How do I customise iTerm terminal to show me (master)? - terminal

I download something from Git, it was provided by Linux Academy, I'm just curious, once I got in that folder, in my terminal pops up a word in green (master) and disappears when I get back, I saw that feature before, but from curiosity asking, what kind of plugin is that? I tried to google, but couldn't find anything helpful.


(MAC) Autocomplete suggestions not working in VScode

i never used mac, but i need to do it on my company.
When I start VSC suggestions appears and tab key autocomplete it. Eventually suggestions still appearing, but tab stop working and just add 4 spaces instead of autocomplete the sentence.
Trust me, work in this way is a hell, please help
I tried searching on google, but looks like nobody has this problem.

Markdown File Not Working in Jupyter Notebook

Simply trying to open a file from GitHub in Jupyter Notebook. Greeted with the raw text, no options, and no preview every time. I also note the loss of any of the 'standard' toolbar options at the top (such as kernel).
Screenshot of current situation
Tried just about everything the internet could think of (including a reinstall, or at least what I think to be a reinstall, of notebook), and still no luck. I also have noticed that the executed preview does not work in VSCode on my current machine, or laptop. No idea what is wrong, but clearly, I am the common factor haha. Thanks in advance for any input.

Anyway to use someone else's neovim/vim keybindings config on VS Code

I have just migrated from Atom, there, I was using Vim-plus but now on VS Code I have switched to neovim, but the problem is, there are many conflicting keybindings.
I tried to change them manually (something like, to close editor, 'Ctrl+c+t', which I mapped to close editor's tab, similarly others).
But I feel that's very unproductive and also can cause strain in my fingers. So any suggestions, or keybindings config of anyone which I can use alongside the NeoVim to increase my productivity. Or any other suggestions how to properly configure my VS Code?
NOTE: I know about the existence of an Atom Keybindings Extension which I honestly don't care, as I was mainly using Vim keybindings there and never bother to learn atom specific keybindings.
If you want VS Code to act like VIM, which is super unique in its interface and keybindings, there is an extension called:
VSCode Vim
VSCode Vim's Marketplace ID: vscodevim.vim
Personally I can't stand the VIM keybindings, so I don't know how great the extension is, but I know people who use it. It has 2.4 million downloads and counting. I also know, because of my buddy, that its not perfect, but it's close.
As with any other extension, don't just install it and hope it's what you wanted "out-of-the-box", this theme is customizable, and requires you to configure it. Make sure you read the, and set it up so you know that it is best suited for your expectations.
If you are already using the VSCode VIM Extension, and you find that you are having conflicting issues using the keybindings associated with it. You can troubleshoot them using the keybindings troubleshooting tool by selecting it from the quick input menu.
Press F1
Type the phrase: "Keyboard Shortcut Troubleshooting"
Select the option "DEVELOPER: Toggle Keyboard Shortcut Troubleshooting Tool"
The tool should open in the console below. The menu might look like gibberish at first, however; the output of the newly opened console should make more sense once you use a familiar keybinding. Make sure that the console window is scrolled to the bottom and opened wide enough so your able to read everything logged. The tool will tell you what is attached to the keybinding your using, so you can see any conflicts that are happening, and what the key is set to do by you, by extensions, and by default.
Make changes to your keybindings.json file as necessary.

How to get rid of that annoying text box that appears after an autocomplete inside of which VSCode's intellisense does not work?

I'm coding Golang in the screenshot. This box only appears after an auto-complete of a function or a struct happens and inside it the intellisense simply will not work.
How can I get rid of it? It's really bothering me and taking my time away in a somehow useless way because I just want to make use of the auto-complete but I have to press esc two times to turn off this box.
I couldn't reproduce your problem. I tried with Code 1.41.1 and ms-vscode.go plugin version 0.12.0 on a Mac.
BUT, I found this issue on vscode that works for me.
Basically, add the following to your settings. "editor.parameterHints": false

Vim in Windows using cmder line highlighting on scroll

UPDATE 16-02-29:
I managed to fix this error by trying to build from the sources hosted on github. Building this way worked but I suspect the fix had something to do with either me downloading powershell 4.0 or Microsoft Build Tools 2015, because I was prompted to update after starting cmder and the bug was still gone even after update. The fix might have also been from editing the init.bat file to point to my manual install of the latest conemu before building. I'm not sure.
I'm following a tutorial to setup vim on my Windows machine. I have a weird bug though where when I scroll down on a file in Vim, every other line gets highlighting and will go away if I move the cursor up to those lines.
Like this:
This seems like a screen refresh issue of some kind. There's a similar problem, not sure if related, where sometimes when I got back to cmder after quitting vim the prompt will be placed in the middle of the previous outputs and will start to overwrite these previous lines as commands are executed. This is fixed either by a cls or restarting cmder.
