How to create a function with zipWithIndex that returns an Int from a List[Int] in scala - user-defined-functions

I'm trying to use zipWithIndex to index of the first negative value in my List by creating a method function that takes a List[Int] and will return an Int or an option[Int] for me to use. First, I created the list and the function with zipWithIndex but I keep getting type mismatch error:
val list = List(-2,-1,2,3,4)
def getNegativeIndex(xs: List[Int]): Int = {
for ((x, count) <- xs.zipWithIndex if x < 0) yield(count)
and this is the error I keep getting:
type mismatch;
found : List[Int] => Int
required: Int
My aim is to index off the first negative value of the List "list"
i.e my result should be getNegativeIndex(list) == 0 using the list I provided since the 1st element -2 is at index 0
pls, what do I need to add to the above function or remove to achieve my goal

In order for getNegativeIndex(list) to return a single integer and your desired value you need to only return the headOption of the list that your for-comprehension generates.
The current for-comprehension is equivalent to
xs.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1 < 0).map(_._2). So you can either do this
xs.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1 < 0).map(_._2).headOption
Or add the headOption to your comprehension like this
for ((x, count) <- xs.zipWithIndex if x < 0) yield(count)
The result will be the same, i.e. the function returns the first index of a negative number in the list or None if all are non-negative. You could instead use .head to get an integer directly but be aware that it will throw an exception if the list doesn't contain any negative number or is empty.


How to convert a normal Set[A] to a set of tuples Set[(A,Int)] in scala efficiently?

I have a mutable set Set[A] called picks. I want to make an immutable set called set that is a tuple. Its first element is the original A from the picks set, and the second element is a int, which will be zero at first. Here is what I have
var set = scala.collection.mutable.Set[(A, Int)]()
for (index <- picks) yield (set += (index -> 0))
This code works and does what I want. It is just very slow when the sets get big. Is there a faster way to do this?
This part of my code is also way too slow and needs work.
val temp = scala.collection.mutable.Set[(A, Int)]()
for (index <- s) yield (if(index._2 != maxLies) {
temp += (index._1 -> (index._2 + 1))
it creates a temporary set and loops through an already define set called s which is [(A,Int)] and checks if the int is greater than a certain number and if it is, it removes it from the set. If it is not then it adds one to the Int
i think zipWithIndex does what you need
var set = Set("a", "b", "c")
val tuples = set.zipWithIndex { case (item, index) => (item, index) }
// ( ("a", 0), ("b", 1), ("c", 2)

How do I pass an array of C.double's to a Cgo function?

I'm just getting started with CGo and I'm trying to send data to a C library that performs statistical computations on arrays of floats/doubles. What I'm trying to figure out right now is how to send an array of floats, or C.double's, to a CGo function that has a signature like this:
double pop_mean(int numPoints, double a[])
I've figured out how to get in the in there, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to send in an array of doubles.
I haven't yet seen any blog posts or SO Questions about this exact thing, so I thought I'd ask.
The following is my best effort so far.
// Get a basic function to work, while passing in an ARRAY arr := make([]C.double, 0)
arr = append(arr, C.double(10.0))
arr = append(arr, C.double(20.0))
arr = append(arr, C.double(30.0))
var fixedArray [3]C.double = arr[:]
// ptr := C.CBytes(arr)
// defer
coolMean := C.pop_mean(3, &fixedArray)
fmt.Println("pop_mean (10, 20, 30): ", coolMean)
And this is the error I'm getting:
./main.go:64:6: cannot use arr[:] (type []_Ctype_double) as type [3]_Ctype_double in assignment
./main.go:69:35: cannot use &fixedArray (type *[3]_Ctype_double) as type *_Ctype_double in argument to _Cfunc_pop_mean
How should I be passing an array of C.double to the code?
When an array name is passed to a function, what is passed is the
location of the initial element. Within the called function, this
argument is a local variable, and so an array name parameter is a
pointer, that is, a variable containing an address.
C Programming Language, 2nd Edition
Slice types
A slice is a descriptor for a contiguous segment of an underlying
array and provides access to a numbered sequence of elements from that
Like arrays, slices are indexable and have a length. The length of a
slice s can be discovered by the built-in function len; unlike with
arrays it may change during execution. The elements can be addressed
by integer indices 0 through len(s)-1. The slice index of a given
element may be less than the index of the same element in the
underlying array.
A slice, once initialized, is always associated with an underlying
array that holds its elements.
The Go Programming Language Specification
Reference: Go Command cgo
For a slice a, the arguments to the pop_mean(int numPoints, double a[]) C function are len(a), the length of the slice underlying array, and &a[0], the address of the first element of the slice underlying array.
In Go, we often hide details in a function. For example, a popMean function,
package main
import (
double pop_mean(int numPoints, double a[]) {
if (a == NULL || numPoints == 0) {
return 0;
double mean = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
return mean / numPoints;
import "C"
func popMean(a []float64) float64 {
// This is the general case, which includes the special cases
// of zero-value (a == nil and len(a) == 0)
// and zero-length (len(a) == 0) slices.
if len(a) == 0 {
return 0
return float64(C.pop_mean(, (*C.double)(&a[0])))
func main() {
a := make([]float64, 10)
for i := range a {
a[i] = float64(i + 1)
// slice
fmt.Println(len(a), a)
pm := popMean(a)
// subslice
b := a[1:4]
fmt.Println(len(b), b)
pm = popMean(b)
// zero length
c := a[:0]
fmt.Println(len(c), c)
pm = popMean(c)
// zero value (nil)
var z []float64
fmt.Println(len(z), z, z == nil)
pm = popMean(z)
10 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
3 [2 3 4]
0 []
0 [] true
I figured out that you have to send a pointer to the first value in the array, rather than sending a pointer to the first element of the slice, or to the slice itself.
AND I also ran into the problem where I had created a new variable that was assigned the value of the first item in the slice and later created a pointer to that variable (which was no longer a part of the original array), instead of creating a pointer to the first item in the array (like I wanted).
Below is the working code, with comments to help avoid the problem in the paragraph above.
// Get a basic function to work, while passing in an ARRAY
// Create a dummy array of (10,20,30), the mean of which is 20.
arr := make([]C.double, 0)
arr = append(arr, C.double(10.0))
arr = append(arr, C.double(20.0))
arr = append(arr, C.double(30.0))
firstValue := &(arr[0]) // this notation seems to be pretty important... Re-use this!
// if you don't make it a pointer right away, then you make a whole new object in a different location, so the contiguous-ness of the array is jeopardized.
// Because we have IMMEDIATELY made a pointer to the original value,the first value in the array, we have preserved the contiguous-ness of the array.
fmt.Println("array length: ", len(arr))
var arrayLength
arrayLength =
// arrayLength =
fmt.Println("array length we are using: ", arrayLength)
arrayMean := C.pop_mean(arrayLength, firstValue)
fmt.Println("pop_mean (10, 20, 30): ", arrayMean)
This produces the following result:
array length: 3
array length we are using: 3
pop_mean (10, 20, 30): 20
Or if we uncomment the line that changes the arrayLength to be 2, we get this result:
array length: 3
array length we are using: 2
pop_mean (10, 20, 30): 15

How to add or subtract two enum values in swift

So I have this enum that defines different view positions on a View controller when a side bar menu is presented. I need to add, subtract, multiply, or divide the different values based on different situations. How exactly do I form a method to allow me to use -, +, *, or / operators on the values in the enum. I can find plenty examples that use the compare operator ==. Although I haven't been able to find any that use >=. Which I also need to be able to do.
Here is the enum
enum FrontViewPosition: Int {
case None
case LeftSideMostRemoved
case LeftSideMost
case LeftSide
case Left
case Right
case RightMost
case RightMostRemoved
Now I'm trying to use these operators in functions like so.
func getAdjustedFrontViewPosition(_ frontViewPosition: FrontViewPosition, forSymetry symetry: Int) {
var frontViewPosition = frontViewPosition
if symetry < 0 {
frontViewPosition = .Left + symetry * (frontViewPosition - .Left)
Also in another function like so.
func rightRevealToggle(animated: Bool) {
var toggledFrontViewPosition: FrontViewPosition = .Left
if self.frontViewPosition >= .Left {
toggledFrontViewPosition = .LeftSide
self.setFrontViewPosition(toggledFrontViewPosition, animated: animated)
I know that i need to directly create the functions to allow me to use these operators. I just don't understand how to go about doing it. A little help would be greatly appreciated.
The type you are trying to define has a similar algebra to pointers in that you can add an offset to a pointer to get a pointer and subtract two pointers to get a difference. Define these two operators on your enum and your other functions will work.
Any operators over your type should produce results in your type. There are different ways to achieve this, depending on your requirements. Here we shall treat your type as a wrap-around ("modulo") one - add 1 to the last literal and you get the first. To do this we use raw values from 0 to n for your types literals and use modulo arithmetic.
First we need a modulo operator which always returns a +ve result, the Swift % can return a -ve one which is not what is required for modulo arithmetic.
infix operator %% : MultiplicationPrecedence
func %%(_ a: Int, _ n: Int) -> Int
precondition(n > 0, "modulus must be positive")
let r = a % n
return r >= 0 ? r : r + n
Now your enum assigning suitable raw values:
enum FrontViewPosition: Int
case None = 0
case LeftSideMostRemoved = 1
case LeftSideMost = 2
case LeftSide = 3
case Left = 4
case Right = 5
case RightMost = 6
case RightMostRemoved = 7
Now we define the appropriate operators.
For addition we can add an integer to a FrontViewPosition and get a FrontViewPosition back. To do this we convert to raw values, add, and then reduce modulo 8 to wrap-around. Note the need for a ! to return a non-optional FrontViewPosition - this will always succeed due to the modulo math:
static func +(_ x : FrontViewPosition, _ y : Int) -> FrontViewPosition
return FrontViewPosition(rawValue: (x.rawValue + y) %% 8)!
For subtraction we return the integer difference between two FrontViewPosition values:
static func -(_ x : FrontViewPosition, _ y : FrontViewPosition) -> Int
return x.rawValue - y.rawValue
You can define further operators as needed, say a subtraction operator which takes a FrontViewPosition and an Int and returns a FrontViewPosition.
Enum could have function~
enum Tst:Int {
case A = 10
case B = 20
case C = 30
static func + (t1:Tst,t2:Tst) -> Tst {
return Tst.init(rawValue: t1.rawValue+t2.rawValue)! //here could be wrong!
var a = Tst.A
var b = Tst.B
var c = a+b

How would you find the initial letter with the most occurrences using recursion?

Given a sentence that is spread over a linked list where each item in the list is a word, for example:
Hello -> Everybody -> How -> Are -> You -> Feeling -> |
Given that this list is sorted, eg:
Are -> Everybody -> Feeling -> Hello -> How -> You -> |
How would you write the recursion that will find the initial letter that appears the most in the sentence (in this example the letter H from Hello & How) ?
Edit: I have update the code to recursion version.
In order to run it you call
GetMostLetterRecursion(rootNode , '0', 0, '0', 0)
The code itself look like this:
public char GetMostLetterRecursion(LinkedListNode<String> node, char currentChar, int currentCount, char maxChar, int maxCount)
if (node == null) return maxChar;
char c = node.Value[0];
if (c == currentChar)
return GetMostLetterRecursion(node.Next, currentChar, currentCount++, maxChar, maxCount);
if(currentCount > maxCount)
return GetMostLetterRecursion(node.Next, c, 1, currentChar, currentCount);
return GetMostLetterRecursion(node.Next, c, 1, maxChar, maxCount);
Solution 1
Loop over the words, keeping a tally of how many words start with each letter. Return the most popular letter according to the tally (easy if you used a priority queue for the tally).
This takes O(n) time (the number of words) and O(26) memory (the number of letters in alphabet).
Solution 2
Sort the words alphabetically. Loop over the words. Keep a record of the current letter and its frequency, as well as the most popular letter so far and its frequency. At the end of the loop, that's the most popular letter over the whole list.
This takes O(n log n) time and O(1) memory.
Keep an array to store the count of occurrences and Go through the linked list once to count it. Finally loop through the array to find the highest one.
Rough sketch in C:
int count[26]={0};
While ( head->next != NULL)
count[head->word[0] - 'A']++; // Assuming 'word' is string in each node
head = head->next;
max = count[0];
for (i=0;i<26;i++)
max = a[i];
You can modify it to use recursion and handle lower case letters.
Here is a pure recursive implementation in Python. I haven't tested it, but it should work modulo typos or syntax errors. I used a Dictionary to store counts, so it will work with Unicode words too. The problem is split into two functions: one to count the occurrences of each letter, and another to find the maximum recursively.
# returns a dictionary where dict[letter] contains the count of letter
def count_first_letters(words):
def count_first_letters_rec(words, count_so_far):
if len(words) == 0:
return count_so_far
first_letter = words[0][0]
# could use defaultdict but this is an exercise :)
count_so_far[first_letter] += 1
except KeyError:
count_so_far[first_letter] = 1
# recursive call
return count_first_letters_rec(words[1:], count_so_far)
return count_first_letters(words, {})
# takes a list of (item, count) pairs and returns the item with largest count.
def argmax(item_count_pairs):
def argmax_rec(item_count_pairs, max_so_far, argmax_so_far):
if len(item_count_pairs) == 0:
return argmax_so_far
item, count = item_count_pairs[0]
if count > max_so_far:
max_so_far = count
argmax_so_far = item
# recursive call
return argmax_rec(item_count_pairs[1:], max_so_far, argmax_so_far)
return argmax_rec(item_count_pairs, 0, None)
def most_common_first_letter(words);
counts = count_first_letters(words)
# this returns a dictionary, but we need to convert to
# a list of (key, value) tuples because recursively iterating
# over a dictionary is not so easy
kvpairs = counts.items()
# counts.iteritems() for Python 2
return argmax(kvpairs)
I have an array with the length of 26 (as English letters, so index 1 is for 'a' and 2 for 'b' and so on. ). Each time a letter occurs, I increment it's value in the array. if the value becomes more than max amount, then I update the max and take that letter as most occurred one.then I call the method for the next node.
This is the code in Java:
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class MostOccurance {
char mostOccured;
int maxOccurance;
LinkedList<String> list= new LinkedList<String>();
int[] letters= new int[26];
public void start(){
findMostOccuredChar( 0, '0', 0);
public char findMostOccuredChar ( int node, char most, int max){
return most;
String string=list.get(node);
if (string.charAt(0)== most)
if (letters[Character.getNumericValue(most)-10]++>max){
findMostOccuredChar( node++, most, max);
return most;
of course, you have to add each word to your link list. I didn't do that, because I was just showing an example.

Scala PriorityQueue on Array[Int] performance issue with complex comparison function (caching is needed)

The problem involves the Scala PriorityQueue[Array[Int]] performance on large data set. The following operations are needed: enqueue, dequeue, and filter. Currently, my implementation is as follows:
For every element of type Array[Int], there is a complex evaluation function: (I'm not sure how to write it in a more efficient way, because it excludes the position 0)
def eval_fun(a : Array[Int]) =
if(a.size < 2) 3
else {
var ret = 0
var i = 1
while(i < a.size) {
if((a(i) & 0x3) == 1) ret += 1
else if((a(i) & 0x3) == 3) ret += 3
i += 1
ret / a.size
The ordering with a comparison function is based on the evaluation function: (Reversed, descendent order)
val arr_ord = new Ordering[Array[Int]] {
def compare(a : Array[Int], b : Array[Int]) = eval_fun(b) compare eval_fun(a) }
The PriorityQueue is defined as:
val pq: scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[Array[Int]] = PriorityQueue()
Is there a more elegant and efficient way to write such a evaluation function? I'm thinking of using fold, but fold cannot exclude the position 0.
Is there a data structure to generate a priorityqueue with unique elements? Applying filter operation after each enqueue operation is not efficient.
Is there a cache method to reduce the evaluation computation? Since when adding a new element to the queue, every element may need to be evaluated by eval_fun again, which is not necessary if evaluated value of every element can be cached. Also, I should mention that two distinct element may have the same evaluated value.
Is there a more efficient data structure without using generic type? Because if the size of elements reaches 10,000 and the size of size reaches 1,000, the performance is terribly slow.
Thanks you.
(1) If you want maximum performance here, I would stick to the while loop, even if it is not terribly elegant. Otherwise, if you use a view on Array, you can easily drop the first element before going into the fold:
a.view.drop(1).foldLeft(0)( (sum, a) => sum + ((a & 0x03) match {
case 0x01 => 1
case 0x03 => 3
case _ => 0
})) / a.size
(2) You can maintain two structures, the priority queue, and a set. Both combined give you a sorted-set... So you could use collection.immutable.SortedSet, but there is no mutable variant in the standard library. Do want equality based on the priority function, or the actual array contents? Because in the latter case, you won't get around comparing arrays element by element for each insertion, undoing the effect of caching the priority function value.
(3) Just put the calculated priority along with the array in the queue. I.e.
implicit val ord =[(Int, Array[Int]), Int](_._1)
val pq = new collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[(Int, Array[Int])]
pq += eval_fun(a) -> a
Well, you can use a tail recursive loop (generally these are more "idiomatic":
def eval(a: Array[Int]): Int =
if (a.size < 2) 3
else {
def loop(ret: Int = 0, i: Int = 1): Int =
if (i >= a.size) ret / a.size
else {
val mod3 = (a(i) & 0x3)
if (mod3 == 1) loop(ret + 1, i + 1)
else if (mod3 == 3) loop(ret + 3, i + 1)
else loop(ret, i + 1)
Then you can use that to initialise a cached priority value:
case class PriorityArray(a: Array[Int]) {
lazy val priority = if (a.size < 2) 3 else {
def loop(ret: Int = 0, i: Int = 1): Int =
if (i >= a.size) ret / a.size
else {
val mod3 = (a(i) & 0x3)
if (mod3 == 2) loop(ret, i + 1)
else loop(ret + mod3, i + 1)
You may note also that I removed a redundant & op and have only the single conditional (for when it equals 2, rather than two checks for 1 && 3) – these should have some minimal effect.
There is not a huge difference from 0__'s proposal that just came though.
My answers:
If evaluation is critical, keep it as it is. You might get better performance with recursion (not sure why, but it happens), but you'll certainly get worse performance with pretty much any other approach.
No, there isn't, but you can come pretty close to it just modifying the dequeue operation:
def distinctDequeue[T](q: PriorityQueue[T]): T = {
val result = q.dequeue
while (q.head == result) q.dequeue
Otherwise, you'd have to keep a second data structure just to keep track of whether an element has been added or not. Either way, that equals sign is pretty heavy, but I have a suggestion to make it faster in the next item.
Note, however, that this requires that ties on the the cost function get solved in some other way.
Like 0__ suggested, put the cost on the priority queue. But you can also keep a cache on the function if that would be helpful. I'd try something like this:
val evalMap = scala.collection.mutable.HashMapWrappedArray[Int], Int
def eval_fun(a : Array[Int]) =
if(a.size < 2) 3
else evalMap.getOrElseUpdate(a, {
var ret = 0
var i = 1
while(i < a.size) {
if((a(i) & 0x3) == 1) ret += 1
else if((a(i) & 0x3) == 3) ret += 3
i += 1
ret / a.size
import scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._
val pq = new collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[(Int, WrappedArray[Int])]
pq += eval_fun(a) -> (a : WrappedArray[Int])
Note that I did not create a special Ordering -- I'm using the standard Ordering so that the WrappedArray will break the ties. There's little cost to wrap the Array, and you get it back with .array, but, on the other hand, you'll get the following:
Ties will be broken by comparing the array themselves. If there aren't many ties in the cost, this should be good enough. If there are, add something else to the tuple to help break ties without comparing the arrays.
That means all equal elements will be kept together, which will enable you to dequeue all of them at the same time, giving the impression of having kept only one.
And that equals will actually work, because WrappedArray compare like Scala sequences do.
I don't understand what you mean by that fourth point.
