Hyperledger Fabric: Issues with composer version - hyperledger-composer

I am new to the hyperledger composer. To install it, I follow the steps mentioned here: Hyperledger Composer
However, I am facing the following issue:
Error: Cannot use Composer version #package_branch_alias_version# (1.0.0-beta2) 2016-03-27 16:00:34 version of composer with fabric 1.2, v0.20 or higher is required
I would also like to add that I have checked the composer version composer -v which is: Composer version #package_branch_alias_version# (1.0.0-beta2) 2016-03-27 16:00:34
P.S I can see a similar post createPeerAdminCard.sh not running. However, I couldn't solve my problem yet. It would be great if someone could explain " uninstall the 'other composer' and then install composer-cli with -g as per the Composer Dev Environment documents." I have already followed the guidelines stated in Updating components
Please guide me.

First off I would like to point out that Hyperledger Composer is end of life, you should not be using it except maybe to get a general idea around the concept of digital assets and not as a learning tool for hyperledger fabric.
In your case the problem is you have not installed hyperledger composer, you have installed another tool called composer by the looks of things.

To start with Hyperledger composer, its better to start with installing pre-reqs using this:
curl -O https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/v0.19/prereqs-ubuntu.sh
chmod u+x prereqs-ubuntu.sh
Then Simply running: npm install -g composer-cli#0.19
You can refer: https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/v0.19/installing/development-tools


Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 7.2.5"

I'm trying to upload a plain laravel v5.8 project to a server. It gives me this error
Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 7.2.5".
I updated the Laravel version to v6 and it still throws the same thing.
Is there any possible solution I tried many but nothing happens. Thanks in advance.
I faced this problem using the new version of composer, didn't have seen this issue before, although this question is a bit old the solution can help someone else.
I did this working in a development machine, if you really need to change the PHP version running in your server this isn't for you.
This problem is related to a composer configuration when you run the command "composer install" if you need to work with the configuration you already have and don't want to make changes which could lead to other problems you should:
remove the packages you already have installed which includes this configuration from composer
sudo rm -r vendor
run the command again with this flag: --ignore-platform-reqs
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
Now composer won't perform this check anymore and you are good to go!

Composer-playground command not found?

I have created whole environment for Hyperledger-fabric but in last while starting web app composer-playground this error occured in terminal for MAC-OS.
fabric-dev-servers prashantgautam$ -g composer-playground
-bash: -g: command not found
Hyperledger Composer isn't included with Hyperledger Fabric automatically. Also, Composer's support only reaches to Fabric 1.2 since it is no longer maintained.
If you would still like to install Hyperledger Composer (not recommended) you can follow the tutorial here.

Hyperledger composer disappears after turning off the PC

I follow this guide for installation (on Mac)
and this one for developing a business network
everything is fine, unless when I shutdown the computer, the composer seems to be uninstalled!! Mac's terminal does not recognize composer commands and I have to uninstall and install all them again! Can you give your idea about what the cause is? Thanks
Make sure You have install all composer package with -g and Not using nvm. If using nvm then make sure to be on same version every time you use composer command.

error occurred on running composer playground

I had installed my business network and then successfully started it. Then I opened my composer playground from the command line. After opening it is showing the below message what should I do?
This looks like you have installed composer-playground as root or using sudo or su.
The composer install instructions state that you should not use su/sudo.
There is additional information about installing composer in the Knowledge wiki, but if you are having permissions problems trying to install without root/su/sudo please see this link from the npm site.

Could not find package codeigniter4/framework with stability stable

I'm doing exactly like what is suggested in the official documentation.
composer create-project codeigniter4/framework
However, I'm getting this error instead:
Could not find package codeigniter4/framework with stability stable.
I fully understand it is not stable yet but I'd like to try and develop a simple app for learning purpose since I've been using CI3 all this while. What should I do? This is the closest possible answer to this question but it was left hanging.
You may install develop branch by:
composer create-project codeigniter4/framework:dev-develop
Codeigniter 4 Moved to Production and also updated documentation in Feb 24,2020 you should try this code in composer
composer create-project codeigniter4/appstarter project-root
Check the latest documentation
Codeigniter4 Documentation
It looks like your PHP version is older than required in codeigniter4. please check whether your PHP version is 7.2(or higher) or not. if you're running below 7.2 version of PHP you'll not be able to use codeigniter4.
Check the php version you have installed globally,
using command php -v in cmd,
if it is below 7.2,
edit the php version in environmental variables.
example: D:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.3.12
this solved the issue I was facing while installing ci4 using composer,
have a good day.
