Jenkins: Facing issue Insert choice parameters in Goals and options - maven

I want to run the Jenkins job which is as below, which is absolutly working fine:
clean verify -Denvironment=default -Dtags="type:NL" -Dwebdriver.driver=chrome -Dorganization=$organization -Dit.test=TC09_DBG_Debug_Features
For -Dtags="type:NL", with 'NL', i am having three different tags SE,DE and DEMO. Which is as below:
I decided to go with 'Choice parameters' in Jenkins having NL,SE,DE and DEMO as choices and name as 'Tenant'.
The problem i am facing is how to put choice parameters in Goals and options.
I tried
clean verify -Denvironment=default -Dtags= "-DpropertyName="$Tenant"" -Dwebdriver.driver=chrome -Dorganization=$organization -Dit.test=TC09_DBG_Debug_Features
but no help. Where am i going wrong. Thanks for help and try in advance.

Came up with a solution:
clean verify -Denvironment=default -Dtags="$Tenant" -Dwebdriver.driver=chrome -Dorganization=$organization -Dit.test=TC09_DBG_Debug_Features


The 'NCD.L1.sample--thanks' project not working as expected

I've been following the example shown here:
The repo is here:
As I tried to run ./scripts/, and this was returned:
The Error Shot
I'd love to know if I did anything wrong here and if so what the solution would be.
From the error about a missing dependency, I think you forgot to run yarn
I've updated the instructions to include this as step #2
## Usage
### Development
To deploy the contract for development, follow these steps:
1. clone this repo locally
2. run `yarn` to install dependencies
3. run `./scripts/` to deploy the contract (this uses `near dev-deploy`)
**Your contract is now ready to use.**

Passing params in Spoon (Pentaho) Transformation by command line

I'm using Pentaho Data Integration (Spoon) 8.1. I'm trying to passing parameters to a transformation using the command line. I'm using the sample writeback.ktr. This is my line:
java -jar launcher\launcher.jar -lib ..\libswt\win64 -main org.pentaho.di.pan.Pan -initialDir "C:\Users\Sistemas\Documents\Pentaho-Data-Integration"\ -file:"C:\Users\Sistemas\Documents\Pentaho-Data-Integration\samples\trans\writeback.ktr" -param="arg1=Boris" -param="arg2=Pedro" -param="arg3=Cristian" -level:Minimal
But it keeps creating the file without the values I'm passing to. I'm also try these other ways:
I'm using this configuration. Nothing seems to work. Can anyone help me please
Below is the sample:
pan.bat /file:C:\Pentaho_samples\repository\repository_export.kjb
"/param:rep_name=PDI2000" "/param:rep_user=admin" "/param:rep_password=password"
Check below link for more clarification.
Well... after trying different alternatives, finally got a solution:
pan.bat -file:C:\trans\writeback.ktr "PDI2000" "admin"
This way, my transformation took the parameters.

I try to build webrtc in using xcode,but missing rtc_base_approved_generic.a,How to fix it?

build rtc_base_approved_generic: phony obj/rtc_base/rtc_base_approved_generic.stamp
what is rtc_base_approved_generic.stamp and what is it used for?
rtc_base_approved_generic.stamp is empty,why the script does not create rtc_base_approved_generic.a. Will appreciated for any help.

Continue running test run even if one assertion fails in nightwatch

How i can continue my test run in Nightwatch even if one assertion fails.
i have added below properties in Nightwatch.json
"end_session_on_fail": false,
"skip_testcases_on_fail" : false
but still other test cases run is skipped. Can anyone let me know the solution
You should write in global.js an option
abortOnAssertionFailure: false,
I used .verify instead of .assert in my script. This worked. Thanks all.

How to send an email from Jenkins only in a release?

I was trying to resolve this issue, and searching forums etc. and trying for myself, without success.
We have a jenkins job and there we use the Release Plugin (with a standard configuration)
In the job then we have the "Perform Maven Release" in the left side to generate a version (tag, change poms, etc.) This work perfect.
We want to send an email to the team when the release has been done.
I tried the enviroment variable that the release plugin sets (IS_M2RELEASEBUILD by default) and combine with the email-ext plugin plugin where I can attach a groovy script (advanced=>trigger=>script trigger)
And I tried a lot of scripts to active the email, and none works, my last chance was:
def env = System.getenv()
env['IS_M2RELEASEBUILD'] == 'true'
but when I perform the release we have not the email sent (so this script evaluate the conditional to false or whatever)
Anyone has this setup in his Jenkins?
Thanks a lot!
You need to use "Editable Email Notification" as "Post-build Action" and paste
def env = build.getEnvironment();
String isRelease = env['IS_M2RELEASEBUILD'];
logger.println "IS_M2RELEASEBUILD="+isRelease;
if ( isRelease == null || isRelease.equals('false')) {
logger.println "cancel=true;";
as Pre-send Script, fill in your E-Mail(s) in "Project Recipient List" and add an "Success"-Trigger.
(precondition is you have not changed the default "Release envrionment variable" in "Maven release build")
This plugin allows you to configure every aspect of email notifications. You can customize when an email is sent, who should receive it, and what the email says.
This is not an answer, just a suggestion (I can't add comments). Have you tried echoing that environment variable in a post-build and pre-build step?
Have you tried having another build run when the release build completes successfully and have that job send the email, perhaps by running a shell script.
