How to save to the var, only one from the output - bash

Im writing a script that executes dig command on 2 domains, and after next cmd is host on output.
And always i will get for exmaple:
findUserServer=for r in $(dig +short $login.example.COM && dig +short $login.example.ORG); do host $r|awk '{print $NF}';done | awk -F "." '{print $1}';
1 output: >> asdf02 example
asdf02 - its a server name, its always same name starts "asdf".
Question: Have you any idea how to save to the variable only asdf02?
question+: asdf02 woudln't be always first, could be example asdf02
Should i do maybe a sed which looks on 4 first characters? If it's "asdf", then: [...]

Try not to pipe awk commands into each other and so:
for r in $(dig +short $login.example.COM && dig +short $login.example.ORG); do host $r;done | awk -F [.\ ] '/asdf02/ { print $10 }'
We use both a space and . as delimiters and then pattern match the output for the occurance of asdf02. If we find is, we print the address.

Run that through ...
Try this.
findUserServer="$( for end in COM ORG; do
host $( dig +short $login.example.$end );
done | sed -n '/ asdf/{ s/^.* //; s/[.].*//; p; }' )"
This will run 2 digs and pipe the collective output through sed,
which will ignore lines that don't have asdf, and strip the matches clean for you.
Let me know if I missed details, because I don't have those exact values available.


Grep and awk use

i try one day but dont fixed. I dont know this method.
content query --uri content:// | grep "+9053158888" | awk -F'[,,= ]' '{cmd="content delete --uri content://"$(NF-3);system(cmd)}'
but not finding
My string
Row: 9991 last_time_contacted=0, phonetic_name=NULL, custom_ringtone=NULL, contact_status_ts=NULL, pinned=0, photo_id=NULL, photo_file_id=NULL, contact_status_res_package=NULL, contact_chat_capability=NULL, contact_status_icon=NULL, display_name_alt=+90532555688, sort_key_alt=+90532555688, in_visible_group=1, starred=0, contact_status_label=NULL, phonebook_label=#, is_user_profile=0, has_phone_number=1, display_name_source=40, phonetic_name_style=0, send_to_voicemail=0, lookup=0r10070-24121C1814241820221C1A14.3789r10071-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10072-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10073-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10074-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10075-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10078-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10082-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10083-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10084-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10085-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10086-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10087-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10092-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10094-24121C1814241820221C1A14.0r10097-24121C1814241820221C1A14, phonebook_label_alt=#, contact_last_updated_timestamp=1612984348874, photo_uri=NULL, phonebook_bucket=213, contact_status=NULL, display_name=+90532555688, sort_key=+90532555688, photo_thumb_uri=NULL, contact_presence=NULL, in_default_directory=1, times_contacted=0, _id=10097, name_raw_contact_id=10070, phonebook_bucket_alt=213
i need string " _id=10097 "
You may use this grep to find word _id followed by a = and 1+ digits:
... | grep -Eo '\b_id=[0-9]+'
To get all occurrences of if try following, written and tested with shown samples in GNU grep. Where str is your shell variable have your shown sample input in it.
echo "$str" | grep -oP ', \K_id=\d+'
OR try with awk:
echo "$str" |
awk 'match($0,/, _id=[0-9]+/){print substr($0,RSTART+2,RLENGTH-2)}'
Above will output as:

How to append lots of variables to one variable with a simple command

I want to stick all the variables into one variable
#^^lets pretend theres 100 more of these ^^
#Variable composition
#after AAA, is AAB then AAC then AAD etc etc, does that 100 times
I want them all placed into this MASTER variable
#MASTER=${A}${AA}${AAA} (<-- insert AAB, AAC and 100 more variables here)
I obviously don't want to type 100 variables in this expression because there's probably an easier way to do this. Plus I'm gonna be doing more of these therefore I need it automated.
I'm relatively new to sed, awk, is there a way to append those 100 variables into the master variable?
For this specific purpose I DO NOT want an array.
You can use a simple one-liner, quite straightforward, though more expensive:
master=$(set | grep -E '^(A|AA|A[A-D][A-D])=' | sort | cut -f2- -d= | tr -d '\n')
set lists all the variables in var=name format
grep filters out the variables we need
sort puts them in the right order (probably optional since set gives a sorted output)
cut extracts the values, removing the variable names
tr removes the newlines
Let's test it.
AAAA=99 # just to make sure we don't pick this one up
master=$(set | grep -E '^(A|AA|A[A-D][A-D])=' | sort | cut -f2- -d= | tr -d '\n')
echo "$master"
With my best guess, how about:
# to be continued ..
for varname in A AA A{A..D}{A..Z}; do
if [ -n "$value" ]; then
echo $MASTER
which yields:
Although I'm not sure whether this is what the OP wants.
echo {a..z}{a..z}{a..z} | tr ' ' '\n' | head -n 100 | tail -n 3
tells us, that it would go from AAA to ADV to reach 100, or for ADY for 103.
echo A{A..D}{A..Z} | sed 's/ /}${/g'
The final cosmetics is easily made by hand.
One-liner using a for loop:
for n in A AA A{A..D}{A..Z}; do str+="${!n}"; done; echo ${str}
Say you have the input file inputfile.txt with arbitrary variable names and values:
then do:
master=$(eval echo $(grep -o "^[^=]\+" inputfile.txt | sed 's/^/\$/;:a;N;$!ba;s/\n/$/g'))
This will concatenate the values of all variables in inputfile.txt into master variable. So you will have:
>echo $master

Wrong search result in a file through Bash script

I am searching an event field in a file but is giving wrong output. I am searching gpio-keys event in input devices for which I have written a script, but I'm unable to print anything in output file (in my case I am writing in a button device file it is null always). Please help me to figure out this. Where am I doing wrong in script file?
Bash script:
if grep -q "gpio-keys" /proc/bus/input/devices ; then
EVENT=$(cat /proc/bus/input/devices | grep "Handlers=kbd")
foo= `echo $EVENT | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i=="evbug")printf($(i-1))}'`
echo -n $foo > /home/ubuntu/Setups/buttonDevice
i am still not able to get anything in buttondevce
That's no wonder, since in the input line
H: Handlers=kbd event0
there's nowhere the evbug your awk script is looking for.
I my case it is event0 but it may vary also depends on how kernel allows.
If it is event0 or similar, then it's nonsensical to look for evbug. Change the statement
if ($i~"event") print $i
(using regular expression match).
I have rewritten my script like above. but through it, I have got two events(event0, event3) but … my input devices are many but i want the gpio-keys event
Aha - in order to take only the handler line from the gpio-keys section, you can use sed with an address range:
EVENT=`sed -n '/gpio-keys/,/Handlers=kbd/s/.*Handlers=kbd //p' </proc/bus/input/devices`
Prakash, I don't have access to your google drive. But I just want to give you some suggestion:-
foo= `echo $EVENT | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i=="evbug")printf($(i-1))}'`
This is old style now. Better use like below:-
foo=$(echo $EVENT | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i=="evbug")printf($(i-1))}')
Also always use double quotes "" when echoing a variable. See below:-
echo -n "$foo" > /home/ubuntu/Setups/buttonDevice
Try with the below code it will work for you
if grep "gpio-keys" /proc/bus/input/devices >/dev/null ; then
cat /proc/bus/input/devices | grep "Handlers=kbd" | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){ if($i ~ /eve/){printf "%s \n", $i} } }') > /home/ubuntu/Setups/buttonDevice
The output in buttonDevice would be

Extracting a part of lines matching a pattern

I have a configuration file and need to parse out some values using bash
Ex. Inside config.txt
some_var= Not_needed
tests= spec1.rb spec2.rb spec3.rb
some_other_var= Also_not_needed
Basically I just need to get "spec1.rb spec2.rb spec3.rb" WITHOUT all the other lines and "tests=" removed from the line.
I have this and it works, but I'm hoping there's a much more simple way to do this.
while read run_line; do
if [[ $run_line =~ ^tests=* ]]; then
echo "FOUND"
all_selected_specs=`echo ${run_line} | sed 's/^tests= /''/'`
done <${config_file}
echo "${all_selected_specs}"
all_selected_specs=$(awk -F '= ' '$1=="tests" {print $2}' "$config_file")
Using a field separator of "= ", look for lines where the first field is tests and print the second field.
This should work too
grep "^tests" ${config_file} | sed -e "s/^tests= //"
How about grep and cut?
all_selected_specs=$(grep "^tests=" "$config_file" | cut -d= -f2-)
all_selected_specs=$(awk '/^tests/{sub(/.*= /,"");print}' Input_file)
searching for string tests which comes in starting of a line then substituting that line's all values till (= ) to get all spec values, once it is substituted then we are good to get the spec values so printing that line. Finally saving it's value to variable with $(awk...).

How to use sed to extract a string [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
BASH extract value after string in variable Not file [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed last year.
I need to extract a number from the output of a command: cmd. The output is type: 1000
So my question is how to execute the command, store its output in a variable and extract 1000 in a shell script. Also how do you store the extracted string in a variable?
This question has been answered in pieces here before, it would be something like this:
line=$(sed -n '2p' myfile)
echo "$line"
if [ `echo $line || grep 'type: 1000' ` ] then;
echo "It's there!";
Store output of sed into a variable
String contains in Bash
EDIT: sed is very limited, you would need to use bash, perl or awk for what you need.
This is a typical use case for grep:
output=$(cmd | grep -o '[0-9]\+')
You can write the output of a command or even a pipeline of commands into a shell variable using so called command substitution:
In comments it appeared that the output of cmd contains more lines than the type : 1000. In this case I would suggest sed:
output=$(cmd | sed -n 's/type : \([0-9]\+\)/\1/p;q')
You tagged your question as sed but your question description does not restrict other tools, so here's a solution using awk.
output = `cmd | awk -F':' '/type: [0-9]+/{print $2}'`
Alternatively, you can use the newer $( ) syntax. Some find the newer syntax preferable and it can be conveniently nested, without the need for escaping backtics.
output = $(cmd | awk -F':' '/type: [0-9]+/{print $2}')
If the output is rigidly restricted to "type: " followed by a number, you can just use cut.
var=$(echo 'type: 1000' | cut -f 2 -d ' ')
Obviously you'll have to pipe the output of your command to cut, I'm using echo as a demo.
In addition, I'd use grep and then cut if the string you are searching is more complex. If we assume there can be all kind of numbers in the text, but only one occurrence of "type: " followed by a number, you can use the command:
>> var=$(echo "hello 12 type: 1000 foo 1001" | grep -oE "type: [0-9]+" | cut -f 2 -d ' ')
>> echo $var
You can use the | operator to send the output of one command to another, like so:
echo " 1\n 2\n 3\n" | grep "2"
This sends the string " 1\n 2\n 3\n" to the grep command, which will search for the line containing 2. It sound like you might want to do something like:
cmd | grep "type"
Here is a plain sed solution that uses a regualar expression to find the number in your string:
cmd | sed 's/^.*type: \([0-9]\+\)/\1/g'
^ means from the start
.* can be any character (also none)
\([0-9]\+\) are numbers (minimum one character)
\1 means it takes the first pattern it finds (and only in this case) and uses it as replacement for the whole string
