How to reference local Gradle project from Maven build as dependency? - maven

I have several Gradle library projects and main Ant spring web-app project (historically). I'd like to replace Ant with Maven for main project while keeping existing Gradle projects nature.
Is it possible to refer local Gradle projects from pom.xml as local dependencies of Maven project?
Search readily gives me the opposite - "how to refer maven projects from gradle builds", but not my case.

Gradle always builds locally build/libs (or distributions); the only easy way to share the build dependencies between completely different projects is 'as maven repository dependencies'
in your case the options are
Work Local Builds only
add the maven plugin to the gradle builds - do local install
and refer them in the maven build locally.
Build Anywhere
Your Gradle builds publish artefacts to your local nexus
and you refer them properly in your dependencies
Gradle by default does not have 'maven install'; it can be added using the maven plugin see -


Automated deployment of EAR project without obtain dependencies from a repository

Is it possible deploy an artifact (.ear) into a application server (AS) without obtain its dependencies from a repository?
Let's me explain: the maven project I'm trying to configure for deploy into a AS has 3 modules:
Web (.war - front end)
EJB (.ejb - back end)
Entity (.jar - entities classes)
These modules are wrapped into a EAR module and none of then are available in some repository (like Nexus or JFrog Artifactory). When I try to use Cargo Maven plugin or JBoss Deployment Maven Plugin, both notify that cannot resolve dependencies for these modules.
UPDATED (03/01/2019)
The issue is similar to that quoted in items 6 and 7 of the following link:
It's a workaround but worked. Instead of the project depends on an internal repository (like Nexus or JFrog Artifactory), it's possible defines a folder as a repository on the local machine using the Maven's parameter -Dmaven.repo.local. Thus, the plugin to deploy the artifact also can use this property and obtaining the others artifacts.
That is, to build the application on the current folder:
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=. package
To deploy the application (.ear, in this case) using Cargo Maven Plugin, for example, without depending on an internal repository:
mvn -pl app-ear/ -Dmaven.repo.local=. cargo:redeploy
OBS: Using the maven.repo.local property, the folder defined as value will be fill with all dependencies of the project. In my case, it isn't a problem because this commands are been used on a continuous integration pipeline and all files and folder are discard on the final.

Gradle Multi-project build - project dependencies and build order

I need to migrate a multi-project build from maven to gradle and maintain the way inter-project dependencies and build order work. I'd like to use the maven plugin in gradle and continue to publish artifacts to both local and remote maven repositories.
The multi-project structure is like so:
In maven Project-A2 has a dependency on Project-A1. If I run mvn install_ from the Project-A2 directory it will only build/install that project and pull it's dependency on Project-A1 from the local/remote maven repository. If I run mvn install from Project-A it will build/install both Project-A1 and A2 and calculate the build order based on the above mentioned dependency. How can this same behavior be achieved in gradle?
Additionally, Project-B2 has a dependency on Project-A2. If I run mvn install from the Project-B2 or Project-B directories this dependency should be pulled from the local/remote maven repository. If I run mvn install from the root directory it should calculate the build order such that Project-A1 builds, Project-A2 builds, and then _Project-B2 builds.
That build order, as far as I know, isn't exactly possible with gradle. If you're building A2 and A1 has changed, gradle will build A1. If A1 hasn't changed then it won't be built. Same goes for the second scenario.

Building Maven sub-modules in a Gradle project

I have a Gradle build working for a bunch of Java and C sub-modules. I would like to add several sub-modules which are incoming from existing code base and are already setup as Maven builds. Is there a way for Gradle to pickup the Maven sub-modules as part of the parent build?
It seems, there is no native way to run some maven goal within gradle build script. By the way, it is possible to run a maven goal, just providig a custom task of Exec type, which will run a maven build as a command line process. You can read more about this task type here.
Furthermore, it is even possible to provide the maven goal artifacts as dependencies for the gradle project, after you build them from custom gradle task and specify the file-dependency with builtBy property. You can read about it in the official user guide.

Using Bamboo Automatic Dependencies with Gradle

We have a (very large) number of interdependent projects we're currently building monolithically with Ant and Jenkins, and we're in the process of switching to a modular build using Gradle and Bamboo.
The Gradle projects will use the Maven plugin to build JARs and POMs for deployment to a Nexus repository, but the 'official' dependency declarations are in the build.gradle files and the POMs are only transient artifacts.
Is there a way to get Bamboo's Maven-based automatic dependency management to work in this scenario? There are too many projects for it to be practical to configure and maintain the dependencies manually.

tycho plugin + maven-dependency-plugin: copy dependencies from local projects instead repositories

Main Goal: deploy a project as jar and eclipse-plugin
current state: project builds fine as jar package
Now i want to create a second project which wraps the jar project as eclipse plugin
use tycho-maven-plugin to create eclipse-plugin
add the jar of the original project (with copy-dependency)
add an Activator
export packages from jar
create correct MANIFEST.MF
i tried to copy the jar with copy-dependencies bound to create-resources. This works as long the jar is found in repository, but the local project gets ignored.
This results in a build failure since the jar is not found.
Is it possible to tell copy-dependencies to take the jar from the target directory of the project? Or should i use some other method than using tycho?
I solved my problem with 4 projects:
normal project (nothing special here)
the wrapper project using tycho maven and copy-dependencies.
bound copy dependencies to some goal before compile (e.g. generate-resources). Excluded all artefactid which were set as dependency in the MANIFEST.MF.
a prepare project, which calls the normal project and installs it into the repo. This is needed because the tycho-maven-plugin is bound to validate and it is not possible to call the exec plugin beforehand (at least not easy).
a multi module project which calls the prepare project before the wrapper project.
Build your local project (which artifact was missed) with "mvm install". It will be deployed in your local repository ($USER_HOME$/.m2/repositories). After this dependency should be resolved.
Alternatively you can "mvn deploy" if you have local company maven repository like Artifactory or Nexus.
