Why isn't the Publish.htm file being created? - visual-studio

I'm trying to create a ClickOnce deployment of a WPF app, using VS 2019. I'm testing it by having it create the Publish.htm file in a website on my machine. Here's what I have in the project's Publish Options tab:
However, when I publish from VS 2019, the publish.htm file does not get created on the website. The web.config file is there, but that's all that's there. Why isn't it creating the publish.htm file?

If test via iis, you need to fill the Publishing Folder Loaction with the physical path of iis website.
The setting of iis website,


How to deploy the entire project to IIS

I'm trying to publish my ASP.NET Core 5 MVC application from Visual Studio to IIS Web Server (on VPS). But all my Areas folders, Cshtml files, view components etc, have not been published - only the wwwroot folder and its contents have been uploaded to the server. I saw about project.json, but .NET 5 doesn't use it anymore.
PS: when I try publishing clicking directly from the "Area" folder selected, the files are published, but the .Cs files are published too.
How can I fix it?
On publishing to Microsoft Azure, everything goes fine. But to my VPS it is not working as I would like to.
The easiest way is open scm site, check the publish file under D:/home/site/wwwroot. And compare the structure of deployed file between azure and IIS. It should be same.
After the comparison, see if the folders or files are not included. Just modify it in the .csproj file.
Related posts:
1. Unable to find files located in my root project folder when hosted on Azure
2. dotnet core publish: include/exclude dir in output

The webserver could not be found for IIS-confugured Web Application Project

When I am trying to create a new project in dotnetnuke 9 with for Theme develop using VS, I am getting the following error:
"The Web Application Project is configured to Use IIs. The webserver could Not be found "
I am using VS 2019 and SQL 2017. I create a website in IIS with port 80 that works correctly at localhost. Folder wwwroot/dnndev.me has Network Service permission full access, hostname is dnndev.me without www, there is no .csproj file because the project has not created it yet.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Please check if you have some virtual directories and/or applications in your web site. Visual Studio creates these very often when you open a project. It's safe to remove them - also after opening the project.

How do I deploy a .net core 1.1 app to IIS?

I right-clicked on the project and selected Publish. I chose Folder as the target and VS 2017 published it to that folder.
I want to copy the output to IIS so that I can host it. Which folder should IIS point to in the output?
The output contains a bunch of folders and I've tried to get IIS to point to some of them without any success. In addition, I am not seeing a default.htm or anything traditional like that.
So where should IIS point to?
You will need to copy whatever you see inside the screenshot under PublishOutput to a folder in web server. For example, C:\inetpub\wwwroot\yourapplication.
Then in IIS, Add Website or Add Application depending on your requirement.
In addition, you will need to install .NET Core Windows Server Hosting bundle on the web server.

Web Package gets wrong IIS Website name

I'm trying to utilise TFS Team Build to deploy web applications from a solution as part of the build process, however I'm having a problem with the IIS website name when using package .zip and cmd files.
In the web application project settings "Package/Publish Web" tab I can set the IIS website name (eg "mobile") and when the project is built using the MSBuild action from the workflow the resulting .zip and .xml files are created correctly. However, upon opening the SetParamters.xml file, the IIS Web Application Name parameter has an old value, something like "Default website/mobile_deploy".
If I build a package directly from within Visual Studio 2010 the SetParameters.xml has the IIS Web Application Name I set in the project file settings.
The build template is set to clear the workspace on each build and I've confirmed this by watching the binaries folder being cleared on the build agent during the build so I'm certain its not the value hasn't been overwritten.
Any suggestions to get the project's IIS Web Application Name pulled through properly?
Maybe, when you build your project through MSBuild you don't set the same Configuration in which you have changed the IIS Web Site/application name through Package/Publish Web settings on Visual Studio 2010.
The deploy path can be different for each Project Configuration. Perhaps you set the Debug value while TFS is using Release?

VS2008 How to deploy a WebSite Application Project

So I have created a Web Site Application project in VS2008 and is fine on my local machine. Just wondering how to I deploy this to a dev server i.e via FTP i.e. do I need just copy over all files i.e.
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution
Visual Basic Project File
Visual Studio Project User options File
and the rest of my customer folder and files & web.config ?
And then when I have those moved and i.e I want to change the config file on the dev server, can I just change the web.config directly on that server or do I need to then open it visual studio on that server and recompile again ?
You can use the Publish Web Site options under Build Menu.
This option can deploy directly on the remote site whit FTP or can publish the file needed on a foolder on your local computer, so you only have to upload on the remote site.
After you deploy the web site if you have only to change the web.config you can use Notepd for it and don't need to recompile nothing... only if you change CodeBehind you have to recompile and upload only the DLL.
This link can Help you understan all the process
