Spring integration : does SpringApplicationContext call #ServiceActivator in config? - spring

I am reading Spring integration source code, and I have some questions understanding the workflow:
Does the #SpringBootApplication class, when calling application.run(), will call directly beans annotated using #ServiceActivator ? For example in my config file I have :
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = test)
public MessageHandler myHandler() {
return new SomeHandler();
when the application.run() is fired, the method handleRequestMessage() of SomeHandler will be called ? Am I understanding it right ?

Well, you need to understand that there are two parts of this matter:
Configuration phase when Spring parses all the annotations to register beans in the AppplicaitonContext. This way even that #ServiceActivator is consulted and a event-driven endpoint is registered as a bean as well.
Runtime part of Spring Integration environment. Here the mentioned endpoint is subscribed to the inputChannel and when message is has arrived the handleRequestMessage() is triggered from that SomeHandler. That's why it is called "service activator".
You probably need to make yourself familiar with EIP first of all: https://www.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.com/ to understand what is messaging and why there are endpoints and channels in between. Then you go to Spring Integration docs: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/index.html and realize for yourself that this framework provides a bunch of out-of-the-box components for this or that EIP which may be registered automaticaly in the application context by just declaring some annotation.


JerseyConfig and #Profile to hide a REST endpoint

I'm trying to hide a REST endpoint based on runtime configuration in Spring and Jersey. The most straightforward way is to throw the NotFoundException from the controller itself but maybe there's more kosher. The controller is registered in the constructor of the config class which extends org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig.
I thought of using the #Profile annotation on the controller but I can still access the endpoint. When I hit that endpoint, I get the following error:
o.g.j.s.s.SpringComponentProvider - None or multiple beans found in Spring context
but then Jersey manages to access that controller, which I confirmed by attaching a debugger to the Spring process. So Jersey does not honor the #Profile setting.
On a separate note, I also have Swagger plugged into Jersey and when accessing the definition endpoint (.../swagger.json) I can see the endpoint provided by the #Profile-disabled controller.
Is there anything better I can do here is is throwing the NotFoundException the best option?
Note: Sorry, I thought I saw that you were using Spring Boot. The following answer is only relevant for Spring Boot.
#Profile is only good for Spring bean registration, but you are still registering the service with Jersey as a resource. What you can do is use a ResourceConfigCustomizer and add the #Profile to the customizer. This way it will only register the resource with Jersey ResourceConfig if the correct profile is active.
public class MyResourceConfigCustomizer implements ResourceConfigCustomizer {
public void customize(ResourceConfig config) {

Why do we need #Component spring annotation for Jersey resource in spring-boot-starter-jersey project?

This question is regarding the sample:
Why do we need "#Component" annotation for Jersey resource when using spring-boot -starter-jersey project?
If I remove it, the Jersey servlet can still serve resources.
So what is the need for "#Component"?
You don't need it. Jersey uses HK2 as it's internal DI framework, and HK2 has a Spring bridge. This is what's used internally to bridge Spring components into the HK2 IoC container, so that they can be injected into Jersey components. And Jersey implements an AutowiredInjectionResolver1 that allows for injection of Spring components using #Autowired. You don't even need #Autowired though. All the Spring components can be injected with the normal #Inject.
The only drawback I've ran into, not making the Jersey components a Spring #Component is that it doesn't support #Value when you want to inject property values.
The one thing I don't like is that when you declare something a Spring #Component, it automatically makes it a singleton. But Jersey resources are by default request scoped. You can add a Spring #Scope("request"), and it should change the resource to a request scoped resource. Jersey has declared the Spring RequestScope, so we can use it. How exactly it ties in to Jersey's request scope, I am not a hundred percent sure. I ran into a problem a while back. I can't remember what it was, but that has kept me from ever using the Spring request scope again.
Assuming I want to keep all my resources request scoped, I would take sticking to the normal Jersey request scope, and not being able to inject #Values, over having to use Spring's request scope. Maybe I'm imagining things, and there was no issue using it, but personally I'll just stick to what I know works :-)
Another thing that does't work if you don't make the resource a Spring #Component is Spring's AOP. That's fine with me though as HK2 also has AOP.
1 - An InjectionResolver allows you to use custom annotations to create injection targets.
When you remove #Component jersey takes control of the scope of the instance. With #Component a singleton instance is created, removing it you can use the following jersey annotations:
• Request scope (Default):
By using the #RequestScope annotation or none, we can have a life-cycle till
the request lasts. This is the default scope of the root-resource classes. For
each new request, a new root-resource instance is being created and served
accordingly for the first time. However, when the same root-resource method
is being called, then the old instance will be used to serve the request.
• Per-lookup scope:
The #PerLookup annotation creates root-resource instances for every request.
• Singleton:
The #Singleton annotation allows us to create only a single instance
throughout the application.
Try different behaviors using a counter inside your class...
public class MyWebResource {
private int counter;
public Response getCounter() {
return Response.status(Status.OK).entity(counter).build();

Spring AOP Method Interceptor vs Method Advice

I am new to AOP and I am trying to understand the difference between Method Interceptor and MethodAdvice(i.e. MethodBeforeAdvice or MethodAfterAdvice). To me looks like both are doing the same thing i.e. are called on method invocation. When should we use MethodInterceptor vs MethodAdvice.
Take a look at the definition of the org.aopalliance.interceptInterceptor interface (implemented by MethodInterceptor):
public interface Interceptor extends Advice {
It's easy to see that a MethodInterceptor actually IS an Advice.
The only difference between an Advice being defined in an #Aspect class and such an Interceptor is that Interceptor implementations can be added to and removed from Spring AOP Proxies at runtime (casting them to 'Advised'), whereas the Advice you're talking about is a more static construct. But their still essential to Spring AOP since their presence tells Spring which beans to wrap in a proxy object during application context startup.

Invoking custom annotation using Spring AOP

I searched the web for a clear example on how to invoke my custom method annotation using Spring AOP but couldn't find a clear example.
I am building a framework to inject a user profile in the context when certain methods on any POJO is called.
The framework API should be invoked via a custom method annotation, say #RunAsAdmin. I can build the annotation part and parser, my question is what is the best way to invoke my parser when the annotated method is called.
We are using Spring 3.0 and would like to know what is the best practice to configure Spring framework to understand those methods annotated with specific annotation and invoke my annotation handler (parser).
Any example or guidance will be highly appreciated.
Intercepting a call on any annotated Spring bean method is straightforward, see the example below.
Intercepting a call on a POJO is not possible by definition - you have to return a proxy instead.
That is, you should implement a factory for these POJOs that will return proxies instead of real POJOs. You might use ProxyFactoryBean http://docs.spring.io/autorepo/docs/spring-framework/3.2.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT/api/org/springframework/aop/framework/ProxyFactoryBean.html for this.
//intercepting a call to any method annotated with #com.yours.RunAsAdmin of any Spring-managed bean
#Component #Aspect class RunAsAdminAspect {
private YourRunAsAdminHandler handler;
public void doRunAsAdmin() {
handler.grantAdminRightsToCurrentUser(); //your real stuff

Explicitly declaring service gateway in Java configuration

I have an application using Spring Integration where I have multiple handlers (strategies) for some service gateway methods, and I want the deployment launcher to be able to select which specific handlers are loaded. Since component scanning will pick up all of the handlers indiscriminately, I prefer to explicitly declare JavaConfig #Beans for them.
This works fine for the service objects themselves, but I can't find a way to load the service interface itself in Java without #IntegrationComponentScan. My current workaround is to include a "one-liner" XML file with an <int-gateway> tag and #ImportResource it, but I'd really prefer a more direct solution.
Is there any straightforward way in JavaConfig to tell Spring Integration to create a proxy service interface for a specific class?
GatewayProxyFactoryBean is for you.
This class is used to populate bean definition from <int:gateway> tag and from MessagingGateway annotation.
So, you can do like this:
public GatewayProxyFactoryBean myGateway() {
GatewayProxyFactoryBean factoryBean = new GatewayProxyFactoryBean(YourServiceInterface.class);
return factoryBean;
