Got this error when run the unit test XCTestCase on iOS platform.
Error Domain=MSALErrorDomain Code=-50000 "(null)" UserInfo={MSALErrorDescriptionKey=The required app scheme "" is not registered in the app's info.plist file. Please add "" into Info.plist under CFBundleURLSchemes without any whitespaces and make sure that redirectURi "" is register in the portal for your app., MSALInternalErrorCodeKey=-42001}
Follow the error description to add "" into Info.plist for both main app and test target, and register "" in the portal for my app, I still get the error.
I cannot sign in with Sandbox tester ID (the fields are not even displayed in Settings-App Store).
I am running Xcode 14.2 and attempting to test on a developer-signed physical device (iOS 16.1.2). Following the steps in Apple documentation ("Setting up StoreKit Testing in Xcode"), I have been able to run tests using using local StoreKit configuration file. All works well. I next wanted to try to use Sandbox Testing. Following the same documentation,
I set up a Sandbox Tester in Apple Store Connect.
I saved a Public Certificate from the storekit configuration file in
the project.
I removed the local StoreKit configuration file from the scheme’s run
options (by setting to "none").
I added the following conditional compilation block to my store
let certificate = "StoreKitTestCertificate"
let certificate = "AppleIncRootCertificate"
It is my understanding that an option to sign in with the SandBox ID should appear in device's App Store Settings after the first time I attempt to make a purchase when running on the device physically connected to my Mac.
This is not happening. Am I missing a step? One possible mistake I made was placing the (above) conditional compilation block in the wrong place. Can someone recommend the best place for this? The documentation says to paste it in with my receipt validation code. Another suspected oversight might be something else I need to do in Apple Store Connect. Not sure. Any help appreciated!
Addendum - I get this message in the console:
Error enumerating unfinished transactions for first transaction
listener: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=509 "No active account"
client-environment-type=Sandbox, AMSServerErrorCode=0,
NSLocalizedDescription=No active account}
I am trying to upload an app to the app store.
I am deploying via xcode archive distribution
I have setup an app
I have setup an ID on
When I try to deploy and it getting signed I get this error
App Store Connect Operation Error
ERROR ITMS-90334: “Invalid Code Signature Identifier. The identifier “my_app_id-55554333a757b7473a4b4s7f65bd545a78w88836” in your code signature for “My App Name” must match its Bundle Identifier “my_app_id”
55554333a757b7473a4b4s7f65bd545a78w88836 is just an example of what it looks like. I have changed the real value because I'm not sure what it is
I have no idea where this number is coming from. I have searched my xcode for it, nothing.
I declare my Bundle Identifier I very explicitly just just my_app_id. Why is this number being appended to the bundle id?
Try once with auto signing instead of manual signing.
set Bundle Identifier has
I'm trying to fetch data with an unsecured http connection. I've configured info.plist file to bypass App Transport Security but when I build the app I get this error message:
Here is my info.plist file:
EDIT : I had to remove the build folder and build again. Then it worked.
Yeah, usually after you modify a project in XCode, you should do Product-> Clean.
Instead of adding exceptions for Transport Security maybe try this to see if it will help. Allow Arbitrary Loads:
I've written an Application that uses XPC Service to communicate with its helper. The application launches and works as expected within Xcode.
However, the following error appears when I try to run the application outside of Xcode after I Archive it.
HideMyMac[27183:936477] XPCService error: Error
Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service named
io.jabbari.HideMyMac.HideMyMac-XPCService" UserInfo=
{NSDebugDescription=connection to service named
Here is the source of this application on Github. I normally would provide source with my code, however, the xml style plists would clutter the page and take away from the post.
Here what I have attempted:
Step 1: Updated - Main App Target -> Capabilities Tab
Turned on 'App Sandbox'
Turned on 'App Groups'
Added an app group - 'XYZ'
Step 2: Updated - Helper Target -> Capabilities Tab
Turned on 'App Sandbox'
Enabled 'Outgoing Connections (Client)'
Turned on 'App Groups'
Added an app group - 'XYZ'
What am I missing anything?
This is probably not a good question for StackOverflow, because it's a very project-specific configuration issue.
The actual problem you're running into is that the XPCService crashes immediately:
HideMyMac[5999]: XPCService error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service named io.jabbari.HideMyMac-XPCService" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service named io.jabbari.HideMyMac-XPCService}
ReportCrash[5995]: Saved crash report for HideMyMac-XPCService[6000] version ??? to …
this is because the SMJobKit framework cannot be found by the dynamic loader at the expected place:
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: #rpath/SMJobKit.framework/Versions/A/SMJobKit
Referenced from: /Users/USER/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2016-02-24/HideMyMac 24.02.16, 16.32.xcarchive/Products/Applications/
Reason: image not found
So, you should check the copy files / embed framework phases in Xcode's build phases tab.
Hello everyone i have beenn working in several projects and all push notification were working either on developemnt or prodcution. However i am not getting this error : "Error in registration. Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3000" since yesterday. I have tried to create a new provisioning but its shut down for maintenance. Is it due to this?
Thanks in advance.
Ensure the Bundle Identifier matches the one in your project's
Create a new App ID, and configure it for production/development
push before creating a new provisioning profile.
Make sure you're build and archiving on the right target, with the
right configuration. You might need to go back to project settings
and double check with the correct configuration selected (I use
release for this).