Access sqlite db file with jpa - spring

I have a huge sqlite file containing my db. I need to know if it is possible and how to connect to this db as an embedded one with jpa.
I'm developing an app that packs this database inside it's own jar so that when I use it on another system I don't have to import a copy of my db back and forth.
The technologies I'd like to use are Angular and Spring since those are the ones I know best. If there are some techonlogies that better suit this purpose I'd like some suggestions.
Thanks :)

I hope I undestood your question correctly, so I made a small project for you, hence you can have a look into it: spring-jpa-sqlite-sample. It may guide you a bit, though I and don't claim correctness or completeness.
The path to the sqlite file can easily be changed by inserting the correct url in the file:
url=jdbc:sqlite:src/main/resources/chinook.db --> you may use relative paths.
You can also use Environment variables from your system, which Spring tries to read from, so that you can reference the correct directory to a file. This can be found here: Read system environment var (SO)
Last but not least. Beware of using huge SQLite files. Find another way and transfer it first into a 'real' Database like any other Client/Server RDBMS you know (Oracle, MariaDB, MSSQL, depends on your scenario/taste).
Have closer look onto the documentation: When to use SQLite (and when not to!)


How to change ORACLE ADR storing path?

There is a server where the DB is installed. My system is communicating with DB and ADR structure has been created on my machine side. I know that the path was previously changed by one of admins. I was trying with adrci but i dont really know how does setting paths works. In adrci it looks to me like im setting path where diagnostic is stored and then it can be analyzed by the interpreter but i need to change the place where all stuff is being saved. Its all about changing path on application side, not on DB side(if it isnt needed). Any description about how does it work remotely would be very useful.
I was trying to find the solution in oracle documentation. I understodd some points but there is a lack in my knowledge of DB administration.

How to use ligth4j to operate mysql

How to use ligth4j to operate mysql? The demo result from github seems incomplete. My project reference link is
Light4J doesn't implement anything to operate mysql, you could use directly the java libraries to do it (java.sql, javax.sql). If you need it, you could initialize a connection pool settings with StartupHookProvider and create your own MysqlStartupHookProvider
(review the mongoDb example:

Spring batch, where/how to save the metadata about jobs

How do I set any external database (mysql, postgres I'm not concerned with which one at this point) for usage with metadata?
At the moment I have spring batch writing the results of jobs to Mongodb and that works fine but I'm not keeping track of job status so the jobs are being run from the start every time even if interrupted halfway though.
There are plenty examples of how to avoid doing this, but can't seem to find a clear answer on what I need to configure to send the metadata somewhere real rather than in-memory.
I attempted adding a properties file but that had no effect
# for Postgres:
There are plenty examples of how to avoid doing this, but can't seem to find a clear answer on what I need to configure to send the metadata somewhere real rather than in-memory.
You need to configure a bean of type DataSource in your batch application context (or extend the DefaultBatchConfigurer and set the data source you want to use to store meta-data).
There are many samples here:
You can find the data source configuration here:

Importing apache-poi into Oracle

Good morning,
I would like to generate excel file from oracle, therefore I have imported poi 3.16 and all pre-requisits based on the bottom table in this link:
Exctly the following files:
commons-logging, commons-codec, commons-collections, log4j ,poi.jar
The dbms command I have used:
dbms_java.loadjava('filename.jar -resolve');
Everything went fine but all the classes that are within "org/apache/poi/hssf/usermodel/" remained invalid. The most important part. :)
Anybody has any idea what can be the problem? Should I import any other classes? First I would like try solution that does not need to check log files on the harddisk or any action on the server itself. I have no access to the server, therefore I have to communicate with the administrators which is complicated in our company :(. Of course if there is no olution within oracle I have no other option...
Thanks in advance,

DBMS_Scheduler get/put file alternative

I have a side project I'm working on currently that requires me to copy over a .csv file from a remote FTP and save it locally. I figured I would use DBMS_SCHEDULER.GET_FILE but I do not have permission. When I asked my manager, he said that I wont be able to get privileges to do this and should look up other ways.
After researching for a couple of days I keep coming back to DBMS_SCHEDULER, am I out of luck or are my searching skills terrible.
I'm not certain you'd want to use DBMS_SCHEDULER for this; from what I understand from the documentation (never used this myself) the FTP site would have to be completely open to all; there is a parameter destination_permissions, but it's only "Reserved for future use", i.e. there's no way of specifying any permissions at the moment.
If I'm right with this then I agree with your manager, though not necessarily for the same reasons (it seems like you'll never get permission to use DBMS_SCHEDULER which I hope is incorrect).
There are other methods of doing this:
UTL_TCP; this is simply a method of interacting over a TCP/IP protocol. Oracle Base has an article, which includes a FTP package based on UTL_TCP and instructions how to use it. This also requires the use of the UTL_FILE package, which can write OS files.
UTL_HTTP; I'm 99% certain it's possible to connect to an FTP using this; it's certainly possible to connect to a SFTP/any server. It'll require a little more work but it would be worth it in the longer run. It would also require the use of UTL_FILE.
A Java stored procedure to FTP directly; this is probably the best approach; create one using one of the many Java FTP libraries.
A Java stored procedure to call call OS commands; this is easiest method but the least extensible. Oracle released a white paper on calling OS commands from within PL/SQL back in 2008 but there's plenty of other stuff out there (including Oracle Base again)
Lastly, you could question whether this is actually what you want to do...
What scheduler do you use? Does it have event driven scheduling? If so there's no need to FTP from within Oracle; use UTL_FILE to write a file to the OS and then OS commands from there.
Was the other file originally in a database? If that's the case you don't need to extract it. You could use DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER to collect it straight from the database or even create a JDBC connection or (more simply) a database link to SELECT the data directly.
