DeepFix - Location Biased Convolution - filter

I got a question regarding this paper:
In the Network Architecture they implement something called location biased convolution.
Basically it is 16 2d-gausians appended to the 512 filters of the convolutional layer (See figure 5 from the paper)
Picture of Location Biased Convolution.
I want to implement this in PyTorch, but have no clue how to add fixed filters to a convolutional block. The weights should be trained as discussed in the paper.
Can anyone give a hint of what to do or has done this before?

From what it looks like in the figure you provided, they append the location priors to the data, i.e.
location_priors = generate_gaussians(positions, variances, data.size())
data_w_loc_priors =, location_priors), dim=1)
Now, the number of in_channels for your convolution just needs to be adjusted accordingly: If you had 512 in_channels before, you now have 512 + number of location priors.


Trying to understand one-class SVM

I am trying to use one-class SVM with Python scikit-learn.
But I do not understand what are the different variables X_outliers, n_error_train, n_error_test, n_error_outliers, etc. which are at this address. Why does X is randomly selected and is not a part of a dataset?
Scikit-learn "documentation" did not help me a lot. Also, I found very few examples on Internet
Can I use One-class SVM for outlier detection in a case of a hudge number of data and if I do not know if there are anomalies in my training set?
One-class SVM is an Unsupervised Outlier Detection (here)
One-class SVM is not an outlier-detection method, but a
novelty-detection method (here)
Is this possible?
Ok, so this is not really a Python question, more of a SVM comprehension question, but eh. A typical SVM is two-classed, and is an algorithm which is going to have two phases :
First, it will learn relationships between variables and attributes. For example, you show your algorithm tomato pictures and banana pictures, telling him each time if it's a banana or a tomato, and you tell him to count the number of red pixels in each picture. If you do it correctly, the SVM will be trained, meaning he will know that pictures with lots of red pixels are more likely to be tomatoes than bananas.
Then comes the predicting phase. You show him a picture of a tomato or a banana without telling him which it is. And since he has been trained before, he will count the red pixels, and know which it is.
In your case of a one-class SVM, it's a bit simpler, basically the training phase is showing him a bunch of variables which are all supposed to be similar. You show him a bunch of tomato pictures telling him "these are tomatoes, everything else too different from these are not tomatoes".
The code you link to is a code to test the SVM's capability of learning. You start by creating variables X_train. Then you generate two other sets, X_test which is similar to X_train (tomato pictures) and X_outliers which is very different. (banana pictures)
Then you show him the X_train variables and tell your SVM "this is the kind of variables we're looking for" with the line This is equivalent in my example to showing him lots of tomato images, and the SVN learning what a "tomato" is.
And then you test your SVM's capability to sort new variables, by showing him your two other sets (X_test and X_outliers), and asking him whether he thinks they are similar to X_train or not. You ask him that with the predict fuction, and predict will yield for every element in the sets either "1" i.e. "yes this is a similar element to X_train", or "-1", i.e. "this element is very different".
In an ideal case, the SVM should yield only "1" for X_test and only "-1" for X_outliers. But this code is to show you that this is not always the case. The variables n_error_ are here to count the mistakes that the SVM makes, misclassifying X_test elements as "not similar to X_train and X_outliers elements as "similar to X_train". You can see that there are even errors when the SVM is asked to predict on the very set that is has been trained on ! (n_error_train)
Why are there such errors ? Welcome to machine learning. The main difficulty of SVMs is setting the training set such that it enables the SVM to learn efficiently to distinguish between classes. So you need to set carefully the number of images you show him, (and what he has to look out for in the images (in my example, it was the number of red pixels, in the code, it is the value of the variable), but that is a different question).
In the code, the bounded but random initialization of the X sets means that for example you could during on run train the SVM on an X_train set with lots of values between -0.3 and 0 even though they are randomly initialized between -0.3 and 0.3 (espcecially if you have few elements per set, say for example 5, and you get [-0.2 -0.1 0 -0.1 0.1]). And so, when you show the SVM an element with a value of 0.2, then he will have trouble associating it to X_train, because it will have learned that X_train elements are more likely to have negative values.
This is equivalent to show your SVM a few yellow-ish tomatoes when you train him, so when you show him a really red tomato afterwards, it will have trouble clasifying it as a tomato.
This one-class SVM is a classifier to determine whether entries are similar or dissimilar to entries that the classifier has been trained with.
The script generates three sets:
A training set.
A test-set of entries that are similar to the training a set.
A test-set of entries that are dissimilar to the training set.
The error is the number of entries from each of the sets, that have been classified wrongly. That is; That have been classified as dissimilar to the training set when they were similar (for set 1 and 2), or that have been classifier as similar to the training set when they were dissimilar (set 3).
X_outliers: This is set 3.
n_error_train: The number of classification errors for the elements in the train-set (1).
n_error_test: The number of classification errors for the elements in the test-set (2).
n_error_outliers: The number of classification errors for the elements in the outlier-set (3).
This answer should be complementary to scikit-description but I agree that is a bit technical. I will elaborate some aspects of the One Class SVM algorithm (OCSVM) here. OCSVM is designed to solve the unsupervised anomaly detection problem.
Given unstructured (unlabelled) data it will find a n-dimensional space a matrix W^T with d columns (T stands for transpose).
The objective function of all SVM based methods (and OCSVM) is:
$$f(x) = sign(wT x + b)$$, where sign means sign (-1 anomalous 1 nominal) shifted by a bias term b.
In the classification problem the matrix W is associated with the distance(margin) between 2 classes but this differs in OCSVM since there is only 1 class and it maximizes from the origin (original paper of OCSVM demonstrates this ) .
As you see it is a generic algorithm because SVM is a family of models that can approximate any non linear boundary such as neural networks. To achieve something complicated you have to construct your own kernel matrix.
To do this you need to find some convenient mathematical property (suggestions to improve the answer are welcome at this point).
But in the most cases Gaussian kernel is a kernel that has some quite nice mathematical properties and associated ML theorems such as the Large
of large numbers.
The scikit implementation provides a wrapper to LIBSVM implementation for SVM and has 4 such kernels.
-nu parameter is a problem formulation parameter it allows to say to the model here is how dirty my sample is.
More formally it makes the problem a outlier detection problem where you know your data is mixed (nominal and anomalous) instead of pure where the problem is different and it is called novelty detection.
kernel parameter: One of the most important decisions. Mathematically kernel is a big matrix of numbers where by multiplying you achieve to project data in a higher dimensions. A nice read demonstrating the issue is here while the paper of Scholkopf who created OCSVMK goes into more detail.
In the case of robust kernel you essentially use a gaussian projection.
Disclaimer my interpretation: Essentially with gamma parameter you describe how big the variance of the Normal distribution $N(\mu, \sigma)$ is.
One class svm search the margin tha separates better among training data and the origin. The tolerance refers to the stopping criterion or how small should the tolerance for satisfaction of the quadratic optimization of the
objective function. The objective function the thing that tells SVM what the parameters should like to describe a specific margin - the space between nominal and anomalous) seen in Figure~().
Many Sklearn examples are usually based on randomly generated data. If you want to see an example of how OneClassSVM works on a real dataset for outlier detection, you can go through my post:

Own fast Gamma Index implementation

My friends and I are writing our own implementation of Gamma Index algorithm. It should compute it within 1s for standard size 2d pictures (512 x 512) though could also calculate 3D pictures; be portable and easy to install and maintain.
Gamma Index, in case if you haven't came across this topic, is a method for comparing pictures. On input we provide two pictures (reference and target); every picture consist of points distributed over regular fine grid; every point has location and value. As output we receive a picture of Gamma Index values. For each point of target picture we calculate some function (called gamma) against every point from reference picture (in original version) or against points from reference picture, that are closest to the one from target picture (in version, that is usually used in Gamma Index calculation software). The Gamma Index for certain target point is minimum of calculated for it gamma function.
So far we have tried following ideas with these results:
use GPU - the calculation time has decreased 10 times. Problem is, that it's fairly difficult to install it on machines with non nVidia graphics card
use supercomputer or cluster - the problem is with maintenance of this solution. Plus every picture has to be ciphered for travel through network due to data sensitivity
iterate points ordered by their distances to target point with some extra stop criterion - this way we got 15 seconds at best condition (which is actually not ideally precise)
currently we are writing in Python due to NumPy awesome optimizations over matrix calculation, but we are open for other languages too.
Do you have any ideas how we can accelerate our algorithm(s), in order to meet the objectives? Do you think the obtaining of this level of performance is possible?
Some more information about GI for anyone interested:

Practical guidelines on setting weights for examples in vowpal wabbit

I have a multi-class classification problem on a data set (with 6 target classes).The training data has a skewed distribution of the class labels: Below is a distribution of each of the class labels (1 to 6)
(array([174171, 12, 29, 8285, 9996, 11128]),
I am using vowpal wabbit's oaa scheme to classify and have tried the default weight of 1.0 for each example. However for most models this just results in the model predicting 1.0 for all examples in the evaluation (as label 1 has a very large representation in the training set).
I am trying to now experiment with different weights that I can apply to the examples of each class to help boost the performance of the classifier.
Any pointers or practical tips on techniques to decide on weights of each example would be very useful. One possible technique was to weigh the example in inverse ratio according to their frequency. Unfortunately this seems to result in the classifier being biased greatly towards Labels 2 and 3 , and predicting 2 and 3 for almost everything in the evaluation.
Would the model choice play a role in deciding the weights. I am experimenting with neural networks and logistic and hinge loss functions.
There may be better approaches, but I would start, like you did, by inverse weighting the examples based on the rarity of their labels as follows:
Sum of counts of labels = 174171 + 12 + 29 + 8285 + 9996 + 11128 = 203621 so
Label 1 appearing 174171 times (85.5% of total) would be weighted: 203621/174171 = 1.16909
Label 2 appearing 12 times (rarest) would be weighted: 203621/12 = 16968.4
and so on.
Make sure the examples in the train-set are well shuffled. This is of critical importance in online learning. Having the same label examples lumped together is a recipe for very poor online performance.
If you did shuffle well, and you get bad performance on new examples, you can reweight less aggressively, for example take the sqrt() of the inverse weights, then if that's still too aggressive, switch to log() of the inverse weights, etc.
Another approach is to use one of the new cost-sensitive multi-class options, e.g. --csoaa
The VW wiki on github has some examples with details on how to use these options and their training-set formats.
The loss function chosen should definitely have an effect. However note that generally, when using multi-class, or any other reduction-based option in vw, you should leave the --loss_function alone and let the algorithm use its built-in default. If you try a different loss function and get better results than the reduction built-in loss-function, this may be of interest to the developers of vw, please report it as a bug.

Some details about adjusting cascaded AdaBoost stage threshold

I have implemented AdaBoost sequence algorithm and currently I am trying to implement so called Cascaded AdaBoost, basing on P. Viola and M. Jones original paper. Unfortunately I have some doubts, connected with adjusting the threshold for one stage. As we can read in original paper, the procedure is described in literally one sentence:
Decrease threshold for the ith classifier until the current
cascaded classifier has a detection rate of at least
d × Di − 1 (this also affects Fi)
I am not sure mainly two things:
What is the threshold? Is it 0.5 * sum (alpha) expression value or only 0.5 factor?
What should be the initial value of the threshold? (0.5?)
What does "decrease threshold" mean in details? Do I need to iterative select new threshold e.g. 0.5, 0.4, 0.3? What is the step of decreasing?
I have tried to search this info in Google, but unfortunately I could not find any useful information.
Thank you for your help.
I had the exact same doubt and have not found any authoritative source so far. However, this is what is my best guess to this issue:
1. (0.5*sum(aplha)) is the threshold.
2. Initial value of the threshold is what is above. Next, try to classify the samples using the intermediate strong classifier (what you currently have). You'll get the scores each of the samples attain, and depending on the current value of threshold, some of the positive samples will be classified as negative etc. So, depending on the desired detection rate desired for this stage (strong classifier), reduce the threshold so that that many positive samples get correctly classified ,
say thresh. was 10, and these are the current classifier outputs for positive training samples:
9.5, 10.5, 10.2, 5.4, 6.7
and I want a detection rate of 80% => 80% of above 5 samples classified correctly => 4 of above => set threshold to 6.7
Clearly, by changing the threshold, the FP rate also changes, so update that, and if the desired FP rate for the stage not reached, go for another classifier at that stage.
I have not done a formal course on ada-boost etc, but this is my observation based on some research papers I tried to implement. Please correct me if something is wrong. Thanks!
I have found a Master thesis on real-time face detection by Karim Ayachi (pdf) in which he describes the Viola Jones face detection method.
As it is written in Section 5.2 (Creating the Cascade using AdaBoost), we can set the maximal threshold of the strong classifier to sum(alpha) and the minimal threshold to 0 and then find the optimal threshold using binary search (see Table 5.1 for pseudocode).
Hope this helps!

Metric for SURF

I'm searching for a usable metric for SURF. Like how good one image matches another on a scale let's say 0 to 1, where 0 means no similarities and 1 means the same image.
SURF provides the following data:
interest points (and their descriptors) in query image (set Q)
interest points (and their descriptors) in target image (set T)
using nearest neighbor algorithm pairs can be created from the two sets from above
I was trying something so far but nothing seemed to work too well:
metric using the size of the different sets: d = N / min(size(Q), size(T)) where N is the number of matched interest points. This gives for pretty similar images pretty low rating, e.g. 0.32 even when 70 interest points were matched from about 600 in Q and 200 in T. I think 70 is a really good result. I was thinking about using some logarithmic scaling so only really low numbers would get low results, but can't seem to find the right equation. With d = log(9*d0+1) I get a result of 0.59 which is pretty good but still, it kind of destroys the power of SURF.
metric using the distances within pairs: I did something like find the K best match and add their distances. The smallest the distance the similar the two images are. The problem with this is that I don't know what are the maximum and minimum values for an interest point descriptor element, from which the distant is calculated, thus I can only relatively find the result (from many inputs which is the best). As I said I would like to put the metric to exactly between 0 and 1. I need this to compare SURF to other image metrics.
The biggest problem with these two are that exclude the other. One does not take in account the number of matches the other the distance between matches. I'm lost.
EDIT: For the first one, an equation of log(x*10^k)/k where k is 3 or 4 gives a nice result most of the time, the min is not good, it can make the d bigger then 1 in some rare cases, without it small result are back.
You can easily create a metric that is the weighted sum of both metrics. Use machine learning techniques to learn the appropriate weights.
What you're describing is related closely to the field of Content-Based Image Retrieval which is a very rich and diverse field. Googling that will get you lots of hits. While SURF is an excellent general purpose low-mid level feature detector, it is far from sufficient. SURF and SIFT (what SURF was derived from), is great at duplicate or near-duplicate detection but is not that great at capturing perceptual similarity.
The best performing CBIR systems usually utilize an ensemble of features optimally combined via some training set. Some interesting detectors to try include GIST (fast and cheap detector best used for detecting man-made vs. natural environments) and Object Bank (a histogram-based detector itself made of 100's of object detector outputs).
