MethodArgumentNotValidException not thrown in case of validation fail - spring

I'm trying to implement validation in Spring REST by following this tutorial. Though, my code is in Koltin unlike the tutorial.
My code is as follows -
Entity class
class PodcastEntity(#Id #GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) #NotNull
var id: Long = 0,
#field:NotEmpty(message = "Please provide an author")
var author: String,
#field:NotEmpty(message = "Please provide a title")
var title: String,
#field:NotEmpty(message = "Please provide a description")
var description: String,
#field:NotEmpty(message = "Please provide category one")
var categoryOne: String,
#field:NotEmpty(message = "Please provide category two")
var categoryTwo: String,
var filePath: String = "")
My post method is like this in the controller -
fun addPodcast(#Valid #RequestBody podcastEntity: PodcastEntity) {
My POST request in postman is like this -
"author" : "me 3",
"title" : "File three",
"description" : "this is a test desc"
Since categoryOne and categoryTwo are missing and I have not handled the exception on my own, my console should show MethodArgumentNotValidException according to the tutorial. However, I'm getting no such exception. What I'm getting is a HttpMessageNotReadableException exception -
Resolved [org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException: JSON parse error: Instantiation of [simple type, class com.krtkush.test.entities.PodcastEntity] value failed for JSON property categoryOne due to missing (therefore NULL) value for creator parameter categoryOne which is a non-nullable type; nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.MissingKotlinParameterException: Instantiation of [simple type, class com.krtkush.test.entities.PodcastEntity] value failed for JSON property categoryOne due to missing (therefore NULL) value for creator parameter categoryOne which is a non-nullable type at [Source: (PushbackInputStream); line: 5, column: 1] (through reference chain: com.krtkush.test.entities.PodcastEntity["categoryOne"])]
I'm unable to understand where I'm going wrong. Some help please?

You can handle this issue by providing HttpMessageNotReadableException handler
and then checking if the main cause is MissingKotlinParameterException.
After that, you can provide custom validation error.
override fun handleMessageNotReadableException(
exception: HttpMessageNotReadableException,
request: NativeWebRequest
): ResponseEntity<Problem> {
// workaround
val cause = exception.cause
if (cause is MissingKotlinParameterException) {
val violations = setOf(createMissingKotlinParameterViolation(cause))
return newConstraintViolationProblem(exception, violations, request)
return create(Status.BAD_REQUEST, UnableToReadInputMessageProblem(), request)
private fun createMissingKotlinParameterViolation(cause: MissingKotlinParameterException): Violation {
val name = cause.path.fold("") { jsonPath, ref ->
val suffix = when {
ref.index > -1 -> "[${ref.index}]"
else -> ".${ref.fieldName}"
(jsonPath + suffix).removePrefix(".")
return Violation(name, "must not be null")
This way you get get nice output with proper constraint error.
You may try to declare #ExceptionHandler for MissingKotlinParameterException directly.
Answer based on question Spring not null validation throwing HttpMessageNotReadableException instead of MethodArgumentNotValidException in kotlin

Following Damian's SO link in his answer, I found the first answer really helpful and more appropriate. I modified the #Entitiy class by making the required fields nullable (?) like this -
class PodcastEntity(#Id #GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
var id: Long = 0,
#field:NotEmpty(message = "Please provide an author")
var author: String?,
#field:NotEmpty(message = "Please provide a title")
var title: String?,
#field:NotEmpty(message = "Please provide a description")
var description: String?,
#field:NotEmpty(message = "Please provide category one")
var categoryOne: String?,
#field:NotEmpty(message = "Please provide category two")
var categoryTwo: String?,
var filePath: String = "")
This makes sure that the code throws MethodArgumentNotValidException in all three cases - 1. Empty argument 2. null argument 3. Missing argument


Javax validation of generics in Springboot with Kotlin

I have a controller:
fun create(
#RequestBody #Valid request: MyContainer<CreateRequest>,
): MyContainer<Dto> = service.create(request.objects)
with MyContainer and CreateRequest looking something like this:
class MyContainer<T>(
#field:Valid // also tried param
#field:NotEmpty(message = "The list of objects can not be null or empty")
var objects: List<#Valid T>? = listOf(),
class CreateRequest(
#field:NotNull(message = "Value can not be null")
var value: BigDecimal? = null,
In my tests, the "outer" validation works, that is I do get the expected error message if I send it { "objects": null } or { "objects": [] }. But I can not get it to validate the contents of the list. From what I understand in Java List<#Valid T> should work, but for whatever I can not get it to work in kotlin.
I figured I might need some kind of use-site target on #Valid in List<#Valid T>, but I can't find one that's applicable for this use case.
How can I get the validation to work for the list?
I managed to find a solution myself.
Apparently get: is the correct use-site target, not field: or param:. Furthermore the #Valid in List<#Valid T> was not necessary.
For reference, here's the working class (also changed it back to a data class as that doesn't seem to pose an issue).
class MyContainer<T>(
#get:NotEmpty(message = "The list of objects can not be null or empty")
var objects: List<T>? = listOf(),
and the CreateRequest:
class CreateRequest(
#get:NotNull(message = "Value can not be null")
var value: BigDecimal? = null,
Changing to the get: use-site target was only necessary for #Valid, but I opted for using it everywhere for consistency and since it seems to be the one that works best.

ERROR - new Global exception handled! Message = java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to java.math.BigInteger

DataType of patientId is BigInteger in entity Object
private BigInteger patientId;
public List<ChatRoomHistory> getLastChatDetails(List<String> patientIds) {
String queryStr = "FROM ChatRoomHistory where type = 'NO' and patientId in :patientIds ORDER BY chatCloseTime DESC";
TypedQuery<ChatRoomHistory> query = sessionFactory.getObject().getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryStr, ChatRoomHistory.class);
query.setParameter("patientIds", patientIds);
return query.getResultList();
2020-08-16 19:52:27,939 [http-nio-8080-exec-5:] c.t.c.u.e.GlobalExceptionHandler.handleException:243
ERROR - new Global exception handled! Message = java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to java.math.BigInteger
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to java.math.BigInteger
at org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.DecimalTypeDescriptor$1.doBind(
at org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder.bind(
at org.hibernate.type.AbstractStandardBasicType.nullSafeSet(
Like said in the comment, you can't pass a list of String as a parameter intended for a numeric field.
You should declare your parameter as
public List<ChatRoomHistory> getLastChatDetails(List<BigInteger> patientIds)
You can correct your method in this way:
public List<ChatRoomHistory> getLastChatDetails(List<BigInteger> patientIds)
String hql = "select c from ChatRoomHistory c where c.type = 'NO' and c.patientId in :patientIds ORDER BY c.chatCloseTime DESC";
TypedQuery<ChatRoomHistory> query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql, ChatRoomHistory.class);
query.setParameter("patientIds", patientIds);
return query.getResultList();
Even though HQL does not require the presence of a select_clause, it is generally good practice to include one.
The list of values must not be empty; it must contain at least one value. (See this).

Swagger 2 UI How to show models that are not explicitly returned by RestController

I'm having following issue, on swagger under Models, i see just abstract Base class that is extended by 3 other classes. My current end point returns Base type of class, because i can have 3 different types returned on one end point.
So basically i have something like this
#ApiModel(description = "Base Details.")
abstract class BaseClass(
open var id: String? = null,
var prop1: String? = null,
var prop2: String? = null,
var prop3: String? = null,
var prop4: String? = null
#ApiModel(description = "Some Specific Details that contains all base properties.")
data class AnotherClass(
val prop4: String,
val prop5: String,
val prop6: Set<Amount>,
val prop7: Set<Amount>,
val prop8: String
) : BaseClass()
#ApiModel(description = "Some more Specific Details that contains all base properties.")
data class OneMoreClass(
val prop4: String,
val prop5: String
) : BaseClass()
And in RestController i have this
#ApiOperation(value = "End point description", notes = "Notes notes notes.")
fun getSomethingFromDatabase(): List<BaseClass> {
return someService.getData();
So issue that i have is on swagger UI, under Models section i see just BaseClass and no other classes at all...
I tried this, because somewhere i seen this example:
#ApiModel(description = "Base Details.", subTypes = {AnotherClass.class})
but this way i have "kotlin" issue, that is saying "name is missing", also i can not do AnotherClass::class...
You will have to add those in the config as below:
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
.additionalModels(typeResolver.resolve(AnotherClass.class), typeResolver.resolve(OneMoreClass.class))
subTypes is still not completely supported in Swagger 2, still has an open ticket
For your Kotlin config, this is how it should look like:
subTypes = [AnotherClass::class, OneMoreClass::class]
I have just added a sample Kotlin controller for you to refer in my github project. Look for AnimalController.kt & SwaggerConfig for required setup.

Kotlin not nullable value can be null?

I have backend that return me some json.
I parse it to my class:
class SomeData(
#SerializedName("user_name") val name: String,
#SerializedName("user_city") val city: String,
var notNullableValue: String
Use gson converter factory:
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
And in my interface:
interface MyAPI {
Observable<List<SomeData>> getSomeData();
Then I retrieve data from the server (with rxJava) without any error. But I expected an error because I thought I should do something like this (to prevent GSON converter error, because notNullableValue is not present in my JSON response):
class SomeData #JvmOverloads constructor(
#SerializedName("user_name") val name: String,
#SerializedName("user_city") val city: String,
var notNullableValue: String = ""
After the data is received from backend and parsed to my SomeData class with constructor without def value, the value of the notNullableValue == null.
As I understand not nullable value can be null in Kotlin?
Yes, that is because you're giving it a default value. Ofcourse it will never be null. That's the whole point of a default value.
Remove ="" from constructor and you will get an error.
Edit: Found the issue. GSON uses the magic sun.misc.Unsafe class which has an allocateInstance method which is obviously considered very unsafe because what it does is skip initialization (constructors/field initializers and the like) and security checks. So there is your answer why a Kotlin non-nullable field can be null. Offending code is in com/google/gson/internal/
Some interesting details about the Unsafe class:
Try to override constructor like this:
class SomeData(
#SerializedName("user_name") val name: String,
#SerializedName("user_city") val city: String,
var notNullableValue: String = "") {
constructor() : this("","","")
Now after server response you can check the notNullableValue is not null - its empty

How to Access Mono<T> While Handling Exception with onErrorMap()?

In data class I defined the 'name' must be unique across whole mongo collection:
data class Inn(#Indexed(unique = true) val name: String,
val description: String) {
var id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
var intro: String = ""
So in service I have to capture the unexpected exception if someone pass the same name again.
class InnService(val repository: InnRepository) {
fun create(inn: Mono<Inn>): Mono<Inn> =
{ err -> InnAlreadyExistedException("The inn already existed", err) }
This is OK, but what if I want to add more info to the exceptional message like "The inn named '$' already existed", what should I do for transforming exception with enriched message.
Clearly, assign Mono<Inn> to a local variable at the beginning is not a good idea...
Similar situation in handler, I'd like to give client more info which derived from the customized exception, but no proper way can be found.
class InnHandler(val innService: InnService) {
fun create(req: ServerRequest): Mono<ServerResponse> {
return innService
.flatMap {
badRequest().body(mapOf("code" to "SF400", "message" to t.message).toMono()).block()
In reactor, you aren't going to have the value you want handed to you in onErrorMap as an argument, you just get the Throwable. However, in Kotlin you can reach outside the scope of the error handler and just refer to inn directly. You don't need to change much:
fun create(inn: Mono<Inn>): Mono<Inn> =
{ InnAlreadyExistedException("The inn ${} already existed", it) }
