Custom Result handling by calling store procedure in Spring Data JPA - spring

I have requirement to call store procedures which takes input parameters. This store procedure returns custom result set, that result set i need to read and process further before return to UI. How we can achieve this?
#Query("CALL SP_EMPLOYEE_REPORT(:year)",nativeQuery = true)
List<EmpolypeeCustomReportBean> getEmployeeReport(#param("year") Integer year);

Given the following stored procedure.
You can call it from interface query:
#Procedure(value = "NAME_OF_THE_PROCEDURE")
int getFromStoredProcedure(String param);
Also by #Query annotation:
#Query(value = "CALL NAME_OF_THE_PROCEDURE(:input_value);", nativeQuery = true)
Integer findSomeThing(#Param("input_value") Integer name);
Or you can use named stored procedure query too.
#NamedStoredProcedureQuery(name = "MyObj.getSomethingFromProc",
procedureName = "NAME_OF_THE_PROCEDURE", parameters = {
#StoredProcedureParameter(mode = ParameterMode.IN, name = "param", type = String.class),
#StoredProcedureParameter(mode = ParameterMode.OUT, name = "retval", type = Integer.class)})
public class MyObj{
// class definition
Then call it.
#Procedure(name = "MyObj.getSomethingFromProc")
Integer getSomethingFromStoredProc(#Param("param") String model);
Also you can use resultClasses and resultSetMapping properties in #NamedStoredProcedureQuery for complex return types.
Complex example provided by Eclipselink:
resultSetMappings={"EmployeeResultSetMapping", "AddressResultSetMapping", "ProjectResultSetMapping", "EmployeeConstructorResultSetMapping"}
name = "EmployeeResultSetMapping",
entities = {
#EntityResult(entityClass = Employee.class)
name = "EmployeeConstructorResultSetMapping",
classes = {
targetClass = EmployeeDetails.class,
columns = {
#ColumnResult(name="EMP_ID", type=Integer.class),
#ColumnResult(name="F_NAME", type=String.class),
#ColumnResult(name="L_NAME", type=String.class),
#ColumnResult(name="R_COUNT", type=Integer.class)
public Employee(){


Caused by: org.hibernate.DuplicateMappingException: Duplicate query mapping

This is a spring boot 2 application.
An entity having 2 named queries, which is throwing exception while starting the server like "Caused by: org.hibernate.DuplicateMappingException: Duplicate query mapping EstCredentials.findAppDepartment"
#Table(name = EntityConstants.TABLE_EST_CREDENTIALS)
#NamedNativeQuery(name = "Credentials.findAppDepartment", query = "SELECT (deptmast.deptid) as deptId, deptname as deptName"
+ " FROM deptmast, doctdept" + " WHERE deptmast.deptid = doctdept.deptid ", resultSetMapping = "APP_DEPARTMENT"),
#NamedNativeQuery(name = "Credentials.findAppClinic", query = "SELECT A.DOCTDEPTID as doctdeptId, A.DOCTDEPTNAME as doctDeptName, "
+ " WHERE A.WORKING = 1", resultSetMapping = CommonConstants.APP_CLINIC_RESULT_MAP) })
#SqlResultSetMapping(name = "APP_DEPARTMENT", classes = {
#ConstructorResult(targetClass = InstituteDepartmentDto.class, columns = {
#ColumnResult(name = "deptId", type = Long.class),
#ColumnResult(name = "deptName", type = String.class) }) }),
#SqlResultSetMapping(name = CommonConstants.APP_CLINIC_RESULT_MAP, classes = {
#ConstructorResult(targetClass = InstituteDoctorDepartmentDto.class, columns = {
#ColumnResult(name = "docDeptId", type = Long.class),
#ColumnResult(name = "doctDeptname", type = String.class) }) })
public class Credentials {
private Long estCode;
private String dbUserName;
private String dbPassword;
public Credentials() {
Let me know if need any other details.
Generally, it pays to assume that error messages are right.
In this case, you have a duplicate mapping for a query named: "EstCredentials.findAppDepartment". You defined this name in CommonConstants.APP_DEPARTMENT_RESULT_MAP and then use it twice, for two different mappings.

Pass multiple Filters to Android Room Dao SQL Query from ViewModel with Repository

I am using the below to fetch Database rows to my Adapter, however I want to return rows from multi-filtered single query using either "LIKE" and/or "WHERE" and basically all sql query filter types, I can do one filter via MutableLiveData<String>();
end result would be like ...
#Query("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE suburb LIKE '%' || :suburb || '%' postcode LIKE '%' || :postcode || '%' BETWEEN firstDate AND lastDate")
fun getFilteredRows(
suburb: String?,
postcode: String?,
firstDate: String?,
lastDate: String?): LiveData<List<MyTable>>
As per below, currently way only can pass one filter var.
ViewModel Class
class MyViewModel internal constructor(repository: MyRepository) : ViewModel()
//filter by suburb
var suburb = MutableLiveData<String>().apply {
//do I set as HashMap??
value = SUBURB
//LiveData Observer access
val filteredRows: LiveData<List<MyTable>> = suburb.switchMap {
//pass multiple filters to repository here
//but currently only can pass one string to repository
//MyViewModel function to set the suburb value
fun setSuburb(_suburb: String) {
suburb.value = _suburb
//companion object
companion object {
var SUBURB: String? = null
Repository Class
class Repository private constructor(private val dao: Dao)
//basic repo to dao communtication
fun getFilteredRows(suburb: String?) = dao.getFilteredRows(suburb)
Dao Interface
interface Dao
//here I want to receive multiple Strings to do filtering within the query
#Query("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE suburb LIKE '%' || :suburb || '%'")
fun getFilteredRows(suburb: String?): LiveData<List<MyTable>>
I have tried with passing basic var Strings with no luck, seems only MutableLiveData is the way to pass variable to the Dao via ViewModel & Repository
** See Edit Below **
Not ideal to say the least, actually would not recommend, however, current work around is to "loop" through multiple MutableLiveData variables
ViewModel Class
var suburb = MutableLiveData<String>().apply { value = SUBURB }
var postcode = MutableLiveData<String>().apply { value = POSTCODE }
var limit = MutableLiveData<Int>().apply { value = LIMIT }
val filteredRows: LiveData<List<MyTable>> =
suburb.switchMap {
//set suburb MutableLiveData
var suburb = it
postcode.switchMap {
//set postcode MutableLiveData
var postcode = it
limit.switchMap {
//set limit MutableLiveData
var limit = it
repository.getFilteredRows(suburb, postcode, limit)
Using HashMap to pass multiple filters (Strings) to Dao SQl Query.
Tested a returned what was expected, so confirming this works.
Foreseeable issue is when needing to pass Strings & Int etc, may have to refer back to passing as Strings only & then do parse.ToInt() etc on Int String Values
build HashMap in my Fragment to pass to MyViewModel
lateinit var myModel: LiveData<MyTable>
var filters = HashMap<String, String>()
filters.put("suburb", myModel.value!!.suburb)
filters.put("postcode", myModel.value!!.postcode)
with(viewModel) {
//pass my HashMap to my ViewModel for update/change/set on filters MutableLiveData HashMap variable
MyViewModel Class
//initilise filters MutableLiveData HashMap variable
var filters = MutableLiveData<HashMap<String, String>>().apply { value = FILTERS }
//function to update/change/set filters MutableLiveData HashMap variable
//see setFilters(filters) used in above Fragment
fun setFilters(_filters: HashMap<String, String>) {
filters.value = _filters
//foreach on passed HashMap via switchMap{}
val filtered: LiveData<List<MyTable>> = filters.switchMap {
//initilise variables
var suburb = ""
var postcode = ""
//foreach loop on HashCookie :)
for (filter in it) {
suburb = filter.value
}else if(filter.key.equals("postcode")) {
postcode = filter.value
//pass strings to Dao
repository.getFiltered(suburb, postcode)
//companion object
companion object {
var FILTERS: HashMap<String, String>? = null
Repository Class
//send variables to the Dao Interface
fun getFiltered(suburb: String?, postcode: String?) = dao.getFiltered(suburb, postcode)
Dao Interface
#Query("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE suburb LIKE '%' || :suburb || '%' AND postcode LIKE '%' || :postcode || '%' ")
fun getFiltered(suburb: String?, postcode: String?): LiveData<List<MyTable>>

Kotlin entered value not searching database

We have worked on this code to error trap a value entered in a Edit Text field
When the value is entered correctly we are informed that the entered value does not match
BUT if we select the value from a recycler view list and populate the Edit Text field with the value the search tells us we have a match
Here is the code for the search in the DBHelper
fun getOneName(id: Int): Contact? {
val db = this.writableDatabase
val selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM $TABLE_NAME WHERE $colId = ?"
db.rawQuery(selectQuery, arrayOf(id.toString())).use { // .use requires API 16
if (it.moveToFirst()) {
val result = Contact(id = 0,name ="") = it.getInt(it.getColumnIndex(colId)) = it.getString(it.getColumnIndex(colName))
return result
return null
We used this for the Model Class our first time using data class as just plain class
data class Contact (
var id: Int,
var name: String
And here is the button click that manages the search
btnGetID.setOnClickListener {
message("Enter Contact Name")
var numeric = true
var string = etPerson.text.toString().trim()
numeric = string.matches(".*\\d+.*".toRegex())
message("No NUMBERS")
val dbManager = DBHelper(this)
var name = etPerson.text.toString()
//val contact = dbManager.getOneName(name)
val contact = dbManager.getOneName(id.toInt())
println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! contact ID= "+contact)
etPerson.setText("The contact name is $name the ID is "+contact?.id.toString())
etPerson.setText("Name NOT = to $name and the ID is "+contact?.id.toString())
We know the name Sally is in the DB if we type Sally in the else statement shows Name NOT = bla
If we select Sally from the Recyclerview List the first statement shows The contact name bla bla
Kotlin 1.2.71 API 27
Our question is why is the hand typed name failing if it mataches?
fun getOneName(name: String): Contact? {
val db = this.writableDatabase
val selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM $TABLE_NAME WHERE $colName = ?"
db.rawQuery(selectQuery, arrayOf(name)).use { // .use requires API 16
if (it.moveToFirst()) {
val result = Contact(id = 0,name ="") = it.getInt(it.getColumnIndex(colId)) = it.getString(it.getColumnIndex(colName))
return result
return null

How to call Expression Func with two input parameters

I have following Expression Func which is receiving two input paramters, first is Person Object, second is bool and returning another type of Object PersonProfile
private Exression<Func<Person, bool, PersonProfile>> PersonProfileProjection => (person, isValid) =>
new PersonProfile
FirstName = person.FirstName,
HasAddress = isValid ? person.Address1 : null
And I am trying to call this while fetching Person table from dbContext.
I am confused how to send boolean parameter inside PersonProfileProjection. It works when I only put one input and one output parameter like this. But I want extra boolean input as well.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
You can follow Microsoft documentation for this : Expression Class
One sample created for SQLite that show above function usage.
public void GetData()
var connection = new SQLiteConnection(#"Data Source=database.sqlite;Version=3;");
var context = new DataContext(connection);
var createtableQuery = #"
drop table Company;
var command = new SQLiteCommand(createtableQuery, connection);
Company com = new Company()
Id = 6,
Seats = 7
var companies = context.GetTable<Company>();
foreach (var company in companies)
Console.WriteLine("Company: {0} {1}",
company.Id, company.Seats);
//compile Expression using Compile method to invoke it as Delegate
Func<int,int, Company> PersonProfileProjectionComp = PersonProfileProjection.Compile();
var dd = companies.Select(p => PersonProfileProjectionComp(p.Id,p.Seats));
//// Below line inline use. Both works.
//var dd = companies.Select(p => PersonProfileProjection.Compile().Invoke(p.Id,p.Seats));
private System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<int, int, Company>> PersonProfileProjection => (person, seats) =>
new Company
Id = person,
Seats = seats
or in one line use this :
PersonProfileProjection.Compile().Invoke(person, isValid)
You could declare it as a Func instead of an expression:
private Func<Person, bool, PersonProfile> PersonProfileProjection => (person, isValid) =>
new PersonProfile
FirstName = person.FirstName,
HasAddress = isValid // do what you meant to do
... and call it as:
_dbContext.Persons.Select(p => PersonProfileProjection(p, true));
You could as well write an ordinary method:
private PersonProfile PersonProfileProjection(Person person, bool isValid)
return new PersonProfile
FirstName = person.FirstName,
HasAddress = isValid // do what you want to do
...and call it the same way:
_dbContext.Persons.Select(p => PersonProfileProjection(p, true));

How to Pass Java List of Objects to Oracle Stored Procedure Using MyBatis?

I have been googling this for a while and cannot seem to find any real answers.
I have an Oracle stored procedure that has a number of in parameters that have a type that is table of the table rowtype. So for example:
Declared in the pacakge:
TYPE param1_type_t IS TABLE OF table1%ROWTYPE;
TYPE param2_type_t IS TABLE OF table2%ROWTYPE;
TYPE param3_type_t IS TABLE OF table3%ROWTYPE;
Oracle Procedure:
parameter1 IN param1_type_t,
parameter2 IN param2_type_t,
parameter3 IN param3_type_t
On the java side, I have 3 corresponding Lists of objects representing each of the parameters that are populated in Java. Is it possible to call the Oracle procedure using MyBatis in this scenario?
<update id="callOracleSP" statementType="CALLABLE">
{CALL my_proc( #{param1, mode=IN},
#{param2, mode=IN},
#{param3, mode=IN}
The objects themselves are simple VOs with String and Integer properties and their respective getters and setters.
I am not really sure how to proceed. Do I need to somehow map the Java object lists to the Oracle types?
I can't tell if you do already or not, but you'll need Oracle objects defined.
field_one varchar2(50),
field_two varchar2(100)
Then you can write type handlers to map the Java objects to the Oracle objects.
import oracle.sql.ARRAY;
import oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor;
import oracle.sql.STRUCT;
import oracle.sql.StructDescriptor;
public class YourTypeHandler implements TypeHandler
public void setParameter(PreparedStatement ps, int i, Object parameter, JdbcType jdbcType) throws SQLException
List<YourObject> objects = (List<YourObject>) parameter;
StructDescriptor structDescriptor = StructDescriptor.createDescriptor("YOUR_OBJECT", ps.getConnection());
STRUCT[] structs = new STRUCT[objects.size()];
for (int index = 0; index < objects.size(); index++)
YourObject pack = packs.get(index);
Object[] params = new Object[2];
params[0] = pack.getFieldOne();
params[1] = pack.getFieldTwo();
STRUCT struct = new STRUCT(structDescriptor, ps.getConnection(), params);
structs[index] = struct;
ArrayDescriptor desc = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("YOUR_OBJECT_ARRAY", ps.getConnection());
ARRAY oracleArray = new ARRAY(desc, ps.getConnection(), structs);
ps.setArray(i, oracleArray);
Then invoke the procedure,
call your_proc
#{yourObjects, javaType=Object, jdbcType=ARRAY, jdbcTypeName=YOUR_OBJECT_ARRAY, mode=IN, typeHandler=YourObjectArrayTypeHandler}
Andy Pryor's answer is very good I tested it and it really works. But it has an error at typeHandler:
call your_proc
#{yourObjects, javaType=Object, jdbcType=ARRAY, jdbcTypeName=YOUR_OBJECT_ARRAY, mode=IN, typeHandler=YourObjectArrayTypeHandler}
should be:
call your_proc
#{yourObjects, javaType=Object, jdbcType=ARRAY, jdbcTypeName=YOUR_OBJECT_ARRAY, mode=IN, typeHandler=YourTypeHandler}
The TypeHandler has an error as well: (there is no "packs" and there is some difference in the method parameters in my version)
public void setParameter(PreparedStatement ps, int i, Object parameter, String arg3) throws SQLException {
List<YourObject> objects = (List<YourObject>) parameter;
StructDescriptor structDescriptor = StructDescriptor.createDescriptor("YOUR_OBJECT", ps.getConnection());
STRUCT[] structs = new STRUCT[objects.size()];
for (int index = 0; index < objects.size(); index++)
YourObject pack = objects.get(index);
Object[] params = new Object[2];
params[0] = pack.getFieldOne();
params[1] = pack.getFieldTwo();
STRUCT struct = new STRUCT(structDescriptor, ps.getConnection(), params);
structs[index] = struct;
ArrayDescriptor desc = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("YOUR_OBJECT_ARRAY", ps.getConnection());
ARRAY oracleArray = new ARRAY(desc, ps.getConnection(), structs);
ps.setArray(i, oracleArray);
And here is an example for xml mapping:
<parameterMap id="updateHierPersonAssignMap" class="java.util.Map" >
<parameter property="p_array" jdbcType="ARRAY" javaType="Object" mode="IN" typeHandler="com.aamtech.ria.model.domain.typehandler.YourTypeHandler"/>
<procedure id="updateHierPersonAssign" parameterMap="updateHierPersonAssignMap" >
{ call ria_am_util_pkg.j_update_hier_person_assign( ? ) }
And here is how you can call it from the DAO:
public void update(List array) {
Map<String, Object> queryParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
queryParams.put("p_array", array);
try {
client.update("HashMapResult.updateHierPersonAssign", queryParams);
} catch (SQLException e) {
And my procedure looks like this (it just inserts a row into a test table):
Procedure j_update_hier_person_assign (p_array IN YOUR_OBJECT_ARRAY) is
FOR i IN 1..p_array.count LOOP
insert into test (a) values (p_array(i).field_one);
