_POP is not defined
Checking OEM features in OEMInput file..
Building product specific packages
Processing Registry.Version.wm.xml
Processing Custom.Cmd.wm.xml
Processing Provisioning.Auto.wm.xml
Processing Recovery.WinPE.wm.xml
Building FM files..
Exporting OEM FM files..
Processing OEMFMList..
Exporting RPi2 BSP FM files
Processing RPi2FMFileList.xml
Creating Image..
See C:\MyWorkspace\Build\arm\ProductA_Test.log for progress
This will take a while...
ThreadId2588 ERROR: PrepareVirtualHardDisk: AttachVirtualDisk failed with error 0x80070522
ThreadId2588 ERROR: CreateVirtualHardDisk: OpenDiskInternal failed with error 0x80070522
ThreadId2588 ERROR: Imaging!CreateImage: Failed to create FFU: CreateVirtualHardDisk failed with error code: 80070522
ThreadId2588 ERROR: CreateVirtualHardDisk failed with error code: 80070522
Error: Build failed
IoTCorePShell arm Test
any idea?
SOLUTION: There was an IT policy that no new storage media shall be attached. Update your group policy or Temporary deactivation solved the problem.

plugin install through proxy

I am trying to install Graph-Aided Search to integrate Neo4j with ElasticSearch (2.3.1) as shown here. But when I try this command line:
plugin install com.graphaware.es/graph-aided-search/
I get errors:
plugin install com.graphaware.es/graph-aided-search/
-> Installing com.graphaware.es/graph-aided-search/
Trying https://download.elastic.co/com.graphaware.es/graph-aided-search/graph-aided-search- ...
Trying https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=com/graphaware/es/graph-aided-search/ ...
Trying https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/releases/content/com/graphaware/es/graph-aided-search/ ...
Trying https://github.com/com.graphaware.es/graph-aided-search/archive/ ...
Trying https://github.com/com.graphaware.es/graph-aided-search/archive/master.zip ...
ERROR: failed to download out of all possible locations..., use --verbose to get detailed information
And this when I add --verbose for more details:
plugin install com.graphaware.es/graph-aided-search/ --verbose
-> Installing com.graphaware.es/graph-aided-search/
Trying https://download.elastic.co/com.graphaware.es/graph-aided-search/graph-aided-search- ...
Failed: SocketTimeoutException[connect timed out]
Trying https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=com/graphaware/es/graph-aided-search/ ...
Failed: SocketTimeoutException[connect timed out]
Trying https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/releases/content/com/graphaware/es/graph-aided-search/ ...
Failed: SocketTimeoutException[connect timed out]
Trying https://github.com/com.graphaware.es/graph-aided-search/archive/ ...
Failed: SocketTimeoutException[connect timed out]
Trying https://github.com/com.graphaware.es/graph-aided-search/archive/master.zip ...
Failed: SocketTimeoutException[connect timed out]
ERROR: failed to download out of all possible locations..., use --verbose to get detailed information
I looked for that error on google and I found that it might be because of the proxy, and since I am working behind a proxy I tried something that basically worked for others. This is the command line that I tried to install the plugin through proxy:
C:\dev\elasticsearch-2.3.1\bin> plugin -Dhttps.proxyHost=http://example.test.fr -Dhttps.proxyPort=3128 -Dhttps.proxyUser=SomeUser -Dhttps.proxyPassword=Password install com.graphaware.es/graph-aided-search/
But still it didn't work, and I am still getting the same error. I forced the authentification to the proxy on Internet Explorer, something that usually works for me when I install packages with Maven. However, in that case it didn't work.
I am struggling to integrate my Neo4j database with ElasticSearch, I have been trying that for 4days now and it is taking all my time and cannot work without making this integration with success.
I really appreciate any help or clarification to resolve this error. Thank you.
When I try to replace the path, it is still not working. I've tried this command line:
plugin install C:\dev\graph-aided-search-master\target\releases\graph-aided‌​-search-‌​SHOT.zip
and I got this error message:
-> Installing C:\dev\graph-aided-search-master\target\releases\graph-aided‌​-search-‌​SHOT.zip...
ERROR: Invalid prefix or suffix
I put the graph-aided-search Zip file in the same folder as plugin file, so in C:\dev\elasticsearch-2.3.1\bin. Then I tried with the relative path, and I got this message:
> plugin install graph-aided-search- --verbose
-> Installing graph-aided-search-
Trying https://download.elastic.co/elasticsearch/release/org/elasticsearch/plugin/graph-aided-search- ...
Failed: SocketTimeoutException[connect timed out]
ERROR: failed to download out of all possible locations..., use --verbose to get detailed information
You can download the plugin manually from the MavenRepository
The correct syntax is this one:
plugin install com.graphaware.es/graph-aided-search/ -DproxyHost=exampleHost -DproxyPort=portNumber
It is working now!
