How to add multiple plugin in same pom.xml file - maven

I have two project, which run on two different platform Android and Ios. which i am controlling by different suite runner file . when i am trying to run same via Maven , whichever plugin mention last , only that profile run , how can i make working of all.
<!-- build standalone exe jar -->
in this , if atc is mention in last , when run for ios , atcios giving build fail error and viceversa.
how to make both work

You need to define different <executions> inside the same <plugin> tag.
Each <execution> may have its own <configuration>.


Running just one Test suites with Maven not working

I have in my pom.xml two test suites
<!-- <suiteXmlFile>${suiteXmlFile}</suiteXmlFile> -->
When I'm trying to run only one from the command line with mnv test -Dsurefire.suiteXmlFile=src/test/resources/monthly.xml
Is running both of them and generate repost for both of them.
How can I run only one xml?
I just checked and executed the pom.xml. If you want to pass the xml file location at the runtime, your pom.xml should look like
You can use the maven command mentioned as below to execute :
mvn test -DsuiteXmlFile=src/test/resources/.xml

Emma Coverage Report not generated

I have a springboot project. I am trying to get emma coverage report for the project.
Method 1:
I executed mvn emma:emma command on it. Coverage.em file has been generated. I dont know what to do with it
Method 2:
I have added the above piece of code to pom.xml and ran mvn site command.
site folder had been created with some contents in it. I tried to open up index.html, i could see the list of things like project summary, dependencies etc. I clicked on Project Reports and then Emma Coverage Report. Then it showed up page can't be displayed. It is trying to access the path C:\Full Stack Development\ProjectManagement\target\site\emma\index.html . The folder emma is empty.
Screenshot of page displayed
Method 3:
I have added the following plugin using build tag. Same happened as in method 2.

How can I exclude certain overlay-derived directories from my war using maven?

We build a webapp using maven 3.5.0 and the maven-war-plugin. We have many overlays, many of which have a tests directory that contains JSP files used for testing certain things in a dev environment. We don't want these included in our war.
We tried the following:
This didn't work, nor did a couple of configuration variations:
Is this due to my naive misuse of configuration options, or does it have to do with how overlays are processed?
You should use <excludes>..</excludes> (see instead of <packagingExcludes>..</packagingExclude>...
The dependentWarExcludes element worked to eliminate the tests directories and their contents:

Modifying jar filename using maven

I have a requirement that all the artifacts created by maven bear a build number.
The build number is stored in a properties file. I'm successful with controlling the names of generated EAR and WAR artifacts but not the JAR. Here are the relevant excerpts from pom.xml.
I expected the maven-jar-plugin configuration to work but it does not, I end up with jar always named SelfService-2.jar, whereas when contains buildNumber=40, maven generates SelfService-2.40.war and SelfService-2.40.ear.
How do I get the build number into the jar name?
Thanks in advance.
I got what I was after by using the following configuration of maven-jar-plugin:

How to get the icons for the resulted maven-surefire-report-plugin

I'm using maven-surefire-report-plugin in order to generate the unit tests report.
This is working fine however the report contains links to images which are not presented.
How can I make maven copy the icons required for the report?
Should I use skin? I tried it without success.
Here is the maven-surefire-report-plugin definition:
I tried to add skin plugin but it didn't affect the report:
What is missing to present the report with the images?
The question is probably too old, but I had the same problem and I found this answer.
The command mvn site -DgenerateReports=false generates only css and images for surefire-report.html and works fine.
You must genereate the site using the Site Plugin:
mvn site
If you have already generated the reports, then you can speed this up by skipping this:
mvn site -DgenerateReports=false
mvn site -DgenerateReports=false
I did it like this, but it's a hack:
