Use case
List all files in a directory with the format - a1.{{ env }}.js, a2.{{ env }}.js
Find corresponding files in the destination directory with the format - a1.js, a2.js
Copy a1.{{ env }}.js in the directory where a1.js exists, Copy a2.{{ env }}.js in the directory where a2.js exists
Sample code: This code does a direct find and replace
- name: Find files in archive
paths: "archive/"
file_type: file
recurse: yes
register: tmp_file_path
- name: Find files in code matching names in archive
paths: "code/"
file_type: file
recurse: yes
patterns: "{{ tmp_file_path.files | map(attribute='path') | map('basename') | list }}"
register: code_file_path
- set_fact:
code_files: "{{ code_files|default([]) +
[{'path': item, 'name': item|basename}] }}"
loop: "{{ code_file_path.files|map(attribute='path')|list }}"
- name: Copy files from archive to code directory
command: cp "{{ item.0 }}" "{{ item.1.path }}"
- item.0|basename == item.1.path|basename
- "{{ tmp_file_path.files|map(attribute='path')|list|sort }}"
- "{{ code_files|sort(attribute='name') }}"
Below listed is the directory structure
├── archive
│ ├── a1.test.js
│ ├── a2.test.js
│ ├── a3.test.js
│ └── a4.test.js
└── code
├── a1.js
├── dir1
│ └── a2.js
└── dir2
├── a4.js
└── dir3
└── a3.js
Copy archive/a1.test.js to code/
Copy archive/a2.test.js to code/dir1/
Copy archive/a3.test.js to code/dir1/dir2/dir3/
Copy archive/a4.test.js to code/dir1/dir2/
Is there a solution to do a direct copy as per the above use case?
Some explanation on the approach:
The entire idea of it is based on the creation of a dictionary instructing the playbook on which file should be added where.
The dictionary, for your use case would look like this:
"a1.js": {
"archive": "archive/a1.test.js",
"paths": [
"a2.js": {
"archive": "archive/a2.test.js",
"paths": [
"a3.js": {
"archive": "archive/a3.test.js",
"paths": [
"a4.js": {
"archive": "archive/a4.test.js",
"paths": [
Where the keys are the files we are searching for under the code folder, the key archive represent the file we aim to copy from the archive folder and paths is an array where the said file should find its destination(s).
Most of the logic is done by the Ansible filter regex_replace, that extract the name of the file to find in the code folder via a quite simple expression: (.*)\..*\.js$
item.path | basename | regex_replace('(.*)\\..*\\.js$', '\\1.js')
Another filter used here that might be interesting to explore is the combine filter, with the parameter recursive=true, that allows to create the paths where the files should find their destination(s).
There is also a Python operation used here: dict.keys(), in order to create the comma separated list of files to search in the code folder out of the keys of the dictionary above.
It is also making use of loop with the subelement filter, to traverse both the dictionary and its sub array paths at the same time.
And to be complete, here are the other, more commonly used filters used in this playbook:
default: to specify a default value when a variable is not defined
basename: to get only the name of a file out of its full path
dirname: to get only the directory from a full path to a file
join: to concatenate the elements of an array, here, based on a separator
Yes, it might be over-engineered compared to your use case, the playbook here-under is able to cope with the fact that a1.js could be in two different folders and will be able to copy a1.test.js in both those folders.
So, here is a solution:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
- find:
paths: archive
file_type: file
recurse: yes
register: archives
- set_fact:
searches: "{{ searches | default({}) | combine({ key: value }) }}"
key: "{{ item.path | basename | regex_replace('(.*)\\..*\\.js$', '\\1.js') }}"
value: "{{ { 'archive': item.path, 'paths': [] } }}"
loop: "{{ archives.files }}"
label: "{{ item.path }}"
- find:
path: code
file_type: file
recurse: yes
pattern: "{{ searches.keys() | join(',') }}"
register: paths
- set_fact:
searches: "{{ searches | combine({key: value}, recursive=true) }}"
key: "{{ item.path | basename }}"
value: "{{ { 'paths': [item.path | dirname] + searches[item.path | basename].paths } }}"
loop: "{{ paths.files }}"
label: "{{ item.path }}"
- copy:
src: "{{ item.0.archive }}"
dest: "{{ item.1 ~ '/' ~ item.0.archive | basename }}"
loop: "{{ searches | subelements('paths') }}"
label: "{{ item.0.archive }}"
Situation before:
tree archive code
├── a1.test.js
├── a2.test.js
├── a3.test.js
└── a4.test.js
├── a1.js
└── dir1
├── a2.js
└── dir2
├── a4.js
└── dir3
└── a3.js
3 directories, 8 files
Recap of the playbook:
PLAY [localhost] **************************************************************************************************
TASK [find] *******************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [set_fact] ***************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=archive/a3.test.js)
ok: [localhost] => (item=archive/a2.test.js)
ok: [localhost] => (item=archive/a1.test.js)
ok: [localhost] => (item=archive/a4.test.js)
TASK [find] *******************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [set_fact] ***************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=code/a1.js)
ok: [localhost] => (item=code/dir1/a2.js)
ok: [localhost] => (item=code/dir1/dir2/a4.js)
ok: [localhost] => (item=code/dir1/dir2/dir3/a3.js)
TASK [copy] *******************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost] => (item=archive/a3.test.js)
changed: [localhost] => (item=archive/a2.test.js)
changed: [localhost] => (item=archive/a1.test.js)
changed: [localhost] => (item=archive/a4.test.js)
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=5 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Situation after:
tree code
├── a1.js
├── a1.test.js
└── dir1
├── a2.js
├── a2.test.js
└── dir2
├── a4.js
├── a4.test.js
└── dir3
├── a3.js
└── a3.test.js
3 directories, 8 files
How to change the value of src to use the first file found or use another path/file if none is found ignoring errors, for example, I want to have a file for a specific host, but default to another file if the first one is not found or skip, I can solve this by duplication the following block with a different src each:
- name: create file unique per host:
src: "{{ ansible_host }}/{{ item }}.conf.j2"
dest: "/etc/wireguard/{{ item }}.conf"
loop: "{{ files }}"
- name: create file:
src: "{{ item }}.conf.j2"
dest: "/etc/wireguard/{{ item }}.conf"
loop: "{{ files }}"
In the role directory, I have inside the templates a directory per host (IP), for example:
| default.conf.j2
When the task runs against I want to use the files wg.100.conf.j2 & wg.200.conf.j2 but for other hosts use default.conf.j2 or skip if nothing is defined
Any idea how to do it in a single task?
For example, I would like to call the playbook like this:
- roles:
- role: test_role
- wg.test-1
- wg.test-2
The expected result is to have the files wg.test-1 and wg.test-2 in all hosts:
But also include unique files per host, for example having the following structure within the role, host will have the files wg.100 & wg.200 and host the file wg.300
├── tasks
│ └── main.yml
└── templates
│ ├── wg.100.conf.j2
│ └── wg.200.conf.j2
│ └── wg.300.conf.j2
├── wg.test-2.conf.j2
└── wg.test-1.conf.j2
The reason I want to do all within a task is to simplify the restart of only changed services despite if the src is different and use something like:
- name: create config
src: "{{ ansible_host }}/{{ item }}.conf.j2" || {{ item }}.conf.j2
dest: "/etc/wireguard/{{ item }}.conf"
loop: "{{ configs }}"
notify: restart service
register: changes
- set_fact:
restart_service: "{{ restart_service | default([]) + [item.item] }}"
when: item.changed
loop: "{{ changes.results }}"
no_log: true
This is the current working role that I have, but would like to find a better approach (prevent duplicating blocks)
- name: Create wg.file
src: "{{ item }}.conf.j2"
dest: "/etc/wireguard/{{ item }}.conf"
loop: "{{ vpns }}"
notify: restart vpn
register: changes
- set_fact:
restart_service: "{{ restart_service | default([]) + [item.item] }}"
when: item.changed
loop: "{{ changes.results }}"
no_log: true
- name: find per host wg.files
per_host_wg_files: "{{ lookup('fileglob', 'templates/{{ ansible_host }}/*.j2', wantlist=True) }}"
- name: Create per host wg.files
src: "{{ ansible_host }}/{{ item | basename }}"
dest: "/etc/wireguard/{{ (item | basename).split('.')[:3] | join('.') }}"
loop: "{{ per_host_wg_files }}"
notify: restart vpn
register: changes
- name: create fact with changes
restart_service: "{{ restart_service | default([]) + [(item.item | basename).split('.')[:2] | join('.')] }}"
when: item.changed
loop: "{{ changes.results }}"
no_log: true
Just in case this is the restart handler:
- name: restart vpn
daemon_reload: true
state: restarted
enabled: true
name: "wg-quick#{{ item }}"
async: 10
poll: 5
loop: "{{ restart_service }}"
when: restart_service is defined
Example 1.
Given the tree for testing
shell> pwd
shell> tree .
├── ansible.cfg
├── hosts
├── pb.yml
└── roles
└── role_A
├── tasks
│ └── main.yml
└── templates
│ ├── test-1.conf.j2
│ └── test-2.conf.j2
│ └── test-2.conf.j2
└── default.conf.j2
6 directories, 8 files
shell> cat ansible.cfg
gathering = explicit
inventory = $PWD/hosts
roles_path = $PWD/roles
remote_tmp = ~/.ansible/tmp
retry_files_enabled = false
stdout_callback = yaml
shell> cat hosts
host1 ansible_host=
host2 ansible_host=
host3 ansible_host=
shell> cat pb.yml
- hosts: all
files: [test-1, test-2, test-3]
findme: "{{ [ansible_host]|
map('join', '/') + ['default.conf.j2'] }}"
found_file: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.first_found', found_params) }}"
files: "{{ findme }}"
paths: ['templates']
skip: true
- role_A
shell> cat roles/role_A/tasks/main.yml
- debug:
var: findme
- debug:
var: found_file
- name: Do it in this single task
msg: "{{ lookup('template', found_file) }}"
shell> cat roles/role_A/templates/ test-1
shell> cat roles/role_A/templates/ test-2
shell cat roles/role_A/templates/ test-2
shell> cat roles/role_A/templates/default.conf.j2
{{ ansible_host }} default
Create a list of files. Declare the variables
files: [test-1, test-2, test-3]
findme: "{{ [ansible_host]|
map('join', '/') + ['default.conf.j2'] }}"
TASK [role_A : debug] ************************************************************************
ok: [host3] =>
- default.conf.j2
ok: [host1] =>
- default.conf.j2
ok: [host2] =>
- default.conf.j2
Find the first file available.
The plugin first_found by default doesn't look for files in templates. You must add this subdirectory to the parameter paths when you put files into templates.
The lookup below always succeeds because each list of files is terminated by default.conf.j2.
skip: true means the lookup returns an empty list [] when no files are matched.
found_file: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.first_found', found_params) }}"
files: "{{ findme }}"
paths: ['templates']
skip: true
TASK [role_A : debug] ************************************************************************
ok: [host2] =>
found_file: /export/scratch/tmp7/test-151/roles/role_A/templates/
ok: [host3] =>
found_file: /export/scratch/tmp7/test-151/roles/role_A/templates/default.conf.j2
ok: [host1] =>
found_file: /export/scratch/tmp7/test-151/roles/role_A/templates/
Use the file.
- debug:
msg: "{{ lookup('template', found_file) }}"
If you want to allow an empty variable found_file test it
- debug:
msg: "{{ lookup('template', found_file) }}"
when: found_file|length > 0
TASK [role_A : debug] ************************************************************************
ok: [host1] =>
msg: |- test-1
ok: [host2] =>
msg: |- test-2
ok: [host3] =>
msg: |- default
Example 2.
Q: "Given the following structure within the role, the expected result is to have the files wg.test-1 and wg.test-2 in all hosts and also include unique files per host. Host will have the files wg.100 and wg.200, and host the file wg.300."
├── tasks
│ └── main.yml
└── templates
│ ├── wg.100.conf.j2
│ └── wg.200.conf.j2
│ └── wg.300.conf.j2
├── wg.test-2.conf.j2
└── wg.test-1.conf.j2
A: In this case the plugin first_found is not needed. Use the plugin fileglob instead.
Given the tree for testing
shell> tree .
├── ansible.cfg
├── hosts
├── pb.yml
└── roles
└── role_A
├── defaults
│ └── main.yml
├── tasks
│ └── main.yml
└── templates
│ ├── wg.100.conf.j2
│ └── wg.200.conf.j2
│ └── wg.300.conf.j2
├── wg.test-1.conf.j2
└── wg.test-2.conf.j2
shell> cat pb.yml
- hosts: all
- role_A
shell> cat roles/role_A/defaults/main.yml
files_global_pattern: templates/*.j2
files_global: "{{ q('ansible.builtin.fileglob', files_global_pattern) }}"
files_local_pattern: "templates/{{ ansible_host }}/*.j2"
files_local: "{{ q('ansible.builtin.fileglob', files_local_pattern) }}"
shell> cat roles/role_A/tasks/main.yml
- debug:
msg: |
{{ files_global|to_nice_yaml }}
{{ files_local|to_nice_yaml }}
- debug:
msg: |
src: {{ item }}
dest: {{ _dest }}
content: {{ lookup('template', item) }}
loop: "{{ files_global + files_local }}"
_dest: "{{ item|basename|splitext|first }}"
shell> find roles/role_A/templates -type f | xargs cat
{{ ansible_host }} wg.test-1
{{ ansible_host }} wg.test-2 wg.200 wg.100 wg.300
Declare the lists of global and local files
shell> cat roles/role_A/defaults/main.yml
files_global_pattern: templates/*.j2
files_global: "{{ q('ansible.builtin.fileglob', files_global_pattern) }}"
files_local_pattern: "templates/{{ ansible_host }}/*.j2"
files_local: "{{ q('ansible.builtin.fileglob', files_local_pattern) }}"
TASK [role_A : debug] ************************************************************************
ok: [host1] =>
msg: |-
- /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-1.conf.j2
- /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-2.conf.j2
- /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/
- /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/
[WARNING]: Unable to find 'templates/' in expected paths (use -vvvvv to see paths)
ok: [host3] =>
msg: |-
- /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-1.conf.j2
- /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-2.conf.j2
ok: [host2] =>
msg: |-
- /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-1.conf.j2
- /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-2.conf.j2
- /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/
Use the lists
- debug:
msg: |
src: {{ item }}
dest: {{ _dest }}
content: {{ lookup('template', item) }}
loop: "{{ files_global + files_local }}"
_dest: "{{ item|basename|splitext|first }}"
TASK [role_A : debug] ************************************************************************
[WARNING]: Unable to find 'templates/' in expected paths (use -vvvvv to see paths)
ok: [host1] => (item=/export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-1.conf.j2) =>
msg: |-
src: /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-1.conf.j2
dest: wg.test-1.conf
content: wg.test-1
ok: [host2] => (item=/export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-1.conf.j2) =>
msg: |-
src: /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-1.conf.j2
dest: wg.test-1.conf
content: wg.test-1
ok: [host1] => (item=/export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-2.conf.j2) =>
msg: |-
src: /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-2.conf.j2
dest: wg.test-2.conf
content: wg.test-2
ok: [host2] => (item=/export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-2.conf.j2) =>
msg: |-
src: /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-2.conf.j2
dest: wg.test-2.conf
content: wg.test-2
ok: [host3] => (item=/export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-1.conf.j2) =>
msg: |-
src: /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-1.conf.j2
dest: wg.test-1.conf
content: wg.test-1
ok: [host2] => (item=/export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/ =>
msg: |-
src: /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/
dest: wg.300.conf
content: wg.300
ok: [host1] => (item=/export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/ =>
msg: |-
src: /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/
dest: wg.200.conf
content: wg.200
ok: [host3] => (item=/export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-2.conf.j2) =>
msg: |-
src: /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/wg.test-2.conf.j2
dest: wg.test-2.conf
content: wg.test-2
ok: [host1] => (item=/export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/ =>
msg: |-
src: /export/scratch/tmp7/test-152/roles/role_A/templates/
dest: wg.100.conf
content: wg.100
Q: "How do you prevent the error: 'ansible_host' is undefined?"
A: Use default if you want to allow undefined variable. For example,
files_local_pattern: "templates/{{ ansible_host|d('udefined') }}/*.j2"
The result will be the warning below
[WARNING]: Unable to find 'templates/udefined' in expected paths
I'd like to load a zshenv file (using source command) and then use the ENVs in another task.
This is what I have. I'm hoping there's a better solution
directory structure
├── ansible.cfg
├── hosts.yaml
├── profiles
│ └── macos.yaml
├── roles
│ └── base
│ ├── tasks
│ │ ├── git.yaml
│ │ └── main.yaml
│ └── vars
└── tools
└── zsh
└── .zshenv
inventory = ./hosts.yaml
roles_path = ./roles/
stdout_callback = yaml
# run MacOS configs
# - hosts: localhost
# connection: local
# tags: macos
# roles:
# - macos
# # when: ansible_distribution == "MacOSX"
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
tags: base
- base
- import_tasks: tasks/git.yaml
- name: source zshenv
cmd: source ../tools/zsh/.zshenv; echo $GIT_CONFIG_PATH
register: gitConfigPath
- name: Link gitconfig file
# PWD: ./profiles
src: "{{ ansible_env.PWD }}/../tools/git/.gitconfig"
dest: "{{ gitConfigPath.stdout }}"
state: link
# - name: print ansible_env
# debug:
# msg: "{{ ansible_env }}"
# - name: print gitConfigPath
# debug:
# msg: "{{ gitConfigPath.stdout }}"
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config"
export GIT_CONFIG_PATH="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/config"
command to run
ansible-playbook profiles/macos.yaml -v
PS: It'd be easier to do something like this in ansible
source tools/zsh/.zshenv && ansible-playbook profiles/macos.yaml -v
Given the simplified project without a role
shell> tree -a .
├── ansible.cfg
├── hosts
├── pb.yml
└── tools
├── git
└── zsh
└── .zshenv
shell> cat hosts
shell> cat tools/zsh/.zshenv
export GIT_CONFIG_PATH=/home/admin/git/.gitconfig
export ENV1=env1
export ENV2=env2
export ENV3=env3
eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"
Parse the environment on your own. For example
zshenv: "{{ dict(lookup('file', 'tools/zsh/.zshenv').splitlines()|
select('match', '^\\s*export .*$')|
map('regex_replace', '^\\s*export\\s+', '')|
map('split', '=')) }}"
ENV1: env1
ENV2: env2
ENV3: env3
GIT_CONFIG_PATH: /home/admin/git/.gitconfig
Then, use the dictionary zshenv
- name: Link gitconfig file
dest: "{{ playbook_dir }}/tools/git/.gitconfig"
src: "{{ zshenv.GIT_CONFIG_PATH }}"
state: link
gives, running with --check -- diff options
TASK [Link gitconfig file] *******************************************************************
--- before
+++ after
## -1,2 +1,2 ##
path: /export/scratch/tmp7/test-116/tools/git/.gitconfig
-state: absent
+state: link
changed: [localhost]
Example of a complete playbook for testing
shell> cat pb.yml
- hosts: localhost
zshenv: "{{ dict(lookup('file', 'tools/zsh/.zshenv').splitlines()|
select('match', '^\\s*export .*$')|
map('regex_replace', '^\\s*export\\s+', '')|
map('split', '=')) }}"
- debug:
var: zshenv
- name: Link gitconfig file
dest: "{{ playbook_dir }}/tools/git/.gitconfig"
src: "{{ zshenv.GIT_CONFIG_PATH }}"
state: link
shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml
PLAY [localhost] *****************************************************************************
TASK [debug] *********************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] =>
ENV1: env1
ENV2: env2
ENV3: env3
GIT_CONFIG_PATH: /home/admin/git/.gitconfig
TASK [Link gitconfig file] *******************************************************************
changed: [localhost]
PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************
localhost: ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
The link tools/git/.gitconfig -> /home/admin/git/.gitconfig was created
shell> tree -a .
├── ansible.cfg
├── hosts
├── pb.yml
└── tools
├── git
│ └── .gitconfig -> /home/admin/git/.gitconfig
└── zsh
└── .zshenv
You can use the dictionary zshenv to set the environment. For example,
- command: echo $GIT_CONFIG_PATH
environment: "{{ zshenv }}"
register: out
- debug:
var: out.stdout
out.stdout: /home/admin/git/.gitconfig
Cache the dictionary if you want to use this environment globally in the whole play. For example,
shell> grep fact_caching ansible.cfg
fact_caching = jsonfile
fact_caching_connection = /tmp/ansible_cache
fact_caching_prefix = ansible_facts_
fact_caching_timeout = 86400
- set_fact:
zshenv: "{{ dict(lookup('file', 'tools/zsh/.zshenv').splitlines()|
select('match', '^\\s*export .*$')|
map('regex_replace', '^\\s*export\\s+', '')|
map('split', '=')) }}"
cacheable: true
- hosts: localhost
environment: "{{ zshenv }}"
- command: echo $GIT_CONFIG_PATH
register: out
- debug:
var: out.stdout
PLAY [localhost] *****************************************************************************
TASK [command] *******************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [debug] *********************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] =>
out.stdout: /home/admin/git/.gitconfig
PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************
localhost: ok=7 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
With the help from Vladimir Botka, using the answer from
I modified a little bit of his code
source the zshenv file
print out all the ENV in the shell session
store the output to as ansible facts
access the ENV in a task
# run MacOS configs
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
tags: always
- name: source zshenv
cmd: source ../tools/zsh/.zshenv; env
register: out
changed_when: false
- name: store zshenv as fact
zshenv: "{{ dict(out.stdout.splitlines() | map('split', '=')) }}"
changed_when: false
# - hosts: localhost
# connection: local
# tags: macos
# roles:
# - macos
# # when: ansible_distribution == "MacOSX"
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
tags: base
- base
- name: Link gitconfig file
src: "{{ ansible_env.PWD }}/../tools/git/.gitconfig"
dest: "{{ zshenv.GIT_CONFIG_PATH }}"
state: link
command to run
ansible-playbook profiles/macos.yaml
I have this vars file in Ansible:
client: ["VK","SB"]
folders: ["toula","tina"]
client: ["VK","SB"]
folders: ["invoices","scripts"]
client: ["VK", "SB"]
old_name: ["home"]
new_name: ["town"]
Is it possible to do something like that in YAML? The following code in Ruby
clients = ["VK", "SB"]
folders = ["toula","tina"]
clients.each do |client|
folders.each do |folder|
puts "folder #{folder} for client #{client} created"
To sum up I want each client to create the folders ["toula", "tina"]
I have tried a lot but I can't manage to make it loop twice for each folder.
The output of the above code
folder toula for client VK created
folder tina for client VK created
folder toula for client SB created
folder tina for client SB created
Iterate the lists with_nested. For example,
- debug:
msg: "folder {{ item.1 }} for client {{ item.0 }} created"
- "{{ for_create.client }}"
- "{{ for_create.folders }}"
client: [VK, SB]
folders: [toula, tina]
gives (abridged)
msg: folder toula for client VK created
msg: folder tina for client VK created
msg: folder toula for client SB created
msg: folder tina for client SB created
To rename folders zip the lists
- debug:
msg: "folder {{ item.1 }} renamed to {{ item.2 }} for client {{ item.0 }}"
- "{{ for_rename.client }}"
- "{{ for_rename.old_name|zip(for_rename.new_name) }}"
client: [VK, SB]
old_name: [home]
new_name: [town]
gives (abridged)
msg: folder home renamed to town for client VK
msg: folder home renamed to town for client SB
Q: "Is it possible to check if the folder exists inside the loop?"
A: Yes. It is. Use the parameters creates or removes. For example, given the tree
shell> tree /tmp/home/
├── SB
│ └── home
└── VK
└── home
The playbook below
shell: cat pb.yml
- hosts: localhost
- command:
cmd: "mv {{ main_path }}/{{ item.1 }} {{ main_path }}/{{ item.2 }}"
removes: "{{ main_path }}/{{ item.1 }}"
- "{{ for_rename.client }}"
- "{{ for_rename.old_name|zip(for_rename.new_name) }}"
main_path: "/tmp/home/{{ item.0 }}"
client: [VK, SB]
old_name: [home]
new_name: [town]
moves the files only if exist
shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml
PLAY [localhost] *****************************************************************************
TASK [command] *******************************************************************************
changed: [localhost] => (item=['VK', 'home', 'town'])
changed: [localhost] => (item=['SB', 'home', 'town'])
PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************
localhost: ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
shell> tree /tmp/home/
├── SB
│ └── town
└── VK
└── town
2 directories, 2 files
The playbook is idempotent. The commands will not execute if the files are missing
shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml
PLAY [localhost] *****************************************************************************
TASK [command] *******************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=['VK', 'home', 'town'])
ok: [localhost] => (item=['SB', 'home', 'town'])
PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************
localhost: ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
You can use the module command the same way also to create or remove files. The next option is using the module file. For example, the playbook below
shell> cat pb.yml
- hosts: localhost
- file:
state: touch
path: "{{ main_path }}/{{ item.1 }}"
- "{{ for_create.client }}"
- "{{ for_create.folders }}"
main_path: "/tmp/home/{{ item.0 }}"
client: [VK, SB]
folders: [toula, tina]
creates the files
shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml
PLAY [localhost] *****************************************************************************
TASK [file] **********************************************************************************
changed: [localhost] => (item=['VK', 'toula'])
changed: [localhost] => (item=['VK', 'tina'])
changed: [localhost] => (item=['SB', 'toula'])
changed: [localhost] => (item=['SB', 'tina'])
PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************
localhost: ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
shell> tree /tmp/home/
├── SB
│ ├── tina
│ ├── toula
│ └── town
└── VK
├── tina
├── toula
└── town
This task is not idempotent because the files will receive updated file access and modification times (similar to the way touch works from the command line). Preserve access_time and modification_time to make the task idempotent
- file:
state: touch
path: "{{ main_path }}/{{ item.1 }}"
access_time: preserve
modification_time: preserve
I would like to loop many times to create multiple directory. I tried below was not working.
Would you be able to advice?
This my variable
- "/exec/db/dir1"
- "/exec/db/dir1/v1"
- { directory: "subdir/database/connection", directory: "db_connection.xml" }
- { directory: "subdir/database/properties", directory: "" }
- { directory: "subdir/application", directory: "index.html" }
- { directory: "subdir/application/pom", directory: "pom.xml" }
This my playbook role
- name: Create multiple sub directory
path: "{{ item[0] }}/{{ item[1].directory }}"
state: directory
- "{{ main_dir }}"
- "{{ sub_dir }}"
Expected result
It looks like the dictionaries in your list sub-dir are bogus.
Indeed, you have as directory key for both what seems to be a directory and what seems to be a file.
Your variable would be more correct this way:
- { directory: "subdir/database/connection", file: "db_connection.xml" }
- { directory: "subdir/database/properties", file: "" }
- { directory: "subdir/application", file: "index.html" }
- { directory: "subdir/application/pom", file: "pom.xml" }
And with that dictionary, your playbooks works properly because the file does not override the directory anymore.
Given the playbook:
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
- file:
path: "{{ item[0] }}/{{ item[1].directory }}"
state: directory
- "{{ main_dir }}"
- "{{ sub_dir }}"
- "/exec/db/dir1"
- "/exec/db/dir1/v1"
- { directory: "subdir/database/connection", file: "db_connection.xml" }
- { directory: "subdir/database/properties", file: "" }
- { directory: "subdir/application", file: "index.html" }
- { directory: "subdir/application/pom", file: "pom.xml" }
This give the recap:
PLAY [all] ************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [file] ***********************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost] => (item=['/exec/db/dir1', {'directory': 'subdir/database/connection', 'file': 'db_connection.xml'}])
changed: [localhost] => (item=['/exec/db/dir1', {'directory': 'subdir/database/properties', 'file': ''}])
changed: [localhost] => (item=['/exec/db/dir1', {'directory': 'subdir/application', 'file': 'index.html'}])
changed: [localhost] => (item=['/exec/db/dir1', {'directory': 'subdir/application/pom', 'file': 'pom.xml'}])
changed: [localhost] => (item=['/exec/db/dir1/v1', {'directory': 'subdir/database/connection', 'file': 'db_connection.xml'}])
changed: [localhost] => (item=['/exec/db/dir1/v1', {'directory': 'subdir/database/properties', 'file': ''}])
changed: [localhost] => (item=['/exec/db/dir1/v1', {'directory': 'subdir/application', 'file': 'index.html'}])
changed: [localhost] => (item=['/exec/db/dir1/v1', {'directory': 'subdir/application/pom', 'file': 'pom.xml'}])
PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Which creates the directory tree:
tree /exec/db/dir1/
├── subdir
│ ├── application
│ │ └── pom
│ └── database
│ ├── connection
│ └── properties
└── v1
└── subdir
├── application
│ └── pom
└── database
├── connection
└── properties
13 directories, 0 files
What I am trying to achieve here is as below
Unarchive the code from tar.gz - working
Find file names in unarchived directory - working
Find file names in code directory based on file names fetched in step 2 - failed
Copy files from source:(Step 2) destination:(Step3) - working if I use the hardcoded file names in the pattern section of step 3
Below mentioned is the Ansible role I have used:
- name: Unarchive config files to server
src: "{{ config_dir }}/config.tar.gz"
dest: /tmp
list_files: yes
register: tar_path
- name: Find file names in unarchived config files
paths: "{{ tar_path.dest }}"
file_type: file
recurse: yes
register: tmp_file_path
- name: Find file names in code base
paths: /opt
file_type: file
recurse: yes
#Search for file names with the values in tmp_file_path
register: code_file_path
- set_fact:
code_files: "{{ code_files|default([]) +
[{'path': item, 'name': item|basename}] }}"
loop: "{{ code_file_path.files|map(attribute='path')|list }}"
- name: copy files
command: cp "{{ item.0 }}" "{{ item.1.path }}"
- "{{ tmp_file_path.files|map(attribute='path')|list|sort }}"
- "{{ code_files|sort(attribute='name') }}"
Here I need to use find to locate files in /opt directory based on pattern(filename) exactly which I have unarchived in /tmp
And finally, replace files from /tmp to /opt based on the file names and paths(This I am able to do). The directory structure is as follows:
shell> tree tmp
├── file1
├── file2
└── file3
shell> tree opt
├── bar
│ └── file2
├── baz
│ └── file3
└── foo
└── file1
Here if I use the below code wherein I manually mention the file names, then it works. However, I don't want to do that
- name: Find file names in code base
paths: /opt
file_type: file
recurse: yes
- file1
- file2
- file3
register: code_file_path
I need a solution to replace the hardcoding for patterns: file1, file2 and file3 and use some variable to do that. The file names in /tmp and /opt where I need to replace is exactly the same
If I understood correctly, here is a possible way to handle what you're trying to do. In the below example, I took away the unarchive job as it's not on the critical path.
Playbook walkthrough
I created two sample directories. The first two tasks are only there to further show you this test structure:
an archive directory containing 4 files in random directories. One of them is not present in the target
a code directory containing several files random directories. 3 files have the same basenames as other files found in archive.
The first find task is identical to yours and registers a result with details of all files in the archive dir.
For the second find task in the code directory, the key point is to pass as patterns parameter the list of basenames from the first search which you can get with the expression:
{{ search_archive.files | map(attribute='path') | map('basename') | list }}
We can detail this one as: get files list from our archive find result, extract only the path attribute, apply the basename filter on each list element and return a list.
For the last task, I used the copy module. My example runs on localhost but since yours will probably run on a remote target, the remote_src has to be set (or files will be fetched from the controller).
The loop is done on the result of the previous task so we only get the matching files in code directory as dest. To select the src, we look for corresponding files in the archive folder with the following expression:
{{ search_archive.files | map(attribute='path') | select('match', '^.*/' + item | basename + '$') | first }}
The select filter select is applying the match test to each path in the list selecting only the elements ending with the current code path basename. The first filter get only the first (and only in your case) matching element. loop_control.label is used to get a better output of task result.
Demo playbook
The first two task are only for debugging/demo purpose.
- name: Update files from package in code wherever they are
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
- name: Capture sample data structure
command: tree archive code
register: structure
changed_when: false
- name: Show sample data structure
msg: "{{ structure.stdout_lines}}"
- name: Find files in archive
paths: archive
file_type: file
recurse: yes
register: search_archive
- name: Find files in code matching names in archive
paths: code
file_type: file
recurse: yes
patterns: >-
search_archive.files |
map(attribute='path') |
map('basename') |
register: search_code
- name: Copy files from archive to code
archive_source: >-
search_archive.files |
map(attribute='path') |
select('match', '^.*/' + item | basename + '$') |
remote_src: yes
src: "{{ archive_source }}"
dest: "{{ item }}"
loop: "{{ search_code.files | map(attribute='path') | list }}"
Source: "{{ archive_source }}"
Destination: "{{ item }}"
PLAY [Update files from package in code wherever they are] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Capture sample data structure] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [Show sample data structure] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": [
"├── a_dir",
"│ └── file2",
"├── file1.txt",
"├── file3",
"└── other_dir",
" └── bla",
" └── fileX",
"├── dir1",
"│ └── file1.txt",
"├── dir2",
"│ ├── file2",
"│ ├── pipo",
"│ └── toto",
"└── dir3",
" └── subdir",
" └── file3",
"7 directories, 9 files"
TASK [Find files in archive] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [Find files in code matching names in archive] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [Copy files from archive to code] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost] => (item={'Source': 'archive/file1.txt', 'Destination': 'code/dir1/file1.txt'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={'Source': 'archive/a_dir/file2', 'Destination': 'code/dir2/file2'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={'Source': 'archive/file3', 'Destination': 'code/dir3/subdir/file3'})
PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=5 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0