Disable form submissions feature from capturing data in keen io - form-submit

We are currently using keen.io auto collector in our platform, this automatically collects form submissions. Is there any way to stop this from happening? Remove this feature from collecting form data??

You can find the configuration options for Keen.io's web auto collector within the keen-tracking.js repository on GitHub in the docs folder.
auto collector configuration
You want to pass the value for the recordFormSubmits property to false when calling the function to initialize the auto collector tracking object like this.
const client = new KeenTracking({
projectId: 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID',
writeKey: 'YOUR_WRITE_KEY'
recordFormSubmits: true,
Take a look at the docs. There are a lot of options for customization in implementing tracking solutions for that library. If you need any more assistance with Keen.io, please feel free to reach out to me. I am happy to assist.


Is there a way to clear chat history in Webchat which uses DirectlineJS and not React

As per the below github issues link for Chatbot and BotFramework.
We can clear chat history by assigning a new instance to store variable, which triggers a DIRECT_LINE/DISCONNECT action. Now this works in React Webchat. But, I have tried in Web-chat Java script version and the issue seems to still persist, i.e., when the store variable is replaced the previous chats are not removed.
Any confirmation from the community will be relieving as there are many open issues in Botframework github that its confusing. I'm sharing a few that I found out.
If No, can this be achieved in some other way? any suggestions will be helpful.
I was able to resolve it. So, just replacing the variable will not work. You need to render the store variable to update/replace it in webchat.js code.
await window.WebChat.renderWebChat(
store: widgetStore
The BotFramework-WebChat repo provides a sample that demonstrates precisely how to do this. The sample is 04.api/h.clear-after-idle. The readme also includes some caveats to be aware of.

Google Analytics not sending any events or custom dimensions data to dashboard

I am using this module: https://www.drupal.org/project/google_analytics version 3.1
It is using Google Analytics 4. Drupal version 8.9.x
We followed the documentation https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gtagjs/custom-dims-mets to create some custom dimensions and added in the Google Analytics configuration accordingly.
When view the page source, I see code is added there:
gtag("config", "G-MESUREMENT-KEY", {
"custom_map": {
gtag("event", "custom", {
"user_company":"TEST Company",
"user_role":"authenticated, member_administrator, administrator",
Using some Chrome GA debugger "GTM/GA", I see parameter is passing there. In the request "Pay Load" of Chrome debugger it shows its sending the values:
BUT I don't see the data when I open DebugView in the GA dashboard! And Interesting part is, some chrome debugger like "Google Analytics Debugger 2.8" when enabled, which seems open a debugger and connect to GA dashboard, DebugView is showing the events and parameters data. So there must be something which restricting or refusing to connect with GA Dashboard to push the data.
Reads lot of documentation, did lot of test but failed to find a reason for that. The site is fully login protected but event /user/login page which is accessible to all, not sending the data at all.
If some one can shed some light on the issue, it will really really help for me. Thanks in advance.
Actually this is my mistake of my understanding. All data is pushing to GA dashboard no confusion. The reason why I don't see data when creating a comparison report based on custom dimension parameters is due to "scope" difference.
So if you want to create a report based on event scoped parameters, please go to Engagement->Events, and if you want to create a report based on user scoped parameters, please go to Audience tab, but user scoped report will not show data if captured users record is less than 10.
A documentation for reference: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2709828?hl=en

Parse LiveQueries active subscriptions list

I'm trying to create a cloud job that does something for each client that has an active LiveQuery subscription.
Is there a way to achieve that list of users/connections trough cloud code?
Start the liveQuery server explicitly (e.g. by not providing options.startLiveQueryServer or options.liveQueryServerOptions)
const liveQueryServer = ParseServer.createLiveQueryServer(server, options.liveQueryServerOptions);
liveQueryServer.clients is what you need. Don't modify this map!

Get service status when using `google.maps.Autocomplete`

I'm using Google places autocomplete:
var input = document.getElementById('addressInput');
var options = {};
var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options);
I'm trying to find a way to hook into Autocomplete widget so that i can catch service status to know if there has been error (e.g. request limit reached), but couldn't find a solution so far.
I know I can use google.maps.places.AutocompleteService() to make another request to Google API and that one will have STATUS property in response. I'm wondering if there is a way to get status of a request in google.maps.places.Autocomplete itself? Help is much appreciated!
There is no way, but you should not need this.
The Autocomplete class will trigger the place_changed event when the user either selects a suggestion or presses Enter. There is no other events that let you know of Autocomplete failing to get suggestions.
However, you should not need this. So long as you use an API key from an API project that has the Places API enabled, you should be fine. Sure, things can go south in many ways and break Autocomplete requests for some users, but unless this is really really important to your application, building your own widget about the AutocompleteService is probably overkill.

Oracle CRM On-Demand - Use Tasks Status to update Service Request Status

We're using CRM On-Demand for our Service Group and I'm running into an application limitation and am wondering if anyone has a workaround or just some general ideas on how to accomplish our goal.
In the application, our major focus is around the Service Request and driving for users to create Tasks for all Activities related to working towards closure. For example, a customer calls in and we need a technical resource to make a return call to diagnose the issue in detail, so a Task is assigned to that resource. Once that Task has been marked as completed, I'd like the Status to be updated. I tried creating a workflow using JoinFieldValue(), which wasn't working. I tried a more basic approach and tried to just have a field on the Service Request be populated with the Status of the Task, but that did not work either.
Upon further investigation in the Help File, there is a relationship from the Activity object to the Service Request object, but not one the other way.
So, has anyone else run into this limitation and found some other method to have a Status change on the Task update the Status of a Service Request?
(Also, I'd like to try and avoid writing a custom web service for this purpose, which is why I'm trying to use the tools in the app)
Thanks in advance for any ideas!
actually, if I well understood your issue is related on workflow cross object.
OCOD doesn't manage this type of workflow when you need to use workaround.
In order to cover a cross object worklflow you have many possibilities:
webservices as you said, but you could imagine a js code that will run WS and hosted directly into OCOD (in R19 you could hoste that in Client Side extension). That could be a good solution
Another one could be using Report with a custom look up functionnality with the usage of "Callback" function
I would prefer the 1st solution.
