Memory is not being released - go

This is a simple program to decompress the string, I just running a loop to show that memory usage increases and the memory used never get released.
Memory is not getting released even after 8hr also
Package for decompressing string: - (simple lz string algorithm)
I'm adding a gist link since the string used for decompressing is large
Source Code:
Activity Monitor
I'm completely new to go, Can anyone tell me how I can solve the memory issue?
UPDATE Jul 15 20
The app still crashes when the memory limit is reached Since it only uses 12mb - 15mb this should not happen!!

There is a lot going on here.
First, using Go version 1.14.2 your program works fine for me. It does not appear to be leaking memory.
Second, even when I purposely created a memory leak by increasing the loop size to 100 and saving the results in an array, I only used about 100 MB of memory.
Which gets us to Third, you should not be using Activity Monitor or any other operating system level tools to be checking for memory leaks in a Go program. Operating System memory management is a painfully complex topic and the OS tools are designed to help you determine how a program is affecting the whole system, not what is going on within the program.
Specifically, macOS "Real Memory" (analogous to RSS, Resident Set Size) includes memory the program is no longer using but the OS has not taken back yet. When the garbage collector frees up memory and tells the OS it does not need that memory anymore, the OS does not immediately take it back. (Why it works that way is way beyond the scope of this answer.)
Also, if the OS is under Memory Pressure, it can take back not only memory the program has freed, but it can also take back (temporarily) memory the program is still using but has not accessed "recently" so that another program that urgently needs memory can use it. In this case, "Real Memory" will be reduced even if the process is not actually using less memory. There is no statistic reported by the operations system that will help you here.
You need to use native Go settings like GODEBUG=gctrace=1 or tools like expvar and expvarmon to see what the garbage collector is doing.
As for why your program ran out of memory when you limited it, keep in mind that by default Go builds a dynamically linked executable and just reading in all the shared libraries can take up a lot of memory. Try building your application with static linking using CGO_ENABLED=0 and see if that helps. See how much memory it uses when you only run 1 iteration of the loop.


What happens when I try to write a file ( say text) that consumes more memory than the RAM?

Suppose I open notepad ( not necessarily ) and write a text file of 6 GB ( again, suppose) . I have no running processes other than notepad itself, and the memory assigned to the user processes has a limit of less than 6 GB. My disc memory is sufficient though.
What happens to the file now? I know that writing is definitely possible and virtual memory may get involved , but I am not sure how. Does virtual memory actually get involved? Either way, can you please explain what happens from an OS point of view?
From the memory point of view, the notepad allocates a 6Gb buffer in memory to store the text you're seeing. The process consists of data segment (which includes the buffer above, but not only) and a code segment (the notepad native code), so the total process space is going to be larger than 6Gb.
Now, it's all virtual memory as far the process is concerned (yes, it is involved). If I understand your case right, the process won't fit into physical memory, so it's going to crash due to insufficient memory.
the memory assigned to the user processes has a limit of less than 6 GB.
If this is a hard limit enforced by the operating system, it may at it's own discretion kill the process with some error message. It may also do anything else it wants, depending on it's implementation. This part of the answer disregards virtual memory or any other way of swapping RAM to disk.
My disc memory is sufficient though. What happens to the file now? I know that writing is definitely possible and virtual memory may get involved , but I am not sure how.
At this point, when your question starts involving the disk, we can start talking about virtual memory and swapping. If virtual memory is involved and the 6GB limit is in RAM usage, not total virtual memory usage, parts of the file can be moved to disk. This could be parts of the file currently out of view on screen or similar. The OS then manages what parts of the (more than 6GB of) data is available in RAM, and swaps in/out data depending on what the program needs (i.e. where in the file you are working).
Does virtual memory actually get involved?
Depends on weather it is enabled in the OS in question or not, and how it is configured.
Yes a lot of this depends on the OS in question and it's implementation and how it handles cases like this. If the OS is poorly written it may crash itself.
Before I give you a precise answer, let me explain few things.
I could suggest you to open Linux System Monitor or Windows Task Manager, and then open heavy softwares like a game, Android Studio, IntelliJ e.t.c
Go to the memory visualization tap. You will notice that each of the applications( processes) consume a certain amount of memory. Okey fine!
Some machines if not most, support memory virtualization.
It's a concept of allocating a certain amount of the hard disk space as a back up plan just in case some application( process) consumes a lot of memory and if it is not active at times, then it gets moved from the main memory to the virtual memory to create a priority for other tasks that are currently busy.
A virtual memory is slower that the main memory as it is located in the hard disk. However is it still faster than fetching data directly from the disk.
When launching any application, not all its application size will be loaded to memory, but only the necessary files that are required at that particular time will be loaded to memory. Thus why you can play a 60GB game in a machine that has a 4GB RAM.
To answer your question:
If you happen to launch a software that consumes all the memory resources of your machine, your machine will freeze. You will even hear the sounds made by its cooling system. It will be louder and faster.
I hope I clarified this well

How to a profile memory usage in a memory-intensive application?

I'm trying to make an application more memory efficient and in order to do that I need to understand its current memory usage. So I've got a little console program where I have it pause at various steps in the process so I can analyze its memory usage with various tools. This is a C++ program using standard STL allocators and containers (unique_ptr, vector, map, etc).
Unfortunately I've apparently run into an issue with how the Windows heap manager works. My understanding is that as the heap usage grows, it commits more memory from the operating system. But as the heap usage shrinks, it does NOT decommit that memory. See this answer and this comment.
Ultimately I can tell how much heap my program is actually using by examining it in windbg with the !heap extension, but that's a bit tedious and it would be nice to be able to use something easier like process explorer or performance monitor. Also, I'm going to get complaints when people open up task manager and see this misleading information.
So I guess my question is A) is there a way to actually decommit heap memory without exiting the process or, failing that, B) is there a strategy I can use to avoid this? (custom allocator?)

GC in .NET 4.0 not affecting Working Set in task manager

OK, just to be clear, I understand that the Task Manager is never a good way to monitor memory consumption of a program. Now that I've cleared the air...
I've used SciTech's .Net memory profiler for a while now, but almost exclusively on the .Net 3.5 version of our app. Typically, I'd run an operation, collect a baseline snapshot, run the operation again and collect a comparison snapshot and attack leaks from there. Generally, the task manager would mimic the rise and fall of memory (within a range of accuracy and within a certain period of time).
In our .net 4.0 app, our testing department reported a memory when performing a certain set of operations (which I'll call operation A). Within the profiler, I'd see a sizable change of live bytes (usually denoting a leak). If I immediately collect another snapshot, the memory is reclaimed (regardless of how long I waited to collect the initial comparison snapshot). I thought the finalizer might be getting stuck so I manually injected the following calls:
When I do that, I don't see the initial leak in the profiler, but my working set in the Task Manager is still ridiculously high (operation A involves loading images). I thought the issue might be a stuck finalizer (and that SciTech was able to do some voodoo magic when the profiler collects its snapshots), but for all the hours I spent using WinDbg and MDbg, I couldn't ever find anything that suggested the finalizer was getting stuck. If I just let my app sit for hours, the memory in the working set would never reduce. However, if I proceeded to perform other operations, the memory would drop substantially at random points.
I know the GC changed substantially with CLR 4.0, but did it affect how the OS sees allocated memory? My computer has 12 GB RAM, so when I run my app and ramp up my memory usage, I still have TONS free so I'm hypothesizing that it just doesn't care to reduce what it's already allocated (as portrayed in the Task Manager), even if the memory has been "collected". When I run this same operation on a machine with 1GB RAM, I never get an out of memory exception, suggesting that I'm really not leaking memory (which is what the profiler also suggests).
The only reason I care what the Task Manager shows because it's how our customers monitor our memory usage. If there is a change in the GC that would affect this, I just want to be able to show them documentation that says it's Microsoft's fault, not ours :)
In my due diligence, I've searched a bunch of other SO threads for an answer, but all I've found are articles about the concurrency of the generational cleanup and other unrelated, yet useful, facts.
You cannot expect to see changes in the use of managed heap immediately reflected in process memory. The CLR essentially acts as a memory manager on behalf of your application, so it allocates and frees segments as needed. As allocating and freeing segments is an expensive operation the CLR tries to optimize this. It will typically not free an empty segment immediately as it could be used to serve new managed allocations. If you want to monitor managed memory usage, you should rely on the .NET specific counters for this.

How much memory is my windows app really using?

I have a long-running memory hog of an experimental program, and I'd like to know it's actual memory footprint. The Task Manager says (in windows7-64) that the app is consuming 800 mb of memory, but the total amount of memory allocated, also according to the task manager, is 3.7gb. The sum of all the allocated memory does not equal 3.7gb. How can I determine, on the fly, how much memory my application is actually consuming.
Corollary: What memory is the task manager actually reporting? It doesn't seem to be all the memory that's allocated to the app itself.
As I understand it, Task manager shows the Working Set;
working set: The set of memory pages
recently touched by the threads of a
process. If free memory in the
computer is above a threshold, pages
are left in the working set of a
process even if they are not being
used. When free memory falls below a
threshold, pages are trimmed from the
working set.
You can get Task Manager to show Virtual Memory as well.
I usually use perfmon (Start -> Run... -> perfmon) to track memory usage, using the Private Bytes counter. It reflects memory allocated by your normal allocators (new/HeapAlloc/malloc, etc).
Memory is a tricky thing to measure. An application might reserve lots of virtual memory but not actually use much of it. Some of the memory might be shared; that is, a shared DLL might be loaded in to the address space of several applications but it is only loaded in to physical memory once.
A good measure is the working set, which is the set of pages in its virtual address space that have been accessed recently. What the meaning of 'accessed recently' is depends on the operating system and its page replacement algorithm. In other words, it is the actual set of virtual pages that are mapped in to physical memory and are in use at the moment. This is what the task manager shows you.
The virtual memory usage is the amount of virtual pages that have been reserved (note that not all of these will have actually been committed, that is, had physical backing store allocated for it. You can add this to the display in task manager by clicking View -> Select Columns.
The most important thing though: If you want to actually measure how much memory your program is using to see if you need to optimize some of it for space or choose better data structures or persist some things to disk, using the task manager is the wrong approach. You should almost certainly be using a profiler.
That depends on what memory you are talking about. Unfortunately there are many different ways to measure memory. For instance ...
Physical Memory Allocated
Virtual Memory Allocated
Virtual Memory Reserved (but not committed)
Private Bytes
Shared Bytes
Which metric are you interested in?
I think most people tend to be interested in the "Virtual Memory Allocated" category.
The memory statistics displayed by task manager are not nearly all the statistics available, nor are particularly well presented. I would use the great free tool from Microsoft Sysinternals, VMMap, to analyse the memory used by the application further.
If it is a long running application, and the memory usage grows over time, it is going to be the heap that is growing. Parts of the heap may or may not be paged out to disk at any time, but you really need to optimize you heap usage. In this case you need to be profile your application. If it is a .Net application then I can recommend Redgate's ANTS profiler. It is very easy to use. If it's a native application, then the Intel vtune profiler is pretty powerful. You don't need the source code for the process you are profiling for either tool.
Both applications have a free trial. Good luck.
P.S. Sorry I didn't include more hyperlinks to the tools, but this is my first post, and stackoverflow limits first posts to one hyperlink :-(

Windows Stalls When My Program Uses Swapfile

I am running a user mode program on normal priority. My program is searching an NP problem, and as a result, uses up a lot of memory which eventually ends up in the swap file.
Then my mouse freezes up, and it takes forever for task manager to open up and let me end the process.
What I want to know is how I can stop my Windows operating system from completely locking up from this even though only 1 out of my 2 cores are being used.
Thanks for the replies.
I know that making it use less memory will help, but it just doesn't make sense to me that the whole OS should lock up.
The obvious answer is "use less memory". When your app uses up all the
available memory, the OS has to page the task manager (etc.) out to make room for your app. When you switch programs, the OS has to page the other programs back in (as they are needed).
Disk reads are slower than memory reads, so everything appears to be
going slower.
If you want to avoid this, have your app manage its own memory, or
use a better algorithm than brute force. (There are genetic
algorithms, simulated annealing, etc.)
The problem is that when another program (e.g. explorer.exe) is going to execute, all of its code and memory has been swapped out. To make room for the other program Windows has to first write data that your program is using to disk, then load up the other program's memory. Every new page of code that is executed in the other program requires disk access, causing it to run slowly.
I don't know the access pattern of your program, but I'm guessing it touches all of its memory pages a lot in a random fashion, which makes the problem worse because as soon as Windows evicts a memory page from your program, suddenly you need it again and Windows has to find some other page to give the same treatment.
To give other processes more RAM to live in, you can use SetProcessWorkingSetSize to reduce the maximum amount of RAM that your program may use. Of course this will make your program run more slowly because it has to do more swapping.
Another alternative you could try is to add more drives to the system, and distribute the swap files over those. You may have a dual-core CPU, but you have only a single drive. Distributing the swap file over multiple drives allows Windows to balance work across them (although I don't have first-hand experience of how well it does this).
I don't think there's a programming answer to this question, aside from "restructure your app to use less memory." The swapfile problem is most likely due to the bottleneck in accessing the disk, especially if you're using an IDE HDD or a highly fragmented swapfile.
It's a bit extreme, but you could always minimise your swap file so you don't have all the disk thashing, and your program isn't allowed to allocate much virtual memory. Under Control panel / Advanced / Advanced tab / Perfromance / Virtual memory, set the page file to custom size and enter a value of 2mb (smallest allowed on XP). When an allocation fails, you should get an exception and be able exit gracefully. It doesn't quite fix your problem, just speeds it up ;)
Another thing worth considering would be if you are ona 32bit platform, port to a 64bit system and get a box with much more addressable RAM.
