Is there a way my rasa chatbot can know the logged in user full name and greet him? - rasa-nlu

I'm currently working on Rasa framework to develop a chatbot. I want to know how do i greet the user with his/her own name. For instance, the user will login to the application and then when he clicks on the chatbot icon it should know who logged in and greet the user. Is there a way i can achieve this.?

I've successfully worked with HTTP API calls as well. So fetching data from Database isn't hard. My assumption on how to achieve this is through session data. I believe there has to be something in the session data where i can get the username.

When a user clicks on the chatbot icon, you will send a query to the rasa framework. You can add the name of the user to the query, and in the action server of rasa, use the name for greeting the user.


How do i greet the logged in user with his username fetched from database?

I'm currently developing chatbot using Bot Framework. I want to greet the user with his name. To do this i want to get the currently logged in user's name and use with the bot. How do i achieve this?

How to continue bot command answer after a signin action?

I have a bot command that needs users to sign in first in order to get the answer. For example, if user types in list my saved movies, the bot will send a sign in card with a sign in button. After the user signs in, the bot should give user the answer for the original command, but currently I don't know how yet. Do you have any idea how can I achieve this?
The Bot Framework includes the ability to save different kinds of state, most particularly "user" state, which is tied to the user themself, and conversation state which is tied to just a particular conversation. One of these, in particular conversation state, could be useful - you could save the command into conversation state, do the signin, and then check from there what command triggered the signin and therefore what to do next. I haven't done a lot of work with signin, but I think that should work. More info on this is available at save user and conversation data.
Just to confirm, I see you've tagged the question with MSTeams, so I assume the command you're offering the user requires access to, say, the Microsoft Graph or similar? I'm asking because you don't necessarily need to authenticate the user per se, if they're just accessing data in your own database, as an example - they're authenticated via the Teams client already - you'd want signin, I guess, in order to get a token so that you can call something else on behalf of the user (e.g. OneDrive)?
Hope that helps

Chat bot single sign on

I have a bot running on a hosting page where users are logged in using SSO.
I want to authenticate the user in the bot automatically when the bot starts and I do not want to use anAuthCard to do it. Just want to automatically authenticate the user without prompting anything to him, just using SSO.
I found an article that refers three ways to authenticate an user in the bot:
Sharing the client's user token directly with the bot via ChannelData
Using an OAuthCard to drive a sign-in experience to any OAuth provider
A third option, called Single Sign-On (SSO), that is in development.
And, according to the article my situation is:
WebChat in an authenticated website where the user is already signed in and the website has a token to the same identity provider but to a different app that the bot needs -> in the future, this is single sign-on, but for now you 'll need to use an OAuthCard.
Is there any update about this functionality? How can I authenticate the user into the bot without using an OAuthCard or a SigninCard?
Thanks in advance
Not sure if you have tried the option of using WebChat with Azure Bot Service’s Authentication which provides built-in authentication capability to authenticate chat users with various identity providers such AAD, GitHub, Facebook, etc.
If you are looking for this built-in feature, then probably you need to build your own custom built solution using Google sign-in by passing the token ID of the authenticated users. Or for an Account linking OAuth2 solution as explained in this link: How to implement Login in Dialogflow chatbot.
Microsoft guys Are looking at the issue now. you can track the progress here.
I implemented a solution that worked for me. I have the bot running in a .net core web app
Here's what I did:
Generate an userId before initializing the BotApp
When the user clicks on the button to open the webchat, I'm opening an authenticated controller in a popup that receives the generated userId. The page is authenticated, so you will need to authenticate. I store the userId in my DB, along with access_token and some user information. The controller should be created in the same webapp where the bot is running.
After storing all the information I close the tab and start the BotApp with the generated userId
In bot code you will be able to query your DB (using userId).
To wait until the popup close, you can have a look into this here.
I hope that this helps someone.
Best regards

How do you get Yammer to treat registered app as a user

In messaging platforms like Slack and HipChat you can integrate apps that can post messages to groups without them being sent from a user e.g.
Defect Management System: A new defect was logged at 12pm
Instead of:
John Smith: A new defect was logged at 12pm
Is it possible to do the same thing in Yammer?
There are two options available for you:
1 - You can create a new user on Yammer, name it however you want (e.g., "Defect Management System" with a snazzy avatar), then take the user's OAUTH token and use it to impersonate that user programmatically. This is fine for quick development.
2 - You can create a new user on Yammer, name it however you want, then register a new app on Yammer to get a permanent token and client ID, then use those to impersonate that user programmatically. This is the right way to do it. You can read more about how to do this on
This is an example of a user that we impersonate. It is a bot on our network. It is a separate account in AD and is registered as an app in Yammer and interacts with Yammer automatically.
You are always impersonating a user in Yammer via the API, there isn't a way to impersonate a group, in the way that Slack does (i.e. being able to override the username displayed and replace it with a bot for example in your payload)
If this app is for internal use, you could consider creating a dummy user as a bot to post defects, and then using Custom Object Types & Actions in Open Graph to further customize the messages. Obviously there are some business & administration considerations in doing that, not just development ones.

TweetSharp - Get User Email ID after login

I am using TweetSharp for user login in my mvc web app. All works fine but after login I need to save the user data in my DB as well. I cant find email from TwitterUser object after loging. How can i get user's email once the user is authenticated?
You cannot. The Twitter API doesn't return email addresses for users.
Take a look at the users/show documentation to see all the information you can retrieve.
If your app is whitelisted, you can now retrieve the email as part of verify_credentials
