How can I extract conditional data using json extractor in Jmeter? - jmeter

Following is the json response that I am getting for one request.
"JobStages": [
"JobStageName": "Screening Phase",
"JobStageID": 1,
"Message": "",
"JobStageIsRequired": true,
"JobStageIsAnyRequired": false,
"JobStageActivities": [
"ActivityName": "Phone Call",
"ActivityIsRequired": false,
"ActivityID": 1,
"IsActivityRejected": false
How can I extract value of ActivityIsRequired for Activity Phone Call using json extractor in Jmeter?
For example I want to extract value of ActivityIsRequired for ActivityName of JobStageID 1.
I am trying with this $..JobStages..JobStageActivities..[?(#.ActivityName == "Phone Call" && #.JobStageID == 1)].ActivityIsRequired
but it's not working

I believe something like:
$.JobStages[?(#.JobStageID == 1)].JobStageActivities.[?(#.ActivityName == 'Phone Call')].ActivityIsRequired
should do the trick for you.
More information:
JsonPath - Filter Operators
JMeter's JSON Path Extractor Plugin - Advanced Usage Scenarios


extract http request response and proceed to next http request by using while controller

I want to use while controller to keep sending GET HTTP Request and only proceed to next POST HTTP Request when the GET response "model_name": "Model-Test-20220221-0001"
POST HTTP Request - paramter model_name = Model-Test-${variable}-${counter}
While Controller
GET HTTP Request. sample GET response at below
Json Extractor
POST HTTP Request only when While Controller found the exact model_name.
JSON Extractor:
Names of created variable: modelname
Json path expressions: I have tried this but failed
$..valid_model_list[?(#.model_name = ${Model-Test-${variable}-${counter}})]
This is sample HTTP Request response:
"message": "success",
"valid_model_list": [
"meta_data": {
"corpus_list": [
"id": "0c36effa244b4f6596d10f9e675303e1",
"sample_rate": 16000,
"split_ratio": {
"test": 40,
"train": 60
"model_name": "Model-Test-20220221-0001",
"status": "ok"
"meta_data": {
"corpus_list": [
"id": "0c36effa244b4f6596d10f9e675303e1",
"sample_rate": 16000,
"split_ratio": {
"test": 40,
"train": 60
"model_name": "Model-Test-20220221-0002",
"status": "ok"
We're "unsure" as well as we don't know what you're trying to achieve.
JSON Extractor can extract values from the response, it's not possible to use it to extract values from the request, moreover you should "know" what you're sending in the request and extracting values from the response is the essential part of the correlation process
If you're looking for a JSONPath expression extracting the model_name attribute value you're supposed to provide full JSON. There is a Deep Scan operator so you should be able to use something like:
but if there are more than 1 matches you might need to limit the output with Filter Operators
More information:
JsonPath Getting Started
API Testing With JMeter and the JSON Extractor

How to iterate through the contents of a Json object

On the JSR223 assertion in Jmeter, I need to validate only the inner part of the JSON returned.
I followed this thread to get an idea on the validation.
​How can I write JSON schema validation for JMeter run in TeamCity
Basically my Jmeter sampler returns the json as follows. On my schema, the validation should be for items, service and requestId. No validation should be performed for "payload".
"payload": [
"items": [
"code": "487482378",
"description": "Alpha Co",
"valid": true
"code": "92901128365",
"description": "Beta Co",
"valid": true
"service": "entities",
"requestId": "d190219"
This is my current code in the js223 sampler:
var schemaPath = '/path/entities-schema.json'
var rawSchema = new org.json.JSONObject(new org.json.JSONTokener(, 'UTF-8')))
var schema = org.everit.json.schema.loader.SchemaLoader.load(rawSchema)
schema.validate(new org.json.JSONObject(prev.getResponseDataAsString()))
You can remove the "unwanted" part of the response using JSR223 PostProcessor like:
def before = prev.getResponseDataAsString()'Before: ' + before)
def response = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(before)
def after = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(response.payload.items).toPrettyString()'After: ' + after)
prev.setResponseData(after, 'UTF-8')
Once done you can use your JSON Schema validation approach against the new content without elements you don't need.
Groovy: Parsing and producing JSON
Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It

How to get Number of rows in Jmeter using Json Path Extractor

My Response is:
I am using $.rows to get all the rows. as well I am giving $.rows[0].[1] to get the value from 1st row and 1st value..
I am trying to get the total number of rows using $.rows.size() or length. It is not following exception. How to get the number of rows?
Exception: Options AS_PATH_LIST and ALWAYS_RETURN_LIST are not allowed
when using path functions!
Given the following JSON:
"cars": [
{ "name":"Ford", "models":[ "Fiesta", "Focus", "Mustang" ] },
{ "name":"BMW", "models":[ "320", "X3", "X5" ] },
{ "name":"Fiat", "models":[ "500", "Panda" ] }
If I add JSON Path Extractor as a child of the sample which returns the above JSON and configure it like:
Reference Name: arraySize
JSONPath Expression: $
I am able to see the following variables in the View Results Tree listener:
Which seems to be something you're looking for.
You can install JSON Path Extractor along with JSON Path Assertion using JMeter Plugins Manager

Extract JSON value based on condition using Jmeter from an HTML page

I want to extract JSON value based on condition using jmeter from an HTML page.
<!doctype html>
var list_data_obj = [{
"list": [
"field1": "123",
"field2": "xyz"
"field1": "456",
"field2": "abc"
"field1": "789",
"field2": "asdf"
"other1": "qwerty",
"other2": "asdfgh"
have tried JSON Path Extractor as below but returned NULL.
$.list[?(#.field2 == 'abc')].field1
You won't be able to use JSON Path Extractor as response data is not a valid JSON, it looks like a mix of HTML and JavaScript therefore you will need to use Regular Expression Extractor instead.
The relevant Regular Expression will look like:
"field1": "(.+?)",\s.*"field2": "abc"
JMeter: Regular Expressions
Using RegEx (Regular Expression Extractor) With JMeter
Perl 5 Regex Cheat sheet
The key is to first extract a valid json using a regular expression, then apply a json path extractor on the previously extracted json.
You can perform a 2-step extraction to do this:
First Extract the Json from the page by performing a regexp extractor with "list": ([^^]+}\]), group $1$,
Then perform a Json Extractor on the extracted variable by selecting JMeter variable, then apply your json path $.list[?(#.field2 == 'abc')].field1.
Useful resources:
How to extract data from Json with JMeter

jmeter regular expression extracting specific

I want to extract : children from "name":"recordInstanceId" from the following JSON.
The output should give me "lQBfjAu....P0tk" . How do I do it using Regex Extractor?
If you need to extract lQBfjAu....P0tk from the following response:
"name": "recordInstanceId",
"attributes": {
"xmlns": ""
"children": [
It could be done with JSON Path Extractor (available via JMeter Plugins) with a simple JSON Path Expression like:
It isn't recommended to use Regular Expressions for dealing with JSON data, I would recommend extracting data from JSON responses with the JSON Path Extractor.
JSON Path Syntax
Plugin installation instructions and XPath to JSON Path mapping
If you have any troubles - update your question to show complete response
