Unable to access jar file for jmeter - jmeter

When I run a watch file of JMeter then in CMD error shows me that error level 1. I tried many ways but unable to access it. Please show me best way so I can run Jmeter very easily.
Thank You in Advance.

The main reason for getting this error is downloading Source distribution instead of Binary, you need to re-download the "Binary" one:
Also make sure you properly installed JDK or JRE and java executable is in your operating system PATH (so when you execute java -version you see your Java installation details)
More information: How to Get Started With JMeter: Installation & Test Plans


Jmeter - Cannot invoke "org.apache.jmeter.gui.JMeterGUIComponent.clearGui()" because "guicomp" is null

I am trying to migrate to Jmeter 5.5
I have a script that works perfectly fine on Jmeter 5.4.3, but when I try to load it on JM 5.5 I got:
-Version 5.5 is just downloaded
-The plugins that I am using in /lib folder are (C:\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\lib\ext) are:
How to solve this issue with JM5.5?
We cannot help you without seeing:
At least schematic view of your Test Plan
jmeter.log file (preferably with debug logging enabled for all org.apache.jmeter components)
Instead of installing the plugins manually just drop the latest version of JMeter Plugins Manager to "lib/ext" folder of your JMeter installation and restart JMeter to pick it up.
One done when you will try to open the test plan which uses any of JMeter Plugins known to the plugins manager you will be prop
I had the same issue. I had to add the DBMon Sample Collector plugin, and it solved the problem.

JMeter installation - JMeter.bat file is missing from bin folder

I am trying to install Jmeter but -JMeter.bat file is missing from bin folder -
, I have already installed java 8 and I installed the JMeter from apache website from the binary,
but still, the JMeter file is missing from bin folder
Any help, please ????
Make sure to download Binary, not the source package
Just in case here is the direct link for downloading latest (as of now) JMeter version 5.2.1: https://archive.apache.org/dist/jmeter/binaries/apache-jmeter-5.2.1.zip
More information: How to Get Started With JMeter: Part 1 - Installation & Test Plans
If you deleted jmeter.bat file by accident you can get a copy from JMeter Github or just launch JMeter using ApacheJMeter.jar file as:
java -jar ApacheJMeter.jar

Jenkins ERROR: Failed to parse POMs java.io.IOException: Cannot run program error=2, No such file or directory

In jenkins I am forcing the execution to happen in one of the slaves.
in jenkins configuration I have updated the JAVA_HOME and MAVEN location to the location where its installed in the slave. When I start the build in jenkins I receive the following error
ERROR: Failed to parse POMs
java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "/home/jmeter/jdk1.8.0_112/bin/java" (in directory "/home/jmeter/apache-jmeter-2.13/bin/workspace/MyProject"): error=2, No such file or directory
PS : /home/jmeter/apache-jmeter-2.13/bin/workspace/MyProject - This directory got created and does exist in the slave machine
Can someone please share their expertise in resolving it ?
I needed to add Tool location of JDK8 for machine i run test on.
looks like there is a problem in the MVN installation. PLS make sure in the global config that you have the required mvn installation.
jenkins-->manage-->configure look for Maven installations and use automatic installation for the required version
make sure you have the JDK installation in the same config file
After wasting one day trying with different things going through different suggestions I got nothing. But, it was actually very simple. Please add the JDK path as bellow to your JDK Path in Jenkins-
You should assign the JDK in the Meta Data,The JAVA_HOME of system is not work for build.
Check your Maven version selected into the Manage Jenkins->Global Configurations->Maven->Maven Installations->Install from Apache->Version is same as installed on the server and your maven project.
You might have left out a few dependencies resulting in this issue.
Go back and download java and set the path as before:
To download, use
$yum -y install java-1.8*
Set the path to
Note: Get your path using command
find /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8* | head -n 3
This got resolved after adding maven_home and providing the path in the global properties.
Go to: Jenkins ⟶ Manage Jenkins ⟶ Global Properties ⟶ MAVEN_HOME [C:\Program Files\Apache\apache-maven-3.6.3-bin\apache-maven-3.6.3]
Just in case someone else runs into this. I was getting this error because someone setup the JDK in Global Tool Configuration to download a windows version of the JDK, but my instance of jenkins is running on linux. Once I made the change to use a linux version of the JDK my issue was resolved.

Atlassian Bamboo - Display JMeter test results using JMeter Aggregator plugin

I've been tasked to install and figure out how to use the JMeter Aggregator plugin for Bamboo on a locally built vagrant server with Bamboo on it on my machine so I can learn how to use it before putting it on the project that I'm working on's Bamboo instance but I can't figure out how to get the Aggregator plugin to actually read any of the test results properly so it keeps failing the assertions.
Currently, I've just set up a JMeter test through the gui client and saved the .jmx to my jmeter folder on the vagrant server so I can run it headless from a bash script and send the results to a .jtl file in another directory. Below is the bash script:
I've got the Aggregator plugin installed and I've pointed it to the resulting .jtl file but when I try and put any assertions on it, it breaks the build and says the assertion failed because the value was 0, which is not actually the case. Below is the current configuration I've got on the plugin - I've tried changing the filepath to an absolute one but that didn't fix it so I don't know if it's pointed at the wrong file or if it needs to be XML to do anything with the data it gets out?
If anyone could offer any guidance on this, I'd really appreciate the assist - been struggling with this for a couple of days now and there's precious little in the way of documentation on it...
I know it is an old post, I recently came across a similar issue.
hope this helps.
Bamboo looks for .jtl files in working directory of the job. So instead changing directory give absolute/relative path of the JMeter executable file changing the command to
bash <path to jmeter executable>jmeter -n -t <path to jmx>/steve.jmx -l results.jtl
While giving Build log file path use expression like
**/<file_name>.jtl (for picking up specific file)
or you can also use
**/*.jtl (to pickup all files available in working dir).

Having trouble getting started with SonarQube

I installed SonarQube and sonar-runner, and the web server seems to work just fine as I can browse it. I tried to keep things as simple as I could, I put the "sonar-project.properties" file in my project's source folder and gave . as the sonar.sources path. After doing so, the console output reported success and the web page listed my project and last analysis date, but when I went into the "Compare" tool to look at statistics it showed all items as blank, except for issues for which is displayed the number 0.
I edited the sonar-project.properties file to give the full path (instead of a relative current directory path of .) to my project's source code, replacing backslashes with forward slashes, and ran the sonar-runner command again from the command line while the working directory was the path of my source folder. It again reported success and when I reloaded the web page, it gave an updated last analysis date, but again no issues were reported and the statistics were all blank.
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, the Sonar log only reports the installation and starting of the Windows service, and it doesn't indicate any problems. The StartNTService script starts the service without error, but the StartSonar script reports "jvm 1 | WrapperSimpleApp: Encountered an error running main: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to initialize component [StandardServer[-1]]". I don't know if that's relevant for the way I'm using SonarQube as a Windows service. I'm using pretty much all default configuration except I edited the sonar-runner.properties file by un-commented these lines:
If anybody can help me figure out how to get this to work, I would greatly appreciate it. I am running Windows XP Pro x64 SP2 and Java 1.7.0_51 (32 bit). On my first attempt I did incorrectly use the 64 bit service install/launch scripts but when the console output indicated it didn't match the JVM architecture, I stopped and uninstalled the service and installed and launched the 32 bit service.
Edit: I'm using Sonarqube version 4.2 and Sonar-runner version 2.3.
By default, SonarQube is packaged with the Java ecosystem (Java, Checkstyle, PMD), but for C/C++ you will have to install one of the plugins that support analysis of these languages.
There is a commercial C++ plugin from SonarSource and a free Community Plugin.
