Is it possible for a module of a multi module project to use the repository folder of another? - spring-boot

I was following a tutorial to learn multi-modules in maven, but what was being presented raised a question:
Is there a possibility to create a multi-module project where only one module accesses the database and the others use this connection for their respective controllers?
Basically what I want is to use the same repository folder to scan with each datasourceconfig in all modules.
The structure I imagined and even started to implement was:
| |--moduleOne
| |--|--Java
| |-----|-DataSource
| |-----|-models
| |-----|-repositories
| |--|--Resources
| |-----|
| |--moduleN
| |--|--Java
| |-----|-controller
| |-----|-service
| |--|--Resources
| |-----|
The first module run perfectyly, the other need a conetion and I did It, but when I run, this module use a h2 database or not connect because moduleOne is using repository folder.
How can I fix for that services access those repositories?
POM ModuleOne
<relativePath>../</relativePath> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
POM ModuleN
<relativePath>../</relativePath> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->

"The bean 'RepositoryX', defined in
br.example.sig.moduleone.repositories.RepositoryX defined in
EnableJpaRepositories declared on ServiceX, could not be registered. A
bean with that name has already been defined in
br.example.sig.moduleone.repositories.RepositoryX defined in
EnableJpaRepositories declared on DatasourceConfig and overriding is
Consider renaming one of the beans or enabling overriding by setting
I had a service with the annotations "#EntityScan" and "#EnableJpaRepositories" pointing to the same directory as my datasource in one of the modules, I put it there and forgot it.
I deleted the annotations, that was what generated the conflict and not the use for different modules.


Multi-module maven project - use one module just as a dependency

I have given the following structure (Maven + Spring). For the DependencyService I'm only interested in some models (Java classes, which I want to reuse and not only copy and paste). Due to some docker stuff I can't run the DependencyService from eclipse, I have to set up several things. Thats the reason why I only want to use the classes and don't include the whole project.
Given the following structure:
At the moment the relevant parts of the pom look like the following:
MainFolder Pom
<!-- Inherit defaults from Spring Boot -->
<!-- root pom settings -->
<!-- Manages Dependencies -->
<dependency> <!-- Import the dependency here -->
... </project>
Backend1 as an example,Backend1, Backend2 and DependencyService's pom.xml look very similar.
<!-- Inherit defaults from MainFolder -->
<!-- data-processor pom settings -->
<!-- Add required dependencies -->
<!-- include DependencyService here but JUST for the classes, not for compiling! -->
How can I include DependencyService to use the classes in there for Backend1 and Backend2 but NOT compile it when I compile Backend1 and Backend2? (Because it won't compile without dockers etc...)

Spring project error using thymeleaf, Compilation failure. How can I fix this?

I'm pretty new at Spring framework, and I try to start a project for practice.
But I have an error and I have no idea how to fix this.
I've created a new Spring project in IntelliJ Idea, with Spring Initializr option (In Intellij, not with ). I added only 2 dependedncies for start (Web and Thymeleaf), but it throws error for Thymeleaf dependency if i run it with
'mvn spring-boot:run' command.
My spring project is "empty" , I have no controllers, beans, jpa entites, etc.. but it i think it shound run in this way too. I just wanted to make sure if it works if I run it.
If I create a same project, without Thymeleaf dependency (only Web dependency), it starts correctly on localhost.
I'm using Java 9.0.4 and Apache Maven 3.5.3
My error log
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
I solved it with deleting the whole C\Users\user.m2 directory.
After then with 'mvn spring-boot:run' it started successfully on localhost.
But I've got one more question:
When I run it, at terminal there are a couple of Warning messages.
Spring application runs anyway, but is there something to do with these messages?
Warning messages during Spring application run.

spring boot multi modules package

I am trying to use Maven to package Spring Boot with multi modules,Here my main module pom.xml :
my-common pom.xml:
and my-data-services pom.xml:
my-common module is just a common utils lib not a runnable module,but when i trying to mvn clean package,exception throws below:
Execution default of goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-p
lugin:1.4.2.RELEASE:repackage failed: Unable to find main class
then i add a main class,this module can package,but its not a lib jar, its like a runnable spring boot jar
and the exception throws
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler- plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on project my-data-services: Compilation failure: Compilation failure: package does not exist; is in module my-common
How do i fix this problem, and in spring boot multi modules project,how to package a common utils lib without BOOT-INF
This happens because your modules will have the 'spring-boot-maven-plugin' added to them because it's defined in their parent.
What you need to do is move everything into submodules, even your application starter class. How I do this usually:
my-web-module (or my-runtime-module in a non-web app)
The my-parent-module will have 'spring-boot-starter-parent' as it's parent but it not going to have an src folder because everything is moved into submodules.
The my-web-module will depend on the other modules and will have the 'spring-boot-maven-plugin'. You will be able to run the app with 'mvn spring-boot:run' in the my-web-module folder.

Maven: Reuse single version definition when referencing parent pom

I have the following pom definition (bottom).
I have many child poms (50 projects), requiring me to update all the poms on each release, for example, when moving from 1.0 to 1.1.
How can I define the version in a single place, and reuse it in all the poms?
EDIT- Some motivation about the request: I'd like to make as little footprint as possible when switching version. As little files to change. As little commits to push. Etc.
EDIT - Cannot use parent properties before the parent is loaded.
I can use parent's properties and reference the parent using relative path instead of version. Example:
<!-- Unique entry point for version number management -->
Disadvantage: Requires the parent pom to exist in the file system and make all developers use the same relative file structure.
See more info here.
You can use maven properties to build a single version numbering scheme.
Like this:
And then reference it like this:
Look here for more information:
Maven version with a property
The use of properties is recommended when you have multiple dependencies of the same release. For example:
Instead, if you have to use the same dependency in different points in the POM file or if you are in module and you would use the same dependency version of the parent, I suggest to use the following way:
<!-- The following block could be in a module -->
<!-- It is no more ncessary to use the version -->

Estructuration of multi module project. how to packaging modules?

i'm creating the estructure of a multi modul project with maven.
The parent's pom:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" 4.0.0.xsd">
<version>0.0.1</version> <!-- application version -->
<!-- dependencies pel testeig TDD -->
<!-- A més, en el cas de provatures UI, s'ha d'afegir la següent dependència:-->
Ok, first question, i put all the dependencies at paren's pom is this really correct?
and the most interesting part, i don't know hos to compile the grafic interfade project,(i call ui), it's better create a war or create and ear with all the necessary (ui+logica+domini+ejb) i 'm a litlle bit confused about that, i uset o work with projects already estructure created. I hope you to unsderstand my question, i put the rest of pom to keep an eye. ty.
pom's gpt.domini.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
<description>Definició del model de dades i de la façana del servei</description>
pom's gpt.ear
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
<description>Paquet de l'aplicació J2EE</description>
pom's gpt.logica
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
<description>Implementació del servei</description>
<!-- de moment nomes el domini -->
pom's gpt.ejb
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
<description>Publicació d'un servei en forma EJB</description>
pom's gpt.logica
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
<description>Implementació del servei</description>
<!-- de moment nomes el domini -->
pom's gpt.ui
here all the dependencies of spring-rich.faces..or better at parent's pom?
packaging like a war?? or inside de module ear?? ty.
Although there is already an accepted answer, I believe it worth to give more information to you as it seems to me that, both the questioner and the accepted answer got messed up with different concepts in Maven.
1) Aggregation vs Parent POM
There are two concepts in Maven often got mixed up. Aggregation (aka Multi-module) POM and Parent POM are something irrelevant, although it is fine to use one POM to serve for both purpose.
Multi-module project aims to describe the aggregation relationship between projects, so that we can build multiple related project as a whole, and all sub-projects are built in the same reactor. Parent project aims to provide shared project settings. It can even exists out of the project structure (e.g. I may have a company-wise parent POM)
Personally I recommend to have a multi-module POM only to declare the aggregation (hierarchy) of projects, and having a separate parent POM to be used to declare shared settings.
my-proj // aggregation only
+ my-proj-parent // parent POM
+ my-proj-main
+ my-proj-web
+ my-proj-ear
2) Shared Dependency for POM vs in EAR
Again, these are two separate concepts.
It is fine to put dependencies in parent POM. When you put it there, it means the inherited project is going to have such dependency. There is no right or wrong on this, as long as you know what you are doing (personally I am using different way, will be described later).
However, whether to put shared JARs in EAR and keep skinny WAR, or have a plain EAR with a "full" WAR has nothing to do with your dependency. It is more about the packaging strategy of EAR. Therefore, changing scope of Maven dependency just because you are going to package the project as skinny war, such approach is simply messing up the whole concept of maven dependency. Even more horrible is, when creating your EAR, you need to find out all the dependencies of its included WARs and add it one by one to the EAR POM, that's doubtless not an optimal solution
A pity that current Maven EAR plugin still has no way to declare a skinny war packaging strategy. However there are some workarounds which allow you to do so, without messing around the Maven dependency scope.
(Update: The skinny war receipe seems updated and one of the workaround seems gone. This is to include WAR type POM as POM type, so that we do no need to declare the dependencies again in EAR)
3) Use of shared dependencies in parent POM
As I mentioned before, there is no right or wrong to put dependencies in parent. However you should know that, such way actually means all inherited project is going to have such dependency, which is mostly incorrect.
for example, I have a foo-a and foo-b projects under foo, which both inherits foo-parent. Assume foo-a is using spring-core while whole logic of foo-b has nothing to do with it, if you put spring-core as dependency in foo-parent, when you look at foo-b, it is unncessarily having unrelated dependencies spring-core.
The proper way to do is only include dependencies (and other settings) in parent POM that should be shared across all inherited projects. For example, unit testing related dependencies may be a good choice. Dependencies for integration testing may be another example.
However, it doesn't mean we should declare dependencies in each project individually. One of the biggest problem is such approach is going to be hard to maintain same version of dependencies across the whole project.
In order to solve such issue, my recommendation is to make use of dependencyManagement in parent POM, which declares the version (and maybe other settings like scope, excludes). Declaring dependencyManagement is not introducing actual dependencies in inherited POM. It simply declare: "If you declare such dependency, this will be the settings to use". In each inherited POM, simply declare the dependencies' group and artifact (and maybe some project specific settings), so that you can follow the version declared in parent POM.
Maybe a bit hard to understand, here is an example:
<dependencyManagement> // dependency management doesn't bring actual dependency
<dependencies> // actual shared dependency
<dependency> // note: no version declared
// junit dependency is inherited
Ok, first question, i put all the dependencies at paren's pom is this
really correct?
No, your shared dependencies should be put in the ear pom. In the other poms you have to reference the shared dependencies using <scope>provided</scope>.
For example in your ear pom add a dipendency:
In the logica and ui module pom, for example, add these lines:
In this way the dependency artifact is added only once in the ear package.
and the most interesting part, i don't know hos to compile the grafic
interfade project,(i call ui), it's better create a war or create and
ear with all the necessary (ui+logica+domini+ejb) i 'm a litlle bit
confused about that, i uset o work with projects already estructure
created. I hoper unsderstand my question, i put the rest of pom to
keep an eye. ty.
I don't know if I understand it right. EAR is better suited for project that can have multiple war and/or ejb modules. In your case you can get rid of modularization at all and use a single war package.
finally this is my ear's pom.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
<description>Paquet de l'aplicació J2EE</description>
<displayName>Gestió posicions tributarias</displayName>
