How can I change font / colors in mermaid.js Gantt - mermaid

I recently discovered mermaid.js which is great to design graphs and Gantts.
I'm using the live editor ( and it's quite easy.
But how can I simply change the text font and its size, colors of the tasks in the editor ?
I've read that it's possible to do this changing css attributes, but that's not clear for me, I would need some more explanations.
Many thanks

To change the border and background color of the nodes, text font and size for flowcharts, in "Mermaid configuration" panel, set the following code:
"theme": "default",
"themeVariables": {
"nodeBorder" : "#004990",
"mainBkg" : "#c9d7e4",
"nodeTextColor" : "#274059",
"fontFamily": "arial",
"fontSize": "18px"
For other changes, see the mermaid theming ref page:

For styling Gantt charts see the Mermaid Documentation. However, since this method requires you to use a stylesheet I dont think that you can use it in the live editor.
More information on working with themes in general: Documentation


Name of elements for coloring / theme

In VS Code Themes I am looking for the names of the line-number bar (background)-color-options. There is no theme with different background of the line-numbers-"panel" - every theme I am testing is the same background like the document-window itself. It´s nice in design, but i click often the line-numbers instead of line-start.
Can anybody tell me the theme-name of this background color for this panel? Like "editorLineNumber.foreground" - but there is no "editorLineNumber.background"-option and I didn't find / know what to look - or what to write ;) A visible border would work, too, but the background color would be great!
I think you are looking for the editorGutter.background property as in :
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorGutter.background": "#fff5"

Is it possible to change the black colour of CKEditor Toolbar icons(in the moono skin), like one can with webfonts.?

I have just upgraded to CKEditor 4.4.5 from 3.5, and notice quite a few changes !! One of the changes is the new skin called Moono which looks great. However it did get me wondering whether it would be possible to change the black in the menu icons to a custom colour, for branding reasons for example. We do this in the rest of the web application using a combination of Server code and CSS.
Many thanks.
Toolbar icons in Moono are images, so if you want to change them, you'd need to create a new skin or use an alternative one from the CKEditor Addons Repository.
However, since Moono is a monochromatic skin, maybe for branding purposes it would be enough for you to use the so-called "chameleon feature" that lets you change the UI color with a simple configuration option?
If so, just use config.uiColor to provide a mataching RGB color value or an HTML color name, as in:
config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
See a working example here:

Kony loading screen customization

I am using loading screen in kony by following api-
kony.application.showLoadingScreen("BusyIndicator","Loading data...",constants.LOADING_SCREEN_POSITION_FULL_SCREEN, true,true,null);
BusyIndicator is custom skin made by me which includes background color black with 35% transparency.
However I am getting text 'Loading data...' in black color.
Please help me to customize this text by changing text color and size.
You need to apply an existing skin (e.g "slTextWhite") available in your project and use the same in code like below:
kony.application.showLoadingScreen("slTextWhite","Please wait",constants.LOADING_SCREEN_POSITION_ONLY_CENTER,true,true,{});
Hope this helps!
You can try this way
kony.application.showLoadingScreen("sknLoading"," loading ....", constants.LOADING_SCREEN_POSITION_FULL_SCREEN, true, true, {shouldShowLabelInBottom: "true", separatorHeight:200})
where sknLoading to be defined in common skin -- you will see at the bottom "common" in skin.
you can set background color, font color and other properties too.

How to change ckeditor ui color to solid

I am using Ckeditor 4. Setting the property uiColor makes it always gradient. Is there a way to setup a solid ui color?
Using the inline editor with the 'sharedspace' plugin:
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function (e) {
You have to edit skin.js in /ckeditor_path/skins/skin_name/skin.js and modify part that controls uiColor management to get rid of gradients. No other clean & easy way.
I have found that doing things like this in CKEditor are extremely frustrating. I tried finding a way to do this for a long time and changed the skin.js file, and several other things. In the end, I fixed it by changing the property with jquery after the editor loaded.
You can substitute '#012345' for 'transparent' and it will be a solid color.

Changing the color of the whitespace indicator in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio we can show white space by CTRL+R, CTRL+W. But how can we change the color of the white space indicator itself?
I would like to change it to a soft gray so it the color is not as strong and not so distracting.
You can do that in Tools / Options and then Environment / Fonts And Colors and there is a setting for visible White Space :
I was searching on how to do the same on VS code and I ended up on that thread.
I found out that you can change it on the settings.json file. This one you can open if you go on Preferences/Settings and search for Color Customizations for the Workbench.
On the json file accordingly you will need to add (if it's not already there) the next property:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorWhitespace.foreground": "#1e6d9b"
The color should be a hex code. In the example above I have "#1e6d9b" but feel free to replace it with your preference.
To customize for a specific theme only, use syntax like this, where Monokai is the name of the specific theme you want to override the value for:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"[Monokai]": {
"editorWhitespace.foreground": "#1e6d9b"
Complete reference on customizing a color theme:
and theme color properties:
