Xcode 11 Provisioning profile failed qualification - xcode

I tried to archive my iOS application using Xcode 11 and stumbled on this issue which I'm unable to fix.
Profile doesn't include the com.apple.application-identifier and com.apple.developer.aps-environment entitlements.

If you need to upload an iOS 13 build that you were working on in Xcode 11 Previously:
A workaround, for now, is to download Xcode 12 Beta and use that to upload the archive that you made in Xcode 11.

This problem arises in new Mac OS Big Sur, You can use a workaround:
Open Xcode 11 and Archive your build.
Download Xcode 12 Beta from the link: https://developer.apple.com/download/
Extract Xcode and Open Xcode 12 Beta
Open Xcode 12 Organizer from
Menu -> Window -> Organizer
Upload the latest Archive.


Can I open projects built with Xcode 12 in Xcode 11?

So I received this react native project, as a devops I have to get the app out of it and deploy to play store as well as Apple AppStore. I have successfully gotten the android apk but I have been having issues getting the release bundle for iOS. It says the project was built with a higher version of Xcode (probably Xcode 12), but I am using Xcode 11. Please is there anyway around this since I can not install Xcode 12 on my Mac due to it being outdated.

Xcode 11 doesn't add iPhone6s Simulator [duplicate]

I'm running Xcode 11.0 on macOS Mojave (10.14.6) and though the iPhone SE is officially supported on iOS 13, it doesn't appear in the list of simulators.
It can't be added nor downloaded, as far as I can see. Any ideas?
Xcode 11 doesn't automatically add every possible simulator. But you can add an iPhone SE iOS 13 simulator.
In Xcode, click on the Window menu and select Devices and Simulators. Select the Simulators tab. Tap the + in the bottom-left corner. Give the new simulator a name. Select iPhone SE as the device type. Enter iOS 13 as the OS Version.
Now you have what you need.
Edit: This is still valid with XCode 12.3 and iOS 14.3 as of January 2020
Also can be useful. The problem may be in your project preferences. If downloading simulators didn't work, try this. Open you project in Xcode -> Choose your project on the Navigator which is on the left side
Then in the Deployment Info in target tab choose IOS version for your project (choose 10 or 11 for all simulator displaying)
Deployment Info

Setting SDK to 12.1

I keep getting the warning:
This app was built with the iOS 11.4 SDK. Starting March 2019, all iOS
apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 12.1 SDK or
later, included in Xcode 10.1 or later.
...when I upload to the app store.
I run Xcode 10.1, and I also set the base SDK to 12.1 as in the screenshot, but I still get the warning after archiving and uploading. Is there anything else I need to do? Deployment target is 9.0.
Just make sure you are using latest version of Xcode for compiling and uploading your build. Also make sure that you app screens support the all-screen design of iPhone XS Max or the 12.9-inch iPad Pro (3rd generation). Also check if all the pods are also build on latest SDK
I had 2 versions of Xcode (9 and 10) on my machine and after uploading I was also getting this warning. May be lame but once I removed Xcode 9 from my machine this warning went away.
Note: This is just a workaround. I'm not sure it can solve your problem.
Your Base SDK setting is different from mine.
Since I have just uploaded my app to Appstore without any problem (Nov 13, 2018 at 10:23 PM),
I think it's worth a try to set it to iphoneos like in the image and try to archive and upload again.
Xcode version 10.1 (10B61)

Using the device simulator for iOS 8 with Xcode 7

I thinking about port my App to Swift 2 and Xcode 7. But the device simulator only targets iOS 9 and I see no way to download iOS 8.
I have parallel Xcode 6.3 installed. Is there any way to test and debug my app under iOS 8 with the device simulator?
You can download older versions of iOS via Xcode.
Xcode -> Preferences -> Components -> Select
all the iOS versions you want ( iOS 8.4 )
Once downloaded, you can get to it in the
Simulator -> Hardware -> Device
I am using Version 7.3.1 (7D1014)
Xcode release note says below thing,
Xcode 7.0 beta does not support iOS 8.4 and earlier simulator
runtimes. (20699475)
Refer this link for more info.
It can be used. You just need to find the file for the 8.x sdk that you want to test on in Xcode 6.x and copy it over to the corresponding Xcode 7 beta folder. You can find the file in this path.
Path: /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport
Xcode will suggest that you fix an error or two, but it should work. Note that when I did it there was still an error and some warnings, and I clicked run anyways and it worked regardless
You may need to click "other" and add "iphoneos8.x" (x is your version number)and if you have it added to the correct location it will work

OSX Migration Assistant seems to have ruined XCode 5 & 6. How to fix?

I had XCode 5 installed on my old Mac, with iOS6 & 7 simulators. On migrating to a new Mac (both running Mavericks) I now have XCode and XCode 5 installed, the former being XCode 6.x. I think XCode demanded to be upgraded because I wasn't using iOS8 previously, and on my old Mac XCode won't start without me letting it download updates.
Now, my XCode apps don't have simulators and when I installed them, things just don't work. XCode 5 launches simulators with a black screen even after resetting the simulator and force quitting, for example.
Is there a way to fix this or has everything just gone wrong and I should delete all the xcode apps and re-download/install?
I was previously targeting iOS 6/7 and while I'm happy to drop iOS6 support now, I'm unclear which XCode I should use.
Open the App Store and check if your Xcode 6 is up to date.
I would recommend dragging each Xcode.app file to the trash and downloading a fresh install of Xcode 6 from the App Store.
