Pattern matching using list of characters - performance

I am having difficulty pattern matching words which are converted to lists of characters:
wordworm(H1,H2,H3,V1,V2) :-
word(H1), string_length(H1,7),
word(H2), string_length(H2,5),
word(H3), string_length(H3,4),
word(V1), string_length(V1,4),
word(H3) \= word(V1),
atom_chars(H2, [_,_,Y,_,_]) = atom_chars(V1, [_,_,_,Y]),
word(V2), string_length(V2,5),
word(H2) \= word(V2),
atom_chars(H3, [_,_,_,Y]) = atom_chars(V2, [_,_,_,_,Y]).
Above this section, I have a series of 600 words in the format, word("prolog"). The code runs fine, without the atom_chars, but with it, I get a time-out error. Can anyone suggest a better way for me to structure my code?

Prolog predicate calls are not like function calls in other languages. They do not have "return values".
When you write X = atom_chars(foo, Chars) this does not execute atom_chars. It builds a data structure atom_chars(foo, Chars). It does not "call" this data structure.
If you want to evaluate atom_chars on some atom H2 and then say something about the resulting list, call it like:
atom_chars(H2, H2Chars),
H2Chars = [_,_,Y,_,_]
So overall maybe your code should look more like this:
atom_chars(H2, H2Chars),
H2Chars = [_,_,Y,_,_],
atom_chars(V1, V1Chars),
V1Chars = [_,_,_,Y],
Note that you don't need to assert some kind of "equality" between these atom_chars goals. The fact that their char lists share the same variable Y means that there will be a connection: The third character of H2 must be equal to the fourth character of V1.


Words with repeating symbols in prolog v5.2

I need to write prolog predicate that reads file and creates a list of words with repeating symbols. For example from text:
A dog and an apple and a pipe.
the result should be:
['apple', 'pipe']
I wrote this:
file_ = f
str_a_list(" ",_):-!.
write_symbols([]):-write(" "),!.
str_list(S,[H|T]):- frontchar(S,H,S1),str_list(S1,T).
write("Enter file name: "),
It's giving me this error:
This flow pattern doesn't exist openread(o,i)
on line:
I tried computing this prolog task, maybe you may find something useful in my solution that may help you with yours. I've written my code using basic prolog:
First: The first predicate separates the sentence into words. I have used the built-in function split_string.Example: "The dog" will become "The","dog".
split_string(B,' ','', L),
Second: In the second predicate, we split each word into a separate list of characters. Example: "dog" will become ["d","o","g"].
atom_chars(A, L1).
Third: Then check each list if it contains doubles. the base case predicate tell to stop when get empty brackets. The checkdouble second predicate checks if a character is in the remaining list (using member). If yes then load the character in List R. Else, don't load the character in R.
Fourth: By this point you will have a number of list: empty and those containing duplicates from each word. Example: For [bat] [apple] [polo] we will get [][p][o].
So now we use a predicate that simply prints the list of words that have doubles ignoring those words with no doubles i.e [].
Finally: Putting the code together:
split_string(B,' ','', L),
atom_chars(A, L1).
?-g("A dog and an apple and a pipe").
?-g("Two funny little red apples fell from a tree one day").
?-g("On a hill upon the grass there sits a squirrel in the chill").

Getting hold of a variable in complex compound term in Prolog

I have a Prolog sentence parser that returns a sentence (passed into it as a list) split into two parts - a Noun_Phrase and a Verb_Phrase. See example below:
sentence(Sentence, sentence(np(Noun_Phrase), vp(Verb_Phrase))) :-
np(Sentence, Noun_Phrase, Remainder),
vp(Remainder, Verb_Phrase).
Now I want to take the Noun_Phrase and Verb_Phrase and pass them into another Prolog predicate, but first I want to extract the first term from the Verb_Phrase (which should always be a verb) into a variable and the rest of the Verb_Phrase into another one and pass them separately into the next predicate.
I thought about using unification for this and I have tried:
sentence(Sentence, sentence(np(Noun_Phrase), vp(Verb_Phrase))),
[Head|Tail] = Verb_Phrase,
next_predicate(_, Noun_Phrase, Head, Tail, _).
But I am getting ERROR: Out of local stack exception every time. I think this has something to do with the Verb_Phrase not really being a list. This is a possible isntance of Verb_Phrase:
VP = vp(vp(verb(making), adj(quick), np2(noun(improvements))))
How could I get the verb(X) as variable Verb and the rest of the term as varaible Rest out of such compound term in Prolog?
You could use =../2 like:
?- noun(improvements)=..[Verb|Rest_Term_list].
Verb = noun,
Rest_Term_list = [improvements].

How do I Prolog specify pair printing format

Pair data is nice to work with, but I found hard to present. I ask how to accomplish printing a set of vectors such that keys & values line up in a pleasantly. Leading zeros in the pair-values, would help. Sample data:
I tried to figure out use of SWI format_predicate ; but couldn't.
Then I thought to experiment inline;
format('~n~w ~w~w~n', ['Pairs: ',1-246,1-2, ' EOL']).
End result should deal with pairs of the form KK-VVVV:
01-0007 02-0043 03-0056 04-0087 05-0110 06-0080 07-0015 398 People 7 Gens.
01-1837 02-1873 03-1911 04-1946 05-1975 06-1994 07-2005 Spanning 168 Years
Final Answers:
fpair(A-B) :- format('~`0t~d~2|-~`0t~d~7| ', [A,B])
applist(_,[]). applist(P,[X|L]) :- Q =.. [P,X],call(Q),applist(P,L).
dojustone(X):- format('~# ',[fpair(X)]).
dolist(X):- applist(dolist,X).
I use a # specifier for complex formats, it allows to output specific terms. For instance
?- format('~s~n~#~n~#~n~w~n', ['Pairs: ',fpair(1-246),fpair(1-2), ' EOL']).
that is, fpair/1 is an user predicate, called by #, capturing its output.
To get fixed width fields, I use the tab specification, built from two specifiers working together. Finally, to prefix with 0s, I would use
fpair(A-B) :-
format('~`0t~d~6| ~`0t~d~12|', [A,B]).
Without knowing a priori the maximum number of digits, we must use a guess. I used 6 here.

Parse To Prolog Variables Using DCG

I want to parse a logical expression using DCG in Prolog.
The logical terms are represented as lists e.g. ['x','&&','y'] for x ∧ y the result should be the parse tree and(X,Y) (were X and Y are unassigned Prolog variables).
I implemented it and everything works as expected but I have one problem:
I can't figure out how to parse the variable 'x' and 'y' to get real Prolog variables X and Y for the later assignment of truth values.
I tried the following rule variations:
v(X) --> [X].:
This doesn't work of course, it only returns and('x','y').
But can I maybe uniformly replace the logical variables in this term with Prolog variables? I know of the predicate term_to_atom (which is proposed as a solution for a similar problem) but I don't think it can be used here to achieve the desired result.
v(Y) --> [X], {nonvar(Y)}.:
This does return an unbound variable but of course a new one every time even if the logical variable ('x','y',...) was already in the term so
['X','&&','X'] gets evaluated to and(X,Y) which is not the desired result, either.
Is there any elegant or idiomatic solution to this problem?
Many thanks in advance!
The background to this question is that I'm trying to implement the DPLL-algorithm in Prolog. I thought it would by clever to directly parse the logical term to a Prolog-term to make easy use of the Prolog backtracking facility:
Input: some logical term, e.g T = [x,'&&',y]
Term after parsing: [G_123,'&&',G_456] (now featuring "real" Prolog variables)
Assign a value from { boolean(t), boolean(f) } to the first unbound variable in T.
simplify the term.
... repeat or backtrack until a assignment v is found so that v(T) = t or the search space is depleted.
I'm pretty new to Prolog and honestly couldn't figure out a better approach. I'm very interested in better alternatives! (So I'm kinda half-shure that this is what I want ;-) and thank you very much for your support so far ...)
You want to associate ground terms like x (no need to write 'x') with uninstantiated variables. Certainly that does not constitute a pure relation. So it is not that clear to me that you actually want this.
And where do you get the list [x, &&, x] in the first place? You probably have some kind of tokenizer. If possible, try to associate variable names to variables prior to the actual parsing. If you insist to perform that association during parsing you will have to thread a pair of variables throughout your entire grammar. That is, instead of a clean grammar like
power(P) --> factor(F), power_r(F, P).
you will now have to write
power(P, D0,D) --> factor(F, D0,D1), power_r(F, P, D1,D).
% ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^
since you are introducing context into an otherwise context free grammar.
When parsing Prolog text, the same problem occurs. The association between a variable name and a concrete variable is already established during tokenizing. The actual parser does not have to deal with it.
There are essentially two ways to perform this during tokenization:
1mo collect all occurrences Name=Variable in a list and unify them later:
v(N-V, [N-V|D],D) --> [N], {maybesometest(N)}.
unify_nvs(NVs) :-
keysort(NVs, NVs2),
uniq([NV|NVs]) :-
head_eq(NVs, NV).
head_eq([], _).
head_eq([N1-_|_],N2-_) :-
2do use some explicit dictionary to merge them early on.
Somewhat related is this question.
Not sure if you really want to do what you asked. You might do it by keeping a list of variable associations so that you would know when to reuse a variable and when to use a fresh one.
This is an example of a greedy descent parser which would parse expressions with && and ||:
parse(Exp, Bindings, NBindings)-->
parseLeaf(LExp, Bindings, MBindings),
parse_cont(Exp, LExp, MBindings, NBindings).
parse_cont(Exp, LExp, Bindings, NBindings)-->
parse_op(Op, LExp, RExp),
parseLeaf(RExp, Bindings, MBindings),
parse_cont(Exp, Op, MBindings, NBindings).
parse_cont(Exp, Exp, Bindings, Bindings)-->[].
parse_op(and(LExp, RExp), LExp, RExp)--> ['&&'].
parse_op(or(LExp, RExp), LExp, RExp)--> ['||'].
parseLeaf(Y, Bindings, NBindings)-->
(member(bind(X, Var), Bindings)-> Y-NBindings=Var-Bindings ; Y-NBindings=Var-[bind(X, Var)|Bindings])
It parses the expression and returns also the variable bindings.
Sample outputs:
?- phrase(parse(Exp, [], Bindings), ['x', '&&', 'y']).
Exp = and(_G683, _G696),
Bindings = [bind(y, _G696), bind(x, _G683)].
?- phrase(parse(Exp, [], Bindings), ['x', '&&', 'x']).
Exp = and(_G683, _G683),
Bindings = [bind(x, _G683)].
?- phrase(parse(Exp, [], Bindings), ['x', '&&', 'y', '&&', 'x', '||', 'z']).
Exp = or(and(and(_G839, _G852), _G839), _G879),
Bindings = [bind(z, _G879), bind(y, _G852), bind(x, _G839)].

Prolog build rules from atoms

I'm currently trying to to interpret user-entered strings via Prolog. I'm using code I've found on the internet, which converts a string into a list of atoms.
"Men are stupid." => [men,are,stupid,'.'] % Example
From this I would like to create a rule, which then can be used in the Prolog command-line.
% everyone is a keyword for a rule. If the list doesn't contain 'everyone'
% it's a fact.
% [men,are,stupid]
% should become ...
% [everyone,who,is,stupid,is,tall]
% should become ...
tall(X) :- stupid(X).
% [everyone,who,is,not,tall,is,green]
% should become ...
green(X) :- not(tall(X)).
% Therefore, this query should return true/yes:
?- green(women).
I don't need anything super fancy for this as my input will always follow a couple of rules and therefore just needs to be analyzed according to these rules.
I've been thinking about this for probably an hour now, but didn't come to anything even considerable, so I can't provide you with what I've tried so far. Can anyone push me into the right direction?
Consider using a DCG. For example:
list_clause(List, Clause) :-
phrase(clause_(Clause), List).
clause_(Fact) --> [X,are,Y], { Fact =.. [Y,X] }.
clause_(Head :- Body) --> [everyone,who,is,B,is,A],
{ Head =.. [A,X], Body =.. [B,X] }.
?- list_clause([men,are,stupid], Clause).
Clause = stupid(men).
?- list_clause([everyone,who,is,stupid,is,tall], Clause).
Clause = tall(_G2763):-stupid(_G2763).
I leave the remaining example as an easy exercise.
You can use assertz/1 to assert such clauses dynamically:
?- List = <your list>, list_clause(List, Clause), assertz(Clause).
First of all, you could already during the tokenization step make terms instead of lists, and even directly assert rules into the database. Let's take the "men are stupid" example.
You want to write down something like:
?- assert_rule_from_sentence("Men are stupid.").
and end up with a rule of the form stupid(men).
assert_rule_from_sentence(Sentence) :-
phrase(sentence_to_database, Sentence).
sentence_to_database -->
subject(Subject), " ",
"are", " ",
object(Object), " ",
{ Rule =.. [Object, Subject],
(let's assume you know how to write the DCGs for subject and object)
This is it! Of course, your sentence_to_database//0 will need to have more clauses, or use helper clauses and predicates, but this is at least a start.
As #mat says, it is cleaner to first tokenize and then deal with the tokenized sentence. But then, it would go something like this:
tokenize_sentence(be(Subject, Object)) -->
subject(Subject), space,
be, !,
object(Object), end.
(now you also need to probably define what a space and an end of sentence is...)
be -->
be -->
assert_tokenized(be(Subject, Object)) :-
Fact =.. [Object, Subject],
The main reason for doing it this way is that you know during the tokenization what sort of sentence you have: subject - verb - object, or subject - modifier - object - modifier etc, and you can use this information to write your assert_tokenized/1 in a more explicit way.
Definite Clause Grammars are Prolog's go-to tool for translating from strings (such as your English sentences) to Prolog terms (such as the Prolog clauses you want to generate), or the other way around. Here are two introductions I'd recommend:
