Using webgl and three.js, how can one subtract a volume from a geometry?
Lets say I want to let the user describe a wall by specifying its height/width/length. I plug their input into a BoxGeometry.
let geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(h, w,l);
Now I want to let them to specify a window within that wall. I take the windows position in the wall and its dimensions as input.
Is it now possible to subtract that volume (SubVolume) from the previously specified box using three.js?
If not, what is the right approach for doing this?
I am building an application in AFrame and I want to constrain the viewers movement, that is I want to limit where the camera can go in the scene. For example I have a a-plane that is the floor and I want the camera to stop moving when it reaches 0 on the Z axis to stop the camera from going through the floor or stop again if it reaches 20 on Z axis. I also wish to limit the movement in x,y directions. There are no obstacles in the scene besides the a-plane. Is creating a navigation mesh my only option or is there an easier way to constrain movement? Thanks!
I don't know of built in tools to do this, but you could do it with programming (this sounds pretty easy). You could create a custom component, attached to the camera, with a tick handler, that records the position of the camera in world space and stores in in a variable (camPosPrevFrame). Then create a function to test if the current position is outside of the bounds. If so, set the camera coordinate on the axis that has exceeded its limit, to the previously recorded boundary (camPosPrevFrame). If you are simply testing whether the camera is on one side of an orthagonal plane (say the world space xy plane), that is pretty simple math (camera.getWorldPosition.x>someAmount). If you have a more complex situation, there are ways to test if a point is on either side of any arbitrary plane (it involves the dot product).
I am creating a viewer using three.js and found that setting camera near and far plane to fixed values is causing flickering for some 3d models.
I see that this is due to the fact that GPU is running out of precision for model having bounding box length around 4000-5000.
Near plane is currently set to 0.1 and far to 20000.
You can move up your near plane to get more resolution. Maybe 1.0...
Another option to be aware of is logarithmic depth buffer:
You can get the bounding box of the mesh via its geometry... geometry.boundingBox and geometry.boundingSphere .. sometimes you need to recalculate them using mesh.geometry.computeBoundingBox and computeBoundingSphere...
To get the bounding box in camera space is a bit tricky.. I don't know of a super optimal one-liner to do it, but someone else may weigh in...
a brute force way would be to transform the mesh vertices to screen space..
Maybe something like:
var gclone = mesh.geometry.clone();
for(var i=0;i<geometry.vertices.length;i++)
var zExtent = gclone.boundingBox.max.z-gclone.boundingBox.min.z
I would like to make a game where I use a camera with infrared tracking, so that I can track peoples heads (from top view). For example each player will get a helmet so that the camera or infrared sensor can track him/her.
After that I need to know the exact positions of that person in unity, to place a 3D gameobject at the players position.
Maybe there is another workaround to get peoples positions in unity. I know I could use a kinect, but I need to track at least 10 people at the same time.
Note: This is not really a closed answer, just a collection of my thoughts regarding your question on how to transfer recorded positions into unity.
If you really need full 3D positions, I believe you won't be happy when using only one sensor. In order to obtain depth information, which can further be used to calculate 3D positions in a reference coordinate system, you would have to use at least 2 sensors.
Another thing you could do is fixing the camera position and assuming, that all persons are moving in the same plane (e.g. fixed y-component), which would allow you to determine 3D positions utilizing the projection formula given the camera parameters (so camera has to be calibrated).
What also comes to my mind is: You could try to simulate your real camera with a virtual camera in unity. This way you can use the virtual camera to project image coordinates (coming from the real camera) into unity's 3D world. I haven't tried this myself, but there was someone who tried it, you can have a look at that:
Edit given your comment:
Okay, sticking to your soccer example, you could proceed as follows:
Setup: Say you define your playing area to be rectangular with its origin in the bottom left corner (think of UVs). You set these points in the real world (and in unitys representation of it) as (0,0) (bottom left) and (width, height) (top right), choosing whichever measure you like (e.g. meters, as this is unitys default unit). As your camera is stationary, you can assign the corresponding corner points in image coordinates (pixel coordinates) as well. To make things easier, work with normalized coordinates instead of pixels, thus bottom left is (0,0) ans top right is (1,1).
Tracking: When tracking persons in the image, you can calculate their normalized position (x,y) (with x and y in [0,1]). These normalized positions can be transferred into unitys 3D space (in unity you will have a playable area of the same width and height) by simply calculating a Vector3 as (x*widht, 0, y*height) (in unity x is pointing right, y is pointing up and z is pointing forward).
Edit on Tracking:
For top-view tracking in a game, I would say you are on the right track with using some sort of helmet, which enables you to use some sort of marker based tracking (in my opinion markerless multi-target tracking is not reliable enough for use in a video game) (if you want learn more about object tracking, there are lots of resources in the field of computer vision).
Independent of the sensor you are using (IR or camera), you would go create some unique marker for each helmet, thus enabling you to identify each helmet (and also the player). A marker in that case is some sort of unique pattern, that can be recognized by an algorithm for each recorded frame. In IR you can arrange quadratic IR markers to form a specific pattern and for normal cameras you can use markers like QR codes (there are also libraries for augmented reality related content, that offer functionality for creating and recognizing markers, e.g. ArUco or ARToolkit, although I don't know if they offer C# libraries, I have only used ArUco with c++ a while ago).
When you have your markers of choice, the tracking procedure is then pretty straightforward, for each recorded image:
- detect all markers in the current image (these correspond to all players currently visible)
- follow the steps from my last edit using the detected positions
I hope that helps, feel free to contact me again.
I am trying to build a simple camera matching (or match moving) application. The functionality is the same as that in most 3d applications like 3ds Max or Maya. Given an image of a cube and a 3d model of the cube, the user selects points on the image corresponding to each vertex of the model. The application must then generate a camera view that displays the 3d cube model from the same angle as shown in the image.
Can anyone point me in the direction of an algorithm for that?
PS: The camera is calibrated and the camera calibration matrix is available to the program
You can try with the algorithm illustrated step-by-step on The Octave source code is provided, too.
As a plus, you don't need to start with a cube, but just with any two edges parallel to the x axis and two in the y direction.
Context: trying to take THREE.js and use it to display conic sections.
Method: creating a mesh of vertices and then connect face4's to all of them. Used two faces to produce a front and back side so that when the conic section rotates it won't matter from which angle the camera views it.
Problems encountered: 1. Trying to find a good way to create a intuitive mouse rotation scheme. If you think in spherical coordinates, then it feels like just making up/down change phi and left/right change phi would work. But that requires that you can move the camera. As far as I can tell, there is no way to change actively change the rotation of anything besides the objects. Does anyone know how to change the rotation of the camera or scene? 2. Is there a way to graph functions that is better than creating a mesh? If the mesh has many points then it is too slow, and if the mesh has few points then you cannot easily make out the shape of the conic sections.
Any sort of help would be most excellent.
I'm still starting to learn Three.js, so I'm not sure about the second part of your question.
For the first part, to change the camera, there is a very good way, which could also include zooming and moving the scene: the trackball camera.
For the exact code and how to use it, you can view:
At the botton of this page ( you can see the example in action (the globe in the third row from the bottom).
There is an orbit control script for the three.js camera.
I'm not sure if I understand the rotation bit. You do want to rotate an object, but you are correct, the rotation is relative.
When you rotate or move your camera, a matrix is calculated for that position/rotation, and it does indeed rotate the scene while keeping the camera static.
This is irrelevant though, because you work in model/world space, and you position your camera in it, the engine takes care of the rotations under the hood.
What you probably want is to set up an object, hook up your rotation with spherical coordinates, and link your camera as a child to this object. The translation along the cameras Z axis relative to the object should mimic your dolly (zoom is FOV change).
You can rotate the camera by changing its position. See the code I pasted here:
As others are saying OrbitControls.js is an intuitive way for users to manage the camera.
I tackled many of the same issues when building I used Morphing Geometries since I found mapping 3d math functions to a UV surface to require v little code and it allowed an easy way to implement different coordinate systems (Cartesian, spherical, cylindrical).
You could use particles instead of a mesh I suppose but a mesh seems best. The lattice material is not too useful if you're trying to understand a surface mathematically. At this point I'm thinking of drawing my own X,Y lines on the surface (or phi, theta lines etc) to better demonstrate cross-sections.
Hope that helps.
You can use trackball controls by which you can zoom in and out of an object,rotate the object,pan it.In trackball controls you are moving the camera around the object.Object still rotates with respect to the screen or renderer centre (0,0,0).