Reading data attribute after AJAX call - ajax

I'm having some trouble reading a data attribute value after updating through an AJAX call.
Here's the call, which works and updates the data-paged value successfully.
$('.block-resource-feed').on('click','#get-more-posts div',function(){
// Get current paged value
var paged = $(this).data('paged');
type: 'POST',
url: jsVar.ajax_url,
dataType: "html",
data: {
action : 'get_more_posts',
paged : paged
success: function( response ) {
// Return data
// Updated paged value
$('#get-more-posts div').attr('data-paged',paged + 1);
and the HTML side for the button;
<div id="get-more-posts">
<div data-count="13" data-paged="2">More resources</div>
The issue arrises when clicking the div again and the value always stays at 2, despite changing in the DOM.
I thought using the above on click method should allow reading of DOM elements after the call?

You should set/update this values on instance of your this element.
Add this above ajax call
const self = $(this);
and change your code in success callback
$('#get-more-posts div').attr('data-paged',paged + 1);
This will work now.


Print fetched data with ajax in codeigniter

I am trying to make chat room with ajax. Till now I am able to store data in db without page load. And also able to fetch data and display onscreen using ajax. Here is what I did with ajax
var chatmsg = $("#chatmsg").val(); //chat message from input field
var chatroomid = $("#chatroomid").val(); //hidden input field
url: baseurl+'User_dash/chatmessage', //An function in ctroller which contains only insert query
type: 'post',
data: {chatmsg:chatmsg, chatroomid:chatroomid},
dataType: 'json',
success: function (argument) {
$("#chatting").append(" <li id='"+getvalue+"'>"+argument['msg']+"</li>."); //Here I am printing chat message which resently submitted in database
error: function (hrx, ajaxOption, errorThrow) {
return false;
This method with ajax is working fine. But issue I faced here is that, this display chat message only to current user. Not to other side of user whome message is being sent via chat.
To solve this issue I come up with one idea which doesn't seems to be working as I planed. Here it is how I modified my previous ajax code..
var chatmsg = $("#chatmsg").val();
url: baseurl+'User_dash/chat', //controller function which contains insert query, after that select query to fetch chat data from db and store in view
type: 'post',
data: {chatmsg:chatmsg},
dataType: 'json',
success: function (argument) {
//Not doing anything here this time
error: function (hrx, ajaxOption, errorThrow) {
return false;
In updated version of script I thought If I will call a controller function which is storing data in view (chat page) then It will run query and print data without page load.
But with this method, I am getting chat onscreen only after page load, although it is getting submit in db with ajax fine.
Here is controller code for my second method with ajax if needed
public function chat(){
$chatdata = array('CHAT_ROOM'=>$_POST['chatroomid'],
$this->db->insert('tbl_chat', $chatdata); //inserting data
$data['chatroom'] = $this->db->where('CHAT_ROOM', 1)->get('tbl_chat')->result_array(); //fetching data from db
$this->load->view('userDash/chat', $data);
How do I achieve to run insert and then select query and print data on screen without page load?
Where I am getting wrong?
I solved my issue earlier, What I did was, just added this jquery script which keep refreshing (every second) a certain div inside page in which I have put query to fetch chat from db and printing them.
$("#chatting").load(location.href + " #chatting");
}, 1000);

How to reload data in free jqgrid 4.15.4

I have a question regarding free jqgrid. My jqgrid is loading fine with all data. I have given one dropdown and search button explicitly. when I am trying to search by selecting the dropdown and clicking on search button, New data is not loading into existing grid.
Here is my fiddle:
On page load, I am using this url: '/MajorsView/GetAllData', but after clicking on button I wanted to load from another url.
Below is my search button and actually I am getting data in success, but it is not reflecting on grid:
<input type="button" onclick="return myfunction();" id="btnFlagStatus" value="Search" class="btn btn-primary" />
function myfunction() {
var gendarVal = $("#gendarFlagsEnum option:selected").text();
var URL= "/MajorsView/GetFemaleData?searchKey=" + gendarVal;
type: "GET",
url: URL,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
data: JSON.stringify(gendarVal),
success: function (data) {
//$("#grid").setGridParam({ url: URL })
error: function () {
I have tried to taken references from these but no avail
How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box
how to reload jqgrid in mvc when i change dropdownlist
jQuery button click refresh of jqGrid only firing once
If you use datatype: "json" with some url, then you can just change url to another value and to trigger reloadGrid. One don't need to make a manual Ajax request. If you use loadonce: true option additionally, then datatype of the grid will be changed to "local" to process sorting, paging and filtering locally. Every sorting, paging and filtering is nothing more as reloading the grid which has datatype: "local" with another parameters (like page, sortname, postData.filters). Thus to reload the data of the grid from the server one have to restore datatype to the initial value ("json" in your case). Thus you can use
var p = $("#grid").jqGrid("getGridParam"); // get reference to all parameters of jqGrid
p.url = "/MajorsView/GetFemaleData?searchKey=" + encodeURIComponent(gendarVal)
$("#grid").trigger("reloadGrid", { fromServer: true });
Alternatively ole can reset datatype directly (with p.datatype = "json";), but the usage of fromServer: true could be helpful in other scenarios and it makes the code more readable in my opinion. See UPDATED part of the old answer for additional information.

Refresh form in Django without reloading page

Hi I'm new in Ajax and django and I want to refresh my form. I try some code but it didn't work. I'm sure what I want to do is very basic.
Here my html:
<div class="row" style="padding-top:20px;">
<div class="col-md-12" id="testAjax">
{% load crispy_forms_tags %}
{% crispy form %}
I want to refresh my form in the div testAjax.
Here my view:
def createPin(request):
error = False
if request.method == "POST":
form = CreatePinForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
pin =
pin.customer = request.user.customer
msg = "pin saved"
return redirect('/pin/CreatePin', {'form': form, 'msg': msg})
error = True
form = CreatePinForm()
return render(request, 'createPin.html', {'form': form, 'error': error,})
My Ajax:
function refresh()
var datastring = $form.serialize();
type: "POST",
url: '/pin/CreatePin/',
dataType: 'html',
data: datastring,
success: function(result)
/* The div contains now the updated form */
Thanks alot for your help.
When I need to do some operations and I don't want to reload the page I use a JQuery call to Ajax, I make the pertinent operations in AJAX and then receive the AJAX response in the JQuery function without leaving or reloading the page. I'll make an easy example here for you to understand the basics of this:
JQuery function, placed in the template you need
function form_post(){
//You have to get in this code the values you need to work with, for example:
var datastring = $form.serialize();
$.ajax({ //Call ajax function sending the option loaded
url: "/ajax_url/", //This is the url of the ajax view where you make the search
type: 'POST',
data: datastring,
success: function(response) {
result = JSON.parse(response); // Get the results sended from ajax to here
if (result.error) { // If the function fails
// Error
} else { // Success
//Here do whatever you need with the result;
You have to realize that I cannot finish the code without knowing what kind of results you're getting or how do you want to display them, so you need to retouch this code on your needs.
AJAX function called by JQuery
Remember you need to add an url for this Ajax function in your something like:
url(r'^/ajax_url/?$', 'your_project.ajax.ajax_view', name='ajax_view'),
Then your AJAX function, it's like a normal Django View, but add this function into from django.core.context_processors import csrf from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.utils import simplejson
def ajax_view(request):
response = []
#Here you have to enter code here
#to receive the data (datastring) you send here by POST
#Do the operations you need with the form information
#Add the data you need to send back to a list/dictionary like response
#And return it to the JQuery function `enter code here`(simplejson.dumps is to convert to JSON)
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(response))
So, without leaving the page you receive via javascript a list of items that you sended from ajax view.
So you can update the form, or any tag you need using JQuery
I know that this can be so confusing at the beginning but once you are used to AJAX this kind of operations without leaving or reloading the page are easy to do.
The basics for understanding is something like:
JQuery function called on click or any event you need
JQuery get some values on the template and send them to AJAX via
Receive that information in AJAX via POST
Do whatever you need in AJAX like a normal DJango view
Convert your result to JSON and send back to the JQuery function
JQuery function receive the results from AJAX and you can do
whatever you need

How to attach html response (got from ajax request )with div tag in jquery?

Below is the code snippet which is hitting the url on server and getting the html response.I can see
the response inside firefox debugger but it does not display in div tag.
url: url,
dataType: 'html',
data: '',
type: 'POST',
success: function(data) {
//in firefox debugger i can see complete html response inside data
$('#displayContent').html(data); // but here, it does not
// append the html inside div displayContent. Instead it makes
// the current page blank
I don't get what mistake I'm making here Can I not directly assign the ajax html response to an selector(div tag in my case) with $('#displayContent').html(data)?
Instead of using html() method use append i.e.
Or if you want to assign whole content direct to your element use load method
If you've got a form tag on your page, and you're trying to submit it asynchronously with jQuery, your function will need to return false, to prevent the browser from handling the form.
$("form").submit(function () {
return false;

CI + AJAX, Double posting + refreshing of page

So I have a normal form with 1 textarea and two hidden inputs, which I would like to post via AJAX to a CI controller I have that inserts the information into the database.
The problem I'm having is that a) the page action is still called and the output of the controller is displayed and b) because the initial AJAX request is still processed plus the extra loading of the action target the information gets inserted twice.
This is my javascript code:
$(document).ready(function() {
var post_id = <?=$p->id?>;
var user_id = <?=$user->id?>;
var content = $("textarea#content").val();
if(content == '') {
alert('Not filled in content');
return false;
type: "POST",
url: "<?=site_url('controller/comment')?>",
data: "post_id="+post_id+"&user_id="+user_id+"&content="+content,
success: function(msg){
I have tried doing ... e.preventDefault
with no luck.
What am I doing wrong? :P
Ps. All the information is processed properly and accessed, it's just the preventing the form which is screwing it up..
Just realised I was using a input type="submit", rather than input type="button".
