Impossible to update catalina OS - macos

I tried to update my mojave to catalina in order to update Xcode... But impossible I have 27Gb Free space but all time this error:
an error occurred while installing the selected updates
And after each error I have 8Gb in less, so if I continue I while arrive to not have free space, I don't know how to delete this fail load on my system storage.
I found that 8Gb are add in private/var/folders (never touch this folders) just reboot in safe mode, this will erase temporary file...

As found here:
A clean install uses up around 20 GB of storage space. In addition,
you need to allow for space for your user data, applications, and
future updates. As if that weren’t enough, you should keep at least 10
to15 percent of the startup drive free to ensure adequate performance.
I normally suggest a good deal more free space than that, but here
we’re just talking about a minimum to ensure you can install and use
macOS Catalina.
So the solution may be freeing up to 30 GB of space, just to be sure.
You can try this utility to better identify some files to delete.


C drive free space drops very fast with no obvious reason

My operating system is Windows 10 and I have a problem with the free space dropping for no reason.
A couple of days ago I ran a python code in jupyter notebook, and in the middle of the execution my C drive ran out of space (there was ~50 GB free space), and since then the C drive free space changes significantly (even shrinks to few MBs) without no obvious reason.
Since then I found some huge files in a pycharm temporary directory, and I freed 47GB of space, but after a short time, it runs out of space again ( I am not even running any code anymore)!
When I restart, the free space gradually starts to increase, and again after a some time, it shrinks to a few GB or even MBs.
PS. I installed WinDirStat to show me the stat of the disk space, and it shows 93 GB under this path: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Files\Windows.edb, but I can't open Data folder in the file explorer, and it shows 0 bytes when I open the folder properties.
Windows.edb is an index database of the Windows Search function. It provides data to speed up searching in the file system due to indexing of files. There are several guides in the internet about reducing it's size. The radical way would be deleting it but I do not recomment this. You had to turn Windows Search off to do so:
net stop "Windows Search"
del %PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Windows.edb
net start "Windows Search"
You wrote in your question that the file suddenly grew while your program was running. Maybe files will be created there. These files should be set to not be indexed. You should do that for the folder where the files are created. If this all fails, you could finally turn indexing off which slows down Windows Search.

free space getting low for no reason

I have just noticed that my C drive is getting full, whereas it still had 30 GB free space 3 days ago.
Given last days activity I can't find any reason for this.
Now I realize that my C free space is getting lower and lower even though there's no current activity on my PC (except that it's turned on).
Every 2 minutes, I lose approximately 100 MB of free space, even though I don't download anything.
I launched my antivirus and I have closed my internet connection in order to see if the free space would stop decreasing, but it continued decreasing at the same pace.
I checked the task manager and notice there was a software running which I think was named "One Drive setup.exe" (during the past weeks, I had many pop up windows saying I had to update onedrive, but there was a problem with the auto update etc... but I didn't car because I don't even know what OneDrive is and I don't think I use it). So I killed this running task.
I thought it had stopped the loss of free space (I even gained 100 MB), but the decrease started again.
Now I connected to Internet again.
I got 300 MB free space back and now it seems constant since 4 minutes. Maybe these little ups and downs can be due to the current antivirus scanning.
But what can explain the loss of 30 GB during the past 2 or 3 days?
Could it be windows update? How can i check this with windows 10?
Could it be a virus or something bad?
Please, answer quickly, i only have 17GB left :-(
Which version of Windows OS are you using?
Turn off/ disable System Restore point, this way you will able to recover some space. Other than use CCleaner ( to clean your system.
They release patch I believe. But u also can use built in disk cleanup tool(
Also uninstalled OneDrive/Google Drive unless u actively use this service. OneDrive sync with cloud files so that u can use those off line.

Unable to shrink partition size

I am trying to install Linux in a computer that has Windows 7. The first step was shrinking the disk size but Windows did not allow any reduction. Thus I followed a number of steps to disable "unmovable" files
I disabled the Page File
I disabled hibernation
I disabled System Protection
After that nothing seemed to have changed so I checked the disk fragmentation and it was 11% fragmented. I have since then run at least 4 defrags and I have also defragged the free space using Defraggler.
As of now the disk looks like this
Right now, Windows refuses to shrink the partition by any amount (I imagine that the files at the end of the disk are the troublesome ones).
Coming from an Linux background I am unsure what else needs to be done in order to shrink the partition.
Are you using Windows disk management tool to do the shrink? Here's a link for that method.
Also make sure the recycle bin on that drive is empty.
I finally figured it out.
The easiest way is just to use a Live USB with GParted on it since that will allow you to move Windows protected files around (the windows OS is not loaded on the live distro).
If just defragmenting is concerned one can use Hiren's Boot CD and the included Defraggler for the same purpose.
I had the same problem on Windows 10. Turns out it was antivirus software that was running on the machine that prevented defragmentation happen properly. I actually had to temporarily uninstall antivirus. After that, the Disk Management tool was able to correctly shrink the volume.

Using GParted to Extend Size of Mac OSX Hard Disk

My computer runs Windows 8. I have a VM Virtual Box Instance of Mac OSX. I made the hard disk 20GB at first, but now I need it to be bigger. I made a back up of the hard disk and then proceeded to resize the original hard disk to 30GB. Now I am trying to actually be able to use the extra 10GB I have added.
First I tried to do this through Disk Utility on the actual VM to no avail. When I tried to resize the partition to use the entire available space, and then clicked "apply" it simply did nothing. When I tried to resize the partition to use any less than the entire available space, it gave me the error MediaKit reports partition (map) too small.
Now I have loaded a GParted ISO onto the VM, and have been trying to use that to resize the hard disk but this is also to no avail. Here is an image of the situation with GParted:
When I try to resize "Yosemite Erase" (the hard disk) it says that the minimum and maximum space that it can take up are the same, 19.20GB, which is what it currently is. I tried moving the "Recovery HD" over to the other side of the unallocated space. But I still was unable to resize "Yosemite Erase" for the same reason; it just doesn't let me.
The warning "YosemiteErase" has says Unable to read the contents of this file system! Because of this some operations may be unavailable. The cause might be a missing software package. The following list of software packages is required for hfs+ file support: hfsprogs.
Does anyone know what I should do?
Nevermind. It turns out that GParted does a "fix" of the hard disk before the GUI boots which I originally had disregarded. However it turns out that when I try to extend the size of the hard disk in Disk Utility, it now works perfectly because of this fix.
I ran into this issue trying to install Kali Linux on a Mac.
I installed "hfsprogs" as the error suggested:
sudo apt-get install hfsprogs
...but the error in Gparted never went away and it never showed the "used" amount on the hfs+ share, despite Gparted showing that the plugin was now installed.
Gparted also tried to "fix" it for me as well, that seemed to have no effect.
I ended up booting into OSX and using Disk Utility to resize the HFS+ partition.
I suspect that the hfsprogs package allows some info about HFS+ partitions in Gparted, but doesn't enable resizing partitions.

~/.git on OSX weighing more than 27GB

I work on Macbook Air, 128GB. After a month of usage, it began reporting disk being full quite often. As I ran omnidisksweeper to check for potential data hogs I have found that ~/.git folder takes 27.4 GB of the precious disk space. I tried to check what sort of data it is, but any git operation on the folder returns
fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD'
I ran git gc --aggressive --prune, deleted more than 250 duplicates, but this has not affected the disk space usage, not in the slightest. I have only one git ( installed at /usr/bin/git. Is there a way to compress/delete it without ravishing the whole system?
Please advise.
