MPA with Laravel and Vue ( hybrid approach ) - laravel

I'm trying to understand when and how to mix the Laravel and Vue components in a web app.
MPA where each blade view consists of a Vue component
Is it ok to have server-side routing and each view to consist of a Vue component ? Or in this case it would be better to make an SPA ? ( More specifically, here the question is whether there is a benefit of having server-side routing instead of client-side routing ? )
Taking as a reference stack overflow.
When you click on a Question the page refreshes which means that a GET request is sent to the back-end and where a new html file is sent to front-end.
When you create a Question, a new file is sent from the back-end and the page again reloads.
However, the content of the Question itself, seems to be dynamic because you can edit the Question or a Reply, but then again when you save the change, the page reloads.
In this case, what is the benefit of communicating with the server with a GET/POST instead of making an AJAX call, taking into consideration that the content of the page is rendered on the client-side with JS which is not SEO-friendly ?
What are the upsides and downsides of this approach ?


Page redering diffrence Inertia vs. Vue with Laravel Backend

I implemented a simple crud application in two ways.
One with Laravel and Vue and one with Laravel, Vue and Inertia.
When rendering a simple user list in my Vue/Laravel application (either with routing or initial page load), Vue renders the whole page instantly and loads the user list as soon as it receives it from the server. -> good user experience, possibility to implement a loading indication
When rendering the same thing in my inertia application, Vue renders the whole page after the data has been received from the server. Which is a very bad thing for applications with large amounts of data.
Even in my really small/slim application, I felt the difference and figured this out with a simple sleep(3) before returning the view (or Inertia::render) in my UserController.
Is this normal/is there a way to prevent this? Or did I possibly implement inertia poorly?
I'm using inertia.js 0.8.5, inertia-vue 0.5.5 and Vue 2.6.12
Normally, if you want to display lists of users with Inertia, you'd paginate the list server-side with Laravel's built-in pagination. If the page load time is slow, you're probably trying to load too much data/missing eager loads/missing DB indexing/doing some calculation that can be optimized.
You can use Progress Indicator to improve the UX when navigating between Inertia views. Does it make a difference to the user if they see an empty table in an SPA with ajax calls before the data loads vs. seeing a progress bar before the view reloads? IMO not really.
If for some reason in a particular view it's really important to have the table layout (or some other empty data container) displayed, even if it's empty for some time, you can always load the data with ajax in that one-off case. Not all data in an Inertia app needs to be "pushed" to the view from the controller, you can also "pull" it from Vue/React side.

How to code in Laravel so that the requests are executed without refreshing the page?

In Laravel when we using forms to store or delete a resource, the page is refreshed. What is the best technology to avoid refreshing the page while the request is being processed? AJAX, Vue.js, etc?
There are two main ways to handle http requests: synchronously and asynchronously.
Laravel is a PHP framework and therefore uses... PHP, which is a synchronous language. This implies a page refresh for every requests you make. The point is, every PHP framework have this behavior, this is the way PHP works.
So let's answer your question: indeed, you need an asynchronous technology to make a request to the server and get the response without refreshing the page. The technolodgy of choice in this case is Javascript, which will be able to make AJAX calls.
An AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML) will, as stated in its name, make an asynchronous request. But an AJAX request is just the way of doing it, it's not really a technology. Yes, javascript frameworks like Vue.js are using AJAX, but that is overkill to just make some AJAX requests.
Using Axios or even jQuery is much easier and will allow you to make a request, grab the answer and modify your page without refresh very quickly :)
The process to achieve what you are looking for is pretty simple:
Use Axios or jQuery to make an AJAX call (an asynchronous request)
Handle this request with Laravel, as you do for every other request
Returns something (or not, it depends of you) to alert your user that something happened
This response will be handled by Javascript
Vue is suitable for small projects where you just want to add a little bit of reactivity, submit a form with AJAX, show the user a modal, display the value of an input as the user is typing, or many other similarly straightforward things. It's scalable and also fantastic for huge project.

Dynamically add routerLink to a component created dynamically via AJAX in Angular 5

I've got a component that downloads data from an API. When the user clicks Search, the content from the API is fetched via AJAX. This content from the API is in JSON and has got an ID of the product inside. I am able to create new HTML elements based on this content and put them inside my site, but I would like every created on the fly element to have routerLink="/detailsPage/itemID" working, so that after clicking it would route to detailsPage with apropriate ID. How to do it in the most simple way? I assume some recompiling of refreshing is needed.
The answer to this question is HTTPClient - Angular offers it as an easier way to use XMLHttpRequest (AJAX) in Angular applications, and using it also makes sure that routerLink or any other Angular directives will work on objects created dynamically with this method.
Angular - HTTPClient

AngularJS first(landing page) with dynamic content

I am a complete newbie to AngularJS. I want to check the feasibility of using it in my new Project which is a web application. I already have a few pages created in project using Struts2 Spring and hibernate. To convert these following are points I understand:
Convert server side API to REST style which returns JSON data
Question: Can I use dynamic HTML to load using AngularJS. I guess yes. not sure how?
Currently I use velocity Templates on server side to populate data in HTML templates and send it as response in AJAX? What would change if i try to use AngularJS?
I have a landing page which is used to show some images and data associated with it which is stored in DB. How can I show it using AngularJS?
Question: Shall I load the HTML template which contains only one div tag when I hit website URL( and then fire AJAX requests to load the dynamic HTML?
If I use AndularJS does it invalidate use of Struts2 altogether if I choose to implement my Data API as REST with JSON? I guess not as I will still need to load dynamic HTML views which will be generated on Server correct?
How to maintain HTTP session state on server side if I use REST data API with AngularJS on client?
I know I can search and read about answers to above questions on net somewhere. I just need them at one place so that I can carry discussion and other questions that arise from it.
I may answer some of your questions:
1) Convert server side API to REST style which returns JSON data
Question : Can I use dynamic HTML to load using AngularJS. I guess
yes. not sure how?
Currently I use velocity Templates on server side to populate data in HTML templates and send it as response in AJAX? What would change
if i try to use AngularJS?
If I understood you right, you want to generate templates on server-side. In this case - you just don't need AngularJs - your views are prepopulated on server and browser recieves static content (from client-side point of view). If you want to use AngularJs, then your templates will become static content (from server-side point of view) and they will be populated by angular via REST services.
2) I have a landing page which is used to show some images and data
associated with it which is stored in DB. How can I show it using
Question : Shall I load the HTML template which contains
only one div tag when I hit website URL( and then fire AJAX
requests to load the dynamic HTML?
Not exactly. One div would be enough for jQuery-based approuch (you would use something like $.ajax and then appended data in imperative way). In case of Angular you will need to return template. It may look like this:
<ul ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="item in data">
<img ng-src="item.image.src">
And some AngularJs controller that will fire request to REST service (via your AngularJs service, probably) and autmatically fill template with results
function MyCtrl($scope, $http) {
$http.get('/rest/data').success(function(result) {
$ = result;
3) If I use AndularJS does it invalidate use of Struts2 altogether if
I choose to implement my Data API as REST with JSON? I guess not as I
will still need to load dynamic HTML views which will be generated on
Server correct?
I think it will only invalidate use of View of MVC in Struts, since AngularJS will just replace it. Also it will make you to use something like RESTful controllers (not quite familliar with Struts, but I think there is something like this)
4) How to maintain HTTP session state on server side if I use REST
data API with AngularJS on client?
This is not short answer, but basically there is following pattern. AngualrJs provides http interceptors, that may intercept requests and responses. If response with code 401 (which is unauthorized) is intercepted, you may provide your user with a login form to restore session and after this action will be completed, retry last request. Also, here you may find another aspect of this question.
I hope my answer helped you.

NodeJS MVC framework with partial ajax-loaded views

I'm looking for a NodeJS MVC framework that allows rendering partial views on client side using Ajax (without whole page refreshing).
As far as I know, you can declare partial views on server with almost any Framework (Express, Sails...), but this will lead to refresh the whole page even if there's only a small portion of your page that really changes. This problem doesn't exist with a SPA Framework (this one would just load the partial html file in a container via ajax).
I believe Microsoft ASP.NET MVC was able to handle this case, by comparing the previous version of the page with the new requested page, and just returning the portion of the page that really changed. This may be time and CPU-consuming but it just works.
Is any Node MVC Framework managing a similar thing today ? Or is it mandatory to use an SPA Framework when a reactive user interface is required (without any whole page refresh) ?
Thanks in advance !
sails.js! It supports partials as you requested. You don't need to refresh the page, if you send ajax-request or handle the stuff via websockets dynamically.
