Edit Static User in Spring Security - spring

I have a java app written by a developer. The app is using Spring Security and uses static usernames and passwords. I'm trying to find where the usernames are stored so that I can add new users and remove old ones.
I'm using Eclipse IDE to view the source code. Any help is much appreciated.

Search after a class that extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter (so basically search after this string in code). Look over the file you have found. Either there are your credentials directly, or post the content you find there.

In spring-security chances of having static user credentials are:
In application property file
In configure method of WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter extended class:
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
this are two ways of creating static users.


Unable to Remove ;jsessionid in a Spring Boot / Web Flow Application's URL when Deployed to Tomcat 8.5

I'm working on a Java application where a user registers a password for his/her account. The following are being used:
Spring Boot
Spring MVC
Spring Web Flow
Spring Security
Interceptor (for checking the session in the preHandle method)
For the Spring Security part, there's really no authentication required. I just use it to handle CSRF and the configuration is as follows:
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true, prePostEnabled = true)
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// CSRF feature only
Now, this is where things get messy. When I deploy it to Tomcat in a Unix environment, ;jsessionid gets appended to the URL and Spring Security is not happy. I have scrounged the Internet and found the following solutions to remove it (alongside my results).
server.servlet.session.tracking-modes=cookie in application.properties does nothing.
public class WebConfig implements WebApplicationInitializer {
public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) {
HashSet<SessionTrackingMode> set = new HashSet<>();
yields an IllegalArgumentException: The session tracking mode [COOKIE] requested for context [/<context-name>] is not supported by that context
I'm about to pull what remains of my hair off so I reverted any cookie-related changes and thought of just allowing semicolons in the URL (I know, I know, not secure) using the snippet below in the same SecurityConfig class.
public HttpFirewall allowUrlSemicolonHttpFirewall() {
StrictHttpFirewall firewall = new StrictHttpFirewall();
return firewall;
public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
And voila! The web flow runs on an infinite redirect.
Has anyone ever encountered IllegalArgumentException: The session tracking mode [COOKIE] requested for context [/<context-name>] is not supported by that context before? I've searched far and wide and the closest that I could find is this.
Could the reason behind server.servlet.session.tracking-modes=cookie not working be the same as above?
Could the infinite redirect be caused by http.authorizeRequests().anyRequest().permitAll()? I tried using anonymous() but the result was the same.
Is it possible to know which part exactly is causing the infinite redirect?
Please note that allowing semicolons in the URL is working fine and dandy in my localhost, so I have a hunch that what's causing the redirects is SSL-related. In the same way that locally ;jsessionid is not being appended to the URL.
My next step is to try configuring SSL locally in an attempt to replicate the issue. In the meantime, any help would be highly appreciated. My apologies if there's too much information here; I'm willing to repost it as multiple questions if that's necessary.

Using two API Key on Swagger Security Scheme with Spring Boot

Is it possible to have two API Keys on Swagger and give them different privileges in my API?
For example:
API_KEY_1 : Has access to one Post method
API_KEY_2 : Has access to all of my API
Many thanks
In terms of Spring Security, that all depends on how you authenticate the API keys in your application. Once you've set up the application to validate an API key and create a SecurityContext, your best bet would be to map to one of two different roles, one for limited access, and one for all access. For example:
public static class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// ...
.mvcMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, "/some/api").hasAnyRole("BASIC", "ADMIN")
More information and examples of authorization can be found in the docs.

Unable to Authenticate a User with an LDAP Server using LDAP User Search Query with Spring Security

LDAP Server Hierarchy as retrieved via Apache Directory Studio:
Root DSE:
OU=Region Offices
OU=Region1 Office
CN=Jayesh Mulwani
WebSecurity is enabled as a part of below class:
public class LDAPSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter{
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder authenticationManagerBuilder) throws Exception {
Once the application is setup on tomcat, i enter the username along with its password but the authentication fails and no error is prompted.
Can someone please assist me with the approach or specify if i'm missing something here ?
I have fixed the problem by adding the below two conditions
I referred this example to fix the issue http://www.jcombat.com/spring/spring-security-ldap-authentication

Issue with the spring security tutorial on spring.io

I am trying to run the spring security application on the official website. When I try to access the context root I get the user authentication prompt even though .antMatchers("/", "/home").permitAll() allows all access to /home and /. Also the password is being set in the application in the following code
public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
However I still get the Using default security password message in the logs with the password mentioned. Please could you help.
I had made a mistake in the code, I forgot to annotate the WebSecurityConfig class with #Configuration and #EnableWebSecurity annotations.
The password which you find from log is from basic auth which is by default enabled, you can do httpBasic().disabled() to disable it, then you will not see the default password any more.
I saw you are using spring-boot, which makes live much easier, try add this property: security.basic.enabled=false, it should help you to disable it..

Defining roles post Google SSO in Spring Boot

I have implemented Google SSO in my Spring Boot application and now need to make certain people admins while everybody else is a user. In the returned google user object, it doesn't explicitly send the username (just the email) but I have tried passing both as arguments to withUser() and it doesn't seem to work.
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
Anyone know if there's another way to do this? Thanks a bunch!
PS: I'm basically following this guide right here: http://www.techforumist.com/google-oauth2-login-in-spring-boot-and-angularjs so you can see what the code looks like.
