Sidekiq drain also performs new jobs enqueued via perform_in - ruby

I want to test a worker, that enqueues itself (based on some retry logic).
class SomeWorker
def perform
SomeWorker.drain # => This continously enqueus and runs the job
...assert something...
It doesnt wait 10 minutes before running it
I was thinking that the call to drain should run only the first job and, that I would need to call drain again to run more.
What I want my test to look like is
...assert something is retrying...
...assert something is not retrying...
How can I test this?

SomeWorker.drain will keep running jobs on the queue until it's empty. If your job queues another one, it will run that as well.
If you only want to run a single job, use SomeWorker.perform_one.


Using wait_for with timeouts with list of tasks

So, I have a list of tasks which I want to schedule concurrently in a non-blocking fashion.
Basically, gather should do the trick.
tasks = [ asyncio.create_task(some_task()) in bleh]
results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
But then, I also need a timeout. What I want is that any task which takes > timeout time cancels and I proceed with what I have.
I fould asyncio.wait primitive.
But then the doc says:
Run awaitable objects in the aws set concurrently and block until the condition specified by return_when.
Which seems to suggest that it blocks...
It seems that asyncio.wait_for will do the trick
But how do i send in the list of awaitables rather than just an awaitable?
What I want is that any task which takes > timeout time cancels and I proceed with what I have.
This is straightforward to achieve with asyncio.wait():
# Wait for tasks to finish, but no more than a second.
done, pending = await asyncio.wait(tasks, timeout=1)
# Cancel the ones not done by now.
for fut in pending:
# Results are available as x.result() on futures in `done`
Which seems to suggest that [asyncio.wait] blocks...
It only blocks the current coroutine, the same as gather or wait_for.

How to handle SIGTERM with resque-status in complex jobs

I've been using resque on Heroku, which will from time to time interrupt your jobs with a SIGTERM.
Thus far I've handled this with a simple:
def process(options)
rescue Resque::TermException
self.defer options
We've started using resque-status so that we can keep track of jobs, but the method above obviously breaks that as the job will show completed when actually it's been deferred to another job.
My current thinking is that instead of deferring the current job in resque, there needs to be another job that re-queues jobs that have failed due to SIGTERM.
The trick comes in that some jobs are more complicated:
def process(options)
do_part1 unless options['part1_finished']
rescue Resque::TermException
self.defer options
Simply removing the rescue and simply retrying those jobs would cause an exception when do_part1 gets repeated.
Looking more deeply into how resque-status works, a possible work around is to go straight to resque for the re-queue using the same parameters that resque-status would use.
def process
do_part1 unless options['part1_finished']
rescue Resque::TermException
Resque.enqueue self.class, uuid, options
raise DeferredToNewJob
Of course, this is undocumented so may be incompatible with future releases of resque-status.
There is a draw back: between that job failing and the new job picking it up, the status of the first job will be reported by resque-status.
This is why I re-raise a new exception - otherwise the job status will show completed until the new worker picks up the old job, which may confuse processes that are watching and waiting for the job to finish.
By raising a new exception DeferredToNewJob, the job status will temporarily show failure, which is easier to work around at the front end, and the specific exception can be automatically cleared from the resque failure queue.
resque-status provides support for on_failure handler. If a method with this name is defined as an instance method on the class, we can make this even simpler
Here's my on_failure
def on_failure(e)
if e.is_a? DeferredToNewJob
tick('Waiting for new job')
raise e
With this in place the job spends basically no time in the failed state for processes watching it's status.
In addition, if resque-status finds this handler, then it won't raise the exception up to resque, so it won't get added to the failed queue.

Understanding Celluloid Pool

I guess my understanding toward Celluloid Pool is sort of broken. I will try to explain below but before that a quick note.
Note: Our system is running against a very fast client passing messages over ZeroMQ.
With the following Vanilla Celluloid app
class VanillaClient
include Celluloid::ZMQ
def read
loop { async.evaluate_response(socket.read_multipart)
def evaluate_response(data)
## the reason for using defer can be found over here.
Celluloid.defer do
Our system result in failure after some time, reason 'Can't spawn more thread' (or something like it)
So we intended to use Celluloid Pool(to avoid the above-mentioned problem ) so that we can limit the number of threads that spawned
My Understanding toward Celluloid Pool is
Celluloid Pool maintains a pool of actors for you so that you can distribute your task in parallel.
Hence, I decide to test it, but according to my test cases, it seems to behave serially(i.e thing never get distribute or happen in parallel.)
Example to replicate this.
## Send message `1` to the the_client.rb
## Send message `2` to the the_client.rb
## take message from sender-1 and sender-2 and return it back to receiver.rb
## heads on, the `sleep` is introduced to test/replicate the IO block that happens in the actual code.
## print the message obtained from the_client.rb
If, the sender-2.rb is run before sender-1.rb it appears that the pool gets blocked for 20 sec (sleep time in the_client.rb,can be seen over here) before consuming the data sent by sender-1.rb
It behaves the same in ruby-2.2.2 and under jRuby- What could be the possible causes for Pool to act in such manner?
Your pool call is not asynchronous.
Execution of evaluate on #pool needs to be .async still, as in your original example, not using pools. You still want asynchronous behavior, but you als want to have multiple handler actors.
Next you will likely hit the Pool.async bug.
This means after 5 hits to evaluate your pool will become unresponsive until at least one actor in the pool is finished. Worst case scenario, if you get 6+ requests in rapid succession, the 6th will then take 120 seconds, because it will take 5*20 seconds before it executes, then 20 seconds to execute itself.
Depending on what your actual operation is that's causing you delays -- you might need to adjust your pool size down the line.

Get sidekiq to execute a job immediately

At the moment, I have a sidekiq job like this:
class SyncUser
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(user_id)
#do stuff
I am placing a job on the queue like this:
This all works of course but there is a bit of a lag between calling perform_async and the job actually getting executed.
Is there anything else I can do to tell sidekiq to execute the job immediately?
There are two questions here.
If you want to execute a job immediately, in the current context you can use:
If you want to decrease the delay between asynchronous work being scheduled and when it's executed in the sidekiq worker, you can decrease the poll_interval setting:
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
config.poll_interval = 2
The poll_interval is the delay within worker backends of how frequently workers check for jobs on the queue. The average time between a job being scheduled and executed with a free worker will be poll_interval / 2.
use .perform_inline method
If you also need to perform nested jobs, you can use Sidekiq::Testing.inline! in your production console
require 'sidekiq/testing'
For those who are using Sidekiq via the Active Job framework, you can do

Using RabbitMQ with workers that run multithreaded jobs - Parallel Gem

I am building a system in ruby (rabbitmq, parallel gem) that takes a list of jobs, queues them up in rabbit and then has workers pop jobs off the queue to execute them.
It is easy to get a worker to pop a single job off of the queue when it is ready but I would like to have each worker run 5 threads such that when all 5 threads are processing, that worker does not pop any jobs off the queue. When a thread becomes free, the worker accepts a job from the queue.
Using the Parallel gem, the only way I see to create multi-threaded processes is with the following code.
results =, :in_processes => MAX_PROCESSES) do |item|
I would like to do something like
while true
cur_threads = Parallel.get_cur_threads
if cur_threads < MAX_PROCESSES
# get another job from queue
# allocate a thread for the job
Any ideas??
I know this is really old but I think you'd probably get what you're looking for using the work_queue gem.
