Laravel Uploading file Direct to API server without saving it on hosting server - laravel

I tried to search it everywhere but i couldn't find my answer. Here is the case
I have a form in Laravel,
User can upload video through this form.
The video is going to be saved/upload on VIEMO by API call.
Now what I want is, I don't want to save the video on my server, i.e I don't waent to save it on hosting app server
I want to directly send it to the VIEMO API but I am not sure how do I directly send it.
SO far this is the code
$video = $request->file('video');
Can somebody guide me how do i send this video coming through HTTP POST method directly to api.
Thank You

Instead of passing a UploadedFile instance to upload(), try passing the temporary file path:


How to access private files in s3 storage by laravel api for android application

Each user has a number of private files (photos, videos, etc.) stored on the s3 disk.
From the mobile application side, I send a request to Laravel web service to get the list of files and show it to the user on the client side.
I use the resource collection in Laravel to send responses and send my list to the mobile application.
My question is, how can I access the file itself using the file path on the client side?
Do I need to send a request to Laravel for each file to request a download type response for each file?
Considering that the number of files is more than one file and I want to show a list view inside the mobile application and I don't want to send a request to the server for each photo and download the photo.
I want the accessible links to be returned as soon as I get the list from the laravel app so that I can display them on the app side.
Laravel Side:
Route::get('api/user/{user}/files', function (User $user){
$files = $user->files();
return new FileCollection($files);
Route::get('api/download/{path}', function (string $path){
return Storage::disk('s3')->download($path);
Client Side:
What do I do here?
You can call Storage::disk('s3')->temporaryUrl($path, now()->addMinute()) to generate publicly accessible links for private files (links are going to expire in 1 minute in this example).

Handling image uploads in Cloudcode

I am trying to handle file uploads for a web app through cloud code.I am facing the following issues
We cant add third party middle ware such as busboy to parse
Express' built in function such as req.files doesn't seem to work with the body parser provides.
I don't want to expose my app key in the client code.
I wanted to know if there is any other way to handle this.
Parse Cloud is not a Node environment so it is not a surprise that it does not support nmp modules.
The middleware Parse provides for express.js does not support file uploads. Instead you need to send the file contents as base64 to your endpoint and create the Parse.File object from this data. more info here
Your app and client keys(except for master key) are PUBLIC INFORMATION and NOT secrets. This is clearly mentioned in the documentation by Parse and you cannot hide them at all. Use CLPs, ACLs and Cloud code to protect your data from unauthorised access.

Image retrieval API with token and security

I have a bunch of real time IP camera images on the web server.
Is there a way to develop an API (RESTFUL) with token to let developers access those images and still prevent unauthorized user to access those image url?
such as
If the API returns an URL of
then everyone can access the camera1 image without token if he already knows the camera1 image URL.
It seems I have to use an dynamic URL
instead of fixed name URL to prevent this from happening.
Or I can use image BASE64 encode to conver the image to binary string and return the long string in JSON format.
What's the best way to do this? Each of my image size is under 200KB and I have 150 IP cameras images update in real time and saved on the server hard disk with the fixed name.
How did facebook or youtube do it? If I have already know your facebook photo URL when call the API for the 1st time, after that I can access it anytime and anywhere without call the API again.

upload files directly to amazon s3 using fineuploader

I am trying upload files to directly to s3 but as per my research its need server side code or dependency on facebook,google etc. is there any way to upload files directly to amazon using fineuploder only?
There are three ways to upload files directly to S3 using Fine Uploader:
Allow Fine Uploader S3 to send a small request to your server before each API call it makes to S3. In this request, your server will respond with a signature that Fine Uploader needs to make the request. This signatures ensures the integrity of the request, and requires you to use your secret key, which should not be exposed client-side. This is discussed here:
Ask Fine Uploader to sign all requests client-side. This is a good option if you don't want Fine Uploader to make any requests to your server at all. However, it is critical that you don't simply hardcode your AWS secret key. Again, this key should be kept a secret. By utilizing an identity provider such as Facebook, Google, or Amazon, you can request very limited and temporary credentials which are fed to Fine Uploader. It then uses these credentials to submit requests to S3. You can read more about this here:
The third way to upload files directly to S3 using Fine Uploader is to either generate temporary security credentials yourself when you create a Fine Uploader instance, or simply hard-code them in your client-side code. I would suggest you not hard-code security credentials.
Yes, with fine uploader you can do.Here is a link that explains very well what you need to do
Here is what you need. In this blogpost fineuploader team introduces serverless s3 upload via javascript.

How can I make POST requests without making my API key public?

Using the imageshack API I can upload images to imageshack but I have to use an API key to do that. I can create a POST form for the image upload to imageshack but the key has to be put in the form and that exposes the API key publicly. How can I upload images to imageshack without exposing my API key?
I think the only way to do this properly is that the image is first POSTed to your OWN application by the user.
Then in your app you internally redirect this POST to ImageShack, where you can use your API key safely without anyone ever seeing it.
You can use something easy like RestClient to run the POST request from your back-end. You will need to store the image temporarily on your server, either in memory or on disk, for retransmission to ImageShack.
User sends image with POST to your server
Your server receives the image in the POST request from the user
Your server runs a POST with this image to ImageShack using your API key
The POST request from step 1 returns successfully to the user
