Mirror #RequestPart behavior in WebFlux functional router definitions with different content types - spring

We're developing a Spring Boot service to upload data to different back end databases. The idea is that, in one multipart/form-data request a user will send a "model" (basically a file) and "modelMetadata" (which is JSON that defines an object of the same name in our code).
We got the below to work in the WebFlux annotated controller syntax, when the user sends the "modelMetadata" in the multipart form with the content-type of "application/json":
#PostMapping(consumes = [MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE], produces = [MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE])
fun saveModel(#RequestPart("modelMetadata") monoModelMetadata: Mono<ModelMetadata>,
#RequestPart("model") monoModel: Mono<FilePart>,
#RequestHeader headers: HttpHeaders) : Mono<ResponseEntity<ModelMetadata>> {
return modelService.saveModel(monoModelMetadata, monoModel, headers)
But we can't seem to figure out how to do the same thing in Webflux's functional router definition. Below are the relevant code snippets we have:
fun modelRouter() = router {
accept(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA).nest {
POST(ROOT, handler::saveModel)
fun saveModel(r: ServerRequest): Mono<ServerResponse> {
val headers = r.headers().asHttpHeaders()
val monoModelPart = r.multipartData().map { multiValueMap ->
it["model"] // What do we do with this List<Part!> to get a Mono<FilePart>
it["modelMetadata"] // What do we do with this List<Part!> to get a Mono<ModelMetadata>
From everything we've read, we should be able to replicate the same functionality found in the annotation controller syntax with the router functional syntax, but this particular aspect doesn't seem to be well documented. Our goal was to move over to use the new functional router syntax since this is a new application we're developing and there are some nice forward thinking features/benefits as described here.
What we've tried
Googling to the ends of the Earth for a relevant example
this is a similar question, but hasn't gained any traction and doesn't relate to our need to create an object from one piece of the multipart request data
this may be close to what we need for uploading the file component of our multipart request data, but doesn't handle the object creation from JSON
Tried looking at the #RequestPart annotation code to see how things are done on that side, there's a nice comment that seems to hint at how they are converting the parts to objects, but we weren't able to figure out where that code lives or any relevant example of how to use an HttpMessageConverter on the ``
the content of the part is passed through an {#link HttpMessageConverter} taking into consideration the 'Content-Type' header of the request part.
Any and all help would be appreciated! Even just some links for us to better understand Part/FilePart types and there role in multipart requests would be helpful!

I was able to come up with a solution to this issue using an autowired ObjectMapper. From the below solution I could turn the modelMetadata and modelPart into Monos to mirror the #RequestPart return types, but that seems ridiculous.
I was also able to solve this by creating a MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter and turning the metadataDataBuffer into a MappingJacksonInputMessage, but this solution seemed better for our needs.
fun saveModel(r: ServerRequest): Mono<ServerResponse> {
val headers = r.headers().asHttpHeaders()
return r.multipartData().flatMap {
// We're only expecting one Part of each to come through...assuming we understand what these Parts are
if (it.getOrDefault("modelMetadata", listOf()).size == 1 && it.getOrDefault("model", listOf()).size == 1) {
val modelMetadataPart = it["modelMetadata"]!![0]
val modelPart = it["model"]!![0] as FilePart
.map { metadataDataBuffer ->
// TODO: Only do this if the content is JSON?
objectMapper.readValue(metadataDataBuffer.asInputStream(), ModelMetadata::class.java)
.next() // We're only expecting one object to be serialized from the buffer
.flatMap { modelMetadata ->
// Function was updated to work without needing the Mono's of each type
// since we're mapping here
modelService.saveModel(modelMetadata, modelPart, headers)
else {
// Send bad request response message
Although this solution works, I feel like it's not as elegant as the one alluded to in the #RequestPart annotation comments. Thus I will accept this as the solution for now, but if someone has a better solution please let us know and I will accept it!


Access Spring WebClient response body **BEFORE** being parsed

I've got a problem with an URL call response encoding.
So, just before Spring's WebClient converts the body response into an String object, as desired, I need to access the raw body response to parse it with the proper encoding. So, just before:
<execution>.flatMap(servletResponse -> {
Mono<String> mono = servletResponse.bodyToMono(String.class);
I need to access the raw URL call response; I think before "flatMap".
So... I've been looking at "codecs" within Spring documentation, but... So; even for testing, I have:
myWriter is an instance of: EncoderHttpMessageWriter.
myReader is an instance of: DecoderHttpMessageReader.
myWriter handles myDecoder, an instance of Decoder.
myReader handles myEncoder, an instance of Encoder.
as per Spring Documentation about Codecs; and testing with both options for the WebClient Builder:
myWebClientBuilder = WebClient.Builder; // provided by Spring Context,
myWebClientBuilder = WebClient.builder(); // "by hand"
So, the relevant part of code looks like this (tried even with register and registerWithDefaultConfig):
WebClient.builder().codecs(consumer -> {
shows that the codecs load, and internal basic methods are called:
but... No one of the read/write... Mono<T> / Flux<T> methods are used. Is there anything left for configuring a codec to properly parse the incoming response with the proper encoding?
The response is a String; a old-fashioned String, with all data-fields in a single row, that wll be parsed later, according to rules about positions and lengths of fields; nothing related with JSON or Jackson.
Is there another better way to perform this pre-action?
Many thanks in advance.

Spring WebFlux + Kotlin Response Handling

I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around a supposedly simple RESTful WS response handling scenario when using Spring WebFlux in combination with Kotlin coroutines. Suppose we have a simple WS method in our REST controller that is supposed to return a possibly huge number (millions) of response "things":
suspend fun findAllThings(): Flow<Thing> {
//Reactive DB query, return a flow of things
This works as one would expect: the result is streamed to the client as long as a streaming media type (e.g. "application/x-ndjson") is used. In more complex service calls that also accounts for the possibility of errors/warnings I would like to return a response object of the following form:
class Response<T> {
val errors: Flow<String>
val things: Flow<T>
The idea here being that a response either is successful (returning an empty error Flow and a Flow of things), or failed (errors contained in the corresponding Flow while the things Flow being empty). In blocking programming this is a quite common response idiom. My question now is how can I adapt this idiom to the reactive approach in Kotlin/Spring WebFlux?
I know its possible to just return the Response as described (or Mono<Response> for Java users), but this somewhat defeats the purpose of being reactive as the entire Mono has to exist in memory at serialization time. Is there any way to solve this? The only possible solution I can think of right now is a custom Spring Encoder that is smart enough to stream both errors or things (whatever is present).
How about returning Success/Error per Thing?
class Result<T> private constructor(val result: T?, val error: String?) {
constructor(data: T) : this(data, null)
constructor(error: String) : this(null, error)
val isError = error != null
suspend fun findAllThings(): Flow<Result<Thing>> {
//Reactive DB query, return a flow of things

Spring Webflux throws a "block()/blockFirst()/blockLast() are blocking, which is not supported in thread reactor-http-nio-2"

I have a small issue with doing a blocking operation in Spring Webflux. I retrieve a list of article documents and from the list of article documents, i would like to update another object.
When i execute the below, sometimes it works and sometimes it throws a "block()/blockFirst()/blockLast() are blocking, which is not supported in thread reactor-http-nio-2". Could you please suggest how to fix. I dont really want to make it blocking but not sure how to proceed. There are similar threads in stackoverflow but not with respective to my requirement.
It would be really nice if someone could suggest a way to work around ?
private OrderInfo setPrices(final OrderInfo orderInfo) {
final List<ArticleDocument> articleDocuments = getArticleDocuments(orderInfo).block(); // Problematic line
for (ArticleDocument article : articleDocuments) {
//Update orderInfo based on one of the article price and few more condition.
return orderInfo;
private Mono<List<ArticleDocument>> getArticleDocuments(final OrderInfo orderInfo) {
return this.articleRepository.findByArticleName(orderInfo.getArticleName()).collectList();
It has to be something like this. Please take note that I have not tested it on my IDE. To modify anything please comment and figure it out together.
private Mono<OrderInfo> setPrices(final OrderInfo orderInfo) {
.map(articleDocuments -> {
articleDocuments.forEach(article -> // UPDATE AS YOU NEED);
return orderInfo;
private Mono<List<ArticleDocument>> getArticleDocuments(final OrderInfo orderInfo) {
return this.articleRepository.findByArticleName(orderInfo.getArticleName()).collectList();
Remember, you have to put everything under chaining. that's why you have to return Mono<OrderInfo> instead of OrderInfo from setPrices method. If you find my suggested code is tough to adapt to your current coding structure, you can show me the full code. Let's find out we can build a good chain or not.
BTW, you were using getArticleDocuments(orderInfo).block();. See? you were using .block()? Don't do that in a chain. don't ever block anything in a request to the response chain process. you will return mono or flux from the controller and everything will be handled by webflux

Idiomatic way of verifying a reactive request before actually persisting to the database

I have an endpoint that accepts as well as returns a reactive type. What I'm trying to achieve is to somehow verify that the complete reactive request (that is actually an array of resources) is valid before persisting the changes to the database (read Full-Update of a ressource). The question is not so much concerned with how to actually verify the request but more with how to chain the steps together using which of springs reactive handler methods (map, flatMap and the likes) in the desired order which is basically:
verify correctness of request (the Ressource is properly annotated with JSR-303 annotations)
clear the current resource in case of valid request
persist new resources in the database after clearing the database
Let's assume the following scenario:
val service : ResourceService
fun replaceResources(#Valid #RequestBody resources:
Flux<RessourceDto>): Flux<RessourceDto> {
var deleteWrapper = Mono.fromCallable {
deleteWrapper = deleteWrapper.subscribeOn(Schedulers.elastic())
return deleteWrapper.thenMany<RessourceDto> {
.map(mapper::map) // map to model object
.map(mapper::map) // map to dto object
//alternative try
override fun replaceResourcesAlternative2(#RequestBody resources:
Flux<ResourceDto>): Flux<ResourceDto> {
return service.deleteAllResources()
.thenMany<ResourceDto> {
Whats the idiomatic way of doing this in a reactive fashion?

Can I access the request/response body on an ExchangeFilterFunction?

Given an exchange using WebClient, filtered by a custom ExchangeFilterFunction:
public Mono<ClientResponse> filter(ClientRequest request, ExchangeFunction next) {
return next.exchange(request)
.doOnSuccess(response -> {
// ...
Trying to access the response body more than once using response.bodyToMono() will cause the underlying HTTP client connector to complain that only one receiver is allowed. AFAIK, there's no way to access the body's Publisher in order to cache() its signals (and I'm not sure it'd be a good idea, resource-wise), as well as no way to mutate or decorate the response object in a manner that allows access to its body (like it's possible with ServerWebExchange on the server side).
That makes sense, but I am wondering if there are any ways I could subscribe to the response body's publisher from a form of filter such as this one. My goal is to log the request/response being sent/received by a given WebClient instance.
I am new to reactive programming, so if there are any obvious no-nos here, please do explain :)
Only for logging you could add a wiretap to the HttpClient as desribed in this answer.
However, your question is also interesting in a more general sense outside of logging.
One possible way is to create a duplicate of the ClientResponse instance with a copy of the previous request body. This might go against reactive principles, but it got the job done for me and I don't see big downsides given the small size of the response bodies in my client.
In my case, I needed to do so because the server sending the request (outside of my control) uses the HTTP status 200 Ok even if requests fail. Therefore, I need to peek into the response body in order to find out if anything went wrong and what the cause was. In my case I evict a session cookie in the request headers from the cache if the error message indicates that the session expired.
These are the steps:
Get the response body as a Mono of a String (cf (1)).
Return a Mono.Error in case an error is detected (cf (2)).
Use the String of the response body to build a copy of the original response (cf (3)).
You could also use a dependency on the ObjectMapper to parse the String into an object for analysis.
Note that I wrote this in Kotlin but it should be easy enough to adapt to Java.
class PeekIntoResponseBodyExchangeFilterFunction : ExchangeFilterFunction {
override fun filter(request: ClientRequest, next: ExchangeFunction): Mono<ClientResponse> {
return next.exchange(request)
.flatMap { response ->
// (1)
.flatMap { responseBody ->
if (responseBody.contains("Error message")) {
// (2)
Mono.error(RuntimeException("Response contains an error"))
} else {
// (3)
val clonedResponse = response.mutate().body(responseBody).build()
